[Act 3] Beyond the Doorway [Acrotomo]


Elder Member

Far beyond the normal, mortal understanding of Creation, in one of the thousands of offices of the Celestial Bureaucracy, Ember of Slithering Thought sat in an ornate crafted chair, his hands gripping his head in mental torment. Across from him, laid across a table, sat a wide map of the Northlands, from the River of Tears in the east to the coast of the northern peninsula in the west. Near the center of the map, west of Gethamane and northwest of Whitewall, lay Jacob’s Peak… the source of Ember’s recent worries. He speaks now to those worries, to the darkness, and to himself…

Impossible… catastrophe…

Scant hours after Khaleesa Vorken, his Sidereal ally and friend, had left his office, Ember had received word that an expedition of the Wyld Hunt had been dispatched to Jacob’s Peak. Two-Ton Thunder himself, in the Terrestrial Exalt disguise that he had been using for more than 90 years, was leading the force, and by all reports it was a big one.

He already knew. Long before I sent word to him, he knew. But what does he know? The Wyld Hunt does not move unless the target is confirmed… unless the Eye sees…

Had the bindings been worn so thoroughly that violent action had been called for? Had the Juggernaut released some form of servant, and sent it out to do his bidding? Whatever the case, Ember’s reputation, no, the reputation of every Sidereal that had been responsible for Jorune’s imprisonment would be destroyed… save Two-Ton’s.

But why would he act without us? Why would he make such a high-profile reaction, save to discredit us? What in the North warrants a full expedition of the Wyld Hunt?

What indeed. Ember lifted his head and stared down at the tiny line of text that read ‘Jacob’s Peak’. He had had no time to warn Khaleesa, whose most promising Architect was somehow embroiled in the situation.

And there’s another curiosity. What’s happening to that girl of hers? What does she see?

Surely Khaleesa would’ve warned her that a Wyld Hunt was approaching. The expeditions of the Anathema Hunters were notoriously single-minded, and though they did not threaten mortals, anyone was in danger if they were in the way. Surely the Fanghensk girl, on orders to investigate the very cavern that Two-Ton was no doubt approaching, would catch their judging eye.

Ember peered closer to the town amidst the cluster of mountains, far from any major city but close to the prison of Befouling Juggernaut of the Corrupted Mind, the Thirteenth Deathlord…

What is going on up there? he whispered.

The growing gloom held no answers.

—Fanghensk Manor—

Kraggachek’s deep, rumbling laugh echoed through the pristine halls of the beautiful manor. The cleaners and servants of the house had soon grown accustomed to it, and even the children had taken to him swiftly, giggling and squealing as he picked them up and carried them in his rocky hands. Even now, the tiny daughters of the head housemaid were crawling on him, playfully chipping at his thighs with little paper-machete picks.

Their play was interrupted by the unlocking and opening of the foyer doors. The guardian Jokun stood slowly, knowing that only the Mistress of the Manor kept a key to that door, but it was not she that entered…

No, but the woman that stepped through…

Her clothing was that of a well-respected scholar; sagely white robe, tightly drawn hair falling into a long ponytail at the back, and thick, round spectacles. By all appearances she was a professor at a University, but her movements belied something deadly… Something powerful.

Kraggachek squints his crystalline eyes toward her, and turns, confused, to a large portrait hanging above the Manor fireplace. He turns between the two several times, wondering why, and how, the woman in the portrait was now standing, in the flesh, at the doorway to Fanghensk Manor.

The woman, who up to now had been silent, was looking at the interior of the foyer with smiling familiarity. Her eyes went to Kraggachek immediately as he entered the wide room, and narrowed slowly.

An elemental Guardian? A Jokun, low-ranking but dedicated. Pleased to meet you… Curious that you are here…

Kraggachek is silent, conflicted with the woman’s words and appearance. She steps meaningfully across the carpet of the foyer, her eyes resting for a moment on a portrait of Alaura’s father. Her face changes slightly, a tiny hint of… no, it’s gone. The mask of professionalism is back.

