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Fandom Detailed Naruto AU (Alternate Universe) RP?

What elements from the show should be copied/used as they are?

  • History (Such as 3 wars, not the same details behind them)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limits)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tailed Beasts (Not Jinchuuriki)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jinchuuriki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villages

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Technology ( Modern-ish without guns)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Academy (Ages for Genin coming out of the Academy)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Promotion Structure (aka Chuunin Exams, ect.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Time Skip (Period for characters to rapidly grow/advance time a few years)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not Interested

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hanarei said:
Doing my part playing Chtulu The beasts that linger in the ninja word. :P
You don't have to do you! *cries* WHY!!! We don't want Cthulu we want the fluffy bunny!!!
I'd be very interested to join! Don't have too many ideas that haven't been stated, but just showing some interest. So yeah... I'll just go now. *slips back into lurker mode*
GizmoJr said:
I'd be very interested to join! Don't have too many ideas that haven't been stated, but just showing some interest. So yeah... I'll just go now. *slips back into lurker mode*
Welcome your face to the world of ... I quess where still the ninja world, maybe we could change that.
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Ahh, I really like the idea of having smaller demons/spirit things! It keeps the element of having demon-containers, without the entire super over-powered element that the tailed beasts had in canon. Also allows for more "oh shit" moments, probably, since I'm not sure if anyone would be keeping exact tabs on who's possessed by what, if some people don't even believe they exist.

Also! More small village ideas because they're kinda fun to come up with (change them as you need, or don't use them at all, lol--I'm not particularly attached to them tbh):

Chōjōgakure [Village Hidden upon the Summit]

Chōjōgakure is a hidden village on the top of a mountain, made nearly impossible to access by the steep cliffs surrounding it. The only way to enter the village besides scaling the sheer face of the mountain is a narrow, dangerous path that winds and twines its way up between the crags. The village itself is more of a religious sanctuary than a village, however—Chōjōgakure is a temple that houses the followers and worshippers of goddess Ōkinatori (the Great Bird), who they believe to be the vessel of justice, sent by the Great Creator to cleanse the world of evil and injustice. She is portrayed as a large anthropomorphic eagle, not unlike a harpy, with the face of a woman (although with the eyes and beak of an eagle), as well as the torso of a woman. Her legs, however, are aquiline, and in place of arms she has wings. Her symbols are the eagle, peonies, and gloriosa daisies.

Ōkinatorism states that humans were created as ultimately pure beings, but were tainted by evil (the scrolls are a bit obscure on what this evil is, or how it managed to taint the humans, however), and Ōkinatori was sent down to help humanity and cleanse them of this evil. The beliefs of Ōkinatorism state that while most people have been touched by evil at some point, they can be cleansed by a simple blessing upon parting (which is why it's easy to mark a worshipper as such, due to their departing words of: "May the goddess shield your soul"). Anyone can be healed of evil by Ōkinatori, and any extreme criminals are not evil themselves, but rather possessed by an extreme evil that needs to be removed. This mindset leads to Chōjōgakure being very welcoming of outsiders, and allows anyone to join their village (including missing-nin), providing that person promises themselves to Ōkinatori first and goes through priesthood training, as well as agrees to be cleansed.

All the shinobi of Chōjōgakure are either priests or priests-in-training, and the village unique in the aspect that it allows anyone to become a shinobi if they wish to, regardless of lineage. However, there are a fair number of civilians who aren't priests but simple worshippers or refugees who have sought sanctum within the stone walls of the village. The shinobi tend to use staffs as weapons and wear feathers in their hair to mark them as priests, with more feathers signifying higher rank or age. Otherwise, outside the temple there is no requirement to wear robes, although some of the more devout followers do, in fact, remain in the dark brown robes that they don while in the temple.

There are rumors of scrolls within the temple that are taught to the more capable shinobi that teach the ability to seal away demons or remove them from their hosts, banishing them, but it's unknown if these are mere rumors or are, in fact, true (can be decided by GM).

