[E.M.A.] E.M.A. Sidequest

He nodded and smiled a little. "During war, any chance for peace that you can find should be enjoyed. It's a rare chance." he said. "Enjoy it while you can, you know? The hotel is right over there." he said, pointing to a tall, black building shining in the moonlight. "It's one of the best around here. Full service, and close to most o the major events in this sector." He smiled a bit, she still looked awfully tense. Maybe a few days out of the fray would help.
Jade nodded figuring she should take Adam word on it. A side from the invasion and the chaos that followed after She had no experience with actual war. Fighting in a monitored rings was extremely different than war to be honest. "Sounds pretty nice then." She returned the small smiled following Adam down the street. The planet was definitely different than the others she had been on there was a hell of a lot more life and it was the first place untouched by influence from either sides of the way. Like some kind of neutral zone away from the chaos.
He kept close to her, not because of any danger, but because she intrigued him. "You're a girl of few words, I'll give you that." he said with a small smile, leading her across the skyways that stretched over the busy streets. He strolled along, not in any rush to get to the hotel. The planet was abuzz with creatures of all types, all of them seemingly unconcerned with the troubles the galaxy was in. The war was between the Aladar and the Senate, and Elysium was far enough away from the middle of it that they were safe.

He opened the doors to the hotel and walked inside, the cool air refreshing. He walked up to the lobby and handed the girl at the desk their papers. She gave him two keys and smiled, which he returned as he walked towards the elevators. "So... What do you like to do for fun?"
Jade took in the sites abot overloaded from eveything the past days. It was a bit of a jump going drom missions stress and tension to well calm and peaceful. "Hm? Usually work on lightning or figure out new tech. Didnt really do much else even on ear save for mech fighting."
Adam nodded, getting into the elevator with her. He thought for a moment. "You have an interesting idea of fun." he said with a small smile. "I'll see what we can do. I'm sure we can find something you'll really enjoy here."

They reached the floor their rooms were on, and when the doors opened there was a hallway leading down to a single set of double doors. He smiled a bit and made his way to the doors, opening them. Inside was a giant room, almost a half a floor devoted to one single room. "Here we are. Our rooms are over there, there's a kitchen, living room, separate showers... I hope you like it."
"Eh yeah I guess I do... but I grew up in a junk yard." She shrug "A kids gotta find a hobby what better way then to take advantage of what she has in front of her. I used to race a bit around the neighborhood but it wasn't very often." She explained. She paused at the door way of the room they were sharing and was honestly surprised at the size of it "its huge..." she muttered looking around. "More like an apartment then a hotel room."
Adam smiled a bit. "Well, if racing's your thing, I know there's a few going on. Elysium's known for having some of the fastest and most dangerous speedbike courses in this sector." he said with a grin. "But first, I think a shower and some clean clothes are in order." he said, glancing over at the table. There was a small datapad there, which he picked up and handed to her. "It's a catalog, you may find something you want in there. Don't worry about cost, the Senate can cover the bill. One of the perks of being an Agent." he said with a small chuckle.
"Not sure about dangerous but fast works for me." She chuckled softly. She accepted the datapad blinking a few times. "You sure? I have some credits of my own already."
"Of course. Compliments of the Senate." he said with a small chuckle. He made his way towards his room, glancing back at her. "I'll be right back, go ahead and pick whatever you want. It'll get delivered here through that." he said, pointing to a panel on the wall. With a smile he turned and disappeared into his room, closing the door behind him. He really hoped that she would actually relax on this little trip. It would do her good.
"ok then..." she muttered before looking down at the data pad looking through the catalog taking not of the odd fashions, funny enough they weren't terribly different from some of the fashion on earth. She found something to her liking simple but still fit in. There was a soft ping and a package materialized in the panel. "Well then... puts next day delivery to shame..." she chuckled softly putting the pad on the table and grabbing the box before going into her room.