It would seem that there is more to dear Alaura than I had thought. You and I will have much to talk about, noble guardian, but first…

She gazes up at the portrait as she approaches the fireplace.

Wonderful likeness of me, I must say. she comments, furthering Kraggacheck’s soundless confusion. The beautiful woman begins to search the small bookcase above the fireplace, whispering to herself as she does so. Finally, Kraggachek finds his words, concerned with her probing.

Harummm. Pardon, Madame, do you… claim ownership over an item within this manor, a house, a domain, Fanghensk Manor?

The woman, apparently recalling Jokun tendencies to recite every title that a noun has ever possessed, grins widely, and does a bit of elicitation work.

And whose manor, a house, a domain, Fanghensk Manor would this be, Jokun?

It is that of Alaura Fanghensk, Mistress Alaura, Child of the Twilight.

The woman tenses visibly at that last title, as if something massive had just dropped across her shoulders and burdened her mind. She stands there, silent for many moments. She breaks out of it when her eyes spot the item she seeks, a nondescript black pebble on a simple chain. She holds it up, gazing into it…

In answer to your first question Jokun, yes, I do claim ownership over an item, something I haven’t bothered to look at since I left it here… years ago…

She pauses. Something has caught her eye… A tiny gust of black ash had blown in through… the open doorway?

The woman, once known as the original Mistress Fanghensk, mother of Alaura and Sidereal Exalted, turns to see the true owner of the item she now held, standing in the doorway of her manor. His laugh seems to come from the depths of the Void itself.

Wonderful to see you again, Khaleesa Vorken. Intones the 13th Deathlord.

--An Teng, Star Transport Subsidiary 12, Formerly Known as the Queen's Legs--

Matchstick, her long hair falling down over the garish scar on her face, fingers through the pages of a recent report, one that had come at great cost to the life of a fellow Watcher. Some of the pages were still wet from the blood he shed... Wounds from his terrifying flight through the city...

The book was a supply log for various high-level Imperial logistical trains. Many of the cities and towns mentioned were too far from An Teng to be of any importance to Star Trade, but one name in particular kept catching her eye...

She wasn't sure what it was, but something... in the back of her head... Something Miss Sapphire had said... What do the two...

Then it hit her. Jacob's Peak. Miss Sapphire had gone there, and if these logs were right...

Like a flash, Matchstick was up and running, log in hand...

--Jacob's Peak--

The sad truth was, many people had an idea of what was going on Jacob's Peak, of the many moving pieces present there... but only a few truly knew, three groups, to be exact. One group was currently scrambling to haul a convoy of wagons out of the valley. One was preparing a massive assault upon the first.

And one... one sat beyond the veil of mortality, waiting in the Underworld, watching events transpire...
--The Battlefield--

The trio of Warstriders is approximately 5 kilometers away from the strike team of Miss Fang, Broken Heron, Jarod and the Mercury Ants. As the two solars nimbly slip through the trees, taking care to hide their silhouettes and pass through the shadows of the underhanging branches. Following Lost Mountain's lead, Miss Fang allows clumps of snow to rest on her shoulders and her clothing (a very chilling ordeal!) in order to blend in more closely with the environment.

The first Warstrider is dark brown in color, with a broad torso and a short, stubby head. There is what appears to be the handle of a massive weapon attached to its back, but there appears to be no ranged weaponry on this one. Miss Fang, recalling what she can of her studies on the fascinating technology of Warstriders, assumes this is a type of Wallcrusher; a Warstrider specifically designed for powerful, close-combat strikes and, unsurprisingly, breaking down walls and defensive fortifications.

The second Warstrider, light blue and at the forefront of their vaguely triangular formation, is considerably thinner, with longer arms, a conical head and a slender torso. There is no doubt in the mind of Lost Mountain or Miss Fang that the weapon it is currently bringing into its hands is a Warstrider Powerbow. Whoever is piloting this Warstrider moves like a talented sniper. It moves slightly crouched, as if ready to take up cover at a moments' notice.

