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Fandom Dragons:The Riders of Berk (Still Accepting)

Should this Role Play have a plot to it?

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Get Jinxed
Berk, a small island that's twelve days North of Hopeless and a few degrees South of Freezing to Death (the latter two being either figurative modes of speech or, less likely, actual, comically-named places), is located solidly on the Meridian of Misery in the @Archangel Galdrael )








1. Fafnir (@Aqua )

5. Plesia (
@Yonsisac )

6. Lock (
@azimuth )




1. Abigail (@crypsalis but may change)

2. Autumn Leafrott (@Obnoxious )

Cheif and Son/Daughter or both

1. Chief : Torrig Mikkelson (@bloodydaimyo )

2. Daughter: Turunn (@Jinx )

3. Son: Leif (@Hel )

Weapon makers

1. Master: Yaffa (@CasualDragon )

2. Apprentice: Saga (@Hel )





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The Rp will start shortly, once we have a few more people join :3
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Torunn woke up in bed, she looked around and saw that it was about noon. She sat up and stretched, yawned and then stood. She walked to the chair in her room and through on the rest of her clothes, she brushed and bradded her hair and opened the door to her room. "Dad?! You still here!" She yelled into the quite house. She yawned once more and went to the kitchen and grabbed a pice of bread and eat it. She went to the fire place that was smoking now and sat down in front of it. "DAD!!" She screamed once more as she later back and looked at the ceiling.

(Here ya go, May the rp begin!!)
In a large cavern beneath a small, uninhabited island made up of only large rocks located in the middle of the Archipelago, the giant, greedy dragon known as Fafnir lays sleeping over his vast hoard made up of gold coins, cups, swords, armors and the burned remains of those who tried to steal his treasure. While Fafnir is sleeping, a large stalactite within the cavern suddenly falls down from the top of the cavern and hits Fafnir's massive armored head, causing the red dragon to slowly awake from his slumber. Once fully awake, Fafnir begins to stretch his large his wings before flying through the cavern's entrance. Just as Fafnir leaves the cavern, he begins to fly around while searching for an island to plunder.

(will post for Plesia later)



It stood Up on a Hill far in the woods,hiding under the shadow of a tree,its Bright orange eyes were deep in color as its watches prey,there was a pack of deers on the bottom of the hill eating grass as Jabber the Jabberwock stood up there watching and geting ready,he stood up his Long Body that was longer than a screaming death itself,Jabbers body was zig zag form as he stood just so he dint take much space but soon he grin,he would turn his head back and would look at his own tail,bitting down on it taking as much as he could in his mouth,Using his Masive claws he would tilt himself upright as he was inform of a circule,his body stiff so it would not loos his Currect form and then...let go....He started rolling down the hill his spikes on his back sudently Pop out,long and deadly as he rolld looking more like a deathwheel,spikes sinking deep in to the soil as he rolled towards the deer at high speed to there doom.

All the 7 deers would raise there head as they heard only to see a black circule rolling towards them and like natural...they all scaterd to survive,Jabber would reach the bottom of the hill with enough peed to continue rolling as he started chacing one deer,his Prey zig zag trying to escape but the spike wheel chase it turning and chacing it,,sudently SNAP! the sound of Cracking bones can be heard as jabber ran over the deer killing it ofcourse with those spikes,he would let go of his tail and sudently unfold and fall on his four limbs with the deer stuck to his back...Chacking his body the dead deer would fall off him,as he would wrap his Body around it and Open his mouth as slowli he drag his jaw on the deer eating it whole,after a few Minutes the deer was Gone and a Bulge can be seen on Jabbers Thin Body like that of a snake wen they eat,Jabber would Coil himself around a tree like a snake his head on the ground as his claw rested beside it,his large Orange eyes would close as he soon fell asleep.....he was full and no need for more food for now.​
Cycla stepped off of her fishing boat With Seaspray on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and signed. "Well, squirt, who are we visiting today?" Seaspray chirped and looked at the hut where Torunn as. "I do have something for her father....." she headed for the door and knocked. "Torunn?" she called out.
Torunn layer there tip she heard her name and a knock on the door. She jumped up and ran to the door, she opened it and saw cycla standing there. "Oh.. Hello." She said smiling her emerald green eyes fascinated on her dragon on cycla shoulder.
Hearing a sharp yell from downstairs, Torrig groaned. He knew there wasn't any trouble, it was just his daughter's way of telling him to get out of his room and get stuff done. He sighed as he marked his place in the book he was reading, and put it down on his desk, the heavy tome causing a satisfying thunk as it plopped on the wood.

