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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"Hm they seem to be ignoring me well il just leave my luggage here im sure they won't do anything with it" He then begun to walk around the school. Wondering around glancing at student's they looked at him as if he was a attraction or something. He done his normal thing and looked at the ground as he then heard shouting outside 3 people were there. From the looks of it there were two boys and a girl the boy's looked like they were fighting he walked there and said in English. "um excuse me is everything alright in here?" It was unlikely that all of them might not know what he was saying. He forgot he was in Japan. "I just transfer d here. is something the problem il help whenever i can" he said again in English doing his thing where he looks down on the ground. His accent thick with a Scottish sound.

@AceXCrossix @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi
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((@drummerboi the fight is outside and there are one boy and three girls in the classroom)

Jean looked at Conner, "I speak English." She said in her Scottish accent. 'Someone from Scotland awesome!' She thought, smiling to herself.
Connor looked at the other girl and smiled lightly he then continued to look down on the ground "yeah.....im from Scotland...." He said suddenly becoming very timid "if there is anything you ned just let me know...." He then translated what needed to be said to the other's in Japanese. It was rough but it translated well "Hello....my name is Connor Gray. i heard punching and yelling is there anything wrong." he said still looking down on the ground. As he then looked up once or twice. Be fore continuing to look down on the floor. He then noticed that the people more closely. There were a boy and a girl who looked like thay were fighting "you know. Nothing is solved with fighting.... It never has" he said continuing for now on to speak in Japanese. He said it with almost a hint of fear. He then looked up at them. Thay probably thought he was weird or a frack but he didn't mind. As long as he can help them stop the violence it will all be ok. He then looked down again at his feet.

@AceXCrossix @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi
Yumi stared at the two people speaking a foreign language, suddenly feeling very, very dumb. What on Earth were they saying...? They both smiled at each other, as if remembering a secret only known amongst themselves, and it immediately made her a little more self conscious. The feeling quickly left though once Connor began speaking in Japanese.

"Eh?" Her head tilted a little to the left, and her green eyes focused on him in confusion. "Is there more people fighting?" She questioned him, frown deepening. Seriously, it was like people didn't even care...


(I think you misunderstood, there is only two people fighting outside, both of them boys ^-^ By the way, nice to see you again!)
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Emiko finished her lunch and grabbed her trash, throwing it away and looking at Kazue with a smile.

"C'mon, Kazue. Let's check out the dorms!" She smiled brightly. Kazue chuckled and finished his cookie, throwing away his trash and standing over her.

"Alright. C'mon." He said and grabbed her hand. She smiled up at him as they made their way to the dorms. From a distance it looked nice so hopefully, up close it looked the same if not better.

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Jean smiled at the boy, she looked back at her laptop screen. 'Good to have someone else that speaks English and comes from the same country! What are the odds.' Jean thought as she typed away on her laptop.
(sorry about that and nice to see you to :D and it's Connor not Conner or Conor just so you know ironically the names Irish xD )

Connor looked at the girl who was speacking to him "What no i..i thought that two people were fighting I...im only trying to help. I'm sorry..I'm sorry." He said as he looked at the girl. He was panicking he wasn't used to talking to people. He then looked down on the ground. He was close to just running from the group and just be by himself like he used to. He fiddled with something in his hand's it looked like a pen. He then breathed deeply to calm himself down. He then looked at the girl again "I'm sorry....I.....I....." He continued to fiddle with the pen in his hand. He continued to switch his gaze from her to the ground. "I'm just not used to talking to people" He said as he then looked at her again. Wondering what she'll say will she call him a freak. Will the other's bully him like his primary and secondry life. He can only wait and find out

@Leaf Fi
(Dammit! My friend's name is Conor, that's why I wrote it like that. Complete force of habit >//-//< )

