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Fantasy A Strange Academy Called Ikara (Accepting )

After the assembly, Maika decided to make a beeline to her first class. Even though it was not very obvious, she was very giddy about finally meeting others like her. When she was walking, nearby girl with rather peculiar features was caught Maika's eye. A tail was a rather strange sight to her. Before she could observe the girl any further, the said girl came toppling down onto her. Only seconds after, Maika's reflexes quickly kicked in, causing a small fire to ignite next to Maika's hand. She quickly got up, she was both hypnotized and startled by the fire that she had caused. Her hand flicked outward several times, ushering for the girl to steer clear of the flame as she proceeded to stomp on it in fear of any sort of fire alarm going off. While her foot was rapidly stomping on the fire, she began to speak. " Err... A little help?" She asked desperately.

@Anyone @Cheselth
Ballerina said:
After the assembly, Maika decided to make a beeline to her first class. Even though it was not very obvious, she was very giddy about finally meeting others like her. When she was walking, nearby girl with rather peculiar features was caught Maika's eye. A tail was a rather strange sight to her. Before she could observe the girl any further, the said girl came toppling down onto her. Only seconds after, Maika's reflexes quickly kicked in, causing a small fire to ignite next to Maika's hand. She quickly got up, she was both hypnotized and startled by the fire that she had caused. Her hand flicked outward several times, ushering for the girl to steer clear of the flame as she proceeded to stomp on it in fear of any sort of fire alarm going off. While her foot was rapidly stomping on the fire, she began to speak. " Err... A little help?" She asked desperately.
@Anyone @Cheselth
"Teiuq eht emalf!" A sharp wind blew through and smothered the flame before it could spread.

"Are you ok?" Jeremy strode up to the girls while trying, and ultimately failing, to button his shirt.
Delacare said:
"Teiuq eht emalf!" A sharp wind blew through and smothered the flame before it could spread.
"Are you ok?" Jeremy strode up to the girls while trying, and ultimately failing, to button his shirt.

" Now is probably not the best time for stupid gibberish!" She exclaimed, proceeding to stomp on the flame before ultimately realizing that the male had casted some sort of spell. Maika was quick to bow her head down, embarrassed that she had scolded someone who had probably saved the school from being destroyed by a startled first year. She quickly glanced over to the girl with peculiar features, curious to see her reaction to the whole ordeal before speaking. "Yes." Maika quietly told him, too stubborn to say anything else.
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A- ah!! Was the only sound Julia could make before finally landing on the other student. She would try to get up as quickly as possible but it would seem that she was already off of the other person before she could react in any sort of way.

Once the motion for her to move back was given, she scooted away before getting to her feet and staring at the fire in a bit of wonder. Then she was asked for help. O- oh! Right... Sorry! She looked around the hall and spotted a conveniently placed fire extinguisher before making her way over to the tool and coming back to spray the rather small fire but it was already gone and replaced by a young boy by the time she came back.

Erm... Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going... She said as her ears folded back against her purple hair. My tail seems to have a mind of its own when I'm not looking at it... Are you alright? Julia put the tool down and bent over to grab her sketch book and any other things the other girl may have dropped while being knocked down by the cat girl. Julia would be quiet and examining the other new person by glancing.
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Cheselth said:
A- ah!! Was the only sound Julia could make before finally landing on the other student. She would try to get up as quickly as possible but it would seem that she was already off of the other person before she could react in any sort of way.
Once the motion for her to move back was given, she scooted away before getting to her feet and staring at the fire in a bit of wonder. Then she was asked for help. O- oh! Right... Sorry! She looked around the hall and spotted a conveniently placed fire extinguisher before making her way over to the tool and coming back to spray the rather small fire that was left by the time she came back.

Erm... Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going... She said as her ears folded back against her purple hair. My tail seems to have a mind of its own when I'm not looking at it... Are you alright? Julia put the tool down and bent over to grab her sketch book and any other things the other girl may have dropped while being knocked down by the cat girl.

