Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Taylor looked at the gloves that was given to her as she just sighed she had to take it but she didn't want to take take it but she had to she just smiled at Rosa" thank you for training me i don't know what to say why did you gave me the glaves i really apperiate it is there anything i can pay you back with" she asked as she looked up at her she smiled when she got some of the cookie fries from rosa she just smiled" Yay i got some cookie fries thank you" she say as she was smiling a little she glad she been training like crazy she had to become stronger she put on the gloves as she looked at them she haven't told anyone that she was living by herself she just followed rosa" hey thanks for the glaves your a great friend" she say gaving her a smiled as they walked to the hall where they were heading to @Zuka

She clasped her hands together in anticipation. "Alright, here we go." She said. Suddenly a small butterfly made of light blinked into existence. Then another, then another, then two, then more and more. Soon they were surrounded by butterflies made of light.They fluttered about aimlessly, some had even landed on the nearby grass. One fluttered over and landed gently on Talon's nose. "I think it likes you." She commented with a smile as she stretched forward and let a couple land on her arm.

Talon blinked in wonderment. "Oh." He was quite speechless. "They are quite nice..." He stared at the one one his nose, going cross-eyed. "Can you make anything else? Like a bird or something?" That would be cool if she could. "Are they able to do damage or something as well?" He asked.
Talon blinked in wonderment. "Oh." He was quite speechless. "They are quite nice..." He stared at the one one his nose, going cross-eyed. "Can you make anything else? Like a bird or something?" That would be cool if she could. "Are they able to do damage or something as well?" He asked.

"Oh yes I can make anything given the time, they're all so exceptionally fragile, a poetic mimicry of life..." She gazed off in the distance, looking as if she was lost in thought. "They only hurt if I want it to..." As if to demonstrate she let a lone butterfly landed on her arm and detonated, leaving behind a small burn. She flinched as it it stung her. "See? Don't worry, I'll heal." She said quickly. "So any requests?" She said as she clasped together her hands once more in preparation.
Tyson Redd

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Tyson sighed, and stared at her for a moment. He knew she was close to breaking. She had to be, so then there was only one choice."You've been on your own for a while haven't you? Never depending on others, always bearing the full weight of your choices. It must be strange to have people who depend on you, or believe in you." As he talked Tyson moved closer to Draneri. He was now a Decent distance away from her face.

"I use to be somewhat like that, hmph I still am. But even I know it's foolish to take on the weight of the world alone. To try and appear strong for the sake of others, and for the sake of your pride, that is something I can admire. I also see you want to make sure Mizuki can participate. But to see you suffer, such a beautiful, and Majestic woman as yourself. It truely pains me, im sure Mizuki would feel the same. So even if it means showing you my weak side. I will allow it, no, I will demand it." Tyson was now face to face with her. Close enough for them to kiss, his breath was hot. Something she would be aware of by the way it blew on her neck. He refused to back down, not until he had accomplished what he had come for. That pride he was speaking of coming into place he guessed.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)] Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]



Draneri's eyes drifted back slowly as Tyson moved closer to her, causing her upper half to peel back as far as it could but it wasn't much use when she was already sitting and he could only close up the gap. And he was so close to her face.... why? Did he want to die? Did he want to throw away his life so easily? Why did he insist so much for her to feed on him? What would it give him in return? It didn't make sense to her, why anyone would offer themselves up something as precious as their own life force, their soul, or their magical energy. What would he gain from that? "Please.... Tyson just g-...." Even before she knew it she had slipped his full name without meaning to, the first time since she had been around Saber Tooth. A sharp remark or two, a sly name, but never his real full name. He just kept coming closer into her person bubble, feeling his hot breath wash over her face that made her shudder a fraction all over, feathers bristling along with her wings. Her lips parted as if there were words there, but they sort of got lodged into her throat at that point. She found herself leaning closer so their noses almost touched, and it would almost seem like her Golden eyes were starting to glow a fraction. Her hands reached down to clasp onto the bench seat, fingernails hard as steel digging into the material and causing it to tear and crush a fraction. Like she were using everything she had to hold back.


"You are but a mere Child. You have not seen the things I have seen. Or the things I have done. The people I have kissed, and killed. Watched them smile happily, blissfully unaware as I brushed their hair. Sung them a lullaby.. and watched their eyes slid down closed. I kissed them, and watched their chest rise and fall one more time... before their chest rose no more. And they slept forever." Her very voice seemed to bob and weave with a strange rhythm not unlike a chant. She paused for a long time, just watching his eyes. Feeling his hot breath flowing over her face. Her fingernails digging in harder.... Her eyes only seemed to glow more, and her breathing was quickening as her heart started to beat faster....


She was losing control, she could feel it.


Slipping away, like she could see someone dangle a Prime Steak before her. She was so hungry... Why was he so close? Did he have a death wish? Why would anyone want her to feed on them? "Do you... have any idea how weak you would become? You can barely walk... you'll get dizzy... you won't be able to compete... Please don't do this~.." She was saying this all to him, hoping he might pull back, or change his mind. But she was just met with that idiot blank stare. That nothing expression that drove her to insanity. "If I start I can't~..." Her hands lifted up to press against his shoulders, to push him away. But they only held there. She prayed he would get the picture, to pull away but he didn't move a muscle he just stayed there....


Draneri slammed her lips against his as her fingers lifted up and fisted into the back of his head. Tilting his face up, keeping it to her own. At first there was nothing, but slowly her kiss intensified and with it, her grip on his hair tightened, refusing to let him pull away. The Siren's golden eyes slipped closed but with each passing second she drained more and more from his lips. She started to lean over him as her wings snapped out in an overbearing manner, forcing his head back, taking what she needed. But she couldn't stop.... a new taste, something different... something stronger... she needed this. She needed all of his energy. All of it. Every last drop. Waiting for his body to weaken, to slump a fraction as she stole his very life force. She was no Light Guild... she was a monster... And she wasn't planning on stopping her feed till his very heart had stopped beating. Just to taste it once more... that very last bit... like a drug...


Nikolas shrugged, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a grin. "Yeah, I actually wear contacts normally, buuuut since it's a special occasion, I put these babies on." He swiveled himself around so he was facing Ferra without the strain on his neck; Phineas's expression grew to an almost pained one. 

  Dumbass, he told himself, biting his lip. The half-Neko cast his gaze down to the floor, his expression suddenly sullen. 

  "Uh, Phin? What're you being so grumpy about?"


  "Come onnnn, dude. You gotta admit, this is pretty awesome. I've never seen so many expensive things in one place! Unless you count those fancy shops in the wealthier districts. Ahh, rich people are so damn lucky." Nikolas began to sway himself and Ferra back and forth, closing his eyes as he leaned his head on her shoulder. Phineas only nodded mutely. 

  "....You've got a point. That bedroom was so ridiculously large."

  "The size of a small house."

  "A small house that is large enough to fit a family of ten." Phineas nodded. Obviously they were exaggerating, but hey. This place was GINORMOUS. 

  "Heh, you can say that again. If I had a million jewel~..."

  ".....You'd spend it all on a lifetime supply of fish."

  The brothers looked at each other, then started laughing. That was....pretty accurate. Nikolas smiled a bit longer than Phineas, but it was nice to see some happiness in his face again, even if just for a moment. 


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Kami, simply smirked a confident smile, one that seemed to say he could take on the world."Well, dear sister, don't you think this makes things much more interesting. I'll let you know one thing, if you want what you just said to become reality. Then neither of us can win. As for how you can trust me, well I came back didn't i? Why would I return on my own, and propose this deal if I was just going to back out if I lost?" Kami crossed his arms still smiling, his words filled with pride. 

"Do you truely think so little of me? That I would simply go back on a deal? I am a businessman, just as much as I am a adventurer, or anything else. You're actions where misguided, and I myself should have seen your feelings sooner. You simply wished for me to stay, but you know I indeed am a busy person. But I am not above making deals! So for the sake of our sibling bond!!! Will you dear Sister Alara, accept my offer!?"  Kami asked, holding a hand out for her to shake, or dismiss as she saw fit. He seemed to glow now, like the sun. Of course this was simply because of his overwhelming personality. Although it only seemed to show at certain moments.

Alara looked hesitantly at Kami as he spoke. He had a point, she guessed. But he was mean enough to literally run out of the door from her the second he got his cloak back, so why wouldn't he leave her the first chance he got if he lost? She wished she could say she trusted him, say he was still the same little brother she knew. But honestly she didn't. Not only that, she shouldn't have to choose between family and friends. It just wasn't fair. She sighed lightly as he spoke and continued to try to convince her that it was alright and that he would go through with the idea even if he lost. But....still.

In the end she stood up and hugged him, "Kami....I shouldn't have to decide between you or my friends..." She told him. "I love you very much, but I also love my guild mates. I can't just throw that away..." She said. "How about something else?" She offered. "We get tons of missions....if one shows up for something like an artifact me and you can take it." She said. "You'll still get to do your job and I get to keep my little brother."

Nikolas shrugged, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a grin. "Yeah, I actually wear contacts normally, buuuut since it's a special occasion, I put these babies on." He swiveled himself around so he was facing Ferra without the strain on his neck; Phineas's expression grew to an almost pained one. 

  Dumbass, he told himself, biting his lip. The half-Neko cast his gaze down to the floor, his expression suddenly sullen. 

  "Uh, Phin? What're you being so grumpy about?"


  "Come onnnn, dude. You gotta admit, this is pretty awesome. I've never seen so many expensive things in one place! Unless you count those fancy shops in the wealthier districts. Ahh, rich people are so damn lucky." Nikolas began to sway himself and Ferra back and forth, closing his eyes as he leaned his head on her shoulder. Phineas only nodded mutely. 

  "....You've got a point. That bedroom was so ridiculously large."

  "The size of a small house."

