• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Aisha's Slave Manor


Indecisive Being

Aisha's Slave Manor



Slaves are bathed, groomed, and clothed before placed for sale.

Each slave is assigned a room. Each room contains two to three slaves.

Before sold to a potential owner, a slave must be approved by Aisha.

Slave Schedule

Early Morning: In bed, breakfast.

Morning: "Outdoors" Time

Afternoon: Lunch at the cafeteria

Evening: Shower time

Night: Bedtime

Slave Uniforms



In order to purchase a slave, please review our Website and provide us your preferences.

Call/Text/E-mail Surveillance504 to provide your list of preferences.

To certify wealthiness, a security deposit of $500 must be made before slaves are exhibited.

If no slave was purchased, the $500 deposit will be returned.

Employees of Aisha's Slave Manor

Server627, Server823, Server105

  • Title: Server
  • Job Description:
    Cleans the manor with broom, mop, vacuum, duster, ect.

[*]Slave maintenance

  • Bathes, grooms, and clothes the slaves.


  • Tends to slaves and guests with refreshments


  • Accompany guests to purchase slaves



  • Title: Surveillance Security
  • Job Description:
    Monitors incoming guest and slaves


  • Welcomes incoming guests

[*]Escort Manager

  • Accompany guests to purchase slaves or transfer guests to Server627, Server823 or Server105


Gunner3PO, Gunner2GB, Gunner1FZ

  • Title: Security Guard
  • Job Description:
    Monitors incoming guest and slaves


  • Welcomes incoming guests


  • Accompany guests to the exit if protocols are not followed


  • Fetches slaves attempting escape


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Personal-Security Slave Bracelet: Explanation of Contraption


  1. Band of the Slave Bracelet. Bounds powers of any sort.
  2. Transmits sound data to Surveillance504's system.
  3. Transmits visual data to Surveillance504's system.
  4. Transmits location data from the global positioning system receiver to Surveillance504's system.
  5. Detects sound data, microphone.
  6. Projects sound data, speaker.
  7. Detects visual data, camera.
  8. Computer connected to a cellular telephone system that can receive sound data, visual data and location data from the personal security bracelet through the cellular telephone network.
  9. Monitors the distance between a first personal security bracelet and the second personal security bracelet through direct signaling between the two personal security bracelets.


Hi there! Just want to say no one liners

  • I believe in 2 warnings then the boot
  • No God-modding
  • No sexual scenes (Time skip or fade to black)
  • I do encourage fighting, drama, and romance
  • Use OOC for out of character chat or use a spoiler to hide conversations
  • I have decided, to make it easier for everyone, to make it mandatory to @someone you're posting to. If you don't know how ask in the OOC.
  • Please read/skim all my posts. It is important to know what my robots are doing or even my henchman.
  • If you read the rules, put in the OOC that you are awesome and you can post
  • Be nice. Have fun.


Slave Starter Post

In the Character Sign-up tab, please verify your character's room number.

You may not leave your rooms without a Robot escort.

Please check what the time it is. We have a set schedule for the slaves now.

The first post elaborates the details of a slaves schedule.

All of SachiGrl's post will have the current time and weather updates.

Non-Slave Starter Post

Your character may start where ever.

If interested in a slave, text/email/call the 1-800-ASMANOR / info@ASManor.com after reviewing our "website" with all our slave profiles.

Notify Surveillance504 which slaves you're interested in before visiting.


Pili's Bakery

Police Station

Orchard's Restaurant

All One Stop Shop

Tally's Movie Theater

Adventure Park

Apple and Orange Coffee house

Night Club "Redemption"

If you own a business, I'll add it here​
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Rm# 101

Washington blinked open his eyes and sat up on the bed he'd been assigned in the far corner of room 101. He hadn't been sleeping; despite what humans often thought, vampires weren't solely permitted to sleep during the day and he had little freedom to choose to only sleep when he assumed it was light outside. He stretched his arms high above his head and swayed his head until his neck popped on both sides. When he was satisfied, Wash swung his bare feet off of the bed and planted both on the cold floor.

