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Fantasy Aisha's Slave Manor

Nerwen Greenleaf


"Sadly according to these dogs and their pet human, it doesn't matter if the Goddess was going shopping or not. Whatever form you can take has no right to live or the right to freedom. She probably puts trackers in the bracelets so she can hunt you down and kill you. None of these people deserve to live,"
Nerwen said as she stared at everybody. "How did you get caught anyway? I was kidnapped from my kidnapper and sold by a slave thief. I didn't ask to be here or ask to be taken from my kidnapper. I didn't think you could have access to your powers with the bracelets on." As soon as I'm out I'm killing my 'master' and I'm killing the person who sold me. Then I'll kill myself to keep from going back into slavery. @NightCasterZ
"I was born a slave..." Lilo muttered nervously. "But Goddess is different! She's not jut another form, she's her own person!"
Nerwen Greenleaf


"Well you got unlucky then,"
Nerwen said sadly. "The only way to get out is to die or be bought and then you had best hope for death. Because nothing and nobody here will set you free or allow you to have freedom once you're bought. You...Goddess...however many other forms you have will be nothing more than a piece of dirt on the bottom of your master's shoe, existing only to do his bidding. You'll never be able to access your powers again and they'll slowly die out over time. And if your 'master' dies then you'll be sold off again and again until you die. That is the life that awaits all of us here. There is only one escape and that is in death. To the government you are nothing but an animal, an object. You aren't a person with fears, hate, love, emotions or thoughts. So it has been since slavery came to the world and so it will always be until the humans destroy themselves." @NightCasterZ
Lilith nodded. No one would ever understand her, and all she had gone through to avoid being thrown out any earlier. It had been a painful and quiet existence. Mostly because most of the time, half of her wanted to do something, while the other half resisted and wanted something completely different. It was an internal battle of good versus evil. This was shown when Nazar transformed. Part of her wanted to laugh and retaliate, but she had to force herself to stay back, a bit startled.
Nazar Keller

Land of Fire-Phoenix Eye Cafe

The giant white wolf stared at Lilith before walking closer to her and lowering himself to the ground before placing his head on Lilith's lap. He pressed his nose into her stomach and closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of her body in the stillness of the room. He would give her a week to settle in but that didn't mean he would let her leave his side. @PokemonGirl
Nerwen Greenleaf


Nerwen shrugged. "That's because the devil walks among these pitiful creatures, a devil who has no heart or soul. That is Aisha of the Manor. Stealer of lives and breaker of dreams," Nerwen said. "All that matters to her is money and slaves. She has no heart, no soul, no consciousness inside her. No emotion and is incapable of anything but hate and disregard for others' lives." Grabbing her clothing, Nerwen got dressed and began squeezing the water out of her hair before punching her hand into the wall, shattering the bones in her hand and fingers. "She's a soulless mutt with a fetish for hair. Probably killed her own spouse if she ever had one." Nerwen walked out of the showers and went to a corner of the room before sinking down the wall and sitting there, allowing the life to and hate to leave her eyes until only blankness remained. @NightCasterZ
Andre Zeklos

Andre sighed as he didn't see this person he was supposed to be working with. The boss was becoming more difficult with each job the slave thieves did. How utterly pathetic. He could easily get himself out of jail if needed and he technically didn't need the money of the job as he had plenty of wealth but extra money that went further into his wealth and allowed him to see the world was a sad weakness of his. Plus he had no doubt that if he had reported his boss then he would have to worry about himself. Andre did not like this at all. Stealing someone, someone who was wealthy and could easily support themselves. It was one thing to steal people who didn't want to be slaves, it was another matter to steal someone off the streets because their boss had issues. "I knew I should have stayed in Egypt," Andre said to himself. He could have been assassinating people instead of stealing them or digging through old tombs. Those had been the days alright. Deciding a coffee would be a good thing right now, Andre decided to see if that new cafe place was open. Andre made his way across the street to the cafe and walked inside before taking a seat at a table in the corner. @Polefox
Nerwen Greenleaf
Nerwen Greenleaf


"If your own family enslaved you then they're better off dead,"
Nerwen said emotionlessly. "I have a good mind to sell my mother into slavery if I ever see her. Or kill her. Nobody is ever going to set me free. I'll be a slave and a breeder until I die. I don't know why these robots just don't put down people who don't want to be slaves. Cowards I guess. Cowards and stupid." She had nothing left to say to anybody. They could all rot in hell and she would join them. @NightCasterZ
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Tiro's eyes were closed the entire time Nazar was talking to the server, and just after he selected his slave. His eyes finally popped open and he stood upright and demonic wings popped up from his back. "Yes, Mi'Lord." He said with a triumphant smile.