  "A small house that is large enough to fit a family of ten." Phineas nodded. Obviously they were exaggerating, but hey. This place was GINORMOUS. 

  "Heh, you can say that again. If I had a million jewel~..."

  ".....You'd spend it all on a lifetime supply of fish."

  The brothers looked at each other, then started laughing. That was....pretty accurate. Nikolas smiled a bit longer than Phineas, but it was nice to see some happiness in his face again, even if just for a moment. 


Ferra nodded slowly. That was definitely interesting for sure. She never thought he wore contacts, or had any vision problems really. He had to admit he did look a little silly with the big glasses but she didn't say anything. When Phineas looked sad she looked over with a confused expression, though didn't say anything as the two brothers spoke. She did however wear an amused grin the entire time and laugh a bit during the conversation, obviously laughing more when he mentioned spending a million jewels on a supply of fish. "Yeah you definitely would just spend it all on a ton of fish." She told him teasingly. "Actually, I think you both would. You both like fish." She said, then looked around the mansion. "This place IS huge though. I never knew Maya was this rich..." She said. "Heck, maybe we could convince her to renovate the guild hall." She suggested with a grin. "Maybe put in a fish mosaic for you two to stare at all day."

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)] Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]



Draneri's eyes drifted back slowly as Tyson moved closer to her, causing her upper half to peel back as far as it could but it wasn't much use when she was already sitting and he could only close up the gap. And he was so close to her face.... why? Did he want to die? Did he want to throw away his life so easily? Why did he insist so much for her to feed on him? What would it give him in return? It didn't make sense to her, why anyone would offer themselves up something as precious as their own life force, their soul, or their magical energy. What would he gain from that? "Please.... Tyson just g-...." Even before she knew it she had slipped his full name without meaning to, the first time since she had been around Saber Tooth. A sharp remark or two, a sly name, but never his real full name. He just kept coming closer into her person bubble, feeling his hot breath wash over her face that made her shudder a fraction all over, feathers bristling along with her wings. Her lips parted as if there were words there, but they sort of got lodged into her throat at that point. She found herself leaning closer so their noses almost touched, and it would almost seem like her Golden eyes were starting to glow a fraction. Her hands reached down to clasp onto the bench seat, fingernails hard as steel digging into the material and causing it to tear and crush a fraction. Like she were using everything she had to hold back.


"You are but a mere Child. You have not seen the things I have seen. Or the things I have done. The people I have kissed, and killed. Watched them smile happily, blissfully unaware as I brushed their hair. Sung them a lullaby.. and watched their eyes slid down closed. I kissed them, and watched their chest rise and fall one more time... before their chest rose no more. And they slept forever." Her very voice seemed to bob and weave with a strange rhythm not unlike a chant. She paused for a long time, just watching his eyes. Feeling his hot breath flowing over her face. Her fingernails digging in harder.... Her eyes only seemed to glow more, and her breathing was quickening as her heart started to beat faster....


She was losing control, she could feel it.


Slipping away, like she could see someone dangle a Prime Steak before her. She was so hungry... Why was he so close? Did he have a death wish? Why would anyone want her to feed on them? "Do you... have any idea how weak you would become? You can barely walk... you'll get dizzy... you won't be able to compete... Please don't do this~.." She was saying this all to him, hoping he might pull back, or change his mind. But she was just met with that idiot blank stare. That nothing expression that drove her to insanity. "If I start I can't~..." Her hands lifted up to press against his shoulders, to push him away. But they only held there. She prayed he would get the picture, to pull away but he didn't move a muscle he just stayed there....


Draneri slammed her lips against his as her fingers lifted up and fisted into the back of his head. Tilting his face up, keeping it to her own. At first there was nothing, but slowly her kiss intensified and with it, her grip on his hair tightened, refusing to let him pull away. The Siren's golden eyes slipped closed but with each passing second she drained more and more from his lips. She started to lean over him as her wings snapped out in an overbearing manner, forcing his head back, taking what she needed. But she couldn't stop.... a new taste, something different... something stronger... she needed this. She needed all of his energy. All of it. Every last drop. Waiting for his body to weaken, to slump a fraction as she stole his very life force. She was no Light Guild... she was a monster... And she wasn't planning on stopping her feed till his very heart had stopped beating. Just to taste it once more... that very last bit... like a drug...



Tyson Redd 



Tyson wasn't expecting her to give in easily. He was sure she would fight it until she snapped. Which is more or less what she did. Then he found himself locking lips with her, as she drained His life force. He knew this would happen, he had prepared himself. But something like this wasn't nearly enough to kill him. Anyone who thought so didn't know Tyson.

As she forced his head back, and drained his body. He experience something new, a feeling unlike any he had ever experience before. His body was weak, shaking, he began to feel as if he where drifting into a dark abyss. But he couldn't stop it just yet, not whatever he got taken away. He would just retain later. He wanted her to take as much as possible without killing him. He pushed himself into the kiss, with a new found determination. His arms wrapping around her body.

As the kiss continued, and he grew weaker, to the point he almost knew he was going to die. He began doing the only thing he could think of. He knew that by agreeing to this, he would put himself in a weaker state. But he had also studied for this moment. Something he often did before facing a dangerous foe.

So as he came close to the brink of death, he began to drain her. Taking just enough to incapacitate her. Just enough to loosen her grip, or regain enough Strength to pull away. But this feeling was truely something new to him. He was certain that if he had been susceptible to her charm, he might not have noticed this feeling.

But unfortunately he wasn't, and while the draining itself wasn't what gave him this terrible feeling. The weakness that it caused terrified him. Something he would never admit, but something he couldn't afford to let stop him. It was what made this dark feeling spread through his body. Something he would have to overcome, a feeling he was desperate to overcome. He had always hated feeling weak, but he knew there were always those out their stronger than him. This was just one way to get over that feeling. Something he hadnt expected when he agreed to it.

If it wasn't for his own psychological issues with feeling weak. He may have enjoyed this kiss, not as much as those under her charm most likley. But still, he wouldn't be feeling so bad about it. As she drained him, and he drained her in return. He felt his strength slightly return, and began feeling slightly better.

Nikolas shrugged, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a grin. "Yeah, I actually wear contacts normally, buuuut since it's a special occasion, I put these babies on." He swiveled himself around so he was facing Ferra without the strain on his neck; Phineas's expression grew to an almost pained one. 

  Dumbass, he told himself, biting his lip. The half-Neko cast his gaze down to the floor, his expression suddenly sullen. 

  "Uh, Phin? What're you being so grumpy about?"


  "Come onnnn, dude. You gotta admit, this is pretty awesome. I've never seen so many expensive things in one place! Unless you count those fancy shops in the wealthier districts. Ahh, rich people are so damn lucky." Nikolas began to sway himself and Ferra back and forth, closing his eyes as he leaned his head on her shoulder. Phineas only nodded mutely. 

  "....You've got a point. That bedroom was so ridiculously large."

  "The size of a small house."

  "A small house that is large enough to fit a family of ten." Phineas nodded. Obviously they were exaggerating, but hey. This place was GINORMOUS. 

  "Heh, you can say that again. If I had a million jewel~..."

  ".....You'd spend it all on a lifetime supply of fish."

  The brothers looked at each other, then started laughing. That was....pretty accurate. Nikolas smiled a bit longer than Phineas, but it was nice to see some happiness in his face again, even if just for a moment. 




Shiro had wondered off for a moment, had forgotten her favorite notebook in her room, the one with the quote and the one she wrote songs in with piano notes, why? She didn't really get it but she wanted to hear Phin play more and she wanted to sing what he played, so she'd written songs in the book though he didn't know that at the time. Shiro had immediately noticed how sad Phineas had looked for a moment and instantly worried going so far as to let it show on her face before she walked up to him and tapped his nose lightly to get his attention. She wanted to immediately cheer him up, so even being around the others she smiled brightly at him for an instant and lifted the notebook, "Wanna see what I've written? It might be something you'd be interested in too." She flipped the book open and lifted a page showing him the lyrics and music notes lined up on the paper and spoke quietly her expression blank again, "You see I always think about music normally a wide variety of it. I don't know why but lately all I can hear is you playing your piano so I started being unable to write anything but music for piano. I don't get it really but it doesn't bother me either." Shiro didn't talk this much ever unless she was singing so she was kind of embarrassed but since her back was to Nik and Ferra only Phin would see the blush that had formed, she just didn't like seeing Phineas sad, ever, preferably never again, it had really bothered her even if she didn't know why.
@Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari

  Nikolas literally fell over laughing when Ferra mentioned a fish mosaic, mostly because he knew that was accurate. Though he already knew that Grace wouldn't be amused if he called her up asking for a fish mosaic....especially considering that most of the guild didn't really like him due to the fun sexytimes incident that happened on Christmas Eve. But hey, haters gonna hate. It was just a pain in the ass to deal with. 

  "Yep, probably!" the half-Neko snickered, wiping a tear of laughter out of his eye just as Shiro walked back into the room. "We could decorate the whole guild hall with fish! It'll certainly make it super cool to walk into every morning. Amirite, Phin?" 

  "....Mm-hm," Phineas answered, watching Shiro walk back in. Just for a moment, he had panicked for her safety. Why? Phineas didn't necessarily know. But once he saw her again, his face turned a bright red. She seemed concerned about him. Had she seen him freaking out? Phineas bit his lip, peering at Shiro's notebook for a moment. She had still kept the one he had given her, it seemed. Phineas was able to recognize every note, and soon was humming one of the songs she had written. The advantage to being a piano mage. "....This is really good....spell-worthy, even. Can I...?" he began, obviously quite eager to create a new spell from one of her songs. 

 It would be his way of screaming "I love you, Shiro" while in battle. 

