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Realistic or Modern Applegate House

At Nobel's question, Aurelian nearly died. His face paled and he nearly collapsed to the ground again as he visibly became nautious. She knew exactly how to exact her revenge, without knowing so herself. "Nobel" he said faintly. He tried not to look at Finn hating the moment that could ruin everything and could permanently friendzone him... forever. The seconds ticked by as Aurelian seemed to be entering a state of slight panic... he seemed to be a little to invested and it was becoming clear. He hoped Nobel would figure a way to fix his situation.

Paxton Sebastian

"That's always good," Paxton bit into a cookie. He chuckled at Nick's comment. "No. The only girl in my life is my mom."

He set the cookie box down and plopped down on his bed.
"What about you?"
Finn's eyes shot open at the sound of the question. He Himself never really thought much about it either. "Oh, well to be completely honest I am a homosexual." He peered at Nobel and Aurelian as his face slowly flooded with red. "I. uh apologize if I made you uncomfortable some people get really touchy on that stuff." He bit his lip and avoided making eye contact with Aurelian.

Nobel Graceland

"Oh, Aurelian and I don't mind in the least. After all, my best friend is gay." she glanced over at Aurelian slyly with a sneaky smile. "Gay guys are so much fun anyways."
Now Aurelian was dead... he sank to the ground and was just a giggling mess at this point. "Nobel darling... you always find a way to embarrass me don't you?" He asked with a sly grin looking at his best friend. Looking at Finn he just smiled all the while blushing, "Yeah, I'm gay too, always have been and always will be." He said happily. The ground was surprisingly comfortable, of course that could easily have just been because he wasn't sure if his legs would hold him up from the sheer amount of joy and embarrassment he was feeling.

Nobel Graceland

"I guess I do..." Nobel said thoughtfully before looking down at Aurelian. "Do you love that ground or something?"

She looked at Finn and winked,
"His secret love affair is the ground."
Finn looked at Aurelian and cracked a smile. "Is that why you were so happy when I invited you to movie night?" he held back the laughter. The same reason he was so happy was the same reason he had invited him in the first place. He sat down and lied himself next to Aurelian peering up at Nobel.

Nobel Graceland

"Now it's a party," she laughed before crouching down next to them. "Might I remind you that the ground is probably cold and you will probably get sick. I'm not nursing you back to health." She raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "Oh, and it's going to rain."
"Rain?" Aurelian said smiling. He loved the rain... well he loved water in general. He blushed and looked back at Finn, "Yes, of course that is why I was excited..." He said before being too red to speak sensibly. He looked at the sky and saw the dark clouds looming overhead, "If we are going to the library we should hurry otherwise we should just wait until after the rain... and Nobel we both know that if I got sick you would totally nurse me back all the while complaining about how you should have just let me die..." He said laughing.

Nobel Graceland

"Why must you be right? C'mon, you two. Let's get to the library. Lyla's going to be pissed if we miss Introduction Night. She's even making her famous spaghetti," she held out a hand to both of them with a smile. Introduction Night was the best night of the year with the new Applegate members doing some ridiculous task. She could still remember the baby food from her Introduction Night. Yuck...
Finn lifted himself from the ground and clamped off his hands. He was already pondering which movie would be the perfect movie for him. He couldn't help but stare at him he just had a certain something about him the made him stand out. They walked into the old library building and searched around. "I'll be right back I'm gonna go find the Dr. Seuss books." He chuckled and give them a wink.
Aurelian let out a chuckle as he took her hand and thinking about his Introduction Night three years ago... baby food... disgusting crap. "This will be an interesting night, won't it Nobel?" He said lightly elbowing her and nodding in the direction of Finn... he would have one night to remember as he was new to Applegate. He smiled at Finn and just blushed a little.

Nobel Graceland

"Yup," Nobel nodded. "Good luck, Finn. Welp, I'm gonna go see what's new in the historical section."

She patted Aurelian on the back and winked at him before walking away. She turned and gave her best-friend a thumbs up and skipped away.

After unpacking Austin decided he should probably be a bit productive so he put his sweat pants and beat up shoes on and headed out the door. As soon as he got outside he started running, jumping from the top of the steps and rolling as he hit the ground. He began down a little side trail with some trees, flipping off of one and quickly continuing. He ran around various parts of the campus for about an hour before he finally decided to go back to the dorms. When he got back he noticed just how much he was sweating and took off his shirt as he got down and started working out. He started with sit ups and turned on some music on his phone, mouthing the words all the while.

