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Fandom Dragons:The Riders of Berk (Still Accepting)

Should this Role Play have a plot to it?

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Aqua said:
Upon seeing that the dragon wanted to fight right away with no talking Kira hardens all his scales and dodges the fire running towards Fafnir picking him up and slamming him after that Kira says "why are you fighting me we are both powerful dragons and on top of that you attack me on sight I hope your prepared" he says as his eyes turn black and blue and the other turns black and red.
Waiting for the right moment to strike, Fafnir quickly pushes Kira back before he could get close to him with a strike from his tail before unleashing a continuous stream of fire at the smaller dragon. Do you you truly believe that you can slay the great Fafnir? I will devour you!"
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When Kira was pushed back he rolled knocking down a lot of trees thensragon was a little bigger but Kira was ready for a fight the fire did minimal damage to him but burnt off a couple scales but they'll grow back so Kira shoots out a giant stream of white fire at Fafnir not letting him get the upper hand as his tail defended him getting ready for a attack.

Aqua said:
When Kira was pushed back he rolled knocking down a lot of trees thensragon was a little bigger but Kira was ready for a fight the fire did minimal damage to him but burnt off a couple scales but they'll grow back so Kira shoots out a giant stream of white fire at Fafnir not letting him get the upper hand as his tail defended him getting ready for a attack.
Preparing for the attack, Fafnir lowers his head as his hard scales stop the white fire from causing damage to his body. Once Fafnir blocked Kira's fire, he begins to slowly make his way toward Kira with his belly to the ground while preparing to strike at the smaller dragon with his tail if he tried to attack hi.
Kira saw the other dragon was trying to get close for a attack and said "your foolish" as he went in the sky high enough and dive bombed to the ground landing on the little bigger dragon but Kira wheithed more because of the figures and he starts tearing scales off of the dragons back with his claws and teeth.

Skor walked out of his small cottage and started walking into the village of Berk with Sky-Ripper right behind him. The skrill may not like humans, but she loved the way the people of Berk treated her...so long as they didn't touch her without permission.

Skor stopped at the forge and peaked inside at Saga "...don't mess up." he said after a moment trying to startle her.
Aqua said:
Kira saw the other dragon was trying to get close for a attack and said "your foolish" as he went in the sky high enough and dive bombed to the ground landing on the little bigger dragon but Kira wheithed more because of the figures and he starts tearing scales off of the dragons back with his claws and teeth.
Becoming highly irritated at the smaller dragon's attempts to tear of his durable scales, Fafnir breathes out a continuous stream of fire out of his mouth onto the ground next to him, causing Fafnir's entire body to be covered in flames he tries to remove the pesky dragon from his back.
Amik snarled, pupils turning from small black orbs to think slits. The young dragon backed his rump against the house, tail sweeping around to the side of his body. He looked to each side, teeth bared as he searched for an escape. He dropped down into his front legs and almost pounced at the broken part of the fence, darting away from the World Eater. He sped off, charging through the small town very quickly, tail bashing on the sides of houses and ruining gardens. He looked halted as he reached a cliff, staring down at the churning ocean. He looked behind him, wings fidgeting with fear of being killed.
(I wasn't out of the cave yet O.o but thats fine)

With a single mighty flap, Alduin was airborne, the fire in his eyes burning ever hotter as he spotted his prey. He swooped over the head of the dragon, a loud screeching roar emanating from deep within.

"TOOR SHUUL!" The roar came out, an ancient draconic language lost to the humans, as an unholy inferno came forth from Alduin's mouth, the fire he sprayed much hotter than what nature could make.

High in the air and over the clouds where the sky went dark white feathered wings spread wide as Asta lazily glided threw the air careful not to wake the human who spoiled her as he slept on her back. This was something that happened often as her rider seemed to like sleeping in the stars. Finding time was rapidly passing Asta flew down back to Berk and sent her human flying off her back to lay on the ground. When he did not awake she placed her head on him finally making him stir in time for sounds of a commotion to reach their ears.
Kira saw what the dragon was trying to do and jumps off while he ripped a giant chunk of scales off that was what he was aiming at so after he gets off he looks at the dragon lighting his white flames going all the way down his spine and says "you want to finish this then come to the island where the village called berk is we can finish this little fight on my half of the island ok you pest" he said as his ginormous wings open and he starts to fly at sonic speed.

(Happy he's a giant ass dragon that's related to the night wing)

@Barbas @bloodydaimyo

(And sorry it's bad I'm tired everyone)
(Oh, lol. Whoops.)