Yama Banner.png


Yamato was simply in his room within the hotel reading another one of his books. But don't let that think he hasn't been training. For the past several months he's been perfecting the flow of wind to provide more powerful and magic efficiant blasts of wind. Even now the book he was reading was non-fiction describing what we know about wind, so far he's learned a few neat tricks that he's got to try out. Not only that but he has also managed to further increase his overall mana in the process of his training. Yama heard the guild master speaking through the intercom asking all Blue Pegasus members to make their way to the fountain in the main lobby. The S-class closed his book and stored it in his bookshelf then made his way to the specified destination. Upon arrival in the main lobby it didn't seem that anyone has arrived yet aside from the guild master Aleria. "Hello master! I see it is nearing the time to announce the participants. As to whether I am picked or not, it doesn't matter. Because regardless I will be supporting this guild to the best of my ability~"

@Happy Red Mage @Anyone else wh arrives at the lobby
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Mitsui Sho.png

A tall man in a white coat slowly made his way to the front of the Sabertooth guild hall. He had a very muted presence, and he seemed to fade into the background if you weren't specifically looking for him. Instead of going directly inside the guild hall, he walked over to the three Sabertooth members (Eric, Miles, and Katherine) who were talking outside the guild. As he passed them, he slipped a small piece of paper in each of their pockets, before turning back and walking into the guild hall. He continued his slow rhythmic pace as he made his way through the guild hall, seeking out the members to whom he still had to give the remaining seven slips of paper. He first slipped one of the sheets into Tyson's pocket as he was distracted by his interactions with the siren Draneri. He then proceeded to distribute the rest of them, giving one to Mizuki, Tokine, Honoka, Haruhi, Ursula, and finally Sakura. His work completed, he retired to his study on the second floor of the guild hall. 

Those who had received a slip of paper would find that it simply read: "You have been chosen to represent Sabertooth in the Grand Magic Games" followed by a number denoting which team they would belong to.

Team One:
    Mizuki Kohaku @Maki
    Tyson Redd @Solemn Jester
    Tokine Auruna @Drakerus
    Honoka Redfox @purplepanda288
    Miles Redd @Embaga Elder

Team Two:
    Haruhi Redfox @Maki
    Ursula Berrie @AtlannianSpy
    Sakura Hayano @Mitchs98
    Katherine Mae @Britt-21
    Eric Grangley @Jackaboi
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Sora Marvell

Sora hovered over the massive city of Crocus, eyes shining as the sun dared to blind her. For some reason though she smiled wide, not seeming phased by the glare that obscured her vision. The sky sorceress of Fairy Tail finally drifted downwards, pale blue shoes touching down upon the ground as her eyes fixated upon the rubble of loose rocks scattered about it. It was good to be back but part of her worried how the others had been during her absence. Hopefully they weren't too peeved that she had decided to leave so suddenly. The entire time Sora had spent training and working on really figuring herself out as was necessary to pull herself out of the sorrowful pit her mind had taken shelter in. Her small hands rose to grasp at the loose strands of hair encircling her frame and they masterfully pulled them back to bring it into a tight pigtails, save a few locks that slid to caress her cheeks and hang idly. A small piece of paper was plucked out of her backpack that she had slung forward before hitching it back into place, gaze falling to read it. It was the directions to where the Fairy Tail members were residing during the Grand Magic Games and where she too would stay.

" Time to see everyone again! " Her eyes lit up and she raced off towards the address like an overly excited child, nervousness and anticipation written clearly all over her face. The building that loomed overhead was massive and Sora had to double check the number to make sure it matched the one on the note that was crumpled within her grasp. It was indeed and with this realization the small slayer pushed opened the doors before taking a seat in a line up of chairs in a room directly within view, though slightly off to the side. A grin befell her features at the thought of all of her training being put into action. The little defensive slayer had evened out her protective nature to have a newly found fierce side to accompany it. Her bag was plopped down beside her kicked out feet and a sigh of slight exhaustion released itself. It had been a long trip, a tedious yet beautiful adventure as she had flown back just in time to make it since she had been assigned to a team. Being dragged back by the new guild master was also something that didn't sound too appealing so she had made sure she wouldn't be late. Speaking of....

Arietta Forsyth

Arietta twirled the black key that usually always remained on her person, fingers going through a seemingly nervous tick as her hues remained fixated upon the lighted ceiling. " Well, they've had enough time to settle in! " Her lithe frame rolled off the bed in a fluid motion, hair falling to rest back in its normal position as she never was one to wear it up. " Abby, help me gather the people we discussed. " Abaddon's smiling face popped out of the wall adjacent to her and a salute to match his witty humor was also given before he disappeared. Arietta walked straight for the wall where he had been, steps not slowing as her figure almost crashed into it. Instead she melted through, the shadows on the wall seemed to cloak her and devour her but to her it felt more like an embrace of the most intimate kind. The two began to dart around and gather the people that had been chosen to make up the two teams representing Fairy Tail this year. Abandon first appeared beside Chris and Lavender, fingers extending to tap the beast man on the shoulder. " You've both been picked, head to the meeting room. Hard to miss! " His words were almost sung as he quickly disappeared and found Kim next. " You've been picked, head to the meeting room at your soonest convenience." Abaddon bowed deeply and blinked out of proximity to make his final stop at Bel's room. " Bel, oh Bel. I've only been sent to summon you to the meeting hall. If only I had more time to play... " His words were as soft as the touch of his fingers that managed to comb through the boys hair. Before Bel could react though, his fingers had disentangled themselves and he was gone.

Arietta made her first appearance at the beautiful mountainside where Hibiki, Timothy, and Raa were gathered. The view alone was breath taking and even though she was visible to them she took her time in acknowledging them, eyes absorbing the scene as the sun rose over the tops of the rocky backdrop. A smile tugged at her lips as her frame swayed and swiveled, hair cascading about in the wind like rebellious ribbons. " You three, I'm glad I found you. You're all going to be representing Fairy Tail this year! " Her eyes seemed fierce with an ignited passion but the rest of her expression was soft and inviting, remaining so even as she peered curiously at the crater that Timothy had made. " When you're ready.... " She motioned towards the results of his training before continuing. " Please make your way back to our residence and find the meeting room. I'll be splitting everyone up into two teams accordingly. Try not to take too long... " As she spoke her hues lingered on Hibiki naturally, seeing similar traits that passed down through his family on his face. It was nostalgic and when they had finally met, Aria had welcomed him like an old friend even though she refused to admit any 'personal' experiences with an ancestor of his. Shortly after speaking she approached them and let her fingers trail from one side of Timothy's shoulder to the other in a questionably slow manner, still quite intrigued at what he was. She began walking circles around them as her hand drifted off Timothy, almost like one circling their prey before the shadows rose from the ground and engulfed her. The news of being on the team was given to Ayano and Kira as well, Aria finally making her last stop to tell Mitsuki that he was a reserve member before she got settled in the meeting hall, Abaddon standing behind the chair she occupied. His hands rested upon the back of it and he made sure to make eye contact with everyone who showed up and walked through the door, not breaking it until they took a seat. 


Lyra was hiding under a huge blanket but it wasn't just any blanket. Oh no, it most certainly wasn't. In fact, it was Hibiki's blanket.The woman had been waiting as patiently as possible for Hibiki to leave his room. It was rather humorous to watch her go tip toe darting across the hallway as she slipped into his room, snatching up a shirt that he had lazily thrown on his dresser, and dove onto his bed with a giddy smile. Her fingers clutched at the material like she had no intention in the world of releasing it, holding it dear. Anytime footsteps were heard coming down the hall her entire frame would tense up, eyes wide as she listened intently. A few times it sounded like Hibiki might be returning so she ducked under the blanket as if it might hide her and the human sized lump under it wouldn't be noticeable. It didn't help that her white hair was draped over the side of the bed, heaps of it neatly just laying there. Her face poked out of the blanket after a few minutes of silence and she crawled out of the bed with his packed bag as her destination. " Hibi-kun said he brought my doll... I'll just take a quick looksie.. " Her words fumbled out as she began searching, carelessly flinging his belongings around his room until she found finally found Mr.Cursey tucked away safely at the bottom. Lyra blinked a couple times as she turned the doll over in her hands to inspect it thoroughly before a pleased smile stretched across her face. She looked around at the mess she had created and rather than clean it the woman went bolting out of the room and down the stairs, her bare feet thankful for the soft material coating the floors on each step. A guilty look was painted on her face as one hand held the doll by an arm and the other hand was still tightly holding Hibiki's shirt hostage.

