[Act 3] Beyond the Doorway [Acrotomo]

Sapphire frowns softly, a curious frown. "H, hello," she calls out to the duo. She keeps herself well out of range of any blades by a good three of four people distance between her, though she knows that if they threw anything at her she would have to deal with that. Still she attempts to hold herself straight and proudly. It would not do her good to show weakness here. Yes, yes body, we are still recovering from whatever that last thing was, but all in good time.
"We have just found your allies," Nkemdilim says, smirking. "We are closing in on them now. Soon, we will capture them, and then we will know what you are." He pauses a moment to let this sink in.
--The Last Wagon--

Twice Again From Nowhere, acting through its innocent mortal proxy, closes its eyes on concentration for a moment.

Allies... If you have found allies of mine, you had bessst kill them now Sunspawn, before they trick you.

The thing grins.

I do not like to be... 'overshadowed' in my missions. I would prefer that any allies of mine fail in their missions so that I appear the most successful.

The eyes snap open.

Kill them quickly Charging Sunburst, before their task is complete!


The man jumps up with a start, stumbling slightly, and moves between Sapphire and the hunched figure. He shakily puts his hand on a knife by his belt, and calls out in Skytongue, appearing frightened.

W-who are you and what do you want!?
Nkemdilim's eyes narrow.

"So, you are still free on some other plane. You can gather information around you, and can check to see if your allies are near. That is most interesting."

"More importantly, the people nearby are not your allies. Thank you for that information."


I feel clumsy and foolish trying to run an interrogation here. I'm sure I'm missing a million different details. Come on, binge watching of NCIS, don't fail me now!
Twice Again from Nowhere squirms as Nkemdilim walks away.

Charging Sunburst? Sunburst?! Come back Sunburst, I did not lie to you!!

A second passes, and it cries out louder.


Another second... It screams again, becoming frantic.



Don't worry H@B, not all of us are experts in interrogation... oh wait... :o :D
Broken Heron is very pissed at all this blustering.

Without moving a single muscle from his slumbering position in the cart, he reaches Nkemdilim by screaming louder.

Hey Nkem! Need a hand?
Nkemdilim looks back over his shoulder.

"What do they look like? Ha, more proof that you are lying. If you are telling the truth, why don't you describe them to me?"


Yeah, pretty much exactly. I imagine it's tough role-playing someone who'd actually fall for my amateur tricks. :-p
Sapphire raises her hands showing she means no harm, at least not yet, but at least his actions proved to her to not be hostile.

"I mean you no harm. I... I am Azure Sapphire Star. I hail from the City of Steel Lotus. My friends and I were set upon by hostiles, some of us are hurt and in need of... rest. I was... wondering if you know of the path ahead? A... any settlements or threats ... we should worry about?" I should have brought some food with me, that would have helped here I'm sure. She adjusts herself in the snow the pain reminding her that it exists. She glances to his friend, the person he was protecting wondering.

The man lowers his guard. Oddly, he had raised his other hand as well, extending his gloved fingers slightly. Was that some kind of... combat stance? With an empty hand? It didn't look like any knife-fighting stance Sapphire had ever seen, and on the rough streets of the cities of An Teng, she had seen more than a few. It wasn't martial arts either, unless there is a style that focuses on fingertips.

Ah.. oh... Sorry, Lady. Ahh... This path... if you follow it northeast and stay as far east as you can, you should reach some other towns. I don't know the settlements over there, so I'm sorry that I can't tell you.

He looks down at the ground as he says this, and reaches up to pull on his ear, perhaps a nervous tic. When he does so, Sapphire can see that his ear has several scars on it.

I don't think there are any threats on this road. I thought you were one Lady. Sorry again for the reaction.

The young man notices Sapphire's glance toward the hunched figure, and sidesteps subtly to obscure her view further. The thing behind him coughs suddenly. It had covered its mouth with its hands, trying to hide the noise, but it came out anyway, guttural and awful to hear. It spits whatever it hocked up out onto the ground.

The spit hisses when it strikes the ground.

Sapphire is certain it did not land in the fire.

The man stiffens...

--The Last Wagon--

The possessed woman is silent again for a moment, then shouts the following statements.

One male... two femalessss... the male and one female are frightened... wary... danger in their hearts... they don't know this area... they are from somewhere... the second female is definitely not from around here...the second female... has never seen Creation? Never seen the Sun or the ground! I don't know what that means, the words are colors...

