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Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - Souls of Eons


The Shipping Queen

They walk, they breathe.

Footsteps in the sounds of time.

These particular ones leading to a Victorian age.

Sent back to death.

Long ago, these characters were lost to the books.

And we had no clue how to reach them.


...Until now.

Good work, Assassin.

You have successfully synchronized with the WRONG people.

But it's not a huge loss.

Through their eyes, you will witness History change for the better.

You will witness it all.

Stay vigilant, Gain their trust.

And you'll do just fine.

Welcome, Assassin, to the Syndicate.
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Good Lord, what was WITH this ruckus!?

I mean, here he was. Minding his own business at the bar, when suddenly the whole lot of gang members he picked up just about lose their minds?

Jacob Frye certainly did NOT understand the situation. He leaned over his drink and peered out into the green sea, switching over to his 'hidden talent', Eagle Vision.

Not a blip of red. Then they weren't enemies... perhaps it was a fight between the new crowd and the oldies. Knew they should of left them for dead, but no. Evie had to step in with her charming ways and her 'Victory for all..."

Ugh, and SPEAKING of Evie...

While muttering to himself, one of the Rooks disbanded and quickly fell in line. That is to say, he scrambled over to Jacob as fast as his legs could carry him. "Sir!? Er... Sir, there's three- no, there's- "

"What?" Jacob raised an eyebrow. The other male continued to point over to the exact location.

"I said there's a few strange..."

"Spit it out."

"Oh, just look for YOURSELF!" The poor man finally gasped in exasperation and pointed to...


What in blazes WAS that?


"My good sir, I should have you topped for that sort of language!" A cry of outburst from a sly-looking fellow that he just couldn't see yet. Not through the crowd gathered around the speaker, at least. "Why, these are the finest little twirls in all of London! Have any chest smiling wide open, without a trace!"

"You HAVE the money, now give me-"

"No, my friend, don't you know how transactions WORK? For all I know, you could be doing a little snide pinching." A scoff came from the... rather pleasant voice. Something about melted sugar with a bit of gravel.

"Cheeky little bugger..."

If he could see the scene before him, he would have had the tremendous honor of watching a man bite down on a shilling. WHY in the world would anyone want the taste of metal in their mouth, no one knew, but he seemed to be satisfied. Jacob listened in for the next lines.

"Aight, aight, push is push. Here you are, my fine fellow!"

The metallic 'clank' of a key hitting a ring. It seems as if the transaction went smoothly.

That wasn't to stop the others clamoring about, of course. But that was when Jacob has had enough.

"Alright, move your sorry butts! Let me get a good look at the...."

Well, he was searching for a more insulting word, but Mobsmen would have done the crowd he saw before him good.

@SaitoYoake @Moonfire810 @Aroura
Of course Jacob somewhat went silent when he saw what all the people in green had been freaking out over. There were at least three tables in front of him, with four people behind them.

The tables were littered with many valuable things that you would normally find in stores but for some reason, they were here.

A young woman, around the age that was in the early twenties, looked over at him.

"Why hello good sir!" She smirked slightly and put her hands on her hips, which were covered by a black ruffed skirt that was short in the front and long in the back.

Jacob walked over a bit, examining the things on the table, which varied from top hats to damn fruit! He thought that it was strange but some of the things on the tables caught his eyes.

The young woman noticed the gleam that was in his eye and picked up one of the top hats.

"You know.... You look like you could use a new hat." She said, brushing the imaginary dirt off the top hat.

Jacob frowned slightly. He rather liked the hat he had now. He wasn't sure why he liked it, but he did. But he had to admit that this woman was somewhat right. The hat he had was starting to become quite worn down and old. He could use a new hat. And why not a top hat of all things?

@SaitoYoake @Tricksterfied @Aroura
A woman whom seemed slightly younger then the other three dressed in a demeaning manor as she displayed herself attracting many men to her table. Most of witch were stones and bits that her girls stole from unexciting participants in her little world, which she managed. She glanced over at the other woman she seemed to be striking up a deal which meant she needed to try harder to outclass the girl.