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288 @Zareh @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Happy Red Mage @Isune  @FreeZing @Britt-21 (and anyone else I didn't tag, they keep breaking ;-;)

Timothy Harvard: The Morning Entrance


[SIZE= 18px]Timothy continued eating his sugar free rock until he heard a familiar voice from behind him. He turned around to see Hibiki, one of the S class mages appear behind him out of nowhere, he slowly looked at his cheerful smile and then back to his rock that he was eating. A rush of shock overwhelmed him as he instinctively eats the remaining rock whole as his cheeks puff up like a hamster storing food for the winter. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Oh Hello! *crunch* *crunch* *GULP* Hibiki! How are you doing on this fine diddly dandy morning?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while finishing up his less than tasteful meal. He brushed himself to appear more presentable after his training. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Wait, you mean this?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while turning his head back on the huge crater that he made with the random punches and laughed a bit. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"To be honest...I don't actually put any thought into form or stances when fighting...I just punch and kick as hard as I can when I can but I'm fine either way really! This is nothing to me, I've been through much worse." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he bashfully explained while rubbing the behind of his head. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I didn't actually expect anyone to be up here as well...I just decided to do some training in case if they pick me but not then I'll just be happy to watch or to fill in as a substitute entree." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while gulping a bit. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"It is nice up here isn't it? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. These kinds of places are great for training. I love peaceful places like these but my favorite has to be when I can look out at the ocean during the sunset. Do you know that the planet is composed of 97% salt water? Isn't that cool? I love the ocean..its so peaceful yet scary due to all of those creepy crawlies swimming about." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a relaxed and hyperactive tone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]He walks over to his bad to drink some more water and takes off his tank top to get some fresh air while also avoiding the continuing feeling of having sweat on the back of his skin. He suddenly switched topic in a flash upon remembering something that still hinders him to this day. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"It sure must be nice to be able to use powerful take over magic and all of those cool spells meanwhile I'm stuck just using my bare hands." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while cracking his knuckles to loosen them up from all the stiff training as his glance shifted away from Hibiki with a disappointed frown on his face however his face shifted back with shock as he switched to a more happier expression [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Oh I'm so dearly excentionally sorry! I was so caught up in my own things that I forget to ask about how are you doing?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he asked in calm voice while smiling back. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Are you going to train too? I was thinking, maybe if you are up for a little sparring match? I mean if you are up for that and don't mind me disappointing you then maybe you'll consider it? Maybe? Maybe Maybe?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he asked in a hopeful tone. "But of course, I mean like you ARE an S-class mage and [/SIZE]I'm just a C-class mage y'know....hehehe[SIZE= 18px]he said with little confidence in his voice. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@LeSoraAmari[/SIZE]





The blonde smiled as Timothy acknowledged his presence and began to chomp on the large rocks he had within his grasp, much to his amazement. It was funny seeing Tim do all of the things he did, sometimes it was pretty easy to forget that he wasn't human and was in fact a robot. He looked human in all aspects and the way he carried himself almost certainly complemented that well - he might as well have been human. Any sane person would assume so, at the very least. Standing up with his hands stuffed in his pockets, Hibiki couldn't help but let out a chuckle as Timothy chopped on his rocks and began to talk about random nonsense. The roboboys chirpy and kind personality was inviting, and it was definitely something Hibiki enjoyed being around. In fact, it made Hibiki want to be around the  guy even more than he already was. After all, they were both in Fairy Tail and thus saw each other a great deal, much like all of the other guild members. Hibiki smiled to Timothy as he then began to speak himself, after having had listened to Timothy for a great deal. The fact that he was scared of the ocean fascinated Hibiki, maybe it was something to do with him being a robot? Hibiki didn't know, he just found it slightly adorable. "Yes, the ocean sure is quite scary if you actually think about it." He said, chuckling as he spoke in agreement to his statement. 


When Timothy continued to speak again, he spoke with a slight disappointment in his voice that of which didn't sit well with the Fairy Tail S-Class mage. If anything, it unnerved Hibiki too. When Timothy spoke in reference to his Take Overs Hibiki frowned ever so slightly. "It's not a power I particularly like using... For reasons evident. It's too destructive, for one." The frown on his face seemingly faded away and was replaced with that of a kind and warm smile as he continued. "Even so I'm grateful to have it, it allows me to protect those I love and I couldn't be any more thankful to my grandmother for entrusting me with it." He said, before seemingly growing into silence as the conversation seeming drew to a halt as the pair admired the surrounding scenery and the below view. Then, Timothy asked if he wanted to spar with him, to which Hibiki smiled in response. "I'd love to spar with you, however I'd have to decline your offer of doing it now. I've got a lot of things to do in preparation for the Grand Magic Games. Heck, I need to make sure Kelica  is safe and hasn't fallen asleep in the streets, or hit her head on something and passed out... oh man..." The boy scratched his head slightly as he spoke, a worried look on his face which very quickly turned into a slight scowl as Hibiki began to poke at Timothy's chest. "And don't beat yourself up about being the rank you are, yes you're a C-Class but don't let that define you. Rank doesn't define who you are." Smiling, Hibiki continued. "Hey, how about when all of this Grand Magic Games stuff is over I train you up a bit? Would you like that?" And before he could say anything else, Aria quite literally appeared from out of nowhere. 


"Oh, hey Aria." He said as the woman approached the pair. Hibiki still had that very same warmsmile on his face as the kitsune approached them and began to speak. She revealed that they had both been chosen to participate in the GMG and as soon as the news was revealed Hibiki sent a thumbs up towards Timothy, a big grin on his face as he did so. "Looks like we'll be participating in all of this together. I look forward to it ~" And with that, Hibiki walked away and towards the edge of the mountain as he turned to to Timothy once more. "I'll see you in the meeting room. Make sure you get there as soon as you can!" After saying that, Hibiki's body began to crackle with electricity a small he became enveloped in it and quite literally became the lightning himself, jumping off of the mountain and shooting towards the Fairy Tail residence back in Crocus at lightning fast speeds. 


Having arrived in no time at all, Hibiki opened the doors and then traversed the residence and headed towards the meeting room, opening the doors to see both Aria and Abbadon there waiting for everyone. As Hibiki entered the room, he still had excess lightning crackling off of his body at a minor level as he had a smile on his face. Abbadon had his gaze fully fixated onto Hibiki as he entered the room, and obviously the demon got nothing but a smile sent his way. Hibiki then sat down, and waited with Aria and Abbadon for everyone else to arrive. 


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"Oh yes I can make anything given the time, they're all so exceptionally fragile, a poetic mimicry of life..." She gazed off in the distance, looking as if she was lost in thought. "They only hurt if I want it to..." As if to demonstrate she let a lone butterfly landed on her arm and detonated, leaving behind a small burn. She flinched as it it stung her. "See? Don't worry, I'll heal." She said quickly. "So any requests?" She said as she clasped together her hands once more in preparation.

Talons eyes widened and his grin broadened. "Oh how about a clone of yourself? That would be helpful in battle. Or how 'bout a clone of me? Wait no scratch that I'm too amazing to have two of me, if there were the world would end... Probably." He quickly asked for a few more things. "Can you do a rabbit? A rock? Ooooh how about a tree?" He asked all these questions quite quickly and seemed to vomit the words... But not in a disgusting way...
Talons eyes widened and his grin broadened. "Oh how about a clone of yourself? That would be helpful in battle. Or how 'bout a clone of me? Wait no scratch that I'm too amazing to have two of me, if there were the world would end... Probably." He quickly asked for a few more things. "Can you do a rabbit? A rock? Ooooh how about a tree?" He asked all these questions quite quickly and seemed to vomit the words... But not in a disgusting way...

"A clone of myself is easy, although it would take some time..." She said. "I can make almost anything as long as I have the time to make them..." When she heard his comment about there being two of him she let out a small laugh, spilling the root beer on her clothes. "Aw shoot, not my lucky dress..." She complained. "Ah whatever, can switch out my clothes later..." She said as she put down the now empty can. "So are you sure you want a tree, alright..." She said before separating her hands a bit. A glowing magic circle spun between her hands as she started making a tree phantom. In front of them a  figure began to form, growing larger and larger until finally a glowing tree stood tall in front of them.




The transition to Lamia Scale as an easy and pleasant one, and surprisingly Masaki had managed to fit right in. Over the course of the last six months he did a great many things and all of them greatly pleased him. He had successfully managed to learn Earth Magic and train himself to become exceptionally skilled in it. He was an incredibly fast learner, after all. He had also gotten himself a job in the actual guild itself despite already being a member, and one of their S-Classes. The red head had invested a lot of time and effort into actually refurbishing and  tidying up the guilds secret library. This included fixing the lighting, sorting out all of the books and putting each one into categories and alphabetical order in those, polishing the windows and cleaning them, and even destroying any of those evil cobwebs that were to be found. Even better yet, Masaki did practically of that himself! He was proud of himself, and now the library looked like an actual heaven. To him at least. He didn't really know if anyone else in Lamia Scale actually appreciated it as much as him but it made him happy so he didn't really care. The once secret guild library was no longer a secret of the guild as after a long and very draining period of continuous asking, Masaki managed to persuade Maya to open the library to everyone in the guild and not just its elites. Heck, it was a miracle that he even managed to persuade her. She even appointed him to run it, which made Masaki extremely happy. They needed someone determined in order to win the fight against the evil cobwebs. 


With the Grand Magic Games coming up, Masaki and the rest of Lamia Scales core members travelled to the capital of Fiore, Crocus, and took up residence in one of Maya's many mansions for the entirety of the event. The mansion was big enough to house all of the guild members gathered there, and with enough rooms for everyone to have one to themselves if they wanted. Masaki admired the beauty of the place, but of course, he admired the library even moreso and thusthat was where he planned to spend the remainder of his time there. It was a known fact among the guild that Masaki was extremely shy, and that he preferred to hide himself away with a book to comfort him rather than to sit in the bar with everyone else and socialise. Valken and Grace would often try to encourage him to speak to everyone but even now that could be challenging. As Masaki sat on the large sofa in the  library he started to read one of the many books it contained. A write up on the history of Fiore Arcana. As he read the book, Masaki blinked as he took a moment to stop and take a look around. "So many books... and such a short time to read them all." Masaki usually got through around five or so books a day if he set his mind to it. And there were just hundreds of them all stacked up and Masaki was upset and slightly agitated that he didn't have enough time to read all of them. As he continued to read the book, flicking through the pages quickly and quietly as he hummed to himself whilst doing so, a thought popped into Masaki's head. Zephyr hadn't been responding to any of his messages lately and as the young teenager remembered that, he grew slightly more annoyed, his cheeks subtly turning red as he grew flustered. So much so that he closed the book he was reading and put it on the desk next to him. "Damn Zephyr, jerk. He's gonna regret ignoring me. I know he's doing it on purpose..." Spoke Masaki, quietly to himself as he stood up and left the library. "Ah well, guess I just won't bother writing to him anymore." He said, a sigh on his face as he sat up, and left the library. 