Maika lifted her chin up, revealing a light grin. It was rather strange to Maika for the girl to be apologizing since she was the one responsible for the fire. " Don't sweat it!" She replied with a subtle wink. " Well, after seeing them in action, I think you see that my powers are the same way too." Maika joked, picking up the large scarlet backpack lying on the tile floor and slinging it over her shoulders. She looked back over to the male who extinguished the flames only moments ago. "Thanks for helping out."
She stood back up and put her book back into her pack before looking at the boy and then the girl again. Her face began to turn red in embarrassment. Where are my manners... Um... My name is Julia... What's yours..? She would be referring to both of the other students while shyly holding one of her hands out.
Cheselth said:
She stood back up and put her book back into her pack before looking at the boy and then the girl again. Her face began to turn red in embarrassment. Where are my manners... Um... My name is Julia... What's yours..? She would be referring to both of the other students while shyly holding one of her hands out.
Maika was quick to grab Julia's hand and shake it firmly. " I am Maika. " She replied. Due to her quick, but rigid movements, her hand was quick to heat up. Before it would become scolding hot, she yanked her hand back. " Sorry about that." She was curious to know the other person's name as well since it would be rather helpful to have a human fire extinguisher handy. Most people would wait patiently for him to tell his name, but unfortunately, Maika is not part of the majority. She took a few steps closer to the male and stared directly at him. Being rather short also had it's perks, but it also meant that she was already starting to get a neck cramp from trying to intimidate the male. " Are you going to tell us?"
Ballerina said:
" Now is probably not the best time for stupid gibberish!" She exclaimed, proceeding to stomp on the flame before ultimately realizing that the male had casted some sort of spell. Maika was quick to bow her head down, embarrassed that she had scolded someone who had probably saved the school from being destroyed by a startled first year. She quickly glanced over to the girl with peculiar features, curious to see her reaction to the whole ordeal before speaking. "Yes." Maika quietly told him, too stubborn to say anything else.
Cheselth said:
A- ah!! Was the only sound Julia could make before finally landing on the other student. She would try to get up as quickly as possible but it would seem that she was already off of the other person before she could react in any sort of way.
Once the motion for her to move back was given, she scooted away before getting to her feet and staring at the fire in a bit of wonder. Then she was asked for help. O- oh! Right... Sorry! She looked around the hall and spotted a conveniently placed fire extinguisher before making her way over to the tool and coming back to spray the rather small fire but it was already gone and replaced by a young boy by the time she came back.

Erm... Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going... She said as her ears folded back against her purple hair. My tail seems to have a mind of its own when I'm not looking at it... Are you alright? Julia put the tool down and bent over to grab her sketch book and any other things the other girl may have dropped while being knocked down by the cat girl. Julia would be quiet and examining the other new person by glancing.
Ballerina said:
Maika lifted her chin up, revealing a light grin. It was rather strange to Maika for the girl to be apologizing since she was the one responsible for the fire. " Don't sweat it!" She replied with a subtle wink. " Well, after seeing them in action, I think you see that my powers are the same way too." Maika joked, picking up the large scarlet backpack lying on the tile floor and slinging it over her shoulders. She looked back over to the male who extinguished the flames only moments ago. "Thanks for helping out."
Cheselth said:
She stood back up and put her book back into her pack before looking at the boy and then the girl again. Her face began to turn red in embarrassment. Where are my manners... Um... My name is Julia... What's yours..? She would be referring to both of the other students while shyly holding one of her hands out.
Ballerina said:
Maika was quick to grab Julia's hand and shake it firmly. " I am Maika. " She replied. Due to her quick, but rigid movements, her hand was quick to heat up. Before it would become scolding hot, she yanked her hand back. " Sorry about that." She was curious to know the other person's name as well since it would be rather helpful to have a human fire extinguisher handy. Most people would wait patiently for him to tell his name, but unfortunately, Maika is not part of the majority. She took a few steps closer to the male and stared directly at him. Being rather short also had it's perks, but it also meant that she was already starting to get a neck cramp from trying to intimidate the male. " Are you going to tell us?"
"I'm Jeremy. Nice to meet you Maika, Julia." He bowed slightly.

