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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)


Welcome to the world of pokemon. You know how it works. People are given or catch pokemon, and do whatever feels right with them, no matter if it's breeding, training, or putting them in contests.

But lately, things have been... different.

It seems to happen at random- some people are either born with traits of a pokemon, or gain them later in life. It never affects a trainer or anyone else that is often near pokemon. Why is this happening? The scientists and doctors seem to think that it's a virus. Since trainers, coordinators, and breeders don't get it, they believe that it is prevented by the presence of pokemon by building an immunity.

These half-people... gijinka, as they're sometimes called, seem to have the same abilities as the pokemon that they represent. However, there seems to be some discrimination between the gijinka and humans, sometimes at both sides. Eventually, someone decided to build a school for the gijinka, so that they wouldn't have to deal with their burden alone. They could get helpful advice or tips from more experienced gijinka, and rarely, certain humans. Whenever a new gijinka is discovered, an invitation to join the school is mysteriously sent the next day. No outsider knows for certain who founded the school. Not many care enough to find out. All that matters to the gijinka is that this safe haven has appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, even if the source is... unexpected.


1. I prefer quality over quantity. I'd like to see a paragraph, but as long as you use complete sentences, I don't mind. I don't care how bad your spelling is, as long as it's still understandable.

2. We do allow romance, but keep it PG-13. If clothes start coming off, fade to black. Also, love at first sight...please don't. Getting a crush on someone right away, I understand. But, don't do this. Guy: "Hey." Girl: "Hello." Guy: "I love you." Girl: "Oh, I love you, too! Let's get married!" No. Not romance.

3. Cursing is fine by me, but I do not want to see “Oh, ****! He ***** did not ****** do that!”. I just might rage. Basically, as long as it's not every other word, we're good.

4. Do NOT Godmod. It ruins the fun.

5. For the love of all that is holy, do not use blinding colors for posts or profiles. If you need help finding good colors, there’s a useful forum that I go to.

6. Don’t kill off other characters unless both rpers agree. (Just let me know ahead of time so that there‘s no misunderstandings.)

7. Ledgendaries. Everyone can have a ledgendary. However, there are rpers that I know well, and if I know that someone will roleplay well and post often, they may have two ledgendaries. (Except Arceus. Nobody gets Arceus, for godmodding reasons.) You can pm me ahead of time to reserve a ledgendary. If you do, title it 'changed forever'.

8. Megas. Everyone can have 2 Megas. Yes, there will be more than one of a kind! Thats okay.

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Nahar walked along the ceiling of the third floor pretty bored. He knew the students were due to arrive today and couldn't wait. I wonder where Angel is... He suddenly had an idea and teleported to his room. He then grabbed a bucket and filled it with water. Teleporting once again he found Angel outside and floated above her before dumping the bucket on her. He snickered before teleporting away to his room.


Anita ran through the forest and suddenly skidded to a stop. She turned and looked at the Zangoose pokemon that had been chasing her. She ran straight at it then dropped to slide under it. She slammed her sword into the ground and used her momentum to swing around with it as her anchor. She kept one leg out and used it to trip the Zangoose as it turned to face her. It swiped at her with its claws and she had to jump back quickly. She saw it fall down due to her kick and jumped towards it. "Ice Punch!" She slammed her fist down on to its temple and it coughed and passed out. She grinned, strapped her sword to her back and began running to the school. She finally made it there and whistled. "Wow. Nice place we have here." It was almost castle like in its structure and it was HUGE.





@Sparky Zippy

Just as Midori came out of the forest with the invitation still in his hands he saw a female Tyranitar gazing at the building before her. He stopped looking at the Tyranitar and looked at the same building, his crimson eye widened in surprise at how huge it was.

"Is this the school..?" He muttered as he tucked the invitation in one of his bag pockets.

He cautiously approached the female Tyranitar who had a huge sword strapped behind her back. He narrowed his eyes and placed his fingers on his dual blades.