Leaving the library, Masaki began to walk throughout the entirety of the library in search of Grace. Masaki hadn't seen Grace for a fair bit now, about a week or so? The two had their missions to do and both arrived to Crocus at different times. Masaki hoped she was here and not in danger or hurt somewhere, the very thought of such a thing worried Masaki, and his pace quickened as his footsteps could be heard throughout the mansion as he walked quickly on the marble flooring. After having walked around for a few minutes, Masaki couldn't find Grace anywhere. He looked in literally every single room, peered around every corner, and even looked out of every window. Worry quickly surfaced on his face as he panicked to himself. "Where in the hell is she, surely she's here by now? Oh I hope nothing's happened to her." He said nervously as he continued his search around the mansion. 


"Hopefully she arrives soon. I want to spend time with her before this all starts." 




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Eric was glad to hear everyone else was training too. Miles had been training with his brother Tyson, of which he heard was a really great trainer but also very intense too. Katherine has also gained more control over her nexus. Eric never really understood the concept of nexus very much and he probably never will. At least that's what he thought to himself. Regardless he was getting confident with the Grand Magic Games. They were going to win for sure! Then Katherine asked if Eric trained the power of his transformations too. He replied with an excited grin. "Does smashing a giant boulder to tiny pieces count? I would demonstrate here but... I dunno if I can find any rocks big enough to desrtroy." There probably was large enough boulders but the truth was that he didn't want to risk breaking anymore windows. Almost out off nowhere however the guild master suddenly appeared walking past them. Eric just simply stared as he walked out of view. "Well that was weird..." He was about to pretend that nothing even happened until he felt something in his pocket. He took it out and saw it was a note, Eric read the contents and was more than happy with the news. "Ha! Finally! I've been chosen to fight for Sabertooths team 2 in the Grand Magic Games! I've been waiting all my life for this moment~" Eric just simply stood there staring into the distance daydreaming about the day he brings his guild to victory.


@Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Rhodus
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Crocus Town Bridge[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage felt Noah's strong arms wrap around her frame suddenly pull her quite tightly to him, her face burying itself into his neck and underneath his ear as her emerald eyes slipped closed. She couldn't help it, her whole body just curled up and smoothed in as tightly as she was capable into his strong frame, long blonde locks blowing around her face and against his arms as he floated up, her dress fluttering around her thighs and legs gently. It was almost instantly she was assaulted with his scent, something he probably didn't even realise he had but something she adored as her fingers tightened and gripped at the back of his shirt gently. Even the necklace he had given her was giving off the faintest of a glow that illuminated her face a fraction. Before she knew it he had landed once again and grabbed her shoulders to peel away and for a moment her fingers only tightened into his clothing like she were preventing that very thing from happening. It had been too long! And he smelt so good! He felt so good! He-...


Wait which season was it again?....


She found her feet back onto the surface of the bridge, her toes curling slightly as the balls of her feet pressed into the surface for balance. As he looked her over she found her cheeks glowing a subtle red hue as she glanced down and away from him, looking on the verge of shy though that didn't seem a possible thing for a girl who only every did physical, reckless things without pondering the consequence. She peeled her hands behind her back as she arched her chest (in fact, did that seem bigger? It sure looked like it... along with her hips looks a decidedly healthier size. Spring really did make her look more.... feminine didn't it?). As she tilted her head a fraction and her hair fluttering along before her face, she might have even twisted a foot against the ground in a coy manner. "I trained... so hard Noah. I've never worked so hard in all my life... But that was then and this is now... and now you are here!" Her gaze turning back to look at him with her eyelids squeezing up in that typical fashion she always got when she was excited. "I'm ready Noah! I couldn't be any more ready! I even have some new techniques... would.... you like to see?" Slipping one foot behind her on the Bridge edging, a thin strip of bricks less a foot wide, though she still stood as per normal with her arms behind her back.


"I want to show you what I have learned... so....Try hitting me Noah!" The smile, wide, genuine and eager. Without a trace of fear. "Give me your best shot!" She even pulled a finger forward and wiggled it side to side in no no fashion. "Don't go holding back now! You'll make me sad and we can't have that, can we?"







Bastion had been waiting for ages now on Kelica and the pup, where's my wife and our kid...Erf I mean my best friend and our dog...seriously though we've spent so much time together. Her thoughts were worried, she didn't want Kelica to pounce on some poor man when she had Noah just a lacrima call away and a not so subtle lightning strike that always harolded his arrival, seriously though the wife and kid thing was a running gag and Bastion had just rolled with it, she would happily pass for a husband for a woman, of course the woman would have to know that Bastion was not...as masculine as she seemed. She sighed under her breath muttering low, "As if anyone would wanna ever be with someone as confusing as me..." She could just imagine a man's reaction and a woman's unhappy sigh, she cringed inwardly and several explosions went off around her in random locations, causing a few small dents but thankfully no accidentally freezing people, she wasn't in crowded areas. After wandering for a little while she sensed Noah and Kelica's magic, near each other. She sighed in relief and popped around the corner in time to see Keli acting a little...oh ooooh...she quickly realized and chuckled softly, even as the wolf; now getting bigger senses Bastion's presence and ran at her knocking her off her heels with a loud yelp.


"Argh! Help...! I'm being mauled by kisses!" She laughed loudly, sounding oddly feminine before biting her tongue to silence herself while sitting up holding the wolf and petting it, she had gotten good with the wolf but other pets and animals just didn't deal with her well. She pushed the wolf off of her and then bounced her shoulders into the ground launching herself back to her feet and grinning at the pair on the bridge and tackling Noah from behind in a hug, she was fond of the guy fair enough, even considered him a friend, "Hey Noah! It's been awhile hasn't it? Did you come here to specifically seek out Keli? You sly bastard!" She gave him a boyish grin before hopping around and tilting her head at Kelica while their pup licked at her hand to get Bastion's attention. "Well I'm glad I found you, we should probably get headed to the announcement don't you think? Of course you could skip out and if we get picked one of us will be informed I'm sure. Oooor~ do you want me to take the pup and leave you two alone?" She chuckled low her head tilted to the side while she seemed to wait for an answer, cheerfully oblivious to the fact she might have just pissed off two good mages.



Noah noticed how much Kelica has changed since the last time he has seen her. Her breast seemed bigger, and her hips were healthier. A grin grew on his face as thoughts flowed into his head. His grin turned into a smile as he listened to Kelica. She sounded so proud about her accomplishments, that it only made Noah think about how much stronger she has gotten. he wanted to give it a test run himself, and it sound like she wanted it as well. 

Noah smirked as Kelica told him not to hold back. Noah wasn't going to use his magic of course, and he also wasn't gone try to hurt her. He was just gone make it seem convincing. I can't fight you too rough now. I don't want to hurt you before you even get a chance to compete. He said with a smile. Noah readied himself, but when he saw Fate run off, he followed him with his body, watching him as he tackled someone and licked them ferociously. Noah assumed that person was a girl, by the way their laugh sounded. But his assumption turned out wrong when that person stood up and it was Bastion. Noah wondered why his laugh sounded like that, but he just pushed that to the back of his mine. What's up Bastion, it has been awhile. I actually saw Kelica walking as I left a pub. Oh and speaking of the pub, I think I left without paying. He said tapping his chin and making a thinking face. Noah looked at Bastion as he spoke about the announcements. The word announcement actually got Noah thinking that he was late for his own announcement. Actually he honestly didn't know when the announcement was. He looked at Kelica. So what do you wanna do? We can fight and we both leave for our announcements orrr...he grabs Kelica and pulls her in close wrapping his arms around her. We meet up tonight at my apartment when the day is over? @Zuka @Arius LaVari
Tyson Redd 

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Tyson wasn't expecting her to give in easily. He was sure she would fight it until she snapped. Which is more or less what she did. Then he found himself locking lips with her, as she drained His life force. He knew this would happen, he had prepared himself. But something like this wasn't nearly enough to kill him. Anyone who thought so didn't know Tyson.

As she forced his head back, and drained his body. He experience something new, a feeling unlike any he had ever experience before. His body was weak, shaking, he began to feel as if he where drifting into a dark abyss. But he couldn't stop it just yet, not whatever he got taken away. He would just retain later. He wanted her to take as much as possible without killing him. He pushed himself into the kiss, with a new found determination. His arms wrapping around her body.

As the kiss continued, and he grew weaker, to the point he almost knew he was going to die. He began doing the only thing he could think of. He knew that by agreeing to this, he would put himself in a weaker state. But he had also studied for this moment. Something he often did before facing a dangerous foe.

So as he came close to the brink of death, he began to drain her. Taking just enough to incapacitate her. Just enough to loosen her grip, or regain enough Strength to pull away. But this feeling was truely something new to him. He was certain that if he had been susceptible to her charm, he might not have noticed this feeling.

But unfortunately he wasn't, and while the draining itself wasn't what gave him this terrible feeling. The weakness that it caused terrified him. Something he would never admit, but something he couldn't afford to let stop him. It was what made this dark feeling spread through his body. Something he would have to overcome, a feeling he was desperate to overcome. He had always hated feeling weak, but he knew there were always those out their stronger than him. This was just one way to get over that feeling. Something he hadnt expected when he agreed to it.

If it wasn't for his own psychological issues with feeling weak. He may have enjoyed this kiss, not as much as those under her charm most likley. But still, he wouldn't be feeling so bad about it. As she drained him, and he drained her in return. He felt his strength slightly return, and began feeling slightly better.

A tall man in a white coat slowly made his way to the front of the Sabertooth guild hall. He had a very muted presence, and he seemed to fade into the background if you weren't specifically looking for him. Instead of going directly inside the guild hall, he walked over to the three Sabertooth members (Eric, Miles, and Katherine) who were talking outside the guild. As he passed them, he slipped a small piece of paper in each of their pockets, before turning back and walking into the guild hall. He continued his slow rhythmic pace as he made his way through the guild hall, seeking out the members to whom he still had to give the remaining seven slips of paper. He first slipped one of the sheets into Tyson's pocket as he was distracted by his interactions with the siren Draneri. He then proceeded to distribute the rest of them, giving one to Mizuki, Tokine, Honoka, Haruhi, Ursula, and finally Sakura. His work completed, he retired to his study on the second floor of the guild hall. 