With the simple body change she became even more alluring then before which stirred up the crowed "come and get theses rare stones that I hand picked for you" she spoke as soft and smoothly as silk and winked the direction of the men observing.

Some became flustered and left with an obvious intrigue, while others who were shameless bought these 'priceless' stones with the hope of getting on the woman's good side "you sure know how to make a girl happy" she smirked at the other three and continued to sell her popular wares.

@SaitoYoake @Tricksterfied @Moonfire810
@SaitoYoake @Tricksterfied @Moonfire810

The third person just stood there quietly grinning, as he beckoned the assassin over. In front of him were random strange things that didn't seem like they necessarily belonged in London at this time. Hell, they seemed like they just got randomly assembled without a care in the world. Like the wheel attached to a stick he was currently holding in his hands.

"Hey hey, let me ask you something there," the young man asked as the grin on his face grew wider. "You ever been in a carriage race my friend? Oh, and if you haven't you really should! Especially after the purchase of this thing here! You can go as fast as you want and never crash again! All for the lovely price of oh, let's say 50 pounds? Yes! That at the least!"

...Yes, this guy was trying to sell Jacob a "steering wheel" for a carriage. Yes it was just a wagon wheel on a stick. But by God he was going to try anyway! And with a high hope for success at that!
At first, the first man was happily selling Skeleton Keys. Surely illegal content was flying from his pockets: The best guns. The brightest Knives. Heck, there was the TEMPLAR'S INSIGNIA in his hand that he pinned on a blushing lady's coat pocket. Life was good. Life was great.

But every good thing had to come to an end sometime. Especially if your associate was trying to sell a Steering Wheel.


The man, who should be noted was short and had curly blond hair, slowly turned his head to his friend with a deadpan expression on his face. As if he was confused, enraged, and delighted at the same time. As if he was trying to find the quickest way to shut him up and simultaneously egg him on. As if...

No. No, actually, he could work with this... he thought as One particularly wicked plot hatched inside of his head. There was a quick flash of the hand, one that the sellers viewed in the corner of their eye. It was almost time for the heist.

He gestured for the man with the steering wheel to keep going, casually calling to the crowd: "Last chance, folks, to get your hands on these wares!" As he did this, he started to slowly walk towards the leader of this gang. He was unseen, he was inconspicuous. Every time someone looked over, he would be polishing something, checking a shilling, or offering them the most devious of grins...

@Moonfire810 @SaitoYoake @Aroura
The woman who had been offering Jacob a hat, ran her tongue over her teeth and shot a glare at the man to who was now offering him a wheel.

Jacob glanced between the two, completely not noticing the man who was sneaking over. He was quite glad his sister wasn't there to drag him off.

"I don't know..." He said, but he walked over to the knives, picking one up and inspecting it.

The young woman called another person over, showing them what she had and did her best to get them to buy her goods.

Jacob glanced up at the man in front of him. "How much for these throwing knives?" He asked, twirling one in his hand.

@SaitoYoake @Tricksterfied @Aroura
The alluring to the question as an intervention for fun she grabbed the knife off the table and walked around surveying her prey before she bites. "awwe this little ole thing you sure an man of you size wants something a little, bigger" she faked her gasp catching both blighters off gaurd.

"but if you are sure, what are you asking" she licked the knife all the way down to its handle and in that instant the man on his left fainted which brought a smirk to her lips.

She got down on her knees and dragged her nails across his cheek and down his chest "you are too sweet" she said softly as she pecked him on the cheek and stood back up "your buddy seems interested" she said in a cocky tone.
@SaitoYoake @Tricksterfied @Aroura

The man who had attempted to sell the wheel now just kind of stared dejectedly. His attempt had failed it seemed. Oh well there was tons to see at that moment. The failed sale of the hat from one of his lady friends. The flirtations of the other. Hmm... Those hardly fascinated him, though. Things like this happened almost every time they went out with their wares.


But wait!

