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Futuristic 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖞 — 𝙖 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨


𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒚𝒕𝒉.

  • intro


    aphex twin


    ew Texas — a clumsily-named, deceitful oasis, home to a history of destruction and the safest city on the planet. Its invention, though, came at a cost. The Arcana appeared forty-four years prior, in 2178, decimating a large portion of the Americas and even the edges of Europe and Asia. Their bloodsport knew no bounds, and the images of these large, terrifying creatures haunt the seedy corners of the Internet to this day.

    Largely, the Incident that almost brought the end of humanity is hidden, details tight-lipped and only given to those with clearance (or who know how to access the Dark Web). The only acknowledgement of the occurrence is with the United States Government, who collaborated with the United Nations in creating El Paso Nuevo. As the largest state affected by the Arcana and the first location the Arcana appeared in, Texas became the designated area of reconstruction. While much of the land is barren, El Paso Nuevo shoots out of the dusty mist as a beacon, a jewel and a testament to humanity’s ability to prosper and persevere.

    Almost a billion dollars has been invested into El Paso Nuevo, which has thus been designed as a saving grace for humanity. Headlines have come to dub it “The Safest City,” as though memories from just under fifty years ago can be so easily forgotten. The carnage that once permeated the streets of Houston are now peppered with neon-decorated skyscrapers. The city is small, enveloped easily into the cavernous and complex underground each evening and during any emergency (though, of course, El Paso has never had a real emergency, just drills). New Texas is largely laughed at for its ridiculous name and the inaccuracy of its title (seeing as 75% of the land is no longer habitable), but El Paso Nuevo keeps the critics at bay due to such technological marvels.

    The secrets of El Paso Nuevo barely make headlines, resulting in most press and perception of the city being positive (even when they began to advertise for apartments in the city, much to the chagrin of many). Most citizens barely recognize the highly disputed commission congealed by the hands of the United Nations, which has since taken over much of the governance that used to be left to national governments. The commission is known as the SNCR Committee or the Suspicious Natural Circumstances Response Committee. Truthfully, no one pays much attention to SNCR (pronounced ‘snicker’), as the name is hardly discussed in any news outlet or even by well-meaning online activists. Since the Fair Conscription Trial and the subsequent passing of the Miraculous law about 20 years ago, SNCR remains a semi-respectable commission dedicated to saving the world, often joked as the CDC for aliens. What many denizens do not know is what is held deep within the shelter of El Paso Nuevo’s underbelly. They do not realize the weapons have been forged, manufactured from the Arcana’s first defeat (if one could really be so bold as to call it that).

    Said weapons are quite deceitful, much like the city itself. Some do not even know of their origins, while others have spent their entire lives comprehending their purpose in being born. They are known as Project Minor Inherit.

    All of them born in the same year, the year after El Paso Nuevo was completed. One could say Project MI was a coincidence, a complete lack of disregard for the scientific method, and a mistake. However, Director Ino has always seemed so self-assured, as though he understands the Arcana beyond any other human. Therefore, when his pregnant wife responded positively to the treatment, he decided to round up eleven more subjects, all pregnant and due within the year 2200. No one quite understands how he chose his subjects, though all of them were meant to represent one of the eleven Arcana who had shown their ugly teeth and strange bodily orientations before disappearing.

    When the children were born, the Project was thought to be a failure. They were all unremarkable, normal even, until the child designated as The Fool, the first of the Arcana to appear 43 years before, began to show… abilities.

    Director Ino insisted the children needed to be housed under El Paso Nuevo and ‘put to good use.’ They had a Pandora’s Box, something capable of destroying the Arcana when they returned, which Ino always insisted they would. However, the parents of said children, even after some started showing signs of great power, insisted otherwise. Thus, a legal battle ensued, specifically over the terms of the contracts the mothers signed to participate in the experiment. Not only had the contracts used the promise of a large sum to coerce the young mothers into a NDA, it also contained fine print in legal jargon many couldn’t determine, not even some lawyers. Essentially, the term declared that, in the event the ‘treatment’ provided results that may aid Earth in the event of another attack, said test subjects were required to mandatory service under the SNCR Committee. As a result, the trial was publicly dubbed the Fair Conscription case.

    The legal battle spanned much of the first two years of the childrens’ lives, though much of the records regarding the case were sealed. In the end, the parents were allowed to keep their children, give them lives of normalcy, provided that their children adhered to a mandatory conscription in the late winter of 2221. The date was odd, but Director Ino assured the parents that it was the perfect time for the children, seeing as they would be on the edge of their twenty second birthdays. Many of the parents, especially the ones with children who had yet to manifest abilities, took the compromise with a grunt. Almost twenty years was quite a long time, though, so the trial ended with both parties mildly satisfied, and laws were later written by the United Nations and the United States, making the servitude legal.