Amik arched his back like a cat, eyes wide as he viewed the entire body of Alduin. He rattled his crest scales and retorted, "Kun fonaar!" Sending a charge of blue power at the dragon. He hovered his belly close to the ground so he could run quickly, not for any sort of protection as his obsidian-like scales covered his whole body. Amik's tail lashed as he, again, scanned the area for a way to escape this fight.
Seeing that the small dragon was fleeing after failing to remove his impenetrable scales, Fafnir emits a loud roar as begins to quickly fly towards the island known as Berk with the intentions of killing the pest and plundering the villiage.
Alduin didn't bother to dodge as the bolt of energy hit him in the chest. Although it offset his flight path slightly, it otherwise had no effect. A deep rumble came from the dragon's chest in a sort of chuckle as it slammed down between the rest of the town and the small creature, towering nearly three times it's size, staring it in the eyes calmly. Alduin paced pack and forth slowly, crouched down, still watching the smaller dragon.
As soon as Kira got on his turf he looked up into the sky and let out a roar that could be heard around the whole island, he did this to let the dragon that was ignorant enough to fight him for no reason know what island he was on letting all dragons that could here it listening as well, he had intentions of defeating this dragon sending it back to where it came from.

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Amik kept in his curled ball of fear, keeping up his confident facade as he growled and snarled at the giant dragon. "Hin raaz dreh ni verluz zey! Kun fonaar!" He spat, sending another charge at the dragon. His crest scales rattled louder as his energy was lowered, pupils dialating as he examined the World Eater. His claws dug into the packed earth, tail sweeping back and forth as his thoughts were consumed by the fear of being exterminated.

(Using thuum.org 'cause I'm cool like that)
Alduin tanked another shot, and growled at the insect before him.

"Mey. Zu'u los unahzaal, Zu'u vis ni oblaan. Zu'u los Alduin"

Before he could strike however, Torrig saw the fear in the small one's eyes. He dismounted from Alduin.

"Alduin. Leave him be." He commanded, to which the great creature complied, laying down beside his master.

Torrig approached the other dragon slowly and cautiously, reaching out a hand to touch it's head gently.
Deciding that the pathetic excuse of a dragon challenging was not worth his time, Fafnir begins to fly toward the village of Berk. As soon as Fafnir gets close enough to the villiage, he begins to breath out streams of fire onto the buildings as he circles the village in his search for something to take back to his hoard.
(As much as I'd love to get in to a massive dogfight with a dragon twice the size of mine, I'mma head to bed peeps. Night!)
Sky-Ripper visually shifts in annoyance before bellowing at the Dragon attacking Berk. Skor immediately jumped onto the back of Sky and she shot straight into the sky and quickly climbed above Fafnir
Amik bolted away as soon as the dragon's rider dismounted, obviously heading towards the Cove. He sped through the forest, quickening his pace as he heard the roar of a different dragon breathing fire down onto Berk. He leapt down into the sinkhole, spreading his wings to soften the fall. he took a few more steps forward once he landed, looking up to make sure no dragons were following him. He snarled and hid near a rock, curling up and getting ready to shoot another charge if need be.
After circling the village a few times, Fafnir lands on the ground and begins to tear into the storage room containing the village's weapons. After a few moments, Fafnir tears down the wall and grabs a large amount of weapons and armor in his mouth before flying off towards the island containing his hoard.
Kira was pissed that this dragon had the audacity to challenge him and then not fight him, so Kira spreads his massive wings and starts to take flight roaring loudly bolting towards Fafnir in a pissed off mood usually Kira wasn't like this and was peacful to the village but Fafnir pissed him off and his flames on his back turned into spikes as he flew towards the village but sees he is gone and lands in the village looking in the direction that pathetic dragon went roaring to never come back.

(His roars sounds like godzillas)

I'm going to bed see ha tomorrow
Sky-Ripper plunged from the sky right above Fafnir and shot a bolt of electricity at the bigger dragon's head, looking to dislodge the weapons it had stole from the village
Abigail rested peacefully on her bed, the hot, sweet smell of the furnace filling her mind.

But the heat didn't stop. It just intensed, and Abigail sarted getting worried. Just burnt bread. Just... burnt... bre- Abigail's eyes shot open and she sat straight up as the roars of dragons erupted in her eardrums. She jumped off of her bed, and burst into her brother's room. He was still asleep. She then sprinted to her mother and father's room, swinging the door. The two were sleeping peacefully under the covers. She kept the door open, and looked around frantically. Her heart was beating, Abigail's andreline pumping. The young teen ran outside, the intense heat hitting her skin. Fire lapped at multiple houses in Berk, and Abigail felt her legs shaking. Despite her panic, dragons flew above the town, spilling puckets of water on the large fires. Abigail ran outside, checking to make sure the bakery, which was also her home, wasn't on fire. And it wasn't. Another scream burned her ears, and the worried girl spun around.
Losing only a few weapons from the attack, Fafnir quickly flies into the entrance to the large cavern where his hoard is located so that he can add the remaining weapons to his hoard.

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