He forgot about one other person for a moment there. The one who had just gestured to him to keep up what he was already doing. It seemed the other man had a plan, and one that this one was currently quite interested. So back to cheery smiles and happy shouts of sales as a distraction it was!
Destination reached.



There was no other sound.

The man had successfully reached a dangerous distance to Jacob Frye. But there is no need for long description. A good theft will take as long as it would for you to read this.


You lost your gold.

He struck quickly and without warning, silently pulling up the Assassin's sleeve and unlocking the mechanism around his arm with practiced, long fingers. The graze of his touch was barely there: It was a faint itch that would probably have Jacob unconsciously scratching his arm, so the man quickly backpedaled...


Oh, Lord.

Jacob snapped his head down to see... mismatched Green and Brown eyes boring into his own, a hurt child. He frowned: Why was a child looking up so sadly at him?

He was about to reach out and pat the boy's head, but his ever-so-helpful sister shouted again: "HE'S RIGHT. THERE."

The blond-haired bloke stiffened and quickly whipped around, running away from Jacob and shoving past the startled Evie Frye (who had started to run after him). The woman didn't look back to see if her brother even NOTICED or not, she just jumped in a complete half-circle and dashed him with surprisingly quick reflexes.

@Aroura @Moonfire810 @SaitoYoake
The young woman who had been selling the hat stiffened when she saw her coworker run off.

She looked over at the other young lady at a table and the man who had been trying to sell the steering wheel.

"Scatter!" She shouted and darted off one way.

After weaving through a confused crowd of people she ran through an alley way and ran after Jacob and Evie, who were now both chasing after the thief.

Jacob was somewhat embarrassed that a thief had managed to sang his gauntlet without him even noticing. Thank god his sister saw and said something otherwise the situation would've been a lot worse.

She would've been teasing him to no end.

And Jacob Frye could not have that at all.

@SaitoYoake @Tricksterfied @Aroura
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The seductress had watched the escape with hungry eyes, her prey left and without even giving her breakfast "I guess it is just one and done" she muttered and chased through the crowed. She eyed both of the twins before she locked eyes with the male one and then she smirked, no she grimaced as she clung to the wall and climbed up like a squirrel. Along the rooftops she tailed the female one step by step she made sure not to lose them.

"your in for a big big surprise" she jumped down landing on the female that chased the group as she tailed her co-worker Lucian, all that could be heard was her curse.

She cackled with delight as the met her running speed with Lucian tailing up behind him "so what 'goods' did we discover" she questioned him with a hint of curiosity.
Before Lucian had a chance to respond, however, another person jumped out from a nearby cart of hay. "That was fun! Best leap I've made in a looong time!" The cheery salesman said as he quickly began to match there pace, his eyes gleaming with curiosity and excitement. "So, Lucian, what did ya pick up this time? Is it cool? Is it shiny? Is it interesting? Seriously what did we get!?"
"Keep Running- they're ASSASSINS!"

While yelling this out to the fellow coworkers, he pulled out the stolen good: A beautifully crafted gauntlet. A flick of this so-called Lucian's wrist revealed the hidden blade; and he showed the two following him the little ins and outs of the thing in quick motions. "Right good steal, if I do say so myself! T'would look absolutely LOVELY on any one of us. Though.." Lucian gave an airy, nervous laugh. " I had the unfortunate accident of realizing it too soon- they're working for the Creed."

A grimace crossed his face. "So, what do you suggest we do? We can't outrun them forev.... oh, who am I kidding." He spoke after a moment, the crudest of grins crossing his face.

Evie was still blowing curses their direction after the woman had quite literally crushed her back. But she got up, and she was catching up right fast. For whatever odd reason, the one with her brother's gauntlet was slowing down. Though it was suddenly clear why: It was a dead end. A brick wall with plenty of holdings... though, he couldn't climb up that thing that fast without-


. . .

"Jacob." Evie had stopped by now, turning towards her brother. Lucian had ran towards the bricks without hesitation, and started to climb at a alarmingly fast rate. It took him a matter of seven..ish seconds for him to climb the so-and-so foot wall and vanish over the side.