Austin really liked working out. It cleared his mind. He could get away from the world when he exercised. He could forget his shyness, his lack of friends, how homesick he was, everything. They simply became fuzzy feelings in the back of his mind, and to him, that was the greatest feeling he could find. He kind of blames Edward for his love of fitness, since that old man could go on and on about how strong he was in his youth. "I had men cowering and women swooning! I had biceps big enough to set an eight course meal on!" Austin remembers him saying one time. He chuckled over this for a second as he transitioned into doing push ups.

For some reason, Austin felt a lot less nervous now.
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"Wh..." was all Aurelian could say before Nobel disappeared into the aisles of books. He turned to Finn and smiled with blush creeping onto his cheeks. He really had to get a handle on that or how would he ever be the successor to his father's legacy. "I should probably go find the poetry that I was looking for. If you want to come you are more than welcome too.... or I could just go with you," he said fumbling with one of the rings on his fingers. It was a silver band, inlaid with a Gothic cross made of sapphires. It was a gift from his grandmother when she found out he was gay... she was the only one in the family who legitimately supported him and wanted him to just be himself no matter what.
Finn looked around and gave a sigh. "I really don't have anything to do. I guess I'll go with you." He smiled and walked with him "For movie night what do you think about the scream franchise?" Finn could never watch only one movie a night. It was usually three or four every night.
"Um, like I said horror aren't my thing... but because you will be there I am sure it will be good," Aurelian said smiling and walking the he and Finn over to where the darker poetry was. He scanned the shelves looking to see if there was anything he hadn't read over the last few years... nothing was new thus nothing he hadn't read. He picked out a couple of Poe's Collections and smiled at Finn. "Shall we?" He said motioning to the front desk.
Finn expressed his comfort by linking arms with Aurelian. "So, Aurelian, this is my first year here. Whats it like here?" Finn's homesickness began spiking again. He thought about his brothers and how much he missed them. "Is it nice, is it a hell hole?" He never did like the thought of boarding school. But at least it was a change in life.
Aurelian blushed intensely when Finn linked arms. His question was typical of someone new. "It is pretty nice, so long as you don't piss of your Dorm's leader." He said remembering when he and Nobel had gotten in trouble for being out too late in their Junior year, past curfew... He shuddered at the thought. "I would say that the past three years have been pretty fantastic!" He said happily. Leaving out his now ex-boyfriend... but Finn didn't need to know about him... at least not yet. "I think you will like it here... for nothing else, I will be here." He said happily.
He smiled and nodded "Sounds great." He looked around at the campus around him. The old buildings mixed in with the beautifully colored leaves made for a stunning sight. "I have to go. Pass by my Dorm later. See ya!" He jogged back down to his dorm where he fluffed himself back into his bed. Pink and red covering most of his face.

((I gotta long off for now. See yall later!))
Alix soon makes her way up to the dorm she was assigned and drops off her suitcase. Instead of taking off somewhere, she decides to unpack first and set her stuff where she wanted it. The biggest thing on her mind was if she had a roommate and who it was. Hopefully someone wh wasn't snotty or someone demanding.
Nick laughed, "no I am completely single right now." Nick blushed and smiled at him. "It is what it is I guess right?" Nick had to play this right, he thought Paxton was really hot, but he had just met him and he couldn't just tell him that.
Christina looked up from her book for a few seconds to take in her roommate. Oh, dear god. Why did her roommates always end up being complete messes? Her eyes lingered on the girl for a second longer before she got up and approached Alix.

"Touch any of my stuff and I swear to god, I will cut you." she threatened. She kicked the girl hard in the shin before storming from the room, her arms crossed.

Hana ventured out to avoid more awkward conversation with her roommate. She walked until she found an empty corridor, where she sat down and flipped open her book. She ran a hand through her hair as she read, humming to herself.
Liara rolled down the street on her board as she headed to Applegate. Her stuff was already there but she'd been roaming campus for a while, glad to be back here, away from her clueless parents although she'd miss her brother. But still, she quite liked it here and was happy to be back for her third year at this place.

Stopping just outside, Ara snatched up her board and headed inside up to her room. Her side was so clearly her side it was unreal, messy as heck with her stuff absolutely everywhere to say the least. There was the cheerleading uniform in amongst is somewhere as well... she should probably work out where that was to be honest but there we go. Heading over to the right hand side of the room, Ara flopped down on her bed, wondering if her roommate was going to be the same this year or different.

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