The third Warstrider is like nothing Miss Fang had ever researched. It's head is shifted onto the left side of its shoulders to make room for some kind of cylindrical object that extends directly outward from the top of its torso. The design of this Warstrider is focused on balancing this attachment. The arms are short and spindly, and there are what appear to be cables hanging off of its body. Whatever this dark green Warstrider was designed for, its purpose is unclear.

None of the Wyld Hunt members on foot are visible at this distance. The trees are too tall at this point, but this ensures that Lost Mountain and Miss Fang cannot be seen either...
Broken Heron

On the summit of the mountain, Broken Heron checks the Wyld Hunt.

His gaze sweeps on the huge, snowy slope, studies the sparse trees and individuates a tall loner dividing him from the Hunters down in the valley.

Without losing sight of the enemies, he shifts his whole weight on the left foot, that stands firm on the slippery, wet rock.

He relaxes and concentrate.

Spending 3m **Peripheral** to activate Graceful Crane Stance.
Nkemdilim gently lays the last of Alaura's servants in the first wagon, then stands and turns to Sapphire.

"How are your wounds? Has the pain returned yet?"
As the warstriders continue to close in Lost Mountain monitures the work of the ants, instructing them as to where to lossen the soil for the line of pitfalls that would slow the Hunts movements.
From his position on the hilltop, Broken Heron is afforded a fantastic tactical view of the battlefield. There, about 3-4 miles in the distance, are the three approaching Warstriders. Broken Heron can barely make out the forms of the two Mercury Ants beginning their work behind the complete concealment of a clump of shrubs and thick tree trunks. Of greater note than the inherently obvious war machines is the small party of humanoids approaching along the trail towards Jacob’s Peak.

The group of 15 is moving swiftly along the same path that Lost Mountain, Nkemdilim, and others of the Circle used to make their way north. Running parallel to the base of the easternmost mountain range in this area, the trail runs directly to Jacob’s Peak. Broken Heron can even see the small nook that serves as a resting place for travelers on the road. Despite the rough hills and miniature icebergs that lie between them, Broken Heron’s position allows him to see them.

The men moving on the trail are at least 2 miles away from where Broken Heron is crouching on the mountain. Though he can make out no details about them, he is certain that they can see his Caste Mark, just as he intended. In fact, the group splits, with 6 continuing on toward Jacob’s Peak at a quicker pace, and 9 remaining behind on the trail.

He can also see the three Warstriders make a slight pause before also splitting up. The thin blue strider and the one with a cylinder on his shoulders begin to approach a tall hill almost exactly 3 miles away. Their path will take them directly to the cleverly concealed traps that Lost Mountain is currently directing. The thickest strider moves directly northwest, around the hill, and appears to be taking a path of least resistance to move in that direction. Strangely, moving in this direction will not save the Warstrider any time in approaching the encampment, and even to those untrained in the art of war would realize that using relatively slow-moving Warstriders, especially in difficult terrain, is illogical in a surrounding maneuver. His path will take him nowhere near the traps of Lost Mountain.

Above Broken Heron's head, the stain of necromantically-summoned darkness continues to grow. It marks the mountain for all to see, as was its intended purpose.
Sapphire nods to Nkemdilim. "But do not worry. I'll fight it, we've other things to worry about, yes?" She holds herself carefully, the pain is obvious but she fights it back, there were far many other things to do.
Nkemdilim frowns.

"Come here," he says, and lays his hand on Sapphire's brow. It glows slightly, and a warmth suffuses Sapphire's body and drives away the pain. "We need to be operating at peak ability, and the pain would be a distraction." He turns back to loading the wagons. "With all that has been happening, we have not had much of a chance to catch up. What have you been doing since I left?"