"Do you mean no harm?" He asked.
Anita put her hand slightly behind her and her sword dropped into it seemingly of its own accord. She whirled to face the voice and blinked at the other gijinka. She put her sword back on her back and sighed. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. And yes, I toootttaaalllyyy mean to walk up amd kill every person i see." She spoke the last part sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

(Out for the night. Be back around 9 or so. Its 337 here)
Angel walked towards the front of the school, intending to welcome the students as she usually did. However, before she got the chance, Nahar appeared, and she was suddenly soaked. For a minute, it seemed that the drenched mewtwo wasn't going to react.... but then she opened her mouth. "Nahar!" She shouted. It would surprise one how fast that she could run to the Mew's room...
Midori raised his brow at the female Tyranitar's speech. But also relaxed as the other sheathed her sword.

"I didn't mean to sneak up, I thought you could see me" Midori replied, scratching the back of his neck in an apologising manner. "Although you do look like the type to harm people when they just walk up to you." He joked.

He glanced back at the school in awe, he wondered if there were students already there.
Tessalynne Maye walked through the forest, not even seeing the Gallade and Tyranitar as she made her way to the school in a peaceful manner. The Whimsicott adjusted her green hair ties on her sandy blonde, green-tipped bangs, making sure everything was in place. She smiled as she thought to herself how ready she was for her first day in a real school. It enticed her that she would get to meet so many new people that were just like her.

Surota, on the other hand, was not excited at all. Matter of fact, she was practically terrified. She walked onto the campus on the opposite side the forest was on, avoiding any interaction. Hugging her Espurr doll tight in her arms, she decided it would be best to hide it away in her suitcase to avoid more ridicule and discrimination. Brushing down the sides of her purple skirt, the cat-like Pokémon of that same color continued to walk until she was inside the building, away from the sight of any other new students.

Pantera the Hydreigon wandered the school with confident strides, awaiting the people who were going to meet her and the adults she was going to rebel against. She gave a big smile, unafraid of what may come to her at this school made specifically for gijinka like her. She swung her arm that held her bag, her other hand on her small waist, in an almost "I don't care" kind of way, because, she honestly didn't care about much.

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Nahar opened the door to his room and smiled serenely at Angel. "Yes my dear, lovely sister? What may I help you with?" He suddenly perked up and looked around. "Oooooo, new students on campus!" With that he popped away and ended up directly above an Espurr girl. "Hi! My name is Nahar, how are you today?" He spoke very quickly as he levitated upside down above her.

@PlaguedWithInsanity (sorry. I had to xD )

Anita snorted at the gijinkas comment.
"Well im not a psychic type, and..... oooo more to fight!" She suddenly stopped and turbed back to the forest, seeing another two Zangoose at the edge glaring at her. She grinned. "I knocked out their brother a bit ago. Looks like theyre angry"
"AAH!" The Espurr jumped, her purple ears flying up in shock, "exploding" a tree in front of her. "P-please don't d-do that!" She exclaimed, shaking like a leaf.

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Nahar floated down some more so his eyes were level with hers while still being upside down. "Im sorry, i didnt mean to scare ypu. This is just how i get around..." His tail came up to wrap around his shoulders. He looked the girl over and smiled. "I like your doll, its very pretty. Oh! Im Nahar, nice to meet you!" He held a hand down for her.
"Oh, uh, t-thanks. I'm S-Surota." She introduced herself nervously, shaking his hand with one hand, her other one holding down her ears. "I h-hate it when p-people sneak up on m-me like t-that... Because I t-tend to kill t-them b-by accident."

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Aurora was busying reading at her desk in her classroom. She had arrived early to the school and was already prepared for the upcoming classes she would have. The Suicune took a sip of her glass of water and kept on quietly reading. She was looking forward to meeting her students and to finally educate them on what she had learned over her time she spent as a nomad. Around her class were pictures she had taken all across Johto. Most of them were nature pictures especially of waterfalls and other landmarks. She considered introducing them to the students but for now she wanted to relax before they arrived.

Bonbon was busy organizing her classroom to prepare for the students arrival. The Wigglytuff was very excited to meet them all and was excited to finally have her own class to teach art to. Her room had plenty of supplies for the class to use as well as her own painting from over the years. Most of them were brightly colored and showed positive moods in the picture. She became more excited and couldn't wait much longer. She wanted to meet everyone!