"WHY is he climbing that wall?"
The top hat woman stood on the roof that Lucius had climbed to.

"What have we acquired my dear friend?" She raised an eyebrow, glancing down at the two assassin's who were now talking and looking up at them.

Jacob slowed to a stop. He looked up at the thieves.

"How..?" The British assassin stopped to shake his head and ran after them.

"Hey have my gauntlet dear sister! I don't care why until I get it back!" He started to scale the wall after him.

The woman saw him scaling and looked at her coworkers.

"I suggest we keep moving."

@SaitoYoake @Tricksterfied @Aroura
Katie was two steps ahead already climbing the wall as fast as her arms and legs could take her, she looked back as she climbed making sure the others were following. She looked back to see the twins close behind, she decided to look forward instead she did not need that negativity in her life.

She winked at the twins puckered her lips an a sorrowful goodbye and climbed over the edge off the other building. She looked down at the others as they continued to do the same.

"well they looked like fun" she exclaimed the people they usually steal from don't notice let alone put up such a long chase it was quite thrilling for the younger girl.
The last one, Nickolas, quickly scaled the wall as well. Though, the quick climbing in his case was more out of fear of a possible throwing knife being tossed in their general direction, than anything else.

"Now what did ya go and do that for?" He questioned of Lucian. "Even I'M not that crazy!"

(Sorry, sometimes my replies are super long and sometimes they are really short depending on creativity and ideas!)
Lucian grinned. "Acting is the fun of it, dear. Don't get caught, and we'll be just fine."

No matter how much fun this chase was, however, it had to come to an end at some point. Lucian started to dash across the rooftops, his legs carrying him at a breakneck pace. Whenever they got to the edge of a building, and just when Evie figured he would stop, he would gracefully jump from one ledge to the other. Lucian swang from poles, shimmied up brick walls, dove off of the side of buildings... it was soon, however, that they were noticed in a wrong part of town.

Evie stopped dead in her tracks when they realized how far they chased them. All the way to the edge of...

Westminister. An unconquered area that was too soon for them to enter. Lucian did not share the same fear as Evie, though. He ran right over the line, in fact.

Right into the arms of a few Blighters. Their red coats were firmly pressed, eyes narrowed. Ten of them in all. One had the devious ambition to speak.

"Well WELL. What do we have here. I remember you well, my little artist."

The man bearing the red pinstripe jacket paled. He shuffled with the gauntlet in his grip, silently putting it on his right hand. Evie narrowed her eyes, getting more suspicious of this ringleader of theirs, but continuing to watch. When Jacob arrived, she silently gestured to him in the Shadows.

"Little old me, eh? I'm flattered, surely, but you certainly aren't interested in anything else, are you?"

Lucian, in the face of fear, became bold, and took out his flask. He sauntered closer to the man, pulling a long draw from the alcoholic beverage before taking the blighter's hand and kissing the top of it.

This unnamed blighter pulled back quickly. Evie quickly noticed the fresh, bloody line that marked his hand. "Oh NO. I'm not falling for that crap again. Now come over here and-"

Lucian lifted his leg and kicked the man, who surprisingly went flying to the side.

"I guess it's a tussle now, darlings. Let's play a bit..."
Jacob stood next to his sister, raising an eyebrow as he studied the scene they were now both looking at.

"So... Do you have any bloody idea what's going on?" He asked, glancing at his sister.

Grace glanced at the Blighters before putting her arms behind her back and letting Lucion do what he wished. It'd make things more difficult if she interfered since at the moment, there was only 5 blighters.

Now if there had been a bigger number of them, then she would be standing along side her coworker.
with a glint in her eye Katie lifted up her dress and grabbed her whip, an object she uses to both to control situations and for fun. She lunged for the brute in the bunch wrapping her thighs around his head tripping him to the ground. "I guess mamma is gonna have to get a bit loose for you."

She let him stand for it would have only been fair as she beckoned him to attack, she minute he trudged forward she elbowed one that attempted to attack from behind then wrapped the whip around the brutes arms. She spun him like a top then wrapped his legs like you would a cow or sheep.

