Hunt for the Full Moon

Flower looked at Yin and then hid her wrist from Yin. "Hello Yin." She said with a small smile. She looked at Alicia and Akira. She continued to hide the bracelet that Yang gave her but how would she explain how his crystal got on a necklace? She looked down hiding her face in her hair now.

Alicia smiled. "Oh hi Akira." She looked at a nervous Flower and then back at him. "How are you today?" She asked with a bright smile.
"I can sence you are hidding something from me." he said paused." Yang likes you doesn't he?" he asked. His eyes were full of hurt this wasn't the first time it has happened.

Akira smiled."I'm great how about you?" he asked.
Flower looked at him and then looked down and nodded. "Please don't be angry...I didn't know...I just talked to's my fault." She looked at him and sighed deeply not hiding her wrist anymore.

Alicia smiled and then looked at the ground. "I'm fine." she said looking at him.
Yin looked down."How could I be mad? This always happens to me. I fall for a girl and Yang has to take her from me. Well I guess it's your choice." he said. His heart was broken. 'Why dose this happen to me?' he thought.

"That's good." he smiled.
Flower looked at him and sighed again. She grabbed her own arm and then looked straight at the ground. "This whole thing just confuses me..." She said looking away from him.

Alicia smiled and then playfully nudged him. "So...are you doing anything later today? I was wondering if a good run in the forest would be nice."
Yin looked at Flower. "Do you like him?" he asked. Then he looked at the ground.

Akira smiled. "Nothing and yeah a run would be nice" he said.
Flower looked at him and then sighed. "Right now I don't know how a feel about either of you, but no I don't like him that way and really I'm not even sure if I have those feelings about you either." She looked down and then held up the crystal necklace. "Which confuses me even more because...I don't want to hurt you or your brother...but...maybe I already have."

Alicia smiles and then giggles. "Ok good." She said smiling.
Yin shook his head."You can't hurt me. But there is one thing I want to tell you. I really like you...eventhough I just met you. If you want to talk. I'm here." he said then he kissed her on the cheek. After that he opened a vortex of black magic. "This is good by for now." he said taking off Crow."Please take Crow." he asked then he jumped into the vortex.

Amira laughed."when should we go?" he asked.
Flower looked at him and then looked at Crow. "Oh hello crow..." She sighed and picked up the puppet. "What am I a puppet sitter?" She rubbed her cheek where Yin had kissed her. She sighed and then continued to walk her head looking straight at the floor while carring crow on her back.

Alicia shrugs. "Latter tonight...I love moonlight runs." She said looking at him.
Alicia chuckled when he said date. She smiled and then started to speed up her pace. "Come on we'll be late for class." She said looking at him.
Alicia chuckled and then grabbed his arm going into a run. She stopped when they entered class and then smiled at Akira. She took her seat and the stretched out. As Flower entered the room she raised an eyebrow at her new puppet friend. Flower stuck the puppet in the corner and then took her seat looking straight down at her desk.
Crow got up and walked over to flower. Then it plopped down next to her desk.

Akira was almost completely out of breath. He walked over and sat down in his desk.
Flower looks at crow now pretty creeped out. "...." She swallowed a bit and then quickly shook her head trying to push it out of her mind.

Alicia laughs at Akira. "Can't handle a short run?" She looked at him with a smile. " will you fair on our run tonight?" She smiles at him and then looks at the moving puppet. "Um...Flower?"

Flower looked back at Alicia and shrugged. "Can't say Yin is normal...I wouldn't expect Crow to be any different."

Alicia shivers a bit. "This is why I don't like puppets..."

Flower chuckles. "Push it out of your mind Alicia."
Flower looked at Akira and sighed deeply. She looked at Crow and then sighed. "You are one creepy puppet to be up and walking around." She leaned back in her chair. "Heck I'm talking to a puppet."

Alicia giggles. "Well I don't blame he is Yin's right?"

Flower nodded.

Alicia looked at Crow. "Well that puppet seems to be attached to you..."

Flower looked at her with a glare. "I'm watching him...and really I know what you ment by that and I really would wish you not go there."

Alicia held up her hands. "Ok...i won't."
Akira laughed.

Crow tilted it's head to Flower it opened it's mouth as if to say something then a small flower of frost appeared. Then there was a letter from Yin.
Flower looked at Crow. "Man he's creepy." She blinked and grabbed the letter opening it. She glanced at crow and then closed the letter as Alicia tried to read it. She glared. "Do you mind!?" She pushed Alicia's head back making her sit down and then opened the letter again.
Yang walks in and sees Flower and Crow next to her ~that ass he didn't....did he?~ he walks to the farthest desk from flower and sits down dropping Ant behind him. He puts his feet up on his desk next to the cage with a thud from the leather and places his book open over his face falling asleep

Erebus strolls in reading a small book and sits down at his desk not realizing class has started or that there are kids in the room
"Dear Flower. I'm sorry for leaving like that but I need to find my true self. Flower I love you and that's why I had to go. Sorry also for leaving crow but he has part of my magic inside him. Please don't be sad or mad. Crow is a little odd but you'll get use to him. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused for you but know his while I'm away I will always be with you through crow. Love Yin"
Alice smiled at Nick. "Feeling better?" she asked Deathwish.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Btw Ignore my last post {the super long one} I tried to delete it but can't sooo))
Flower blinks and then Alicia grabs the letter. She reads before Flower could grab it from her. Alicia looks at her and starts laughing. Flower grabs it from her looking very upset now. "Why can't I keep anything personal from you! You need to just leave me be sometimes!" She looked at the letter and then looked down. "You know sometimes I want to keep things to myself." She sighed and sat back down. "Well I'm stuck with crow for a seems." She looked at crow. "Now I got two things watching ever move I make..." She smiled a bit but then just sighed deeper. She looked and saw Yang. She blinked and then looked down at her desk.

Alicia went silent when Flower yelled at her and then nodded. "Sorry Flower..." She said quietly feeling deeply hurt and embarrassed now. She sighed.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(huh? OH I'm sorry I didn't see it!!!!! I feel bad now.... :( )

Nick smiled and then looked at Deathwish who nodded. He smiled and then put an arm around Alice. "So after class daylight walk right?" He looked at Deathwish who raised a brow. Nick put his arm back at his side.
Erebus looks up from his book and jumps a bit "oh my hello class.....uh sorry just catching up on some reading" he closes the book with a bang and it disappears in a puff of smoke "shall we get on with the lesson? now i'm sure you remember the last class in which we summoned things to us. well now i'm going to teach you how to things. you all have a cage on your desks with a cloth over them i want you all to take off the cloth and look in the cages"

Yang snores loud from the back of the room still sound asleep

Erebus picks up a piece of chalk and throws it at him. it hits with just enough force to wake him up and tip his chair back at the same time

Yang jumps from the noise and starts falling back "WHAT THE FUUUUU....." BOOOOM!!!!! he falls back and smacks his head off the floor

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