Broken Streets and Blood Beaten Wolves Private

Snow gave a nod and patted the spot next to her. "Well Kat, why not come talk to me for awhile. I'm need someone to chat with for a few. every one in there except Emery and Liberty are really downers." She joked and gave the girl a warm smile.

Destry looked at her and sighed. "You okay love? Is there something I can do for you?" He cared about her and he felt rather worried at the moment. But if she said everything was fine he would have faith in her word.
Storm looked at snow and jumped slightly when she said Libertys name"erm okay.."she said before sighing *i dont want ehr to even sense my presence right now...*she thought slightly sighing she seemed to have a dark presence carrying with her at times maybe that was just more sadness , Liberty looked at destry and sighed"just remembering "she said looking at him before kissing him and looking at him happily and relaxed "i love you destry..thats something i never thought i would get to say"she said looking at him happily "how about we honeymoon... somewere nice like were theres a waterfall nearby "she said smiling.
Snow smiled and leaned back tucking her legs under her for a moment before glancing over at the girl. "You know the world can be a scary place, but I'm glad I am in it. I've got a beautiful baby girl to love and cherish." Snow told her with a happy tone. She looked young and was young to have a child, but there were younger mothers out there.

Destry smiled and gave a nod. "I love you too." He told her as he smiled and watched her. "I though I had lost the chance to tell you that but I'm glad we found each other again. I would enough honey mooning some where like that." He told her trying to be honest.
She looked at destry and pinched his cheek lightly before sticking out her tounge she didnt mind him being honest she gave an odd sigh before sitting up hearing the lighting cracking "that near the base..."she mumured sighing *whatever going on the emotions are cuasing a severe thunderstorm..*she thought sighing, Storm looked at snow she frowned some seeing the lighting showing her emotions for her "hmm... the worlds stupid if you ask me and it crushes any light gives you"she said truthfully stating what she thought she sighed some looking at the rain *i wonder..what it knows..*she thought sighing.
Destry gave a nod and kissed her. "You are so cute no matter what your mood is." He kissed her cheek and glanced out the window hoping this would pass soon. If not Emery would be in here asking to sleep with them for the night.

Snow shook her head. "I used to think that with every thing that happen to me, but I found a truth in it all. One day you will too. Just keep your eyes open and your hears to. You'll see and hear it in your own time." She smiled at the girl knowing things would become clear in time.
Storm looked at her as if saying doubt it she gave an odd sigh before stopping the storm she sighed some her feet squished around in the water she pants were sticking to her and so was her shirt and her hair seemed like a messy dogs she gave an odd sigh she was shivering and she felt stupid for not going inside the hotel when she had the chance earlier she gave an odd sigh before walking away towards the hotel *i need to get dryed there..*she thought sighing, Liberty sighed some hearing it stop so suddenly she looked at destry"quess lucked out"she said sighing " do know if i had it my way...our bed would be full of kids right"she asked smiling looking at him "though im sure some of them would be ours..."she said luaghing.
Snow ran after the girl and cover her with her jacket before running back to the base and smiling. Hopefully that would be the start of something in that girl's life. Yawning as she walked back into the base she went to the Living chamber and curled up on the couch there. She wasn't sure if Parker wanted to see her again or not.

Destry smiled at her and chuckled. "i wouldn't mind it that much just so long as I got to see your smiling face over there cute little ones." He told her before kissing her. "You trying to hint something at me?" He asked with a smirk and raised eyebrow.
Liberty looked at him "what pfft... no..."she said looking at him "we both know if i dont get any going to fill this base up with adoptive kids right"she said looking at destry blushing lightly she gave an odd sigh and started luaghing at the though of kids running around the base and destry getting mad it ended up making libertys eyes glimmer and her smile was wide for once. Parker sighed some looking at the mark and sighed thinking about snow he ended up going to find her he decided when morning would hit he would make breakfast for her he gave an odd sigh thinking about everything he smiled happily.
Destry smiled at her and kissed her before speaking, "I would like to have kids with you.. but only you." He told her with a gleam in his eyes. He was being honest. If she wasn't already, then he would ask her if she wanted to try for a child of their own. He was just worried about what she would say.

Snow gave a small yawn as she laid on the couch. She couldn't fall a sleep for some reason. She was tired, but her thoughts were racing a mile a minute. Shaking her head she sat up and looked around the dark room. She missed Azura, but it would be unfair to her sister if she went and snatched her child back at this moment.
Liberty sighed some and looked at him "..i dont think i am destry they said mothers know when they are"she said looking at him "but i always could flood your base....with adoptive children at the moment"she said teasing him "hmm.. i wonder if emerys doing okay"she said sighing kicking her legs slightly , Parker sighed some "you cant fall asleep can you snow"he asked sighing looking down at her with a grin "dont mind ..if i lay on the floor near you do you?"he asked smiling some and sighed lightly and happily *i really love snow...*he thought happily *but i dont want to do anything to harm her *he thought sighing.
Destry sighed and looked at her. "Why adopt when we can try for our own first." He smiled at her and started to tickle her a little. He really did love her. "If you are worried about Emery we could go check on him." He offered stopping tickling her and smiling as he played with her beautiful hair.

