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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

(is this Earl doing?..... Jace!!!!!! ahhhh! this is soooooooo sweet! no! stop!!!!!! ;u; coming into a room and it is all cute and decorated and stuff or you find your favorite stuff, what girl does not like that <3 ahhhhhhh my heart!! just more things for Emily to look back on and just have a list in her mind as to why she just fell in love and started to have feelings for Earl)
Emily had not noticed at the first second, when she had entered, though stopped in her tracks as she felt snowfall over her. "huh?... Snow?...." she softly questioned looking up as she reached out with her hand to catch the snow with her hand. The common room was not decorated this much before she left this morning, all this was so beautiful, no it was nothing but magical. A big smile formed on Emily's face as she went around the large common room to get a closer look at the new decorations.
Earl was dozing off on one of the sofas. One of thr Slytherin students must have let him in.
Earl was dozing off on one of the sofas. One of thr Slytherin students must have let him in.
(It was him! Awww sooo cute >/////< this is the most sweetest gesture ever small things like that is so 😍 cute)

Emily really could not believe her eyes at the amount of decorations. Did the school really do this for the students that stayed at Hogwarts. She thought at first, then her eyes ment with a very passed out Earl on one of the sofas. "Did he do this?...." she thought as she watched him just comfortably sleep away. That boy could sleep anywhere she thought, was that why he ran off after dinner without a word?, she chuckled he was such a nutter. She walked over to him casting a blanket over him, not wanting him to get a chill. Disiding to take a seat next to him as he slept, and let out a tiny sigh what was she to do with him.
(It was him! Awww sooo cute >/////< this is the most sweetest gesture ever small things like that is so 😍 cute)