Twice Again from Nowhere growls in exasperation.

Dammit Sunspawn it doesn't work like that!! There's something wrong with all three of them!
Sapphire takes a step back a wary one, one speaking of one not wanting to be hurt again so soon. "Is your friend unwell? Some of my friends are skilled with helping people whose bodies are harmed." She doesn't indicate their location she merely watches the pair here and their fire.

The man's face is frozen for a moment before he can manage a response.

No no, she's just pregnant. Our bodies are not... 'harmed'.

For some reason, that last statement sounds like a lie.

Sapphire gets the impression that these people are trying to hide their problems. She can't be sure why... She had always dealt with people who wanted her help, people who appreciated what she and her group worked on to help people.

Sapphire has decent social stats. She can try to make some rolls to assist her questions, if you like Mylinnia. A Charisma+Investigation roll might help to see that they are lying, maybe even give you a hint as to why. If you'd like to use Mylinnia's innate perceptive skills, you can roll Perception+Awareness and steal a good look at the thing by the fire... and where it spit on the ground. Remember, any time you guys want to open social combat if you feel that other characters are being difficult, feel free. Or we can just RP it.
Sapphire raises an eyebrow a slight frown. She leans to the side attempting a subtle look at the 'pregnant' woman. "Pregnant? In this cold? She should be protected from this horrible cold. And you are you alright, you seem quite tense. The coldness hasn't weakened your stamina has it?" Even as innocent as her questions seem, she worries deeply at what she has come across. Curiosity was said to kill the poor cat, thankfully she wasn't a cat.


(OOC: And so I shall---

2009-12-27 17:31:56 Azure Sapphire Star rolls 3 dice to Lying? (Cha+Inv) 10,5,1 (2 successes)

2009-12-27 17:13:14 Azure Sapphire Star rolls 6 dice to Taking a Peek(Per+Awa) 10,7,1,9,5, 10 (6 successes)

I believe I need some Investigation points xD )
Nkemdilim stares speculatively at the possessed woman's face.

"A demon, then. Heh...you are remarkably ignorant of your friends if you were not able to tell that much. Come now, why should I believe anything you say if you do not even know the nature of your allies? Tell me a truth, Twice Again! What is the nature of your real allies, if you do not consort with demons? Do you conspire with ghosts? Is that Deathlord your master? Or perhaps you are a spirit, bound in service to the Courts of Heaven?"


Objection, badgering the witness! :-D

Trying to force him to give up some clue to who his allies are by force of personality. Charisma + Presence

Nkemdilim rolled the following in his 9 dice:

4, 3, 2, 6, 8, 2, 3, 2, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.

Potential stunt dice:

Nkemdilim rolled the following in his 3 dice:

6, 4, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 0 successes.

Ouch. No love from the dice roller. :-(

Oh, well, maybe even in deflecting my inquiry he'll still give me something. Considering that I know nothing about this guy, even his refusals help me to narrow down the possibilities. :-p

The man is not lying, but he carefully chose the word "Harmed" for a reason. There is something unusual about this pair, but other than the cold, it is not causing them pain.

Your look at the woman relays to you one shocking fact...

Her skin is green.

Maybe not watermelon green, but there is a strong green hue that stands out starkly against the white snowy background. Neither she nor the man spot your peek, and the man continues, slightly disarmed by Sapphire's kindness and genuinely helpful words.

Wh-what exactly do you mean by... helping people who are h-harmed? Do you mean doctors or... religious people?

'Religious people', in this day and age, can only refer to one group. Immaculate priests and monks.


Twice Again sighs.

I'll tell you WHY I cannot tell you this Solar, if you'll calm yourself and listen. There are rules that apply which bar me from saying certain things under any condition. Such is the state of the contract as it has been enacted and herblegh burbbleblah so on gorflesnegh...

The possessed woman's words turn into an intensely boring droll that lists all kinds of obscure and completely incomprehensible contractual reasons why Twice Again From Nowhere is restricted from telling you what Twice Again From Nowhere actually is. Though it is still actually speaking, the words themselves are arranged in a painstakingly irritating fashion.

