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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

In the distance, Luke could hear faint singing, guessing it was Miki's. Smiling to himself, Luke again dozed off. "Come on, Zoey!" Luke laughed as he kicked the soccer ball into the net. "Oh, and the Lukester strikes again!" Luke yelled. "Oh come on, you win everytime." Zoey said. Luke smirked. "Just goes to show, you never mess with me in soccer. The sun began to set. "Luke, time for supper!" his mom said. "See ya, Zoey!" Luke said. "Bye, Luke!" Zoey said. Peck. Peck. Luke opened his eyes to see a bird pecking him. He immediately stood up. It was another flashback, he reminded himself. He decided to take a relaxing stroll in the garden to take his mind off of things.
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