She took a look around the room noting it was just as grand as the rest of the suit. She set her bag down and made her way to the bathroom happy to get a chance to take a shower. She didn't know why but showers helped her relax and let go of the stress that weighted heavily on her. she took a bit longer in the shower than anticipated but felt a ton better from it. She towel dried her hair letting it dry on its own in loose waves before dressing in the clothes she ordered which was a pair of dark gray pants that were similar to jeans but much softer and fitted. She had a light blue half sleeve shirt. She opened caught sighed of her reflection and smiled slightly feeling a lot better and it showed quite a bit as well. She brushed out and pulled her hair back into braid before going back out into the living room.
Adam came out into the living room shortly after she did, his hair slicked back and damp. "You look fantastic... Feeling better?" he asked, smiling a bit. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. After a few moments he draped his jacket over a nearby chair, smiling a little. "I'll see what I can find for races. Unless you'd like to get dinner first?"
She smiled slightly and nodded "Yeah much better. Dinner sounds greats honestly." She replied. "Preferably some something that doesn't move when you try to eat it."
Adam blinked, chuckling a bit. "That can be arranged. I've heard the steakhouse here is great." He picked up the datapad and looked through the list of restaurants that were in the area. "Luckily the place here is casual, I don't think I look very good in a suit." he joked, glancing over at her. "If you want, we can head there now. To be honest I'm starving."
Jade nodded slightly "Same here honestly" She smiled a bit before heading out of the hotel room with Adam heading down to the lobby looking forward to eating some hopefully normal food. She was slowly getting used to the strange food the universe had to offer though some of it did not agree with her stomach.
He glanced over at her as they made their way back towards the elevator. "Oh, I don't know. I think you'd look beautiful in an evening gown." he said slyly, stepping into the elevator as it opened. As they headed down he pulled up a list of races going on that night, picking up a pair of tickets to one that was going on nearby. It was a semi-final race, with some of the best riders in the galaxy coming to compete. It should be interesting.

It didn't take long for them to make their way towards the restaurant, a nicely furnished place that looked very similar to something she would find on Earth. Once they were seated he looked at the menu, thinking for a moment. "Order whatever you'd like. I think you'll find that the food here is very similar to what you had on Earth."
Jade flushed softly at the compliment . "Eh... dresses were never really my thing..." she admitted. She saw him still on his data pad and figured he was writing up some kind of report for the mission. "It's really lively here." She muttered. They got to the restaurant and felt a little more comfortable with the slightly familiar surroundings. "That would be great..." she smiled slightly once they got the menus she looked it over most of the foods were similar of only oddly colored. She settled on some stake with odd vegetables something re recognized and didn't make her sick
He looked over the menu, choosing a plate of steak and potatoes. He smiled a bit, making his order before turning to her. "This planet is a very popular spot. No matter what time of the day or night, you'll always find it's pretty busy. Nothing really closes around here." he said, folding his arms on the table. "So, I got us tickets to the semi-final races of the Tarathian Open. It's one of the biggest hoverbike races in the galaxy, so the competition should be pretty intense." he said with a grin. "It's a race I've always wanted to see in person."
"Should make for a pretty interesting stop then." she smiled slightly. "Ahh sounds like a lot of fun. Races are usually pretty great to watch more fun to be part of." she chuckled lightly
He chuckled a bit. "I agree. The racing here, though... It's a lot faster than what you're used to seeing. Most of these bikes get up to about three hundred miles an hour." he said, grinning a bit. "Honestly, if I wasn't an Agent, I might've taken up a career in racing. I follow the races whenever I have time to watch them." he said with a small smile, nodding when their food was brought over. He started eating, not realizing how hungry he was.
"If mechs weren't around I would have done the same. But 300 miles/ hour? Doing that in a mech is one thing but on a bike seems a bit insane." She chuckled. "Still going to be interesting to watch." She smiled slightly before seeing the food was available and her stomach growled. She dug into her meal feeling starved as well the food was admittedly delicious.
Adam chuckled a bit. "It's pretty crazy. Some of the crashes can be pretty brutal." It would be fun, taking her to a race like that. Still, somewhere in the back of his mind he was preparing for the backlash that he would undoubtedly get from Eli when they got back to Oren's ship. Still, this was probably for the best, at least for Jade. She needed time away from the constant combat and stress.

It wasn't too long before he was finished, already feeling much better.
"I can imagine" jade finished her meal as well "That was really good." she sighed before finishing what was left of her water. She honestly felt much better than when they landed. Perhaps what she needed really was a break from everything a chance to recharge even if it was just to go back and deal with the stress once more. "I tried a hover bike, Oren has one. Managed to get the hang of it but never got that fast."
Adam smiled. "They're tricky machines, that's for sure." he said, paying their tab. He stood, watching her for a moment. "Shall we? The race should be starting soon." he said, watching her for a moment. He could see her becoming a decent racer, though the work that they were doing now for the Senate was quite a bit safer.
Jade nodded slightly "Yeah." She got up as well feeling slightly bad that he seemed to be covering everything though apparently it was all on the senate so she had some mixed feelings. She followed him out and towards the arena feeling more at ease. The streets were more crowded as they got closer to the arena and the energy picked up with excitement of all of the racer fans. She stayed close to Adam no wanting to get separated from him.
As they walked, Adam began to finally feel at ease. He smiled warmly at her, making sure to keep her close by. The crowd was energized, which gave Adam a feeling of excitement he hadn't felt in a long time. "This should be fun." he said, extending the crook of his elbow for her to take it. "I'll be your escort for the evening, if that's alright. We don't need to get separated in this crowd."

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