"I'm afraid that was Paxixs, a Devil that comes to me with news of the heavens every now and then and this time was urgent. I apologize if it seemed I was ignoring you. I would like a presentation if you don't mind." Tiro said with a smile.

Nerwen Greenleaf


Nerwen looked listlessly at Lilo before turning her head away. There was nothing to say to the slave who had at least two different forms. Instead the abomination just slipped further and further into madness as she began laughing at every sick thing that had happened to her and what would happen to her, even her laugh showing how crazy she was becoming locked up here and in a future that only allowed pain and death. Her eyes remained dull with a hint of madness broiling underneath for slavery would drive any supernatural that was meant to be free into madness and it didn't do neither halves of her blood to be caged up and treated like an animal. Nerwen's mind had finally and utterly snapped due to the years of abuse, rejection and loss heaped on her. @NightCasterZ
Goddess sensed her pain and sent Lilo to comfort her. "It's alright..." She whispered into her ear, hugging her gently.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra studied the map of the ventilation shaft, it looked like it ran throughout the entire house, so she was set. She sighed quietly as she pecked Andre on his cheek as he announced he had a new job from their employer. This job was much bigger than she expected, after capturing this slave she was going to investigate a little bit. "Text me and let me know how it goes." she said to Andre before he sped off to his job. Turning back to Donathan she recrossed her arms of her chest "Do you still wanna do this plan? You'll have to be my eyes and ears." It seemed easy enough, the demonic creature was feeding his alligators, which would give her enough time to sneak in and find the human girl. She would obviously be willing to work with Alexandra, making it even easier for her. Glancing back down at the laptop, she saw a small heat signature in a room upstairs, that must have been her.

Jeremy Lave

Jeremy nodded to Sasha as he stood up and went to the bathroom, hopefully he was alright. He would check on him in a few minutes if he still in there. Smiling to the woman, he held out a hand. "Well my name is Jeremy, it's nice to meet you. And could I get a couple menus for me and my friend?" he titled his head towards Sasha's now empty seat.

@SachiGrl @Barbas @Lost Valentine @galaxyflames @Apathetic Empathy @Polefox
Nerwen Greenleaf


Nerwen didn't hear or sense Lilo coming towards her and whispering in her ear words of reassurance. They were all lies anyway, lies and false promises. Her father was probably turning over in his grave at seeing his adopted daughter as nothing but an animal now, something the man hadn't wanted for Nerwen. It had been why the man was a hermit and why Nerwen had grown up in the forests surrounding her home. Those had been the days when she hadn't needed to worry about the world because her father was there to protect her. She hadn't been able to protect her daughter or her sons and couldn't even protect herself. The half-elf slammed the back of her head into the wall behind her, again and again and again until blood poured down the back of her head and dripped onto the floor. But Nerwen didn't notice the blood or the overwhelming pain in her skull. She deserved this pain...she knew that. Pain would atone for her failure to protect her children. She was nothing without her magic and freedom. They were whores...barbarians...life stealers...rapists and killers. Every person who bought a slave, Aisha who was a liar and a fake-a cheat and a scoundrel-good for nothing excuse of a human who deserved everything that the slave women suffered on her a thousandfold for a thousand lifetimes, every slave vendor, her biological parents, the government...they all deserved to be burned alive at the stake! Murderers...cut-throats...breakers of dreams and lives...

Unwanted, unloved, rejected by her biological parents, a failure of a daughter and mother, abomination, breeder...Whatever semblance of sanity left in Nerwen completely broke and she let out an inhumane scream mixed with the cackling of madness....and for now that was all that was heard, echoing throughout the manor...

Lily squeezed her tightly as the light's energy filled ,her body. "Dora yu Nina ha!" She yelled, a spell which could cure those of insanity.



"I'm Varina for you, she said smiling." While she gave him the menus a man came in.

"Hello sir, Here is the menu and please wait, It's kinda bizzy, I'm still no octopus," she said smiling to him while she passed on the menu with a little water and also mastered the water back in the sink of the bar. She walked to the two men.

"You have your choice? Or do I have to wait?"

