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Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - Souls of Eons

"Sorry about hitting his... girlfriend... no, that's a sister. Silly me."

Lucian stepped over the pair of Katie and Jacob, minding the two to check on the girl that he hit. He crouched down and felt her forehead, which had the inklings of a slight fever. Huh. Worked fast. T'was a shame, this sister of his's eyes were starting to glaze over with the effect of the drug. She would be fine in Grace's hands, with time and a bit of care...

And that's when he say that godforsaken man.

Holding a pistol. And, damn it all, aiming for his Associate's head. To be specific, he was aiming for Grace. Then he would have TWO dead bodies on his hands.

But of course, he used his last dart, so what was the point of acting?


He acted anyway. Silent, running across the rooftops and slitting the man's throat. Simple as that, with Jacob's gauntlet still in his right hand.

It wasn't too hard, but in his last act of life the stupid man had grabbed onto his foot and....

yup, Lucian did a bad. He was falling off of the roof, now. And that wouldn't have been so bad, because there was a comfy haybale and-



Why was everything so dizz...y...

To put a long story short, Lucian had missed the haybale by a smidgen (because he fell backwards, couldn't see a thing) and hit the back of his head on the wood. It collapsed of course, but he was out cold.

With Jacob's gauntlet.

Grace looked over when she heard them fall. "Oh dear..." She mumbled before going back to quickly finish helping Evie.

Jacob glanced at his sister and then over at Lucian and the man he had killed, and who dragged him off the building with him.

The assassin wasn't exactly sure what to do, even more so since the condition his sister was in and since his gauntlet was now farther away.
With an sigh she knew they were finished due to Lucians ablity to make a mess of everything "were done here" she spoke with an bit of posion in her tone. She untied the helpless Jacob and with an blow of kisses she was off the building and into the hay not makng the same mstake her cohort did.

She collected her now knocked out cohort and threw the gauntlet into the haystack to make the twins jobs way more hard then it she would let it be. "I guess were leaving don't you agree Lucian?" she nodded his head as an joke then motioned the others to escape. "I guess we are gone then" she bolted down the alleyway off to an hiding place where they wont be followed.
"That's my cue!" Nickolas shouted. "You can catch up, right Grace?"

Without waiting for a replay, he quickly began to scale his way down the roof. Upon reaching the bottom, he offered to give Katie a hand with the limp body of their friend. After all, two working together to carry him could escape much faster, right? Well, in theory at least. Less dead weight for one perhaps?

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