Spending one mote on Touch of Blissful Release. Also, Nkemdilim left just after Xia was killed and command of the bandits was turned over to Sapphire.
Sapphire sighs nearly contentedly as the pain lessens. She watches him for a moment for also helping, as she does she smiles and answers. "I don't remember if you were there or not, but I'm now the leader of what was formerly Xia's group." She sighs a bit sadly. "Not a lot of them stayed though when I started forbidding their common raiding of villages. Of course now, I run the Star Transport Service. Its not that big yet, it looks the North won't be a good place to start my Northward expansions. Oh anyway I kinda helped cleaned up some of the cities in An-Teng, and many of those pompous and unkind Dragonblooded are find that they need to better protect their things lest they disappear. I have to be careful though as I generally give these things to the surrounding villages." She sets stuff in the wagon carefully and sighs a bit. "I've done well for myself... or so I had thought."
Nkemdilim looks up from loading the warmer tents and blankets.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a formidable accomplishment to turn that implement of evil to good ends. Xia would be proud of what you've done. I'm certainly proud of you."

He pauses a moment to take some more blankets from Dexten Thaird and toss them onto the wagon.

"What about your Exaltation? How did that happen?"


Not entirely sure if Xia would be proud, but saying it anyway.
Sapphire frowns. "It was a rainy night when I Exalted, a miserable day. I had to cut a job loose because of it. When I returned to one of the Chapter Houses outside of Steel Lotus, there was this strange man there. He was quite big, I've yet to see another like him. Anyway he wasn't at all friendly and attempted to kill me. Of course this didn't sit well with the others there. I attempted to stop Jaiyan from being killed and then bang I exalted. Of course this turned his full attention on me. But in the end I drove him off." She looks up, "I was very afraid, knowing just what I did know about Anathema, I didn't want to be driven off. But I suppose they trusted me to continue on as I had. I bet back at home they are worried at what I may be up to, you know."
Nkemdilim places a hand on Sapphire's shoulder.

"If they are afraid, they are afraid for you, not of you. Has your Exaltation changed your feelings for your men? Does it make you care any less for them? Before you Exalted, you cared for Jaiyan enough to throw yourself in front of an assassin to save him. Would you do any differently now, or for any of those who follow you? The only difference is that now you have the power to save them from any danger, no matter how mighty. Exaltation has changed our capabilities, not our character. And if you are still who you are, and have continued to act as you always have, then I am sure that your men will see that the devotion that gave you when you were yet mortal is still merited."
Sapphire smiles at him, "I suppose not. I have done all I can to keep them going, keeping them from dangers and retributions. And they are quite loyal. I'm sure that Rogrinn wouldn't have come up here if he didn't think I was as the stories said. But I worry... the stories are true aren't they? About the Anathema?"
Nkemdilim snorts.

"What stories would those be?" He spins to face the Dragonblooded officer. "Hmm, Dexten Thaird? What stories do they tell about the Anathema?
--The Camp--

Dexten, currently hauling armloads of miscellaneous supplies onto the second to the last wagon, shakes his head at Nkemdilim. They tell the same stories they have told for years beyond my own, Solar. Stories that the Wyld Hunt has been reminding me of in an effort to force my troops out of Jacob's Peak. They would have me hurl my... fodder at you to stall whatever you are trying to do here so that they can get in position.

The old veteran squints out at the battlefield beyond, spotting the Warstriders and allowing himself a private grin.

--The Battlefield--

Something shocking demands the attention of all who can see it...

The southernmost hill, the one that was closest to the light blue and oddly-shaped Warstriders... is suddenly bare! In the blink of an eye, the trees that had once covered it fall down immediately, clearing the wide hill completely. This spot is still a good 2-3 miles away.

Strangely enough, the warstrider with the powerbow and the other with the strange cylinder ascend the hill and stand near its center. Many human shapes cluster in around them, many of them appear to be archers, though some are clearly wearing a very heavy plate armor. There look to be 30 archers and 40 heavy infantry total, though the armored men appear to have crossbows as well... Or maybe those are mining picks.

Unidentifiable individuals begin doing some kind of work with the cylinder-carrying Warstrider, who sets his left knee down on the hill, right knee propped up at a 90 degree angle. His right arm comes up to hold the cylinder that protrudes from the top of his chest, his elbow on his right knee, and his left arm hangs idly at its side.