Yumi's eyes soften as soon as she was saw the boy was struggling immensely, only confirmed by his stuttering and broken eye contact. She offered him a friendly, gentle smile before walking to his side, placing her hand on his shoulder. He was considerably taller, but with Connor's slouching posture at the moment, it made it a lot easier. "Don't worry about it, okay? We're all nice people here." Yumi comforted him, rubbing his shoulder. "You'll fit in right away, I promise. Just calm down a little and relax, alright? Everything is going to be okay."
Connor flinched away from her touch. But soon after a while he leaned back into it. "My name is Connor..." He said looking at her. She was very pretty "I'm sorry if i'm acting weird it's just the way i am that's all." He said looking at the ground still not giving her a ounce of eye contact. "I'm sorry if I'm rude.." He said looking at her for a quick glance then back down again "I'm from Scotland.." He said fiddling with his pen still. He was still a little panicky. " What time dose class start my old school started nearing this time. I don't like changes..... I don't like changes" He said repeating it a little bit. He then continued to look at the floor fiddling with his pen. As he fiddled with it he begun to click it. He continued to do this action over and over again. This was another coping mechanism for him.

@Leaf Fi

(its ok im used to it a lot of people mistake my name xD and yes my first name is my charicters first name)
Yumi quickly glanced around the room, pursing her lips in thought. Would there be something to calm his nerves close by? "Nice to meet you Conor, I'm Yumi. Yumi Narusaki." She gave him another smile and continued to rub his shoulder. "Class will start soon, don't worry. We're at lunch now, so it'll end shortly." To be honest, she wasn't exactly sure, but any answer was better than none. "Have you filled out your form yet? Or chosen your dorm mate? It's the best way to make a friend, you know!" Yumi beamed, sneaking a quick glance back to the window. Were those two boys still going at each other?
"no...i wasn't told we were goig to sign something I...I thought it was just going to be simple." He said looking at her as he then continued to look at the girl he felt kinda comfterble with her now. Not to comfortable but comfortable to give her eye contact. "Yumi... that's a nice name" He said looking at her. TO her it might have been the easiest compliment in the book but to Connor he really meant it. To him her name was lovely compared to his. He then looked at the girl in the eyes "Can I sit next to you. I don't fell comfortable sitting with anyone else." He said looking at her. He then continued to look at her eyes "Your a nice person if there is anything please let me know." He said smieling still clicking his pen. As he looked at the ground again.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi let out a soft laugh, "Oh, it isn't difficult at all! You just need to write simple details about yourself. I promise you it isn't that bad." The brunette felt Connor relax a little more, and dropped her hand from his shoulder, placing it behind her back. "Thank you! That's very sweet of you to say, Connor," her smile turned even bigger and brighter, and all of it was genuine. Nobody had ever told her that before, so it felt pretty nice. "I like yours too." She added as an afterthought before nodding once more. "And yes, you can sit beside me. I just hope you don't mind sitting at the front of the class." Yumi giggled shyly, running a hand through her hair. A lot of people would probably wince at the mention of being in the front row, so she hoped Connor wasn't one of them.
"front row. I spent all my school days at the front row....along with the multyple spit balls thrown at me" When he said that last part he looked at the distance as i he was haveing a flash back. He then realised he said to much and snapped out of it. "Anyway il be more then glad to sit in the front with you just. Dont touch my things. I don't like people touching my things." He said looking at her. He then looked at the floor again as he then continued to wonder. Can she really be nice to him. Or is she just pitying him. He'll ask that at another time. "Anyway...there are a few things about me you need to know about. I like to know if things change anything even a little event. I just don't like change.." He said looking at her. He then wondered if she had any interests "do....do you like anime" He said that in the most quiet tone as possible.