Those who had received a slip of paper would find that it simply read: "You have been chosen to represent Sabertooth in the Grand Magic Games" followed by a number denoting which team they would belong to.

Team One:
    Mizuki Kohaku @Maki
    Tyson Redd @Solemn Jester
    Tokine Auruna @Drakerus
    Honoka Redfox @purplepanda288
    Miles Redd @Embaga Elder

Team Two:
    Haruhi Redfox @Maki
    Ursula Berrie @AtlannianSpy
    Sakura Hayano @Mitchs98
    Katherine Mae @Britt-21
    Eric Grangley @Jackaboi


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]


The Siren was surprised even when she should have known. She had seduced men and women alike for centuries, and yet she was half expecting this Big Redd idiot to have the same silly expression on his face as she drained him. To get no enjoyment whatsoever. So you can imagine the woman's surprise when he pushed back harder against her kiss and wrapped his huge arms around her frame. Her eyes slipping open a fraction to peer to his face even as she felt his body grow weaker and weaker. Luckily he was already kneeling otherwise his knees would have buckled. But she cradled his face to her own while she drained him, and any time her lips found themselves parted for a moment to breath you could almost see the golden mist that flowed from her mouth. Or rather the mist that was coming from his body into her own, the very thing she fed on. His power.


Yes, his energy didn't taste as nice as Mizuki's @Maki. And she didn't crave it as much as she did that dark, bitter energy that screamed a life of misery and torment. But it was strong and she was hungry. Her hair seemed to grow more glossy as her feathers ruffled. The lines of her face withdrew and the bags under her eyes lifted more. Just as she tasted the last little trickle of his life, the cherry on top of the river of his magical energy, she paused as she had a weird sensation flow through her frame. In half shock, she found her eyes half snap open as she peered to him, feeling a weird sensation flowing as if from his very arms. Or rather, flowing into his very arms. His hands were gripped tightly on her sides and it took her longer then she cared to admit that Big Redd was the one to be draining her as well!! Still in a state of shock she reefed her face back from him as she broke the kiss, panting hard like she had run a mile. She was fully intending to kill him, and he was the single only person she could think of that actually stopped her from doing so. With her hands still holding his head as she looked into his eyes.


Though her keen vision watched The Guild Master of Sabertooth wander over and crouch beside Tyson before he wandered off, her eyes only flicking over his shoulder for a second before looking back to his face. One of her hands slipped down over his shoulder, along the front of his chest before reaching around his side and grasped the sheet of paper as her fingers dove into the pocket of his pants, before she pulled it before his face with that soft bemused smile she seemed to always get. And before he could get an ideas to kiss her again (afterall now she was full) she shoved the note into his mouth and peeled herself away from his arms to sit back into the seat. Recrossing her legs and patting down her dress.

"It seems you have news, Big Redd~" She said like this moment they shared had never even happened. Though she did make an oddly soft yawn. His return draining leaving her oddly weak but full which was a completely new sensation for her. Maybe she should take a nap like that Little Redd always seemed to have a habit of doing? @Embaga Elder






[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]


The Siren was surprised even when she should have known. She had seduced men and women alike for centuries, and yet she was half expecting this Big Redd idiot to have the same silly expression on his face as she drained him. To get no enjoyment whatsoever. So you can imagine the woman's surprise when he pushed back harder against her kiss and wrapped his huge arms around her frame. Her eyes slipping open a fraction to peer to his face even as she felt his body grow weaker and weaker. Luckily he was already kneeling otherwise his knees would have buckled. But she cradled his face to her own while she drained him, and any time her lips found themselves parted for a moment to breath you could almost see the golden mist that flowed from her mouth. Or rather the mist that was coming from his body into her own, the very thing she fed on. His power.


Yes, his energy didn't taste as nice as Mizuki's @Maki. And she didn't crave it as much as she did that dark, bitter energy that screamed a life of misery and torment. But it was strong and she was hungry. Her hair seemed to grow more glossy as her feathers ruffled. The lines of her face withdrew and the bags under her eyes lifted more. Just as she tasted the last little trickle of his life, the cherry on top of the river of his magical energy, she paused as she had a weird sensation flow through her frame. In half shock, she found her eyes half snap open as she peered to him, feeling a weird sensation flowing as if from his very arms. Or rather, flowing into his very arms. His hands were gripped tightly on her sides and it took her longer then she cared to admit that Big Redd was the one to be draining her as well!! Still in a state of shock she reefed her face back from him as she broke the kiss, panting hard like she had run a mile. She was fully intending to kill him, and he was the single only person she could think of that actually stopped her from doing so. With her hands still holding his head as she looked into his eyes.


Though her keen vision watched The Guild Master of Sabertooth wander over and crouch beside Tyson before he wandered off, her eyes only flicking over his shoulder for a second before looking back to his face. One of her hands slipped down over his shoulder, along the front of his chest before reaching around his side and grasped the sheet of paper as her fingers dove into the pocket of his pants, before she pulled it before his face with that soft bemused smile she seemed to always get. And before he could get an ideas to kiss her again (afterall now she was full) she shoved the note into his mouth and peeled herself away from his arms to sit back into the seat. Recrossing her legs and patting down her dress.

"It seems you have news, Big Redd~" She said like this moment they shared had never even happened. Though she did make an oddly soft yawn. His return draining leaving her oddly weak but full which was a completely new sensation for her. Maybe she should take a nap like that Little Redd always seemed to have a habit of doing? @Embaga Elder





Tyson Redd


After Tyson had begun draining Draneri back, it wasn't long before she caught on. Then quickly stopped the interaction peeling away from him. She had also stuffed a piece of paper in his mouth. Which he quickly removed, but didn't look at right away.

He attempted to stand up, but as he did he dropped back down to one knee. He was still slightly weakened, although apparently not enough to keep him from  making the ground under his foot crumble. He looked up at the siren, who now seemed in a much better state, and smiled a amused smile."I've heard of being weak kneed but this is ridiculous. You're either the worse kisser in the word, or the best."

After he said this he checked the piece of paper she had handed him. His eyes widened, and the ground under  him cracked even more. As he leapt to his feet, his expression turning back to its normal emotionless state."It seems while I was "distracted" the guild master left me a note. Hmph, seems I'll be on the sabertooth team. I've been waiting for this, I suppose I should go recharge."  That was what Tyson had intended to do, but unfortunately instead well. As he attempted to stand up he fell forward onto Draneri. Not hard but gently enough that it wouldn't cause any discomfort. He had passed out, and was snoring lightly on her chest. Without a care in the world. He supposed all his training had tuckered him out, along with the draining. He just hoped he could wake up soon enough to tell miles."Hmm, wonder...if miles...made...the...team." Where the last words to leave Tyson's mouth, as he drifted off into dream world.

@Zuka mentioned @Embaga Elder @Rhodus


Katherine glanced over at Eric as he mentioned he was able to increase the size limit on his transformations. It was good to see one of her friend growing in strength. Speaking of she needed to check on her other guildmates as well just to see how much they've grown within the past few months. "Dont worry about getting carried away... It is just excitement speaking..." even though Kathy didnt really show excitement, on the inside she was bouncing off the walls. "My training has been finished for a very long time now... I now have my grip on nexus and am able to channel it almost perfectly... I had also tried to increase my magic power so I can work with my nexus..." her attention turned up to Miles as he asked about her hair and she slowly nodded "I just want a trim... It's getting harder to brush lately..." it was as if she was going to pout but she never did.


Hearing Miles train with his brother wasnt a surprise. Tyson was unique in his own way and Kathy knew that Miles was a lot stronger given his excitement from his aura in which was actually hotter than usual. "This year we will take the prize... It's about time that we win a tournament for once..." said Kathy, looking between her boyfriend and Eric. "Lets head inside and see what the guild master has chosen for a team...That is if the team is decided already..." honestly she also wanted to sneak away with Miles and make out in a corner for a little bit. But with the excitement going around, she doubted that she would get alone time with Miles till later on in the day. She could wait so it wasnt much of a big deal "Eric, you have worked on your strengths too...right? Not only your limit of your transformations but the power that you use with said transformations..."

A tall man in a white coat slowly made his way to the front of the Sabertooth guild hall. He had a very muted presence, and he seemed to fade into the background if you weren't specifically looking for him. Instead of going directly inside the guild hall, he walked over to the three Sabertooth members (Eric, Miles, and Katherine) who were talking outside the guild. As he passed them, he slipped a small piece of paper in each of their pockets, before turning back and walking into the guild hall. He continued his slow rhythmic pace as he made his way through the guild hall, seeking out the members to whom he still had to give the remaining seven slips of paper. He first slipped one of the sheets into Tyson's pocket as he was distracted by his interactions with the siren Draneri. He then proceeded to distribute the rest of them, giving one to Mizuki, Tokine, Honoka, Haruhi, Ursula, and finally Sakura. His work completed, he retired to his study on the second floor of the guild hall. 

Those who had received a slip of paper would find that it simply read: "You have been chosen to represent Sabertooth in the Grand Magic Games" followed by a number denoting which team they would belong to.