He shared the room with two females. He refused to refer to them as fellow slaves; they were women and he had been raised to respect them. It seemed odd even to him to still hold being respectful as an important value, but despite the indignity of being kept as a slave he intended that one day his values would come in useful.

Washington stood up slowly from his bed and began to move across the room towards the door. He wouldn't be able to open it but he liked to listen, especially when an unknown sound had caught his attention.
Room 102

Lilith yawned as her eyes fluttered open. She had rolled around all night, causing both feathers and scales to come off her wings, making her even more restless. All in all, she didn't sleep well. She chose to ignore the girl she was sharing a room with. She still didn't know her name. But since her sale 2 days ago, Lilith refused to open her mouth.
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room 101

Tali woke up she may share the room but she actually didn't have a bed as that would actually be bad for her and the bed given her nearly liquid form. Instead she slept in what was basically a fish tank and right now it looked just like one just without the fish and with only a single coin sized stone in it. This was Tali in a relaxed form where she wasn't trying to appear humanoid she was nothing but liquid letting the container pick her form.

Once she was awake the liquid moved and rose out of the container like a snake and moved to the ground where her body formed into its human like shape. Still her form was a bit short if compared to a human of equal age she was about the size of a 15 or 16 year old though this was only because she had yet to replenish her liquids today and like all of her race her size was determined by her amount of liquids.

Looking about she saw Washington was awake and at the door she didn't get him that much her people had chosen to be slave her included for many reasons so she didn't exactly understand the desire to be free. Perhaps in time she would, but for now she didn't.

" Good morning Washington" She said her voice slightly musical though it was not very loud even though unsound proofed walls she would not be heard, vocalization was a complex task for a creature with none of the normal organs to make sound.

Server627 was in the kitchen preparing the food of the slaves held in their estate. She was ordered to make grilled pork chops with sesame slaw. She sprinkled the pork with ¾ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of pepper. She then grilled until the meat was cooked through.Meanwhile, Server105 was using a large bowl. She combined the orange juice, oil, vinegar, sesame seeds, honey, and ¾ teaspoon salt. Quickly after, she threw in the cabbage and cilantro and tossed them to combine. Finally, Server823 gathered all the plates onto a tray and placed one cup of water, one 8 ounce pork and some sesame slaw on each plate. The three robots split to deliver each plate accordingly.

Server627 entered room 101 nonchalantly. She placed the plates on each nightstand by each slave's bed. She saw one particular slave that was near the door. She did not think much of it, but since he was a vampire, she realized the food was probably not fit for him. "Is this sufficient?" She asked in a monotone voice.

Server105 entered Room 102. She quietly opened the door and looked in before entering. Once the coast was clear she walked in and placed the plates of food on the nightstands. She stared at one particular slave. She had a form of a demonic angel. This was anesthetically appealing to the robots eyes. She quickly shifted her gaze and continued working.

Server823 remained in the kitchen cleaning.
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The robotic server was an odd sight to see for Lilith. She sat back down on her bed, taking the plate of food and placing it on her lap. She sighed, looking over to the robot slave. She wiggled her fingers slightly, in place of a simple wave.
Alexandra glanced around at the few people that were sitting around her on the patio of Orchard's Restaurant. She liked eating here, not alot of people and the view on the patio was nice. She glanced down at her phone and quietly sighed. Nothing new still. It's been a few days since she heard from her recent employer, someone new that happened employed her before. Usually that was normal, you wouldn't hear anything till after the job was finished, but she was never given an assignment yet. The last thing she was told was "Wait". And Alexandra hated not having anything to do.