Marie walked up to the school through the forest, ignoring the others that were there as well. The Delphox stared up at the building and raised an eyebrow. So this is the place huh? Not bad. Though pretty much anything's better than what I had back home. She thought. She walked into the building and decided to have a look around before heading to her designated class. She walked down the hall as casually as she could in her long dark orange dress.

__Sinny Naeon__

Sinny took several unrelenting steps across the school ground, heels clicking each time. Her eyes scoped the extremity that was her new school. Well isn't that outrageously big.. She was already slightly annoyed from the aesthetics of the first day. Always so many people, always so much confusion.. Walking closer to the school, she looked at all the people already making friends and enemies. Although they already had designated classes, Sinny decided she would take the time before class and wonder a bit to make sense of the probably maze of a school. Entering the hall and instantly seeing hundreds of bulletin boards with messages. I sincerely hope I won't have to deal with these. As she continued down the hall she noticed a girl in an orange dress standing alone. Might as well try to make an ally. She thought about everything as if there something antagonizing her. "Hi! It looks easy to get lost here!" She smiled as she spoke in the softest voice one could possibly hear without not taking it seriously.

Grinning Nahar floated down until his feet touched the floor. He just shrugged. "Well, im not easy to kill, Angel tries all the time."
The Gallade watched as the female Tyranitar suddenly turned away from him. He looked past her and two Zangoose were in the forest edge, looking extremely agitated.

"You knocked out their brother? Why?" Midori asked.

What a violent Gijinka he had to meet first. Hopefully the rest aren't like these. Midori sighed as he returned his attention back to the school, he should go and wander inside instead of dawdling here.
The gigantic castle building towered over Tamara making her eyes bulge out of their sockets. "WOW!!!" Tamara ran towards the gates of the school with her arms wide open and a smile painted across her face. She stopped at the grassy fields that surrounded the school. "This is amazing!" Tamylee closed her eyes and took in the fresh air that blew across her face sending her hair flowing with the wind. She began to spin with her arms stretched out. She spun and spun and spun until she came tumbling down with a roll of laughter. She was excited to finally be in the school. This was the place she belong.
The female Hydreigon spotted Marie, her orange dress catching the dragon's eye. The fox Pokémon almost seemed...familiar, so Pantera thought to walk up to her and say hi. "Hello!" She bounded with a bright smile and a big wave. "I'm Pantera, what's your name?"


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Angel planted her hands on her hips, annoyed when Nahar teleported away. She left the room, but then when she walked down the hall, she saw a familiar pink tail swishing from around the corner. Knowing that this was her chance for revenge, the mewtwo grabbed her brother before he could react. "Gotcha!" She then gave him a noogie with a mischievous grin.
"Ah! Why d-does everyone k-keep doing that!?" The Espurr exclaimed again and jumped backward, making sure to hold down her ears this time. "I-I'm going to g-guess t-that's A-Angel?" She asked nervously, her shaking increasing.

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"Hmm?" Angel looked up to see the espurr. She immediately let go of the mew, wearing her 'serious face' now. "Sorry about that." The girl seemed nervous.... it couldn't be because of her.... somewhat bad reputation.... could it?
Marie was still looking around as a Hydreigon walked up to her in a rather friendly fashion. The Delphox decided it would be nice to return a greeting in a similar way to her. She felt as if she had known her from somewhere..."Hello to you too! I'm Marie." She smiled back to her.
"It's nice to meet you! You're a Delphox, I'm guessing?" Pantera asked in a friendly way. "You can tell I'm a Hydreigon from the stripes on my shirt and these spots here." She added, pointing to the reddish spots on her shoulders and the design on her baggy, sweater-type shirt.
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Marie nodded, "Yup! It must be easier to have those characteristics then my stupid tail and ears." She giggled as her Delphox ears twitched, "I think your outfit looks cool by the way! Much more comfortable looking." The Delphox added.
"Haha, yeah, but I have a tail too." Pantera refuted while turning to the side, revealing a short, somewhat fluffy and blue-ish tail with a black tip.

(look at her picture again, she does have a tail)

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