Hanagakure [Village Hidden among Flowers]

Hanagakure is a village hidden in a large field filled with many brightly colored flowers, hence its name. The flowers' pollen is a common ingredient in most hallucinogens, and the village exploits this by planting the more powerful flowers near their gates and using wind jutsus to keep the field continuously affected by a breeze, causing the pollen to constantly fill the air. The pollen causes people to hallucinate, and prevents most travelers from discovering the village due to the fact that by the time they're anywhere near it (if they manage to wander close to it at all), they're not aware of it due to the pollen affecting their minds and a genjutsu that subtly redirects their interest elsewhere.

Of course, anyone with a strong enough will-power can break through the genjutsu, but the pollen adds an extra layer as it's a natural occurrence, rather than a jutsu technique.

Most buildings are built of wood and have windows, but lack any sort of insulation due to the typically warm weather, even during the rain season. Windowsills can be seen overflowing with blossoms.

Shinobi within the village tend to specialize in chakra control, genjutsu and poisons, and are quite frequently hired for assassination missions, while the civilians, on the other hand, are the ones who tend to the fields of flowers and help make extracts of the needed flowers that the shinobi use. Many of them are artisans who spend their days perfecting their art, and make good coin off the merchants that travel through.

The village is quite distrustful of outsiders, and only allows a single group of outsiders in once every couple of months. This group of outsiders is a traveling band of merchants approved in a contract with Hanagakure--the village allows the merchants to enter and trade wares with them, selling poisons and perfumes to them in order to be sold in other countries, and the band, in return, allows Hana-nin to travel with them under the cover of being merchants (for missions, infiltration, personal interest, or out of simple suspicion).

Suidengakure [Village Hidden in the Rice Paddies]

Suidengakure is a small hidden village in the Land of Hills (Oka no Kuni), and is, in fact, the last remaining village there. The country was once larger, but was weak and quickly fell in the face of war as it was caught in the battle of the two more powerful countries it was sandwiched between, as its inhabitants, mostly farmers, were unused to the harsh brutality of battle. However, Suidengakure managed to remain due to its nature as an information-collecting village. So many years spent between the two larger countries meant that many shinobi (often unknowingly) passed through the village in order to get to the other country, mistaking the Land of Hills as a neutral ground rather than a country with a shinobi village, and allowed Suidengakure to gather information on either side; so, when the attacks grew worse, threatening to destroy the country all together, Suiden decided it couldn't afford to lose more shinobi and threatened either side, promising to sell their information to the opposing country if they tried to attack.

Suiden itself is a smaller village, and does, in fact, hold all appearances of being a mere civilian village. Rice paddies grow besides it, the buildings are humble but well-built, and there is little way to tell civilian from shinobi, since the shinobi themselves only wear their hitai-ites when acting as a representative of their country, or while on a mission (as rare as those are). The civilians and shinobi in this village tend to be more closely intertwined than most villages, and oftentimes the civilians will gather informations from visitors before reporting it to the shinobi, who compile it with other information to form packets of information that they will sell at a price if approached about it. If there's any sort of rumor at all, Suiden has heard of it.

Its existence is somewhat precarious, however; most villages and countries will willingly send aid out of appreciation for past information or hope to garner enough favor that the village will give them information, but if one of the larger countries was to grow displeased with it the village could be easily destroyed due to its weak forces.


The shinobi tend to have Water Natures and appear to be fairly pleasant and diplomatic, although that's more of a mask that most of them are taught to assume and in no way indicates their true personalities. Also, one can never be sure if one can trust a Suiden-nin, as at any point in time they are probably remembering any revealed information for later use.


The village could be applied in some other way, in terms of information-gathering, instead of how I wrote it in there; I just put a historical/political context there that made sense to me while writing it up--if it conflicts with your history, ignore it, sorry. ^^;;

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Lurk away! I'll be getting history up today cause I'm going to force myself to get it done. *nods* A nice quick to the point timeline of sorts as reference.

@Kyubi I'd not worry about making your character yet. I'm planning on making a Character Sheet at some point... might take me a lil to make it pretty though. ^^;;

@Siri Good to see the idea is liked. :P I figure it adds a little element to the world that the show never really had. In a way it lets those who might be Jinchuuriki to exist without being some limitless holding, and in a way they can grow with the daemon inside them... or they get it removed and they suddenly aren't like useless since it was doing all the work for them. :P I'll check out your village ideas away.
Alright, I have finished up an outline of the history in timeline style. It could probably use some touching up but hopefully it functions as a good base point to go off of. Feel free to look it over and comment or suggest any bits that could use some polishing. Parts with ~ are purposely done so since there weren't any direct records at that time to keep track of dates accurately.