Snow looked up at him and sighed. "You could just sit with me.. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. There is to much going on in my mind at the moment." She smiled and sat up patting the spot next to her and rubbing her head.
Liberty sighed some "i dont want to disturb him if hes sleeping"she said sighing seeming conflicated she eventually got up and smiled at destry "ill be right back destry"she said sighing and started walking towards the door she gave an odd sigh and thought about everything *names..what we name them..*she thought sighing, Parker smiled lightly and sat down and putting his arm around snow and pulling her close"im glad the storms...over"he said sighing he frowned lightly "d a m n storm... shocked me..."he mumured looking at snow he had whispered the storm part in case ears were listening.
Destry gave a nod and smiled. "Love you." He called to her wanting her to know it every moment of every day. Emery was curled up under his bed and scared of the dark and weather. Yawning he crawled out when things got quiet and looked around his room.

Snow looked at him and gave a nod. "Yeah. I miss my baby, but I want her to have her Aunt and Uncles in her life." she said rubbing at her tired eyes. "Thank you for sitting with me.' She smiled over at him.
Liberty gave a sigh appearing in emerys doorway "o gosh you not even a wink of sleep?"she asked looking at him smiling happily she sighed some and looked at him happily she sighed some thinking about everything that would happen in the future *destry as a dad of a girl oh my..he would be so protective over her...*she thought slightly luaghing, Parker smiled and kissed snows head"its alright.."he said smiling before sighing "i get it i quess...i want elixir to be apart of libertys life..even though were just cousins..."he said looking at snow "i mean i dont have any family left"he said sighing.
Emery ran to Liberty and launched himself into her arms. "I was so scared." He told her as he hugged her. Before long he had fallen a sleep like that. His soft snoring echoed a little in the room.

Snow gave a nod and sighed. "I know you are probably confused about me and don't want to hurt me.. but I don't think you can hurt me... The worst thing you could do.. is nothing." She told Parker just wanting to get that out there. It had been something Kadin had told her once, that the worst hurt from a loved one was them doing nothing. She had never understood what he meant til now.
Parker gave an odd sigh looking at snow "you sure?"he asked looking at her he seemed more cocnerned then anything "if i get stupid just smack me..."he said sighing rememebering getting slapped every now and again *that always did put me in my place...*he thought sighing shaking his head some happily, Liberty smiled happily before sighing and carrying the boy to her and destry room "i couldnt just leave him there"she said putting emery on one side of the bed she sighed lightly before laying down and looking at destry *wonder what his reaction is..*she thought sighing shaking her ehad lightly.
Snow gave a nod and kissed him. "I am sure. I'll remember that too." She told him with a big smile. "I love you Parker. Even if you don't feel the same way I want you to know that I care about you more then I have any one before. Well except for my baby, but you understand how that is. I'm turning into a mother and I'm a little scared still."

Destry gave a nod and smiled a little tucking his brother into the bed. "He's so cute.." He told her smiling and looking over at her. He was showing his softer side. No matter what he side in truth he enjoyed these times.
"Understandable "parker said grinning he gave an odd sigh"..want to..."he sighed lightly before stopping what he was saying not sure to continue or not "i mean.. nevermind"he said looking at snow he was thinking about everything and gave an odd sigh"that D a m n girl "he mumured thinking about storm, Liberty nodded before she ended up falling asleep to though the lighting had started again she gave an odd sigh muttering something about storm she sighed lightly in her sleep thinking about storm *the lighting just like hers...*she thought sighing in her sleep her dreams were deffitantly running tonight.
Snow smiled at Parker and shook her head. "You should never leave something unsaid unless it is rather rude." She informed him before standing up and frowning at the sounds of the storm returning. "You'll never know unless you ask silly." She gave him a smile before stretching.

Destry smiled as he covered Liberty up and watched her sleep for awhile. After a bit he curl up next to her and Emery and yawned. His life seemed like it was starting to get better. Slowly, yes, but still.
Parker looked at her"well since... we arent going to get any sleep..."he said looking at her before smiling lightly he sighed some seeing the lighting

"dont worry about it.... i dont think the thunder will be returning"he said truthfully he knew more about storm then snow did so he knew what to except he gave an odd sigh and smiled lightly.
Snow smiled at him and gave a nod. "Okay. So, what do you have in mind. I mean we got to keep busy some how." She gave him a warm smile and started to play with his hair. She was happy and it showed. She didn't think there would be any thing that could bring her down at the moment. Or ever.
Parker looked at her curioursly "...well... we could cuddle up.. and see were that leads to...or i could help you with something"he said looking at her happily he sighed lightly seeing the flashes of lighting outside *amazing how long...Storms powers..can last without ceasing...*he thought truthfullly he looked at snow and smiled.
Snow smiled and grabbed Parker's hand and pulled him to the room. Once there she jumped onto the bed and rolled around on it for a few giggling. Smiling up at him she patted the spot next to her. "You gonna cuddle with me?" She teased and flirted a little. She had little wolf ears sticking up on her head. Another sign she was changing back.
Parker nodded some and got on the bed"sure i will"he said before carefully tugging and playfully biting snows ears he had a habit of doing that he looked at her happily and sighed some "such cute earS"he said grinning before sighing lightly thinking about everything "want o know a secret i think your a great mother to Azura.."he said quietly.
Snow giggled as he tugged on her ears and all. "I'm glad you think I am. I love her so much and just want the best for her." She nuzzled next to him and licked his cheek. "I think you are a good father to Elixir. Plus you do such a great job with Azura too." She rested her head on him and smiled feeling at peace.

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