He came down from the loft, dressed in a plain old tunic and some rough trousers, his boots thumping as he made his way down.

"Aye lass, I'm here, but do you have to make such a racket every time you get up? I can't read a thing with you yelling all the time!" He told her, with a slight grin. "Who's at the door?"
Torunn heard her dad and turned her head. "Hey daddy." She said with a slight smile, she opened the door a little more so he could see, the door creaking as she did.

On the other side Cycla stood there. "And sorry dad, I was just gonna tell ya I was leavin, but not just yet" She said leaning on the door, she smiled a little more as she looked at her dad.

She used her head to point to the girl out side.
He looked at Cycla and grinned.

"Ah come on in Cycla! Get comfy! Ya know you're always welcome here!" He said, opening the door all the way to let the girl inside.
Torunn looked at her dad as he opened the door all away and she fell on her butt with a thud. She looked up and glared at him for a second before she started to laugh a little.
Torrig chuckled heartily as her daughter fell over, giving him a death stare the whole time. He helped her up, still laughing a little.


{place: other side of the island in a cave}

Kira was sleeping in a ginormous cave twice the size of a normal village it was warm and bright the cave has never been entered by the humans on the other side of the island due to his size, Kira was always bored since he had no one to be around. So when Kira woke up he stranded on his two legs almost reaching the caverns roof then stretched his massive wings yawning. He sons starts walking to the entrance of the cave with a little shockwave going through the cave as soon as he gets to the entrance he takes off into the air to find some food on a near by island so he does not to mess with the humans so he doesn't get on their bad side the humans never bothered him so he won't bother them, so he went high up into the sky with his two massive wings to look for food.

Amik popped his head up as he awoke, laying on the bank near a large pond in the Cove, tail half submerged in the cold water. He stood on his back two legs, stretching upwards and spreading his wings, getting blood flow to each body part. He shook his head once more, a Terrible Terror hatchling leaping off of his neck where it was once hiding under his crest. He tilted his head at the tiny dragon before growling and shooting a weak charge at the creature to scare it off. He dropped down to all fours, sniffing the ground around him before charging at the stone wall of the Cove and leaping up to meet it, sharp claws leaving indents as he climbed what was once a sinkhole (probably).

Upon reaching the top, he let out a quiet whine, sharp pains stabbing at his gut as he hadn't eaten for more than a week. He crouched and set his jaw on the ground, hoping to sense any form of edible life. He raised his head slightly, pivoting and bolting away, wings folded tight against his body. Amik let out a grunt as the island suddenly ended, the dark scaled dragon free-falling for a few seconds before stretching out his wings, leaning forward so air would catch under them. His speed slowed greatly as he began to fly, streamlining across the bay to land on the other side of the island. He swerved, gliding towards the town of Berk, wings flapping occasionally out of impatience as he spotted a herd of sheep.
Torunn looked at her dad as she helped her stand up and she started to laugh a little more. She was pretty small compared to her dad but she didn't really care of her size. "Thanks for making fall over." She said, laughter in her voice as she tried to sound mad.
Aqua said:


{place: other side of the island in a cave}

Kira was sleeping in a ginormous cave twice the size of a normal village it was warm and bright the cave has never been entered by the humans on the other side of the island due to his size, Kira was always bored since he had no one to be around. So when Kira woke up he stranded on his two legs almost reaching the caverns roof then stretched his massive wings yawning. He sons starts walking to the entrance of the cave with a little shockwave going through the cave as soon as he gets to the entrance he takes off into the air to find some food on a near by island so he does not to mess with the humans so he doesn't get on their bad side the humans never bothered him so he won't bother them, so he went high up into the sky with his two massive wings to look for food.