@Leaf Fi
Zack looked up from his drawing pad in the back , he had completely spaced out

(Well then , Im so sorry ,ignore my post...it just hasnt been informing me of the posts....can someone give me a basic recap please ;- ;)
(@MissingBolt so far everyone has their dorm assignments ((it's in the OOC chat right now)) it's lunch time right now and so everyone is just conversing with one another. 3 students Riika, Ryu, and Haru are outside Ryu ans Haru are fighting for fun, Jean, Yumi, Jethro, Gurīn-sensei, Rayisho, Kaede, and Connor are in the classroom. Jean is on her laptop, Gurīn is talking to Rayisho, Kaede, Jethro, Yumi, and Connor are talking each other. Emiko and Kazue are in the dorm house scoping things out)
(Wow...thank you...for the massive recap Aero ^^ that helps alot )

When looking up he saw it was lunch , seeing that he had missed all of class , he figured he'd go check out his dorm , he packed up and checked the now released list , and headed towards the dorm building
Ryu put his arms up in a cross to prevent from getting kneed so badly and then head-butted Haru to get out of his grasp. "Ow.." he muttered under his breath rubbing the spot where his head collided with the other person. He never headbutted someone before. This was his first time. And it hurts like hell. Haru made it look so easy. Before his opponent could do anything else, he whammed his fist against Haru's side multiple times.

@Nenma Takashi

Kaede perked up as she heard Yumi say she found Ryu. She walked to the window and followed her gaze towards the courtyard to see.. yep she guessed it fighting. He was covered in blood from head to toe fighting the dude. Her eyes widen as the other guy kneed Ryu in the face and then saw Ryu headbut the dude back. She bowed down in thanks at Yumi before dashing outside to see through the fight. You idiot, what were you thinking?! She thought, furious. What if a teacher saw and suspend him? It was only the first day of school! She couldn't have that. Kaede stomped down to where they were having the fight and waited for the right moment to jump in.

@Leaf Fi
(No problem ( :) ))

Jean looked away from her laptop screen and watched Kaede walk out the room. 'I'm guessing she's going to confront her brother.' She thought and looked out the window at the two still fighting.
Haru smile widened. "Come on that all you got!" He grabbed his left arm and spun him around to his back then grabbed his other arm. Kicking the back on his knees to make him dropp then pulling his arms up to the point where any farther and they would brake. "Now you have a choice give up and I let you go or don't give up and I break your arms. Your choice pro tip answer B is funner for me." He chuckled.
Zack entered his listed dorm room , evidently he was alone , so he went ahead and sat on the bed on the left side of the room and laid down
It was lunch time and Mori wanted to pick his sister up already. He made his way down the hall and into his room loosening his already loose tie he pulled his phone out and slumped on his bed as he called the day care center.

"Mori! hey how can I help you?" "let me speak to khala please..." "ah, shes sleeping at the moment do you want me to wake her sir?" "No, ill be there in a couple of hours.. just tell her im on my way when she wakes up."

Hanging up Mori sighed pushing his hair back hanging his head down he took a deep breath and got up. he left he left his dorm and went to the roof as he pulled a cigerette out and began smoking. "what a drag" he said as he tried to relax.
Ryu groaned in pain and tried to jerk his hand away but the more he moved, the more painful it was. "God...damn.." he huffed out. The hurt was etched on his face and it didn't go unnoticed by his sister. Idiot, she thought walking towards him. One would think she'd help her brother out but with Kaede, it was a different story. She crouched down to Ryu's level and gave him a sickly sweet smile before showing him what she typed on her phone prior to coming. 'Give up, you're going to lose anyways and I'd rather you not have a broken arm when you do' it said.

Ryu's eyes widen and he scowled at Kaede, knowing full well what she said was right. "A-Alright... I give up," he muttered.

@Nenma Takashi
Haru sigh. "Tch damn so close." He let go of Ryu's arms and helped him up. "Sooo what did we learn?" He asked nudging Ryu hoping he got the point of all.
Omi decided to write the dorm partners on the board for when the students come in.

Matsuo Miharu and Emiko Lanette

Kazue Suoh and Connor Gray

Mori Hyuga and Haru Sordie

Rayisho Nehiro Samaysune and Jean Jamie Arkesandaa

Riika Kagome and Len Kagamine

Ryu and Kaede Masayumi

Yumi Narusaki and Jethro Sato

Aaron Steele and Zackary Bolt

Jean looked at the list. 'Who's Rayisho?' She thought curiously.
Zack pulled his headphones on and began listening to music

(Alexander and James are his middle names , No need to list those @Aero )

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