Picking up her phone she scrolled through recent news stories, something to keep her occupied till her food arrived.
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Server105 saw in her peripheral vision the unique slave moving her fingers in her direction. "Server105," she stated her name then added robotically, "assistance needed?" She cocked her head to the side to emphasize that her statement was indeed a question. Server105 has been studying living beings behaviors for some time. She liked emulating them. She felt more alive this way.
Realizing that the robot didn't understand her gestures, she shook her head as she put the first bite of food into her mouth. It certainly wasn't her mother's home cooked foods, but it would suffice. She wondered if the robot had emotions, or was even a conscious being.
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Server105 blinked at the slave's lack of response. She must have needed nothing. She lifted her, now, empty tray and walked out of the room. She went back to the kitchen to see if Server823 needed assistance in cleaning.
Lilith kept her head down as she left her room to see Tali and Washington in the hallway. Her feet seemed to move faster knowing that people had the opportunity to stare at her. The only rooms she had seen in the manor were the front hall and her room, so she took the morning as a way to hopefully explore a bit more.
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Ashley woke slowly to the smell of food.

Slipping out of her bed she sat up and started eating.

Ashley was very hungry, she was recently punished and was going to be on her best behavior.

After finishing her food Ashley watched the new girl just keep her head down, shaking her head she started to get dressed and ready, hoping for some personal time with Mistress Aisha.

She loved it when Aisha gave her special attention, Ashley wants to be her favorite, to win her affection. That was her goal and she will achieve it.
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Donathan was in a great mood today. He's getting paid for doing nothing. The slave thief's messenger told him to wait for orders. To Don wait means free time. He saw a female centaur trotting by. He growled at the white beauty, "Rrraaawr!" When she looked back at him with her white long hair and pale skin, he gave her a wink. She scoffed and turned away with her chin held high. "Come on, baby!" He said walking faster to catch up with her, "I don't bite... hard." He smacked her behind and she gave him a nice back kick. He was thrown back against the steps of the patio belonging to the Orchard's restaurant. "Oii, that hurt," he looked back and spotted a lovely pale woman. "Eeeyy, I know ya!" He stood up quickly brushing off his shoulders. He smiled and scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.


Aisha Coles

Aisha walked down the slave's corridor. Her long Gothic-like dress slithered while her heels tapped noisily. She stood still as she watched her Servers entered and exited the rooms occupied with slaves. Aisha wanted privacy when she checked on her slaves. In her left hand she held a particular brush. It was a vintage brush made of stainless steel. Its bristles were soft and made of Ox's hair. When she finished her routine-like fetish. She would one by one pluck out the hairs entangled within the bristles of her brush. Aisha had a particular liking to brushing Ashley's hair. Ashley, also, seemed to enjoy getting her hair brush. Thus, reciprocating the pleasure Aisha feels. Aisha slowly opened the door to room 102. Three lovely dolls awaiting to be brushed. She wanted to save the best for last, but she couldn't wait to brush Ashley's exotically orange hair. She walked over to Ashley's bed. She patted on the space next to her, signalling for Ashley to be beside her. Her face was emotionless. She adjusted the skirt of her dress and lightly placed her metallic brush on her lap. She looked directly at Ashley, ignoring the other girl's. She'll get to them later.
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Lucille Copeland

~ ~ ~

Rm # 102

~ ~ ~


Ah, silence. Just how Lucy liked it when she woke up in the morning, and this morning wasn't short of her expectations. She opened her eyes slowly, trying her best not to move. She was laying down in a bed in the back of the room, facing the wall. She took slow breaths as she heard the sound of footsteps and food consumption. She didn't want her roommates to know she was awake yet but she knew she had to get up. Upsetting the mistress was the last thing she wanted. Internally sighing, Lucille turned over in her bed and sat up, hesitantly resting her feet on the cold floor. Her light brown locks fell to her side as she blinked, still trying to wake up.