The Great Awakening is a period in which mankind grew to learn to manifest Chakra on a large scale. History will give a general over-view while focusing on Kemurigakure (Main village of the RP).

GA = Great Awakening.

1 GA: What was known as the Great Awakening begun a new Era. The events of what caused the Great Awakening is unknown, although knowledge of Chakra and its users had been dated over a hundred years before that, though such users were few and far between. It is around this time Kekkei Genkai began to form in human beings,

~100 GA: What was known as the first Shinobi began to appear. Chakra users who had come to better understand how to harness it started to take hold.

~150 GA: Those 'shinobi' began to butt heads, clans being established all over as a general conflict began to form as more and more individuals began to learn Jutsu.

~200 GA: The first large 'war' began. Hundreds of clans started to battle across the land working to establish dominance. Normal armies stood no chance as a shift in power began to take hold. It was

~220 GA: The terror known as the Great Beasts arose. The creatures were said to have immense power, crushing cities with ease and wiping away any shinobi that crossed their path.

~225 GA: Facing the threat of extinction, the clans who had been fighting started to band together to combat the Great Beasts. They worked together to find ways of protecting themselves from their attacks, establishing some of the first Villages.

~250 GA: Around this time, the Great Beasts started to disappear. No one is quite sure of the cause, many believing them to of been defeated or sealed away.

~255 GA: All the Beasts threatening the Villages were gone. The clans once separated decided to remain together, officially founding the Great Villages and the start of a long era of peace.

524 GA: The city of Koseki was established as a mining town by several wealthy merchants. The city was made to process the materials into Iron, a then quite new material shifting much of the Ninja world from Bronze to Iron materials.

967 GA: The village known as Kemurigakure established itself, residing on the outskirts of a large industrial town of Koseki. The village was started in order to provide the city with its own 'mercenary' presence as it began to develop a new alloy called Steel, attempting to keep its new material safe.

1136 GA: Conflict began to brew between a few villages. Small conflicts between two of the Great Villages started to unfold into large skirmishes.

1141 GA: The first great war occurred, dragging in several of the larger Great Villages. It was formed primarily over a dispute of land in which each village had control over. Kemurigakure remained neutral, Koseki acting as a neutral supplier of materials and crafted materials.

1145 GA: The 1st war ended with the signing of a peace treaty ending in a draw. A third neutral party was established creating boarders for the nations.

1148 GA: Conflict arose from several small nations. Koseki, now a rather large city in its own right elected a new set of boarders, using its wealth to help sway opinion as well as establishing itself a stronger hold within the region for business.

1176 GA: The 2nd Ninja war started due to the discovery of a Great Village attempting to help a smaller village to overthrow another. Kemurigakure became involved primarily acting as protection for Keski businessmen seeking to retain their work supplying the nations involved.

1178 GA: The war ended with an agreement to expand the area in which Shinobi would be employed for smaller villages. The great villages were given permission to work within the boarders of another nation with any operations not directly aimed against the village as being 'acceptable' in order to prevent war.

1268 GA: Koseki developed the technology of Steam power, starting work upon early forms of locomotion, greatly increasing its productivity and providing itself with more reach for its mining operations. The city itself grew into a technological wonder with some of its earliest skyscrapers being built.

1272 GA: The third great war erupted after almost 100 years of peace. What began as a conflict between three villages erupted in an all our affair forming several alliances.

1276 GA: Kemurigakure became part of the war, signing up as part of an alliance.

1282 GA: Kemuri suffered a great loss with the war, many of its ninja losing their lives as they were used as a disposable resource during the war by their alliance. The village itself retracted form the conflict.

1284 GA: A peace treaty was signed establishing to rebuild. Kemurigakure was cut out of any dealings due to them abandoning the war. The village was left to decay and die.

1286: Kemurigakure established a new leader, one of the few talented ninja left in hopes of rebuilding it back to the way it was once before.