On the path, those that remained in one spot continue to stay there, with the rest moving swiftly to Jacob's Peak.

The thick warstrider continues on his way to the Northwest, nearing the mountain range soon.
"They wish you to sacrifice your men to stop us from evacuating our wounded and tending to their needs?" Nkemdilim glowers. "Or do they just want to pin us down so that they may slaughter our followers while they are helpless? Ah, yes, I can truly see it now. Any sacrifice, any horrific action, is worth it to stop we terrible Anathema from administering humanitarian aid! Is that it?"
From his favored position, Broken Heron's eyes sweep the space between him and the warstriders.

As he notices the main depression and several smaller ones further ahead, covered in ice, he grins with a devilish smile.

A deep breath and...

"Let's rock!"

Broken Heron leaps in the open, over the peak ridge and down in the slope.

Holding the wooden log high, he jumps and plunges it in an open crack in the rock.

Steadfast on his feet, he leans with the shoulder against the log, using it as a lever to break the rock slab.

With a growl, he pushes with his legs and his whole weight, until the slab breaks, rolls and slides down, pushing the snow with it.

The mountain shakes, the mountain cries.

Slamming the wooden log under his feet, Broken Heron lets himself slide down with the mountain, surfing gracefully over the laws of physics.

Huge slabs of snow crack and roll down, pushing more snow down in a huge, roaring avalanche that mercilessly uproots the few solitary trees of the top.

Surfing faster and faster in a spray of snow, Broken Heron sides a huge secular pine tree as it falls down, circles it and escapes its majestic fall, and jumps from the log directly on its trunk.

Slapped by the snow and blasted by the airflow, the Solar takes a deep breath, pulls teeth and pushes away, legs and abs steering the tree towards the cleared hill down in the valley.

With Broken Heron surfing nimble and arrogant on it, the great tree slides down, soaring in the snow, pushed by the avalanche; fast as the Gods it crosses the valley, then plunges straight in the smaller frozen dell at the feet of the hill, reaches the bottom and is shot by its sheer speed straight against the warstriders.

Channelling 1WP to break the rock slab out.
Rolling Str+Athl to steer the trunk, using 1WP for an automatic success.
Broken Heron rolled the following in his 8 dice: 2, 1, 9, 10, 2, 5, 2, 2
4 Successes

BH did not leave the trunk.

I have no clue what I'm doing.
Sapphire gives the Dragonblooded a single hateful look before turning away and sighing. "And the Dragonblooded continue to prove to me that they aren't all right in their own heads," she huffs and helps to finish the loading. "We should start moving soon, am I right? It would save them and us casualties if neither of us were here." Granted it was too late for this encounter. Three of the group were doing something to stop of slow the Wyld Hunt. Stupid Dragons Blooded.
Nkemdilim pauses to look over the camp, then nods reluctantly.

"I do not think we have any more time. You take the wagon with the supplies, and I'll drive the one with our patients. Dexten, you take the one with the cube. We're heading North."
"And Dexten..." Nkemdilim says as he climbs on to the wagon. "If you do anything to harm our followers or our cause, I will escape, and then I will summon an army of Erymanthoi to raze the garrison at Jacob's Peak to the ground. You gave your life for that of your men, and I expect you to honor that bargain."


I figure that fits with Nkemdilim's personality, and should at least make Dexten think twice before betraying us.
Dexten sighs and looks again to the South, toward the Warstriders.

I apologize, Solar, but I will not be going with you from here, and I will not be driving your wagon. I cannot. I feel that I cannot keep our original bargain, and if I go with you, I feel I would continue to be tempted to follow my duty and sacrifice myself to harm or hamper your goals. I… regret this, but I must tell the truth.

His honesty is genuine, his hands open, palms upward in exasperation and openness.

I will do nothing more to assist your progress, nor will I hamper it. Please allow me to leave… before the Wyld Hunt sees me here. Even if they don’t, it is likely that I will die for my conspiracy, but that is the price I will pay for what I care about.