Being a talented Body-stealer and spy, he's going to fire right back. Twice Again From Nowhere is reciting an intentionally boring and incomprehensible speech (his 'contract') in order to deter Nkemdilim from asking about its true nature again. He wants to follow it up with another attack afterward to make Nkemdilim listen to him about the three beings he senses on the road, but he's focusing now on stopping that darn Zenith from interrogating him about his purpose! "It's boring, don't worry about it" is his intent.

PossWom rolled the following in his 9 dice:
4, 10, 1, 7, 2, 7, 5, 9, 8
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes

Twice Again From Nowhere is enacting an Arcanoi which adds 2 successes, making this performance attack also an Unnatural Mental Influence or Compulsion attack. If Nkemdilim has any defenses against this, he can enact them.
Sapphire shakes her head, "Healers, absolutely. Nothing to worry about from strange pushy religious types. I can't stand them mostly, so I'm positive that we've none." She tries to be reassuring but her own worry for what she has come to be concerned over has weakened it somewhat.

"A contract? Pfeh...then you are summoned, or magically compelled. You know nothing! Worthless! I should expel you from this body right now!"


Nkemdilim has a Dodge MDV of 7, which is reduced to 5 because he made a mental attack. I'll let that slide, allowing my assessment of this guy be reduced so that I don't have as much interest in him, but I'll use the opportunity to make a counter argument rooted in his denigration of himself. In addition to stunt dice, I'm hoping that my rejoinder will target an Intimacy this guy has to keeping this possessed body.

Nkemdilim rolled the following in his 9 dice:

8, 7, 1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 8, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

Potential Stunt Dice:

Nkemdilim rolled the following in his 3 dice:

7, 7, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.
From the cart just behind a bored voice yells after Nkemdilim.

He's just trying to distract you Nkem!!

Don't fall for it!

Keep pressing the bastard to reveal itself!


Spent 3 personal on Sagacious Reading of Intent.

I have no clue about how much time passed.
--The Last Wagon--

Summoned!? Ha!

The being spits the word 'summoned' with noticeable distaste. Clearly it has a bit of pride!

Not quite summoned Sunspawn! I'm no ordinary ghost, mind you, my contract was written quite freely and...

It freezes, realizing its slip. Perhaps it had been about to make a retort of its own, but it appears that the 'contract' it had been talking about was just... breached. It makes a noise that sounds like 'Erk' or maybe 'Shite', and says no more.


Really?! Truly?! The man turns back to the creature by the campfire, his face one of pure elation. Seeing no reaction from his companion, he turns back excitedly to Mylinnia.

This is wonderful news! We were turned away from Jacob's Peak at its borders, I had given up hope! Oh, this is fantastic! Are these healers here with you?

He stops then, and his voice comes back with that hesitancy...

Are they the kind of healers to... work on someone no matter who they are?
"Heh." Nkemdilim smirks. "I'd be very interested to know who's keeping you on such a tight leash." He looks back to Broken Heron, Alaura, and Lost Mountain.

"I think it is unlikely that the two travelers ahead of us are in league with our guest here, so unless we have managed to make three powerful enemies today then I think it should be fairly safe to meet with them. I do not think they are human, though, so we should still be on our guard."
Miss Fang sighs

This one's too attached to his identity to be a nemissary and too twisted to be a "common ghost".

Thanks to you we've got a whole new lot of information to deal with him.
she says putting a friendly hand on Nkem's shoulder.

And we ain't close to getting rid of that body stealing son of a bitch yet, put the gag back on, and restrain her body good, I'll deal with him at daybreak. Worst case scenario, he's a powerful ghost bound by an even more powerful sorcerer. We need to find out who sent him here in the first place and why ! she whispers closing her mouth to his ear.

And I'll need your help to do that... she adds pulling her head slowly backwards looking straight into his eyes.

Then she jumps out of her caravan and starts walking towards Sapphire's whereabouts.

Let's go see what kind of guests we're having for supper.
Sapphire frowns just slightly. She didn't know her allies enough to truly answer enough on them. But... "I am quite sure that they will not mind whoever you are. We are all human in some form or fashion after all, right?"
Miss Fang walks towards the group of three people, including Sapphire... curious to see the last person the ghost was talking about.

Seeing the cloaked woman, she realizes who has never see the sun or touched the ground and smiles.

Hey there... I see you've already met my friend Sapphire, my name is Alaura Fanghesk. I'd advise you come with us... we could use a few more hands and... it seems like you could use the company.
The man smiles and pats his hands at the air.