1297 GA: A new Era of Shinobi begins in the rubble that was once Kemurigakure. Can they help bring the village back from the brink?
Oh man, for some reason I really like the detail how Kemuri backed out and then was left out of the treaty? Ahhh. Also the history as a whole is very coherent and sets up the backdrop nicely, imo. ( ^ ^ )

I would imagine there might be some bad-blood between any Kemuri-nin and any shinobi that were part of the alliance? Not enough to begin fighting again, but certainly some hostility if they met. The Kemuri-nin would probably be angry at them for not helping, while the other shinobi would be angry at Kemuri for withdrawing? Possibly? Or maybe Kemuri was too small of a force to be deemed worth any sort of anger.

It would probably be the older Kemuri-nin, though, instead of our characters, who would be hostile, as the genin were probably too young to know what was going on--unless there's an undercurrent of anger/frustration within the village that could possibly cause some of them to be aggressive towards some villages, without really knowing why? A bit how like if your parents tell you, "don't trust/like XXX sort of people", or show any sort of negative emotion, your brain (as a child) tends to pick up on that and apply it to your own views, even if you don't know why your parent didn't like XXX sort of people. (A bit like:

"So, this mission takes place in XXX..."

"Ugh, I hate XXX-nin. I hope we don't have to deal with any of them."

"What? Why?"

"My mom says they're all dirty backstabbers."


I could see Kemuri as a place that tries to keep up appearances of everything being okay (for the younger kids' benefits), but behind closed doors people are still upset about being used/exploited during the war? Or, alternatively, some of the more bitter shinobi might not try to hide their anger from the younger genin? Or something.

Just thoughts.

Oh! Also, on the history, would I be correct to assume that it'll become more specific once we have the countries/villages laid out? The only thing I can think of polishing is that some of the events are somewhat vague (ex:

Conflict began to brew between

a few

villages. Small conflicts between

two of the Great Villages

started to unfold into large skirmishes; The first great war occurred, dragging in

several of the larger Great Villages


A third neutral party

was established creating boarders for the nations;

The 2nd Ninja war started due to the discovery of

a Great Village attempting to help a smaller village

to overthrow another, etc),

and bringing actual names would help with establishing a solid history.
@Siri Exactly. :P Mostly the older Shinobi who would be overly unhappy towards the others. It doesn't mean that the younger can't know about it (I'm sure some distaste would be talked about within the village by some) but its less likely it would be overly hostile considering they wouldn't really know exactly what horrors they were put through. I'm sure those villages who were part of the alliance might even act in a similar way with some looking down on them, with the older looking at them in contempt. The village itself would try and be upbeat on it as a way to combat a sense of hopelessness, particularly in the young.

History wise a lot is vague till names are more solidly put in place, yes. :P I didn't want to hold off before all the villages were named so I gave a very generalized background in regards to that. Conflicts, particularly of more recent years would have the players more well known for sure. :)
Just realized that I forgot some information about Hanagakure, whoops—the pollen causes people to hallucinate, and prevents most people from discovering the village due to the fact that by the time they're anywhere near it (if they manage to wander close to it at all), they're not aware of it due to the pollen affecting their minds and a genjutsu that takes advantage of the mind's addered state to either direct the person in circles, or that influences their hallucinations (maybe shows them their deepest desires/daydreams and relaxes them so that the Hana-nin can remove them and place/lead them to a different location) in such a way that basically renders them harm/helpless.

I was just looking back through it and realized the entire thing about pollen and flowers didn't make a whole lot of sense without more explanation, lol. ^^;;;
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Hanarei said:
Alright, I have finished up an outline of the history in timeline style. It could probably use some touching up but hopefully it functions as a good base point to go off of. Feel free to look it over and comment or suggest any bits that could use some polishing. Parts with ~ are purposely done so since there weren't any direct records at that time to keep track of dates accurately.
The Great Awakening is a period in which mankind grew to learn to manifest Chakra on a large scale. History will give a general over-view while focusing on Kemurigakure (Main village of the RP).

GA = Great Awakening.

