Flight OOC

-What Renn said, no worries c:-

We could have the Flock discover her in the town they're entering right now if you'd like. Perhaps Fletch injures his wings more than he initially thought while diving and they're stuck in town for awhile resulting in them finding/saving her?

Yes. Lets ground Fletch!

I already want to hurt him both physically and emotionally, so lets start physically~
Right. I'll do it now.

Name: Shade

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Wingspan: 10 feet

Appearance: White chin length hair, pale skin, brown eyes and a burn scar from the tip of her fingers to the beginning of her neck which she usually hides with a black glove or just bandages. She wears black knee high Slipper Boots, white pants with black suspenders that she leaves hanging off of her pants. She wears a black shirt and a black mens trench coat. Also is flat chested.

Alterations: Audio-Graphic memory and Photographic Memory. Believes she's a guy due to a failed experiment.

Personality: She usually thinks things through before speaking or doing, but can have a violent side when you push her patience to the limit. Kind to those injured and is very temperamental about anything.

Position in the flock: Memorises Anything

Other: None at the current time.

Is this alright?


JUST LEAVE FLETCH ALLLLOONNNE *mascara lines streaking down face*

[QUOTE="Silent Howling]Is this alright?

Yes, she's lovely!~ c: Got to have your gender confused character in there O u O

And yeah, I'm only joking, let's beat the s^^^ out of Fletch > :D
Yes! I think that sounds just about perfect. As soon as Plume gives his approval (since Mask seems to be off line I figure we'll go for a two outta three thing?) you can post her in the main profile page and I'll put her information up, and then you can go on and post on the main roleplay~ 
He was my character, that's what. I love abusing my babies, it helps them develop.

Watch him not even be able to get airborne. Yeah. I'm gonna make it be a really nasty sprain/strain, I think. Pulled a muscle or two and probably can't even extend fully without having a lot of pain at first. Unless we want to make it worse and let them get attacked by something, in which case he can just be so slow getting off the ground that something bad happens to him :D  
And yeah, go ahead and post Shade up in the profile area

I guess Xavier will have to spoon feed him soup and rub his forehead with a towel. What a shame.

And then beat him over the head with said spoon for being such an idiot and getting himself hurt in the first place?
I'm adding her right now.

Hey, as long as Xavier kisses it better after Fletch'll deal with any abuse he doles out. *shot'd*
Of corse, and it'd be more like a spatula. c: Because people eat soup with spatulas *LOGIC*


And I wish

You know what you eat off a spatula? COOKIE DOUGH.

I want cookie dough.... ah. So does Fletch.

Xavier. Feed meeeeeeee. I want cookie dough. Feed me. Love me. Feed me. I'm hurt, feed me. 
Xavieeeeeeeeer. It hurts. Feed me and coddle me. It hurts. *winge winge winge*

Oh. And on a non-whiny injured Fletch note... I started up the summary to cover what we've started tonight. (You might notice that I crack write my characters in chat mode when on the OOC forums. If this annoys you just let me know)
Laughing? I'm starving and in pain over here and you're laughing? How cruel! Xavier I'm starving. And it hurts. I'm dying. I'm dying and she's laughing and me and you won't feed me.
Shush Fletch. Just no. Your legs are fine, so are your arms. Get your own f-n cookies.

*sees glistening puppy dog eyes*

Finnneee. *shoves spoonful of cookie dough up Fletch's nose*

I enjoy it at well.

I got a good laugh out of that, please don't stop, it doesn't annoy me in the slightest. c:

xD Well, not my fault you make it so funny. Have some food. *Offers Food.*

Is it okay for me to post in the Role Play now?
*chokes and snorts it back out, then pointedly takes Shade's food instead* At least someone cares about me here. So much for our dear loving leader taking care of his injured friend. Thank you, Shade. I love you more than him now. *sassy eyebrow raise in Xavier's direction*

And yeah, go ahead if you want to. If it's a good opening for you take it! 
Ohh, maybe Hakushi can find Shade while she's flying around with the kids trying to keep them from hearing Xavier and Fletch fight.
You're not a hybrid, you're an angel! *gush gush gush* Come, be my new closest friend and companion. Xavier obviously doesn't want to be - he tried to suffocate me with cookie dough.

Imma have to get off and sleep eventually too - we don't have to do this all tonight, do we? It's already one thirty here.
What am I? Your mother? If anything, you're Mommy around here, and a crappy one at that. You're just going to go around stealing Shade's food? If was only offered to be nice, I bet Shade is twice as hungry as you. . .you ungrateful. . .

*Is upset by Fletch's comment about loving Shade more*

*goes off and pouts in corner*

Hmm, we could always have Xavier and Fletch be on bad terms after arguing, so Hakushi takes the kids after the argument. . .?

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