Yes, we're human! We're just not used to acceptance!

He looks to his companion and calls to her.

Sarah? Sarah, these people can help us. Some of them are healers Sarah, we can see if the baby's okay.

The woman slowly stands, and the man allows her to. Apparently there is an unspoken understanding between them that she can stand and move on her own. This could be a sign of a nomadic culture, or a culture where pregnancy is the woman's domain only...

Or Sarah is just getting up by herself. Either way, the hood falls back slightly, revealing a moderately attractive woman...

With moderately green skin.

She tries to smile, but she is physically uncomfortable. Hellooo.

She and the male move toward the female Solars, apparently ready to follow.
Miss Fang nods quietly.

A Deathlord, a ghost, the wyld hunt and now a baby on the way... have the gods cursed us ?! she thinks to herself laughing inside.

Come with us, we'll get you warm and comfortable.

She turns to the man.

I didn't catch your name, but I trust that if you took your wife that far, you are ressourceful enough to drive a carriage, yes ?!

Back to the camp, Alaura quickly examines the pregnant woman as privately as possible in those dire conditions.

Okay Sarah, let's see how you and your little guy are doing, if there's anything I should know about the baby or the pregnancy, you can tell me now.

Oh and don't worry about the other people, they're just... not feeling well. It's been a very long day for us all, and it took most of our strengths.


I suppose I need a medecine roll or something.

Horatio, Alaura will ask Nkem to take care of Nessa and Toki first, since both can assist in getting the other better.

Wyld mutations are not a problem for Alaura... it's not like she has had any choice in this. Beastmen are humans with a different shape.
The man, who reveals his name to be Jean-Paul, politely declines to be away from his wife, but she shoes him off anyway. Without another word of complain, Jean-Paul moves near Lost Mountain, looking for a way to be useful as the Circle beings to set up camp around the campsite. He is very excited that someone with medical skill was willing to attend to his wife, but there remains an inexplicable trepidation in his features, as if he wants to make sure he keeps something secret. Something not related to his wife's condition or pregnancy...

Within the tent, Sarah grunts and lays back against a comfortable pile of bedding. With the hood completely removed, there can be no doubt that her skin has a decidedly green tint. Even her eyes are a deep, luminescent green, like a deep jungle. She does her best to smile as she situates herself, but any position is causing discomfort. Her voice is raspy and throaty, but this appears to be normal for her.

Oookay, there's a long story and short story about my problem, ma'am, and I don't know which one you want, so I'll give the short version.

My husband and I... we come from a place that's close to the Wyld. Very close. I grew up there, and so did he, and we've each had things
change in us. For him, he has claws. Pretty easy to deal with, comparatively, except for his nervous tick where he scratches his ear.

She smiles lovingly and imitates her husband's tendency to pull on his ear. Miss Fang remembers that Jean-Paul had some unusual scarring on that particular ear, so that answers that!

For me though, it's different. Much more potent. My blood, my spit and my tears... Burn things. Not like boiling water, and not like fire, but when I spit or bleed on something, anything, it just melts. When we found out I was pregnant, we were both overjoyed... and horrified. The fact that I can grow life inside this body made me feel, complete and purposeful. I felt more like a woman than I ever have before... But I'm full of something that kills and destroys. We both wondered that if I ever was hurt inside, or if something tore, it would hurt the baby. We don't have a doctor where we come from, not even close, but we both know that when babies are born, there's a lot of bleeding...

Sarah becomes heavily emotional, her eyes welling up instantly.

We've come so far with raising this life inside my body, but on the day that we bring it out... I'm going to kill it! My body is going to destroy it! We went to Jacob's Peak to find a doctor, but when they found out what we were, they threw us out!

She chokes up, unable to say more.

I think Miss Fang will definitely want Nkemdilim's help for this, and I think Nkemdilim will help whether Miss Fang likes it or not. Jean-Paul won't have a problem with a male helping, he just wants his wife and child safe, so don't worry about that. Miss Fang ought to make an Intelligence+Medicine roll to determine any details about the pregnancy, but if you decide to do any hands-on inspections, take care! There are some other questions Miss Fang might ask to learn more about the pregnancy. I recommend doing some research on giving birth so that your In-character responses are accurate and logical.

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