1 GA: What was known as the Great Awakening begun a new Era. The events of what caused the Great Awakening is unknown, although knowledge of Chakra and its users had been dated over a hundred years before that, though such users were few and far between. It is around this time Kekkei Genkai began to form in human beings,

~100 GA: What was known as the first Shinobi began to appear. Chakra users who had come to better understand how to harness it started to take hold.

~150 GA: Those 'shinobi' began to butt heads, clans being established all over as a general conflict began to form as more and more individuals began to learn Jutsu.

~200 GA: The first large 'war' began. Hundreds of clans started to battle across the land working to establish dominance. Normal armies stood no chance as a shift in power began to take hold. It was

~220 GA: The terror known as the Great Beasts arose. The creatures were said to have immense power, crushing cities with ease and wiping away any shinobi that crossed their path.

~225 GA: Facing the threat of extinction, the clans who had been fighting started to band together to combat the Great Beasts. They worked together to find ways of protecting themselves from their attacks, establishing some of the first Villages.

~250 GA: Around this time, the Great Beasts started to disappear. No one is quite sure of the cause, many believing them to of been defeated or sealed away.

~255 GA: All the Beasts threatening the Villages were gone. The clans once separated decided to remain together, officially founding the Great Villages and the start of a long era of peace.

524 GA: The city of Koseki was established as a mining town by several wealthy merchants. The city was made to process the materials into Iron, a then quite new material shifting much of the Ninja world from Bronze to Iron materials.

967 GA: The village known as Kemurigakure established itself, residing on the outskirts of a large industrial town of Koseki. The village was started in order to provide the city with its own 'mercenary' presence as it began to develop a new alloy called Steel, attempting to keep its new material safe.

1136 GA: Conflict began to brew between a few villages. Small conflicts between two of the Great Villages started to unfold into large skirmishes.

1141 GA: The first great war occurred, dragging in several of the larger Great Villages. It was formed primarily over a dispute of land in which each village had control over. Kemurigakure remained neutral, Koseki acting as a neutral supplier of materials and crafted materials.

1145 GA: The 1st war ended with the signing of a peace treaty ending in a draw. A third neutral party was established creating boarders for the nations.

1148 GA: Conflict arose from several small nations. Koseki, now a rather large city in its own right elected a new set of boarders, using its wealth to help sway opinion as well as establishing itself a stronger hold within the region for business.

1176 GA: The 2nd Ninja war started due to the discovery of a Great Village attempting to help a smaller village to overthrow another. Kemurigakure became involved primarily acting as protection for Keski businessmen seeking to retain their work supplying the nations involved.

1178 GA: The war ended with an agreement to expand the area in which Shinobi would be employed for smaller villages. The great villages were given permission to work within the boarders of another nation with any operations not directly aimed against the village as being 'acceptable' in order to prevent war.

1268 GA: Koseki developed the technology of Steam power, starting work upon early forms of locomotion, greatly increasing its productivity and providing itself with more reach for its mining operations. The city itself grew into a technological wonder with some of its earliest skyscrapers being built.

1272 GA: The third great war erupted after almost 100 years of peace. What began as a conflict between three villages erupted in an all our affair forming several alliances.

1276 GA: Kemurigakure became part of the war, signing up as part of an alliance.

1282 GA: Kemuri suffered a great loss with the war, many of its ninja losing their lives as they were used as a disposable resource during the war by their alliance. The village itself retracted form the conflict.

1284 GA: A peace treaty was signed establishing to rebuild. Kemurigakure was cut out of any dealings due to them abandoning the war. The village was left to decay and die.

1286: Kemurigakure established a new leader, one of the few talented ninja left in hopes of rebuilding it back to the way it was once before.

1297 GA: A new Era of Shinobi begins in the rubble that was once Kemurigakure. Can they help bring the village back from the brink?