Emily really could not believe her eyes at the amount of decorations. Did the school really do this for the students that stayed at Hogwarts. She thought at first, then her eyes ment with a very passed out Earl on one of the sofas. "Did he do this?...." she thought as she watched him just comfortably sleep away. That boy could sleep anywhere she thought, was that why he ran off after dinner without a word?, she chuckled he was such a nutter. She walked over to him casting a blanket over him, not wanting him to get a chill. Disiding to take a seat next to him as he slept, and let out a tiny sigh what was she to do with him.
He was snoring lightly. His wand was on the floor next to him. He must have dropped it. The slytherin's around were looking at him as though they were tolerating him rather than actually wanting him there
He was snoring lightly. His wand was on the floor next to him. He must have dropped it. The slytherin's around were looking at him as though they were tolerating him rather than actually wanting him there
Emily gently chuckled rolling her eyes as he stored lightly. Standing up from were she sat by him was when she had noticed the looks coming from her fellow Slytherin's. Picking up his wand from the ground a frown fell on her face. "Is there some kind of issue?..." she asked.
Emily gently chuckled rolling her eyes as he stored lightly. Standing up from were she sat by him was when she had noticed the looks coming from her fellow Slytherin's. Picking up his wand from the ground a frown fell on her face. "Is there some kind of issue?..." she asked.
"We don't like having him here so... Casually." One said. "We only let him in because you teo sre friends."
"We don't like having him here so... Casually." One said. "We only let him in because you teo sre friends."
"Casually?....I don't understand.....he is here and is my friend....then there should nothing be wrong with this no?.." Emily spoke holding on to Earl's wand now as she crossed her arms.
"Casually?....I don't understand.....he is here and is my friend....then there should nothing be wrong with this no?.." Emily spoke holding on to Earl's wand now as she crossed her arms.
"You're friend's not supposed to be here. He should stay in his own common room."
"You're friend's not supposed to be here. He should stay in his own common room."
Emily frowned at this "why do you even care so much? There is no rule saying he can't be here....Earl has done nothing wrong, caused no trouble at all.....he never dose anything wrong when he comes and visit your just jealous........huh..." Emily huffed crossing her arms and lifted her head up away. She was upset art what they were saying and was not about to back down with out defending Earl. "you wish you could have someone like Earl, he is nothing but a wonderful friend! And even brought some holiday spit to our common room."
Emily frowned at this "why do you even care so much? There is no rule saying he can't be here....Earl has done nothing wrong, caused no trouble at all.....he never dose anything wrong when he comes and visit your just jealous........huh..." Emily huffed crossing her arms and lifted her head up away. She was upset art what they were saying and was not about to back down with out defending Earl. "you wish you could have someone like Earl, he is nothing but a wonderful friend! And even brought some holiday spit to our common room."
One of them scoffed. "And the house cup? Slytherin hasn't won since potter came here. You're just gonna let any other person in here? That shows a whole lot of team spirit." One of them said. "Don't bother with her." A slytherin girl said. "She likes him so much because he's in with the muggle world. And she's friends with that gryffindor. A mudblood lover she is."
One of them scoffed. "And the house cup? Slytherin hasn't won since potter came here. You're just gonna let any other person in here? That shows a whole lot of team spirit." One of them said. "Don't bother with her." A slytherin girl said. "She likes him so much because he's in with the muggle world. And she's friends with that gryffindor. A mudblood lover she is."
"The house cup?...oh well....that...wait what dose...how is Earl being here any his fault that Slytherin hasn't won?....Even so stating that since Potters been around......the house cup is something to have fun not go bloody bonkers over...its not really going to help us in our future anyways like the owls or other studies are at the end really are...." Emily replied with a firm look crossing her arms as just looking at them dead in the eyes. "....don't call them that.....thats such a hateful word our parents or worst grandparents would use....back were everyone were so inorrenrent dumb..........but guess you lot are wanting ingredients to go down that path of those as well right?...but then again you lot don't know nothing about fun if it crawled up your legs and bite you in the butt!" She spat .
"The house cup?...oh well....that...wait what dose...how is Earl being here any his fault that Slytherin hasn't won?....Even so stating that since Potters been around......the house cup is something to have fun not go bloody bonkers over...its not really going to help us in our future anyways like the owls or other studies are at the end really are...." Emily replied with a firm look crossing her arms as just looking at them dead in the eyes. "....don't call them that.....thats such a hateful word our parents or worst grandparents would use....back were everyone were so inorrenrent dumb..........but guess you lot are wanting ingredients to go down that path of those as well right?...but then again you lot don't know nothing about fun if it crawled up your legs and bite you in the butt!" She spat .
"Don't listen to them." A sixth year slytherin boy said coming from the dorms. He was wearing Quidditch robes. "They're just sour that they're families had better things to do then have them at home." He said, "Johnson's an alright sort, for a Hufflepuff." He walked over to them. "What about you? You didn't go home either Carlson." The girl said, "Yeah, Because I'm Quidditch Caption, and a Prefect, now clear off." He said. He looked at Emily. "I'll let slide, but I assume you know the usual rules about other house students in the Common room?" He asked.
"Don't listen to them." A sixth year slytherin boy said coming from the dorms. He was wearing Quidditch robes. "They're just sour that they're families had better things to do then have them at home." He said, "Johnson's an alright sort, for a Hufflepuff." He walked over to them. "What about you? You didn't go home either Carlson." The girl said, "Yeah, Because I'm Quidditch Caption, and a Prefect, now clear off." He said. He looked at Emily. "I'll let slide, but I assume you know the usual rules about other house students in the Common room?" He asked.
Emily was nothing but upset and ready to throw hands (wands?) at someone how dare they be saying all these nasty things. She knew why. It was all because Earl was asleep, and when he slept he was dead to the world so basically they all just think they could get away with anything and it bothered her so much. Emily was about to rant some more or maybe even pull out her wand at this point who knows but was stoped by the sound of a boys voice. Emily just stood there arms crossed as she saw who it was she knew him from the many times she would go out to watch Earl's practices and the other house teams would be out there in the field coming and leaving. Emily looked up at Carlson and tilt her head "if you are speaking about the passcoade I have not give it to him....how Earl snuck into the commonroom with out my knowing I have no clue......he only ever comes along with me before on my account....this has been the fist time of my knowledge he's venture in without me by his side.......or are you talking about the time he is allowed within the commonrooms?.....dose that count even during the holidays?...." she questioned normally her having gone home herself in the past.
Emily was nothing but upset and ready to throw hands (wands?) at someone how dare they be saying all these nasty things. She knew why. It was all because Earl was asleep, and when he slept he was dead to the world so basically they all just think they could get away with anything and it bothered her so much. Emily was about to rant some more or maybe even pull out her wand at this point who knows but was stoped by the sound of a boys voice. Emily just stood there arms crossed as she saw who it was she knew him from the many times she would go out to watch Earl's practices and the other house teams would be out there in the field coming and leaving. Emily looked up at Carlson and tilt her head "if you are speaking about the passcoade I have not give it to him....how Earl snuck into the commonroom with out my knowing I have no clue......he only ever comes along with me before on my account....this has been the fist time of my knowledge he's venture in without me by his side.......or are you talking about the time he is allowed within the commonrooms?.....dose that count even during the holidays?...." she questioned normally her having gone home herself in the past.
"In the future the teachers are requiring us to be more strict on that policy. After the holiday no more letting him in the commonroom."
"In the future the teachers are requiring us to be more strict on that policy. After the holiday no more letting him in the commonroom."
"wait... what?!"....what do you mean no more? why cant he cant come in anymore?...dose that mean none of us aren't allowed into others common rooms?" she asked fearing the worse.
"You were never supposed to in the first place." He said.
"what do you mean by that?... I was never?..." Emily softly questioned unsure starting too feel bit heart broken as one of her comforts of school of following Earl into the Hufflepuffle common room was being ripped away from her. However she stood her ground and showed no strong emotion to the older Slythern.
"what do you mean by that?... I was never?..." Emily softly questioned unsure starting too feel bit heart broken as one of her comforts of school of following Earl into the Hufflepuffle common room was being ripped away from her. However she stood her ground and showed no strong emotion to the older Slythern.
"I'm sorry. McGonnagall's word is final on this." He said walking off.