Team One:
    Mizuki Kohaku @Maki
    Tyson Redd @Solemn Jester
    Tokine Auruna @Drakerus
    Honoka Redfox @purplepanda288
    Miles Redd @Embaga Elder

Team Two:
    Haruhi Redfox @Maki
    Ursula Berrie @AtlannianSpy
    Sakura Hayano @Mitchs98
    Katherine Mae @Britt-21
    Eric Grangley @Jackaboi


Eric was glad to hear everyone else was training too. Miles had been training with his brother Tyson, of which he heard was a really great trainer but also very intense too. Katherine has also gained more control over her nexus. Eric never really understood the concept of nexus very much and he probably never will. At least that's what he thought to himself. Regardless he was getting confident with the Grand Magic Games. They were going to win for sure! Then Katherine asked if Eric trained the power of his transformations too. He replied with an excited grin. "Does smashing a giant boulder to tiny pieces count? I would demonstrate here but... I dunno if I can find any rocks big enough to desrtroy." There probably was large enough boulders but the truth was that he didn't want to risk breaking anymore windows. Almost out off nowhere however the guild master suddenly appeared walking past them. Eric just simply stared as he walked out of view. "Well that was weird..." He was about to pretend that nothing even happened until he felt something in his pocket. He took it out and saw it was a note, Eric read the contents and was more than happy with the news. "Ha! Finally! I've been chosen to fight for Sabertooths team 2 in the Grand Magic Games! I've been waiting all my life for this moment~" Eric just simply stood there staring into the distance daydreaming about the day he brings his guild to victory.


@Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Rhodus


Miles nodded his head as Kathy suggested to go inside. He honestly wanted some alone time with her before everything starts, and he'll get it one way or another. As Kathy continued talking to Eric, Miles pulled a cig out his pocket and lit it with his aura. He started drifting off looking around. He diidn't notice as his guild master came by and dropped something in his pocket. When Eric spoke excitedly Miles came back to reality and placed his hands in his pocket. Well congrats Eric, you better bring it. He said with a grin. Miles felt around in his pocket as he felt something weird there. He took it out and it was a piece of paper. He opened it and read what was inside. He chucked as he read that he was team 1. Well looks like I made Team 1. Ya for me. He said as he burned the slip of paper with his aura. He turned towards Kathy, thinking that the guild master would be an idiot if he didn't pick her too. Hey Kat, check your pockets. @Britt-21 @Jackaboi

Mirai Yamada


"How utterly boring."  Mirai once more exclaimed in a low tone that could hardly be heard by anyone, apparently talking to himself. Since he departed for a mission right after joining the same guild as his brother, he didn't got to know any of the members other than Masaki, fact that came to be especially frustrating for him during the whole travel to Crocus, as his hard-to-relate-with exterior pretty much isolated him from the rest of the group. Even his brother, that was supposed to help him with integrating in the guild developed an extremely Masaki-Like obsession for the guildmaster's library, once more forgetting about everyone and everything while engrossed in his reading.  Of course Mirai didn't originally plan to just leave him be and actually thought about disturbing his younger brother's leisure time with some of his tricks but, as soon as he opened his left eye and saw the deep-purple color covering his own body before he even started his plan, he achieved the conclusion maybe messing around with Masaki could be quite dangerous for his health and quickly dropped the idea, resulting in his current predicament: He was totally bored and without a single way of passing time other than staring at the ceiling of his room.


"You should join the guild, he said. It's like family, he said." He muttered in an annoyed tone while getting up from his bed, clearly dissatisfied with being abandoned by his own brother. He proceeded to once more put his jacket, decided to find something to do inside the mansion, maybe even talk to someone. His first thought was going to the main area as he imagined that it would be easier to find someone there, but the myriad of corridors and rooms of the mansion ended up delaying him for full twenty minutes before he finally managed to find his way to the main room. What the f-... Is everyone in this guild in a relationship? Ask forgiveness to all the single people in this world! He couldn't help but scream internally as soon as he arrived the main room, as he immediately got a sight of what could only be described as two different couples simultaneously flirting around, that seriously menaced making him depressed. How I'm supposed to talk with couples? That's away too much! He somehow managed to maintain the same stern expression as ever while passing by the couples, choosing to go for a stroll around the stalls while trying to dispel the murderous thoughts directed to his younger bother for getting him into a guild of sweethearts.


In his own urge to find some distraction in buying random stuff in the stalls that covered a big part of the city during tbe magic games, he managed to ignore his surroundings to the point of doing something that was hardly common for someone supposed to be capable of avoiding misfortune: bumping into a fellow mage( @Britt-21 ). The person in question appeared to be a blonde female as tall as himself and quite the beauty by what he could see before accidentally colliding his body against her, giving birth to a sense of awkwardness inside Mirai's head, albeit hardly showing any impact in his countenance. I should probably apologize... Was the first thought that crossed his head, unfortunately this thought was immediately suppressed by his habit of acting in an obnoxious way with strangers that resulted in a single small yet rude sentence directed to the blonde in an annoyed tone: "Are you blind!?"



Vaguely mentioned:



Timothy Harvard: The Grand Games 


[SIZE= 18px]Timothy listened in as he continued talking to Hibiki about the different topics such as the Grand Magic Games, the ocean and the kind of rank he is currently in. Although Hibiki shared some advice, he felt that Hibiki could never understand the kind of situation he was in. The difference was too large from a logical standpoint, Hibiki being a descendant of a strong Fairy Tail Mage along with the ability to use powerful magic compared to a machine built with the inability to do so, how could there be a relation? However he still held the wisdom to his non existent heart. Until suddenly another person showed up, he didn't know who he was but he does recognize him as being one of his guild mates. Apparently more people train in the mountains than he thought. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Um...Good Morning to you too? I...um" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he awkwardly stopped talking since Timothy has no idea who he is and why he would bring up such a weird question as to liking rock, Timothy has always been more of a orchestral kind of person due to the more melodic tone of the music. He turned his head back to Hibiki who offered to spar with him once the games were over. His mind raced over the opportunities he could come up by learning from fighting him however h[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]is thoughts were soon stopped when the guild master Aria appeared out of nowhere, he flinched a bit and took a step back wondering what brings her here. [/SIZE]" You three, I'm glad I found you. You're all going to be representing Fairy Tail this year! "[SIZE= 18px] [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]Her eyes seemed fierce with an ignited passion but the rest of her expression was soft and inviting, remaining so even as she peered curiously at the crater that Timothy had made. [/SIZE]" When you're ready.... "[SIZE= 18px] She motioned towards the results of his training before continuing. [/SIZE]" Please make your way back to our residence and find the meeting room. I'll be splitting everyone up into two teams accordingly. Try not to take too long... " [SIZE= 18px]she said as Aria walked towards Timothy with her fingers trailing off his shoulder, he got a bit of goosebumps wondering what she would be doing. He sincerely hoped that she didn't find out anything too strange about him despite his efforts to look and act normal. It was quite frightening to Timothy, how she circled around him like a Tiger about to pounce on her prey, but she disappeared without a trace and is to be assumed that she went back to the lodging area where all Fairy Tail members have gathered. "I-I....I got picked?...b-but how?" he quietly asked himself while pleased he got picked, he was also extremely nervous.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]He looked at both Hibiki and Raa about this and soon he realized that he was about to take part in the games. His mind felt a bit woozy and stressed out by the fact that he is about to represent Fairy Tail. He, the only member in the entire guild, who can't even use a single spell. "I'll see you in the meeting room. Make sure you get there as soon as you can!" Hibiki said and in a flash, he sped off like lightning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Timothy just stood there, speechless and unable to even talk. Even after Hibiki left, Timothy's mind was racing over the possibilities of how it could be played out. His face completely pale and blank as he turned to Raa and turned back as he grabbed his bag and headed for the lodging. He walked there, down the mountains with the still pale blank face and his mind was still a jumbled mess until he started blurting out random information due to the stress of the fact that he was about to be a part of the games. The weird part was that he was talking in a a funky monotone voice. [/SIZE]"GREETINGS HELLO! MY NAME IS ERROR AND I LIKE PINEAPPLES! WAIT...WHAT? BEEP BOOP GAMES MAGIC....I CAN'T USE MAGIC ERROR 404 NOT FOUND...WHAT IS LIFE? DELETE DELETE COLON ERROR STRESS STRESS STRESS...SHOULD I JOIN THE GAMES? WAIT NO...I SHOULDN'T...MAYBE I SHOULD JOIN OUT...LOGICAL SOLUTION CONFIRM-ERROR DOES NOT AGREE WITH ID PROGRAM....FINDING SOLUTION....WAITING" he stopped from a moment as his head drooped down for a minute before jolting back up and walking only to spit out more gibberish than before. [SIZE= 18px]"I'MMMMMMM-I'MMMMM W-W-W-WALKING ON SUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSHINE...OHHHHHHHH....I-I-I-I-I-MEMEMEMEMEMEMEM I DO NOT, DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE...WAIT, SORA....INPUT NEEDED....BEEP BOOPS....BOOBS....INFORMATION RE DIRECTORY NOT FOUND...STRESS OVERLOAD IMMINENT...MUST FIND COUNTER SOLUTION TO PROBLEM....ERROR....WAIT WHAT ABOUT SORA? HAS NOT SEEN SORA FOR APP-PROXIA-MITELY...BEEP ERROR DATA IS NOT SUFFICIENT FOR CALCULATION...ERROR...." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]Timothy formed a fist with his arm and punched himself in the face which made him dizzy causing a fall onto the hill, making him roll downwards with extreme speed, all the way to Crocus.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]A long roll later, Timothy finally managed to get to Crocus after slamming his face into a nearby building. He stood up and rubbed off all the dirt he had accumulated from the roll as he looked like he got into a fight with a bear. "Darn....welp...I feel really dizzy....if only I had boobs then maybe I could have stopped myself from falling." he said to himself, making a mental note on how to get them to prevent falling. "Perhaps I can ask...oh...right" he remembered that Sora had gone away for a while and has yet to be seen. Since then, he's been trying to keep up with the rest of the guild in terms of strength, speed and power. He touched the mark on his shoulder, it meant a lot to him this mark. Timothy smiled a bit gloomy and wondered if she was alright. A logical conclusion was made up in his mind. In order to keep the stress, anxiety, sadness and pain away temporarily, he decided to use a function he thought he would never use. "It'll just be a little while...it's not like it will hurt right? Just for a moment until I can get myself together again..." he said as he closed his eyes, his expression of fatigue turned into one of emptiness, as if his soul was removed. Timothy had reprogrammed himself to be emotionless, only until the meeting has ended and by that time, he can return to become his normal self again. He enters the lodge, marching with firmness and a serious demeanor. As he walked around, he managed to find the meeting room, he enters the room with proper stance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]"Greetings everyone, I have arrived. Master Aria, I believe I have been chosen to participate in this event. Whatever the plan is, I will follow it without question." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a booming and harsh tone unlike his normal voice. He scanned the room and saw many guild members, he walks to a nearby seat and awaits the other's arrival.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Jackaboi @FreeZing @Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Isune @Britt-21[/SIZE]

Aleria cleared her throat, calling for the attention of the members present. If there were people not present she would ask them to pass along the message. "Hello and good morning to everyone!" She greeted as she unfolded the piece of paper she was holding. "I trust you are all rested and in working condition." She added. "As you all know we are here to participate in the Grand Magic Games. I have selected the members for the teams, they will be representing the best of Blue Pegasus for the events. I don't mind that you lose, what's important to me is that you all did your best. With that being said I will now announce the participants for the events."