I see nothing about my precious donut village in there >~>

(don't take me as actually angry or anything :P )
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@Siri I would say as far as the pollen goes, perhaps having it acting more subtle would be a better solution in terms of misdirecting people. It would be a more 'realistic' kind of effect, while also being probably generally more effective since it would be harder for those effected to tell they are even under the effects of such. ^^;;

@Kiyoko Tomoe It was destroyed in the great Donut drought of 565 GA.
@DaughterofAthena No problem... I'll still put you on my spreadsheet... Muahahhahaahaha! *Coughs* whew excuse me, inside-ish joke.... not executed the best. EIther way still feel fr ee to lurk. Still doing world building so might be a week or two before it gets moving depending on how much pressure people put on me. ^^
Hanarei said:
@DaughterofAthena No problem... I'll still put you on my spreadsheet... Muahahhahaahaha! *Coughs* whew excuse me, inside-ish joke.... not executed the best. EIther way still feel fr ee to lurk. Still doing world building so might be a week or two before it gets moving depending on how much pressure people put on me. ^^
Aye Aye Captain!
Hanarei said:
@Siri I would say as far as the pollen goes, perhaps having it acting more subtle would be a better solution in terms of misdirecting people. It would be a more 'realistic' kind of effect, while also being probably generally more effective since it would be harder for those effected to tell they are even under the effects of such. ^^;;

Sound's good to me! I wasn't really sure what level of realism you wanted, considering this


Naruto, lol.

EDIT: Also, is there anything we can do to make your life easier as a GM? There's a lot of shit to do as a GM, and you probably have even more to do because we're building up a totally new world.
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Hanarei said:
@Siri I would say as far as the pollen goes, perhaps having it acting more subtle would be a better solution in terms of misdirecting people. It would be a more 'realistic' kind of effect, while also being probably generally more effective since it would be harder for those effected to tell they are even under the effects of such. ^^;;
@Kiyoko Tomoe It was destroyed in the great Donut drought of 565 GA.[/quoteDonut village didn't exist until present time (>u>)
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Siri said:
Sound's good to me! I wasn't really sure what level of realism you wanted, considering this


Naruto, lol.

EDIT: Also, is there anything we can do to make your life easier as a GM? There's a lot of shit to do as a GM, and you probably have even more to do because we're building up a totally new world.
Well, its a little crazy to think some plant would be doing an elaborate Genjutsu of some sort unless it has some intelligence behind it. Having it generally mess with the senses or confuse someone's sense of direction could be a valuable type of protection to keep it from being eaten, in a way the protecting plants that are further in. That or just happens to release some sort of pollen that effects a bodies sense of direction. :P

As far as help goes... I'll probably have people who take on the mantle of handling missions themselves, otherwise I'm not completely sure of the full extent yet. I'm focusing purely on the "NPC" of the RP, not having any Genin of my own so I can work on controlling and directing the RP as much as I can. Otherwise right now having people creating their own villages and helping to form out some details of the world helps a lot. :)

@Kiyoko Tomoe The donut village might of failed... but from the ashes a new business empire was born, injecting itself into the various Ninjas and holding a monopoly over all donuts within the ninja world! Donut corp will rule the world!
Hanarei said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe The donut village might of failed... but from the ashes a new business empire was born, injecting itself into the various Ninjas and holding a monopoly over all donuts within the ninja world! Donut corp will rule the world!
No no, it must be a village that just came to be a great village from nowhere (>u>)

Besides, when donuts fail, they all go with those who stuck to it, meaning if the village fails, donuts go to hell with 'em X3
Hanarei said:
Well, its a little crazy to think some plant would be doing an elaborate Genjutsu of some sort unless it has some intelligence behind it. Having it generally mess with the senses or confuse someone's sense of direction could be a valuable type of protection to keep it from being eaten, in a way the protecting plants that are further in. That or just happens to release some sort of pollen that effects a bodies sense of direction. :P
As far as help goes... I'll probably have people who take on the mantle of handling missions themselves, otherwise I'm not completely sure of the full extent yet. I'm focusing purely on the "NPC" of the RP, not having any Genin of my own so I can work on controlling and directing the RP as much as I can. Otherwise right now having people creating their own villages and helping to form out some details of the world helps a lot. :)

Oh gosh, I meant that the village/shinobi would maintain the genjutsu, not the flowers. That would be...yeah. Just a


bit out there.

More like there's some sort of genjutsu ward that takes advantage of the fact that the mind would already be affected by the pollen than the flowers themselves using genjutsu, but I don't quite know how or why that would work either, lol.

I need to stop skipping over important things in my explanations, whoops.

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