Sitting on top of him she laughed while patting his baled head "maybe next time you could last a little longer, I barely got my service of pleasure" she mocked.
Nickolas on the other hand stayed at his vantage point. 'Should I help? Should I not?' That was pretty much the only thought in his head at that point. Like Grace had made note of earlier, there were only five Blighters down there. Plus Katie was already helping Lucius.

They'd be fine!

...Besides. SOMEONE had to keep for those assassins that his friend had stolen the gauntlet from. Wouldn't want him to get killed for it now, would we? Of course not!
You know, every time Lucian saw Katie in action, he always went a bit pale. Like 'I would not want to be that guy' sort of pale. The poor blighter was on the ground trying to claw at her, but that wouldn't do.

... The other two weren't helping, and that was fine by him. He was a sort of performer. He took another sip of his flask, and something clanged against his teeth, drawing the attention of a female.

Evie, ever the one for a bit of action, just shook her head and went forward, prepared to kick the living hell out of this guy with the gauntlet. Unfortunately for her, Lucian had pulled out his Cigar.

You see, Lucian and his horrible drinking habits and smoking ways... weren't all that real. In fact, that flask had a bunch of lethally poisoned darts within their confines. And the cigar was just a holder for him to aim and blow the dart out of. Yes. it was a BLOW-DART set. And he used it whenever he wanted to show off. Of course it wasn't his main weapon, but it would do for something as little as this.

So Lucian gave deadly kisses, every time switching out a dart for a new batch of poison. He spat to the side to be rid of the old darts, tempting the females with the red coats with simple pecks on the cheek. That soon got old, however, and he was ready to end it. One last dart, he put the cigar to his lips....

Only to have Evie hit him on the back of the head with her cane-sword.

"Oof!" The dart was jostled within his mouth, but luckily did not pierce flesh. Somehow. What was the possibility of that? It didn't matter. Lucian did not recognize Evie as... well, not the enemy, but the conned. So he whipped around and quickly blew out of the cigar, sending the dart right towards her.

But did you expect Evie to get taken down that easily? Nah, it just grazed her neck. Her hand went up to the wound in surprise, but other then that...

Lucian had a wide-eyed look. "...Er. Someone go get that lady before she FALLS DOWN!? I did NOT mean to do that, dear Lord" He cried out.

... he seemed awfully panicked.
Grace groaned. "Dammit Lucian!" She hissed, quickly darting forwards keep the other female assassin from falling off the building.

Jacob had decided to do the same but stopped when he saw one of the con artists helping his sister. Now he was even more confused.

But there was no time for confusion. The British assassin needed to get his gauntlet back.

He changed his course to head towards Lucian, clearly noticing that the cigar was a weapon of some sort, not an actual cigar.

Meanwhile, Grace grabbed Evie's arm as the woman was about to fall off the building due to the poisoned dart. She gently set the woman down and examined the graze. She had already knew what to do to fix the situation due to past experiences. It was the first time Lucian hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings, that was for sure.
Katie finished knocking out the blighter at the moment she noticed Jacob lunging in for an attack she could not let that happen she had gone through to much work already to loose the loot. She unwrapped the poor man and ran twords an unsuspecting Jacob.

within seconds of reaching Lucian she tackled him and wrapped her whip around his legs, looking as if they were in a more provocative position then intended. She looked back to check on the other twin to make sure she was no going to fight back and with a scoff looked back. "Now don't try to attack or you will loose your boys" she pulled the knife from earlier out from her sleeve "might not want to buy it now huh" she teased.
Nickolas had decided to abandon his watching place at this point on the grounds of "Lucian did a bad." Though, instead of helping the other man, he went and knelt next to Grace as she tended to Evie. He was really hoping she would die. Dealing with people they scammed was no big. Dealing with a dead body? That was a whole other story! ...Also these two didn't seem like half bad people in his book. Though, truthfully that didn't mean much. He was a pretty bad judge of character.

However, the concern in Nickolas's voice was anything but false as he asked: "Is she gonna be alright?"

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