The groggy girl looked to her right and noticed the food sitting on the side table.
That must have been what one of the girls was eating, she thought. Lucy picked up the tray and began eating the meal in front of her. She mostly picked at it, not being very hungry at the moment. But food was food and Lucille didn't know how often she would be able to get some. She figured the staff here was kind and would feed her regularly but she was unsure about the potential bidders who would take her into their homes. Her mind flooded with thoughts, They may not give me food. They may be cruel. But the girl gave up as her thoughts raced and set the food back down on the table.

She turned her head to her left and saw that the mistress was sitting on one of the girls' beds. She furrowed her brow in confusion. What was she doing here? She had a hairbrush in her hand, maybe she was going to groom them. Lucy smiled slightly as she thought,
That'd be nice. I hope she's nice. Lucille sighed agajn, but this time it was out loud, but she didn't notice it right away. She looked down at the floor, staring at her feet. I wish we could get some polish in this place, she thought to herself.
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room 101

Tali took the food or rather she stretched out her arm like one stretches dough and formed a bubble of liquid around the food that had been brought in. Her kind generally liked their meat and other foods raw or prepared in a way with as many liquids and oils as possible, though just about anything could be digested they did have preferences even if they didn't taste the food. Tali moved the meal into her body and reformed her hand then changed her body's' acidity so within seconds the meat was quickly shrinking as it was torn apart all in prefect view of any that looked at her due to her clear body.

" Are there any buyers scheduled for today?" Tali asked treating to robots as non sentient beings as she didn't know the extent of their programming and she didn't exactly know how buying a slave here worked, she was waiting to be bought for the first time right now.

Server627 shifted her attention from Washington, the vampire, to the fluid-like specimen, Tali. Before answering Tali, she eyed the food disintegrating within her stomach. It was quite a show. Sadly, Server627 couldn't express her amusement. Her eyes adjusted to Tali's face, "As of this morning, no madam." She blinked a few times then decided to pick up Tali's empty plate. Server627's program has her body move like a living body. Her chest rises and falls, as if she was breathing, her eyes blink every so seconds, and occasionally she would gulp. Her old Master, Adam Coles, tried his best to make robots with feelings. Though Adam declared his experiment a failure, Server627 concluded otherwise as she aged. Server627 can in fact have feelings, but she, for some reason, was incapable of physically expressing it.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_mfvaikMK0n1r3usg8o1_500.jpg.59ddb77755938ab7c1a5fb5e42276448.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_mfvaikMK0n1r3usg8o1_500.jpg.59ddb77755938ab7c1a5fb5e42276448.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Yes Mistress" Ashley said quietly as she sat beside her owner obediently.

Ashley loved getting her hair brushed every morning, it made Aisha happy so it made her happy, that was the logic she developed years ago.

Hearing the other new human girl speak only Ashley's eyes dare move as she waited. The new girl was pretty, very pretty and that exited her. Ashley's limited exposure to the outside world has molded her mind differently than most others making her give off a more creepy, introverted, almost obsessive vibe.

Hesitating she forced her mouth to move "...Mistress..Im sorry for disobeying you the other day...I will try my best to behave." she said quietly.



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" Oh that is to bad" Tali said she was perhaps one of the few that really did want and owner, though the risk of getting a harsh master was surely there she didn't seem worried. She wasn't in truth as many slave might be broken to make thoughts of retaliation nonexistent for one like her she could still think of it though it would take a lot to gain such hate from her. The others were being oddly quiet though the machine at least wanted to talk, and Tali did like machines, which while most would think things like computers would not mix well with her liquidy form they did just fine if she simply changed the composition of her body . She did wish she could get inside this machine like she could a computer she felt very at home next to machines for some reason despite being born as other slimes where.

" Does the mistress have anything scheduled for the day for us to do?" She asked not sure what she would do with the day if was not given a task, most likely ask to leave the manor to investigate things.