"Sorry for zoning out. It's been happening a lot lately." Jeremy went back to trying to button his shirt. He wished the buttons weren't so small.
Delacare said:
"I'm Jeremy. Nice to meet you Maika, Julia." He bowed slightly.
"Sorry for zoning out. It's been happening a lot lately." Jeremy went back to trying to button his shirt. He wished the buttons weren't so small.
" Sorry for being a bit harsh, sometimes my curious it's get's the best if me." She giggled at his efforts to button his shirt, he seemed rather determined to button it despite the size of the buttons. " Let me help, I have tiny hands." Maika spread out her fingers, displaying the size of her hand, she was right, they were smaller than what was normal, but so was she. Her hand reached up to the highest button she could reach, and she attempted to button Jeremy's shirt.

" These buttons are pesky..." She commented, slightly frusterated.
Julia let out a tiny giggle at the two as Makai began to attempt an intimidation to Jeremy. She was even more amused when the two tried to button a shirt. She scootched closer, curious about the two and tilted her head at the students who are either about her height or taller. You guys remind me of my parents. She of course turned red again at that comment and stuttered. I- I mean- I- Uhh... Nice to meet you guys..? She nervously chuckled before grabbing her tail and wringing it gently. So... Um... What class are you guys in? I'm in class T. Just then she decided to try and play around while they were telling her their info by unzipping her backpack and pulling out a puppet with her magic, then making a silly voice as the puppet pops out suddenly from behind her shoulder and raises its arms

Me too~ Julia giggles at her own play. She never seems to be as shy when playing with her puppets.
Cheselth said:
Julia let out a tiny giggle at the two as Makai began to attempt an intimidation to Jeremy. She was even more amused when the two tried to button a shirt. She scootched closer, curious about the two and tilted her head at the students who are either about her height or taller. You guys remind me of my parents. She of course turned red again at that comment and stuttered. I- I mean- I- Uhh... Nice to meet you guys..? She nervously chuckled before grabbing her tail and wringing it gently. So... Um... What class are you guys in? I'm in class T. Just then she decided to try and play around while they were telling her their info by unzipping her backpack and pulling out a puppet with her magic, then making a silly voice as the puppet pops out suddenly from behind her shoulder and raises its arms
Me too~ Julia giggles at her own play. She never seems to be as shy when playing with her puppets.
( Let me get this straight so we all know how tall everyone is. Maika's somewhere around five feet. Julia is 4'3, and Jeremy is over six feet?)

Maika jerked he head to the side to look at Julia, slightly flustered by the statement, she had a feeling that there was something a little off about this girl. "Nice to meet you too..." Maika unintentionally growled. She became determined to finish buttoning this male's shirt as fast as possible to make the situation the least awkward as possibl. Since she was in a rush, all the buttons were slightly singed, after realizing that she had done more harm than good she took a few steps back and flashed a sheepish grin. " At least it's easier to button it now that the holes are bigger?" She joked, beginning to fish through her bag for a roll of aluminum foil. Wearing foil mittens would do considerably less damage than what she had already done with her bare hands. "I'm in class N."
Ballerina said:
" Sorry for being a bit harsh, sometimes my curious it's get's the best if me." She giggled at his efforts to button his shirt, he seemed rather determined to button it despite the size of the buttons. " Let me help, I have tiny hands." Maika spread out her fingers, displaying the size of her hand, she was right, they were smaller than what was normal, but so was she. Her hand reached up to the highest button she could reach, and she attempted to button Jeremy's shirt.
" These buttons are pesky..." She commented, slightly frusterated.
Cheselth said:
Julia let out a tiny giggle at the two as Makai began to attempt an intimidation to Jeremy. She was even more amused when the two tried to button a shirt. She scootched closer, curious about the two and tilted her head at the students who are either about her height or taller. You guys remind me of my parents. She of course turned red again at that comment and stuttered. I- I mean- I- Uhh... Nice to meet you guys..? She nervously chuckled before grabbing her tail and wringing it gently. So... Um... What class are you guys in? I'm in class T. Just then she decided to try and play around while they were telling her their info by unzipping her backpack and pulling out a puppet with her magic, then making a silly voice as the puppet pops out suddenly from behind her shoulder and raises its arms
Me too~ Julia giggles at her own play. She never seems to be as shy when playing with her puppets.
Ballerina said:
( Let me get this straight so we all know how tall everyone is. Maika's somewhere around five feet. Julia is 4'3, and Jeremy is over six feet?)
Maika jerked he head to the side to look at Julia, slightly flustered by the statement, she had a feeling that there was something a little off about this girl. "Nice to meet you too..." Maika unintentionally growled. She became determined to finish buttoning this male's shirt as fast as possible to make the situation the least awkward as possibl. Since she was in a rush, all the buttons were slightly singed, after realizing that she had done more harm than good she took a few steps back and flashed a sheepish grin. " At least it's easier to button it now that the holes are bigger?" She joked, beginning to fish through her bag for a roll of aluminum foil. Wearing foil mittens would do considerably less damage than what she had already done with her bare hands. "I'm in class N."
Jeremy looked at his slightly singed buttons in defeat. No wonder one of his clients bought it for him.