    Now, 2221 has dawned, and the date for the now-grown children of Project Minor Inherit to join SNCR looms near. Most of them have already presented their abilities, making it all the more mysterious and concerning as to what will be required of them. Yet, Director Ino and his team refuse to reveal anything at all, and instead, they prepare with great haste for the arrival of the Project’s Children.

    Hi there! As the blurb explains, this roleplay will take place in late 2221, moving into 2222. The characters up for audition are all subjects of Project Minor Inherit. What likely wasn’t super clear is that the roles and the Arcana attackers are all inspired by the Major Arcana in tarot. I will create a lore thread soon with a more in-depth explanation of who the Arcana are, but I purposefully left a lot of it vague because most people don’t understand what the Arcana were/are. For now, just know that the Arcana are essentially extraterrestrial creatures that attacked Earth 43 years ago (soon to be 44). It’s very rare for people outside of SNCR to recognize that they are representative of the Major Arcana (mostly because Director Ino and his team know a lot more than they let on), but it would likely be explained to your characters this fact (provided they even know they’re the product of Project MI). Additionally, only the first 11 of the 22 Major Arcana figures have appeared, leaving the other 11 a mystery. The first 11 almost wiped out humanity, with the final alien causing the explosion that left Texas and most surrounding states in ruin.

    All of the bodies of the Arcana were collected and given to SNCR for research purposes. Project IM came to be as a result of this research, beginning with Director Ino’s wife consuming a portion of the heart of The Fool, the first Arcana to appear. No one quite knows why Ino thought this would do anything substantial, and it is best not to question him as it will only get you talking to a brick wall. The Project expanded after his pregnant wife responded positively, resulting in a wide range of pregnant mothers being examined and chosen from a pool. The other eleven subjects all come from a wide range of backgrounds, ethnicities, etc. and there is seemingly no logic behind the choices. Again, asking Ino about this will result in him side-eyeing you or flat-out walking away.

    The abilities the children present are indicative by their Arcana, though oftentimes not in ways that are obvious to the card. Their powers are more so representative of what their Arcana symbolizes, and usually, their powers are almost demi-god-like versions of their Arcana’s own abilities (ex. Percy Jackson vs. Poseidon). Essentially, they are not as powerful, at least initially. All of this will be revealed in due time, but I feel that gives you enough of an explanation to see the vision (because I know this idea is terribly complicated, apologies).

    I do not have exact images for what the Arcana look like, but just know this roleplay, in general, is heavily inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the Arcana are not completely unlike the Angels in said show. If you’re looking to further understand the futuristic vibes of this rp, look here to the board I’ve made.

    I will explain the parameters for the powers later when the CS comes out, but just know that each character is allowed to have up to three abilities, though only two are allowed to be unrelated from each other. I also provide suggested abilities because I know that transferring the overall vibe or symbolic nature of a tarot card is a bit difficult, especially if you aren’t familiar with how each card operates in tarot. Additionally, I’m okay with the abilities for each character being a bit more over-powered than they are normally. If you aren’t sure or would like my input, feel free to PM me.

    I think I’ve covered anything that might not have been understood from the blurb? If not, feel free to ask below! Now, read on to learn more about the available roles (:





humans are not


sci-fi, horror, mystery, mecha




demonology demonology , xxxena xxxena , pls pm if interested in co-GMing!

spots open




♡coded by uxie♡
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Superpowers, Evangelion, and Tarot? Count me in! I'd love to audition for the Moon.
now this right here (the futuristic cowboy vibes are everything i didnt even know i needed).i have my eye on the magician, or maybe the other lover.....
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now this right here (the futuristic cowboy vibes are everything i didnt even know i needed). i have my eye on the wheel of fortune, or maybe the lovers......
yes yes FUTURISTIC COWBOYS tehehehe (:< I’m glad I have you intrigued!
ooooo one last little question, do you have a gender preference for the other lover and are we going for more realistic face claims or more so art?
i don’t have a preference at all! additionally, I do ask for realistic faceclaims. Apologies for not including that in the rules section. I’m still waiting for a bit more interest before I go ahead and write up the lore and make the cs thread, so I’ll provide more info for character creation and sheets and such then thehehe (:

omg sign me up omg omg aaaaa!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
omg thank you all for your interest!! I’ll try to have cs and lore pages up soon!!
helloooooo! I’ve updated a few bits on the interest check, specifically with the lovers. If you’re interested in that role, please view that over as I’ve made one ability a requirement. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know!

Additionally, I’ve created a character sheet thread! I will have ooc and lore up soon, but due to Irl business, the cs will do for now.

i can’t wait to see what beautiful and absolutely bangin’ characters y’all make!
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