@RefundTheLemons @galaxyflames
The bracelets Aisha forces her slaves to wear restricts all their powers so they can't use any type of magic or any other powers such as changing forms and the like apparently. Best edit that part before you get banned.


Nerwen Greenleaf


Nerwen struggled against Lilo's grip on her as she screamed and laughed, trying to claw out her throat and eyes but was unable to do to Lilo hugging her. By slipping into madness she wasn't good for anything now and it was all the fault of three people. Kidnapper, kidnapper two also known as the slave thief and Aisha. They had brought her to the shreds of hell and would now reap what they had sown. One already had.
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Lilith smiled as the beautiful white wolf lowered itself into her lap. She grazed her hand over his back, embracing his silky fur. "I like you, master." She whispered softly. @eclipsehowls
Nazar Keller

Land of Fire-Phoenix Eye Cafe

Nazar huffed, enjoying Lilith's hand running through his fur for a few moments before he stood, lifting his head off Lilith's lap. He ran his tongue over her cheek before shaking out his pelt and shifted back into his regular body. "Surprised you like me so much after an hour tops of knowing me. It usually takes longer to win over my slaves," Nazar as he went back to his meal and finished it in five minutes. Standing he gently grabbed Cain and pulled out his wallet, tossing a $20 on the table before walking over to Lilith. "Destination two," he said to Lilith as he took her arm and teleported them to Alexandria, Egypt. "That's the Mediterranean Sea across from us and then you have Greece, Italy and some other countries," Nazar said. "But we need to discuss what is to be done if that psycho sends her pets after me." @PokemonGirl

Nerwen Greenleaf


Nerwen continued to scream bloody murder. Since the bracelets bound all of the slaves' powers because of Aisha's selfish attitude, at least it was that reason in Nerwen's mind, nothing Lilo said had any affect on her. She took no sense of anyone in the showers with her in her madness continued to seep through her, her magic trying to fight through the bracelet but unable to and with no where to go it began to create internal bleeding and destroy her from inside. One should know better than to bind an elf's magic but humans were stupid and never learned. So on top of her madness were also screams of pain until it got too much and Nerwen passed out from a combination of madness, pain and blood loss against Lilio, her eyes moving frantically and dully behind her eyelids. @NightCasterZ
LILO slung the girl on her back weakly. "You take over, Goddess..." She muttered. "So I'll take that as a no..." She muttered a few seconds later before trying to carry her away.
Alya was comfy with being nude in front of others. The feeling of nudity wasn't much centered in her brain as she had to spend time in a brothel, aka hiding from her guards, and the people there showed her a very good~ time~.

"Hey, why is everyone either screaming or just uncomfy with this? It just us and the robots...."
Indigo Soulton


Indigo got dressed and watched as the elf girl began to sink into madness. "That is what happens Ashley when a person is forced to be a slave against their will and you selfishly bind their very nature and powers," Indigo said. "The woman you love is hurting her and all of us," she attempted to explain to the pureblood vampire. "Once you succumb to madness you're better off dead because nobody will want you then. Whatever powers you have are being stifled by the selfish human." She yawned but wasn't sure what time it was, however she remembered her new room number. After seeing the new slave get caught by the robot, she doubted she'd be able to walk to her new room by herself and growled under her breath. @TerrinX Indigo stared at the fire slave in disgust. "The girl is slipping into insanity," Indigo snarled at Ayla. "That's what happens when our powers are bound like this and its more true for a slave who is meant to be free by their very nature such as the elf, myself and possibly Ashley. And this is degrading to shower in front other people naked. Humans don't like it and they object to it on a moral nature unless they're working the streets or are slaves and then it doesn't matter." @RoyalPhoenix32

Andre Zeklos

Andre saw it was getting late so left the cafe. "Now where is this person? Honestly it can't be that hard to find somebody in this god forsaken cesspool of a town," Andre grumbled. It wasn't like he could say 'Hey other slave thief! Where are you?!' in the middle of the street. That would probably get him arrested. He smirked to himself though as he thought of Alex pecking him in return. I bet that ruffled Don's feathers, he thought snickering evilly to himself. He should have asked Jasper when Victoria was coming back. Maybe they could replace the slave Alex and Don...well probably Alex...with Victoria and then place bets on how long she either died or it took to cause the to kill himself to get away from Victoria. The thought was so amusing that he couldn't help laughing out loud. @RoyalPhoenix32

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