He stands apart from the small convoy, waiting patiently for a response.

--The Avalanche--

The roar of the avalanche commands the attention of all... those in the camp, those on the trail, even the people in Jacob's Peak. The massive storm of snow, dirt and trees hurtles down the side of the hill with Broken Heron atop it, riding a tree.

Despite the impressive display, the Wyld Hunt appears unimpressed. Even when the tree hits the bottom of a natural depression and angles upward, its velocity sending it hurtling through the air... The Wyld Hunt appears unimpressed. No undisciplined panic, no running for cover... just a calm sidestep by the Warstriders and a neat dispersal of the mortal soldiers, led by several Dragon-Blooded, to avoid the tree's impact.

This was the final piece of evidence that the members of this Wyld Hunt were an experienced group of warriors. Each one, even when not in the Wyld Hunt, were serving in the myriad battlefields of the Terrestrial Empire... and these battles sometimes included dodging catapults or ballistae...

Granted, an entire tree is quite different from a ball of burning pitch or a massive arrow, and several heavily armored soldiers and archers are battered aside by the wooden missile, but for the most part, the Wyld Hunt is unharmed.

For this one short moment, all eyes are on Broken Heron, a shining beacon atop a mad, falling tree, riding the forces of an avalanche.

Alright Xarvh, and others, if there's something special you want to do, do it now, or soon. I'd prefer not to start official combat with this Wyld Hunt, but Broken Heron has a plan.
The tree bounces in front of the troop in a massive spray of snow, pine needles and wood shards, it arches and bounces wildly, finally rolling harmlessly and peacefully down on the other side of the hill.

There is no trace of the Solar.

Used 4 personal to activate Invisible Statue Spirit.
Nkemdilim stiffens, then slowly climbs down from the wagon with his patients in it, walks over to the wagon with the cube, and climbs onto it.

He looks to the Dragonblooded as he begins to pull away. "Tell me, Dexten, will the Hunt handle our servants any better than they would handle you?"

Then he leaves the Dragonblooded behind, the care of the wounded explorers resting in his hands.


Trying to persuade him to stay and help us with Manipulation + Presence. Dude seems to have high compassion, so I might get the -2 MDV bonus for appealing to his Virtue. My Appearance is 3, which might impact his DV as well.

Nkemdilim rolled the following in his 8 dice:

1, 4, 8, 3, 9, 8, 7, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.

Potential Stunt

Nkemdilim rolled the following in his 3 dice:

4, 1, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in a botch. Heh...heeh.
Dexten's eyes narrow. He is silent for nearly a minute as Nkemdilim's wagon pulls away dramatically. When he is sure no one is looking, he is surprised to find that he is grinning. Manipulative bastards...

He knew what Nkemdilim's intent was... but he could not argue with it. It seemed that the Solar knew him better than he knew himself!

The grizzled Dragon-Blooded climbs aboard the wagon and takes the reigns, speaking more to himself than to the wounded mortals in the back. You who have sworn yourselves to Anathema service will one day pay a great price... But that day will not be today.

Silent again, he guides the wagon into line as the caravan begins to leave the valley, heading north.

Nice job H@B. I know sometimes it can be difficult to spot a character's motivation, but once you do, and you appeal to it, success is easy to attain.

--The Battlefield--

Broken Heron's avalanche has completely blocked the narrow passage leading east from the camp toward Jacob's Peak, the same path that Dexten's soldiers had been taking to reach Brinstar. If the Wyld Hunt had any plans of moving from Jacob's Peak to Brinstar, they are severely hindered.

The massive piles of snow and ruined trees extends from the darkening hilltop to the natural depression south of it, but no farther. The destruction spread to the area between the Wyld Hunt's position and the camp, so they are hindered in their approach as well.

--Wyld Hill--

Unseen by the Wyld Hunt, Broken Heron has a close view of the men on the hill, and their Warstriders...
The avalanche had blocked the Hunts path his job to delay them was no longer priority, signaling to Miss Fang, Lost Mountain turns from his hiding place and begins the return back to camp.

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