Aisha Coles

Aisha eyes looked past Ashley when she heard Lucille sigh, "Shhh..." She wanted to focus. She shook her head lightly and returned her gaze to Ashley. Her movement was swift. This pleased Aisha, but the moment Ashley parted her lips, she placed her finger lightly on her mouth. She felt her hot breath on her finger. It brought chills down her back. Without second thought, Aisha shifted Ashley, so that her back was facing her. With her right hand, she delicately held the metallic brush. Her hand rose with the brush then slowly it smoothed against Ashley's orange hair. Her breath was steady. Her free hand caressed underneath where she brushed. The soft bristles tickled the palm of her hand. She almost 'lost control' and felt her lips begin to curve, but she quickly corrected herself and again remained serious. She stroked Ashley's hair repeatedly. Each stroke made it difficult to breath, but she manage to breath somewhat steady as she continued to groom the lovely doll. Her heart was racing. She loved this. This quiet, intimate moment causes her to feel so exhilarated. She, also, loved the challenge of trying to keep herself in control, emotionless, quiet.


Server627 eyes went blank then a series of letters and words scrolled through her eyes. She completely disregarded Tali's chitchat and commanded, "You are being transferred to room 103." She took hold of Tali's bracelet and attached it to herself. "Follow me," she gave Washington a quick glance before leaving. She'll retrieve him a raw steak, despite that she couldn't give him a chance to respond. She escorted Tali to room 103, which was only two doors away. "I must go and prepare your bed and other accommodations," she stated before closing the door behind Tali and adding additional locks and pass-codes.
Tali had to make sure she remained solid enough that the bracelet wouldn't just pass though her when it was grabbed. Well at least something interesting was going to happen even if it was just her being moved from one place to another that was only two rooms down, still maybe she can get a new bed, or well tank and working computer would be a great new place to sleep.

" A computer would be great if you can get one " Tali said as loud as she could which amounted to a normal person's inside voice, being loud was not her people's strong suit. Tali only let out a sigh as she heard the robot leaving really it was a waste to give her a bed, it did more harm than good.
Alexandra glanced over the sleek black phone to see a firey elf crash into a nearby table, then stand up and brush himself off. Well that's a first. She thought to herself. She arched an eyebrow and set her phone down slowly and carefully, she always cracked the screens. "Oh really?" The words slowly spilled from her mouth. She crossed her arms over her chest and produced a smirk. "How come I don't know you then, are you my stalker?" Sarcasm was one of Alexandra's many social skills.

Room #103

Anais shifted in her bed, stiffly stretching her legs before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. This certainly didn't feel like home. It was also mildly drafty. She slowly opened her eyes, and froze for a few seconds. Where the hell...? She stood up quickly in anger, looking around frantically. "What the fuck is this?!" She said loudly, approaching what looked like a door and attempting to open it. Of course it was locked. She then turned around and yelled angrily, saying nothing in particular. Is this prison or something? Surveying the area with squinted eyes, she finally noticed someone else in the room. "Well?!" She prompted. "Where the fuck are we?!" She asked again to the stranger. Her long red hair whipped angrily in her face.​
Tali was not sure with the woman she was now sharing a room with was nearly blind as she had never seen someone have to squint to see her, despite her mostly clear appearance most people saw her easily. This girl must be an unwilling slave at least judging by her actions and words as Tali assumed if they were willing they would know where they were.

" You are in mistress Aisha's manor, and if you are here you are a slave " She said her voice quiet so it may sound like a loud whisper rather than her normal voice which it was.
Anais raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "A slave? A slave." She repeated skeptically. "A slave..." She trailed off in deeper thought, before slapping her hand on the wall suddenly. "Someone expects me to be a fucking slave?! Only the homeless and the willing can be slaves! And I am neither of which!" She basically yelled. "Also, why are you fucking whispering? And who the fuck is Aisha?" She asked all in one breath, before approaching the door again and banging on it angrily. "Hey, so is this a fucking joke or what?! Let me out, assholes!" She exclaimed at the door.

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