While Fafnir is searching for an island to plunder he spots a smaller dragon flying in the distance. Having not killed anything in one hundred years while he was sleeping, Fafnir begins to stealthily fly towards Kira in an attempt to ambush the smaller dragon.
(We're the same night but I might be far enough to look little. xD )

While Kira was in the air he spotted some seers and bigger animals on a abbandon island so he goes up a little in the air and closes his wings dive bombing onto the island landing on ten deer with one foot and starts to eat them with ease but he sensed he was being stalked by another dragon his size with killing intent so he gets ready to fight standing back in two feet like a huma. And balls up his hands like a fist. (So intelligent. xD )


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Torrig ruffled her hair slightly.

"Aye, any time lass!" He said cheerfully as he walked in to the kitchen.

(Oh, and my notifications are acting up. Please tag me if you have a post that has something to do with me! Thanks!)
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Upon seeing that he was detected by the dragon he was stalking, Fafnir quickly lands on the island a few feet from Kira. Once on the ground, Fafnir crouches down in order to protect the soft areas on his belly with his extremely hard scales. As Fafnir crouches down he breathes out a stream of fire in Kira's direction.
Amik folded his wings and dove towards the flock, letting out a loud screech of joy as he landed in the chief's sheep pasture. He whipped his tail back and forth, the fence falling over as he did so. He lunged at a group of the wooly mammals, trapping two in his anthropomorphic hands, grabbing them tightly and sitting up on his back legs. He deposited each sheep into his jaws, growling greedily as he turned to the animals trying to escape through the broken fence. He darted towards them, getting his nose under the closest one and throwing it in the air, catching it with his sharp teeth.
Aqua said:
(We're the same night but I might be far enough to look little. xD )
While Kira was in the air he spotted some seers and bigger animals on a abbandon island so he goes up a little in the air and closes his wings dive bombing onto the island landing on ten deer with one foot and starts to eat them with ease but he sensed he was being stalked by another dragon his size with killing intent so he gets ready to fight standing back in two feet like a huma. And balls up his hands like a fist. (So intelligent. xD )


Upon seeing that he was detected by the dragon he was stalking, Fafnir quickly lands on the island a few feet from Kira. Once on the ground, Fafnir crouches down in order to protect the soft areas on his belly with his extremely hard scales. As Fafnir crouches down he breathes out a stream of fire in Kira's direction.
Skor was awaken by the guttural chirping of Sky. He rolled onto his side and groaned. "Five more minutes Sky..." the response he got was a loud bark from Sky as if to make him rethink his choice. Skor groaned once more in protest. "Are we under attack? If not, five more minutes!"

Sky-Ripper did not take kindly to this and roughly pushed against his cottage. "Alright, alright!" Skor sat up looking equally defeated and tired. He yawned before getting out of bed and dawning his clothing "You are a cruel Taskmaster, you know that?" His question was met with a short happy growl from Sky.
Barbas said:
Upon seeing that he was detected by the dragon he was stalking, Fafnir quickly lands on the island a few feet from Kira. Once on the ground, Fafnir crouches down in order to protect the soft areas on his belly with his extremely hard scales. As Fafnir crouches down he breathes out a stream of fire in Kira's direction.
Upon seeing that the dragon wanted to fight right away with no talking Kira hardens all his scales and dodges the fire running towards Fafnir picking him up and slamming him after that Kira says "why are you fighting me we are both powerful dragons and on top of that you attack me on sight I hope your prepared" he says as his eyes turn black and blue and the other turns black and red.
Torrig heard a bone chilling screech, and the panicked bleating of his sheep as they were being attacked by something. He glanced out his back window quickly and saw some sort of dragon destroying his livestock. He ran upstairs and grabbed an axe before coming back down, and going to the back of the house, where there was a cellar, he wasted no time in going down in to the cellar as quickly as he could. The cellar was no ordinary basement however, as directly beneath the chief's longhouse, were the dragon stables.

"ALDUIN! Ready up!" The chief called as he sprinted towards the end of the cave, where the biggest and grandest stable was set up. A massive black dragon burst straight through the gate of it's stable, sending scraps of wood flying everywhere. It's eyes glowed red, burning with bloodlust. The chief quickly mounted the creature, patting it on the head.

"Let's go! We're gonna destrooy that thing, right Alduin?!" He yelled. The dragon roared loudly in response, hard enough to shake half the island.

@Contented Calamity
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