Earl hadn't opened his eyes when he spoke. "That's a stupid rule."
"I'm sorry. McGonnagall's word is final on this." He said walking off.

Earl hadn't opened his eyes when he spoke. "That's a stupid rule."
Emily stood there quietly ad Carlson walked away. She was zoneing out her mind trying to prosses what was just taken way from her, she showed no emotions as she learned that was dangerous to show in front of some as it was around her father. She quickly turn her attention towards the familur voice of Earl when she heard it. ".....how long have you been awake mister?....." she asked
Emily stood there quietly ad Carlson walked away. She was zoneing out her mind trying to prosses what was just taken way from her, she showed no emotions as she learned that was dangerous to show in front of some as it was around her father. She quickly turn her attention towards the familur voice of Earl when she heard it. ".....how long have you been awake mister?....." she asked
"I dunno. I wasn't counting the seconds." He said causally
"I dunno. I wasn't counting the seconds." He said causally.
Emily crossed her arms and sighed, shaking her head. Earl was really something "...here you dropped your wand when you took your nap..." she said walking over to the couch he was sitting at and handed him his wand. She stared at him as she held out the wand to him, her mind wondering why he had made this little wintery holiday suprise in the common room in the first place but just decided not to question it as after all they could no longer be this way once the holidays came to an end.
Emily crossed her arms and sighed, shaking her head. Earl was really something "...here you dropped your wand when you took your nap..." she said walking over to the couch he was sitting at and handed him his wand. She stared at him as she held out the wand to him, her mind wondering why he had made this little wintery holiday suprise in the common room in the first place but just decided not to question it as after all they could no longer be this way once the holidays came to an end.
Hw took it. "Thanks Em." He said. "Just so you know you're still allowed in my common room whenever you like. Damn the rule."
Hw took it. "Thanks Em." He said. "Just so you know you're still allowed in my common room whenever you like. Damn the rule."
Emily gently smiled as he took the wand before taking a seat next to him "Oh so you were awake for most of that...." Emily said lifting and eyebrow at him "you heard what Carlson said ...McGonnagall has made the rule...I wont be able too.."
Emily gently smiled as he took the wand before taking a seat next to him "Oh so you were awake for most of that...." Emily said lifting and eyebrow at him "you heard what Carlson said ...McGonnagall has made the rule...I wont be able too.."
"Alright fine. We'll find our own spot." He said.
"Alright fine. We'll find our own spot." He said.
"Not very thrilled about the new rules.....quite literally stupid we can't join our friend in their common rooms if they invite us....."Emily spoke crossing her arms as she leans back on the couch. "I know....we can...but it's not the same Earl...." she quitely added with a sigh finding all of this rather idiotic as she stared up at the snow and the beauty Earl had created for her, trying to enjoy one good thing as another happiness was being stolen from her.
"Not very thrilled about the new rules.....quite literally stupid we can't join our friend in their common rooms if they invite us....."Emily spoke crossing her arms as she leans back on the couch. "I know....we can...but it's not the same Earl...." she quitely added with a sigh finding all of this rather idiotic as she stared up at the snow and the beauty Earl had created for her, trying to enjoy one good thing as another happiness was being stolen from her.
He nodded. "Well then lets go talk to her."

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