"For out first team we have Kirin, Alara Rezonai, Taylor, Brandheart Moses, and Celestia Corona. For our second team we have Yamato, Veniano Avenoz, Inari Hakuzo, Rosaline Dreyar, Acus Bombastus, and Iris. Finally, our reserve member for the both teams, we have Kazuo Takara." She folded back the paper. "Now that the members have been distributed I would like to go over a few reminders. You are members of Blue Pegasus so i expect you to be on your best behaviors and not to embarrass yourselves. Try not to hurt yourselves too much, although I have little hopes that that's going to happen...That will be all, oh if there's anyone I mentioned that isn't here can you please go tell them? Thank you, you may all go unless you have any questions."
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@Embaga Elder @Jackaboi @Rhodus(briefly mentioned)


Kathy noticed their Guild master before he even gotten close but she hadnt said anything. She did look at Eric though once their master stopped by in silence and walked off as he pulled a paper from his pocket and announced he was part of the Grand Magic Games. Team 2 to be exact. So their master decided to put two teams into the games. "Congratulations..." Kathy said before she felt Miles moving around a bit which caused her to give him her attention and noticed he was searching his pockets too. Miles had pulled out the same paper, announced the team he was in and then burned it before telling her to check her pockets as well.  Sadly she didnt have pockets like the others did but she did reach her arm behind and go into her hood which was still down and pulled out the piece of paper.


"I think I got into a team as well..." taking both her hands, she slowly opened it to reveal that she was indeed on a team. But she was on Team 2 with Eric. Not that she minded. But she did know that Miles would want to protect her if they were on the same team so it as best that they werent just so no accidents would happen. Besides, she could work well with just about anyone or by herself. Sadly Lionel wont be around to help her with flying so she'd have to rely on her legs. Lucky for her she did some jogging too. Just to get stamina up... Not to mention she did some other things but she wasnt going to talk about that "I'm on team 2 with Eric..." her eyes lifted and glanced at Eric "At least I can see you break something into a million pieces now..." from the sound of her words, she was meant to be joking but she wasnt quite sure if they were going to laugh.


But knowing her boyfriend, he could tell when a joke was said. Despite her low and soft voice. "Lets go inside in case  Master Sho makes an announcement. If we miss it, we might miss something crutial..." Kathy crumbled the paper and tossed it to Lionel who breathed out fire and burned it to a crisp. For a little dragon, he sure had some stomach for fire. Kathy put her hood back up as Lionel landed on Eric's shoulder because he felt like it. Lucky for Eric he wasnt in trouble with Lionel.





@Spanner @Arius LaVari(briefly interacted with)


Evelyn had waved the other blonde with a smile "See ya!" it was nice to know that there were still good people out there. Not to mention that Celestia was an interesting wizard. "I'll be rooting for you blondie." muttered Evelyn before moving to a nearby shop which happened to be a bar. Having some tables outside but it was packed on the inside "Eh what the 'eck." the blonde headed inside and went to get herself a drink. Though, Time passed as she downed one after another and she wasnt even drunk yet, just a little tipsy. Finishing off the last drink, she headed out for a walk and thus, it didnt take her long to bump into a male. For her, no awkwardness was made and she did raise her eyebrow before opening her mouth to speak, only to be asked if she was blind in a very rude manner "Well then."


Her hands were placed on her hips now as she stood in front of the red-eyed man "And 'ere I thought I was going to apologize to you but after that... I dont think I will." by the look on her face, she was serious but also her cheeks were slightly red. "Calling people blind isnt really nice either because what if I was? You would 'ave offended a blind person. Not to mention that if you spoke like that to my brother 'e'd send you into the next decade. Lucky for you, I'm not like 'im. Though I 'ave heard stories about when people piss me off when I'm drunk. Again, you're lucky because im not drunk. Tipsy actually." it wasnt so much of a rant but more it was a lecture mixed with a warning. Throwing her hands behind her head, she turned away from the man and began to walk towards the bar again "Join me if I really interest you. I need a drinking partner."


A drinking partner, a best friend/friends... Just something to fill the void for now.  Why was someone such as Evelyn Faust so... down? Was she really that upset about misisng her brother? Maybe she just needed time to heal and this was her way of healing. Taking in a deep breath, she let it out in a loud sigh "Awww man this sucks..." then she walked right back into the bar and got another drink for herself. Of course her thinking about her brother wasnt really helping the situation. So she decided to just think of something else. Of course that was difficult.

[SIZE= 48px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Kazuo was still in shock really, but that was until another blonde -one that he had also grew a similar liking to but not as strong and he didnt realise it was more than just like - had approached him with a laugh. Offering him a snack which he took while she wiggled her eyebrows "I wouldnt say I'm very lucky, Celestia." he simply said, taking a bite of the snack and headed to where the guild was currently staying, heading inside and apparently in time to hear the announcements of the team. Kazuo knew he wouldnt be pulled into a team directly -which he was happy about- but being on reserve was actually a surprise. He didnt mind, he was emergency side and he would take it. He moved off to wherever and took a seat, knowing he was well prepared for what was to come. And if they needed him, things would be a lot more crazy. He was glad that Rosa and Celest got in. Both of them were quite the fighters in their own way.


He closed his eye and just relaxed for now. Despite already gone out and got cookie fries. The excitement was getting to him already and he didnt like it very much either.


@Zuka @Arius LaVari @Happy Red Mage(mentioned slightly)




Zephyr had been gone for quite some time and for the most part it was entirely on purpose. After following in Masaki's stead and leaving Sabertooth he soon found himself applying for the same guild that the little snotty red head had joined; all for some girl he reckoned but that wasn't enough to make him abandon him. Masaki was one of the extremely rare few that he could even tolerate, yet alone find love for in his heart and it would probably always remain that way. An annoyed groan escaped his lips as he shoved his face further into his pillow as if this would shut out the daylight and somehow make it night again. " That maid woman left them open on purpose... " He hissed to himself, imagining hundreds of ways to stop the woman from being able to breathe before his whole body relaxed and he just laid there like a deflated balloon. The sun shining through seemed to intensify and with a displeased sound, he pushed himself up and out of bed, hands fumbling for a few things. " Stupid Magic Games, stupid Masaki, stupid Maya telling me to hide away in this oh sooooo fancy glorious hotel where we leave the damn curtains open to make people suffer once the sun rises. " His rant continued as he shuffled into the bathroom and got ready for the day, fingers combing through his hair to try to tame the crazed strands as a last touch. " Whatever, looks fine. The little squirt better not try to attack me or worse.... hug me. " A cringe befell his entire frame at the thought of being touched in such a manner. His right eye glowed and the new Lamia Scale mark on his tongue was visible for just a moment as he stuck it out and mumbled, " Glasses ". His fingers grasped them delicately as they appeared before him and they were fluidly adorned shortly after that. A book was grabbed on the way out, fingers holding it like it was an antique as he used his Territory magic to leave the hotel room, not wanting to be seen by anyone. God forbid he runs into the lady that he was paranoid of leaving his damned curtains open. He would have probably beaten her over the head with the book he held, so leaving the incognito way it was.


A miffed look remained plastered on his face as he appeared behind Masaki, a brow raising at the disturbingly cute little blush painted on his cheeks. " Gee, Masaki, I missed you so much too. " He said in a calm tone, acting as if he had been watching the entire flustered spectacle for quite some time. There was a hint of amusement laced into his words though and that would probably grant him a death glare from the younger boy. " Don't get so irritated with me, it wasn't my idea. " His gaze averted to the side as a hand rose to his face, fingers pushing his glasses up as a sort of mental distraction. " I figured the head hanco lady would have broken the news to you by now, I guess she just wanted to watch you sulk around... Maybe she's a sadist. " He mused to himself, holding out a book. " Here's the one I promised you before I left. Try not to use it as a weapon to hurt me, it's quite valuable. " Zephyr knew that no matter how livid Masaki was, he valued books enough to not destroy them. "  Oh, by the way. " His tongue slipped past his lips to reveal the guild mark that matched Masaki's own before he recoiled it with a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. " The guild master understood my desire to watch out for you like I have since you were younger. I guess she's not that bad... " Zephyr tended to have mixed feelings about other people, specifically women since he avoided them like the plague. The Guild Master was kind though, he'd admit, and a worthy person for him to respect. As long as he was around the tyrant Masaki though he didn't entirely care too much where or what he was a part of. Zephyr leaned down slightly, finger reaching out to repetitvely poke Masaki's scarlet cheek. " Is that because of me or your girlfriend? " And there was the usual fun jabs, right on cue.


@LeSoraAmari @Maki (mentioned~ )
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