"It's fine. Thanks for trying to help me. I'm in Class H by the way. I've hear some weird rumors about the teachers at this school." He simply brushed off tiny bits of soot and left the shirt open.

((Jeremy is 6'2".))
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Delacare said:
Jeremy looked at his slightly singed buttons in defeat. No wonder one of his clients bought it for him.
"It's fine. Thanks for trying to help me. I'm in Class H by the way. I've hear some weird rumors about the teachers at this school." He simply brushed off time bits of soot and left the shirt open.

((Jeremy is 6'2".))
Maika raised an eyebrow. " So I guess that means we won't be seeing each other too often." She said to the two of them with a slightly defeated look on her face. " What dorms ar you guys in?"

@Delacare @Cheselth
Ballerina said:
Maika raised an eyebrow. " So I guess that means we won't be seeing each other too often." She said to the two of them with a slightly defeated look on her face. " What dorms ar you guys in?"
@Delacare @Cheselth
"Because we don't have the same homeroom, doesn't mean that we won't see each other. There's more than one class to take here; we could end up in the same magic classes." Jeremy smiled encouragingly.

"My dorm mate is some guy I've yet to meet."
Delacare said:
"Because we don't have the same homeroom, doesn't mean that we won't see each other. There's more than one class to take here; we could end up in the same magic classes." Jeremy smiled encouragingly.
"My dorm mate is some guy I've yet to meet."

"That's true." Maika nodded, a grin returned to her face. She seemed to have forget the fact that they had classes other than home room. "Oh! Did you hear that the dorms are co-ed?" Maika asked the two, slightly tilting her head. " I don't really know how I feel about having to live with guys, hopefully there are a few girl dominated dorms on this campus."
Ballerina said:
"That's true." Maika nodded, a grin returned to her face. She seemed to have forget the fact that they had classes other than home room. "Oh! Did you hear that the dorms are co-ed?" Maika asked the two, slightly tilting her head. " I don't really know how I feel about having to live with guys, hopefully there are a few girl dominated dorms on this campus."
"Yeah I heard. I just hope the guy in my dorm is nice, and not too stupid." Jeremy chuckled to himself, then looked very embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That sounded a lot funnier in my head."
Delacare said:
"Yeah I heard. I just hope the guy in my dorm is nice, and not too stupid." Jeremy chuckled to himself, then looked very embarrassed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. That sounded a lot funnier in my head."
" I think everyone wants decent dorm mates." She stated quite bluntly. Maika realized that she enjoyed talking with these two, it was a nice change to be considered 'normal', despite being anything but. Suddenly, an idea struck her. " We all should meet up after class and find out what our dorms are together!" She proposed.
Ballerina said:
" I think everyone wants decent dorm mates." She stated quite bluntly. Maika realized that she enjoyed talking with these two, it was a nice change to be considered 'normal', despite being anything but. Suddenly, an idea struck her. " We all should meet up after class and find out what our dorms are together!" She proposed.
"I've actually already been to my dorm. I dropped off my stuff and changed before I got here. I might as well have left my shirtshirt there, though. It's serving literally no purpose right now." He called a breeze to blow back his shirt, emphasizing the fact that it only covered his back.
Julia just sat there listening to the two talking and smiled. She was finding herself to be quite comfortable around these two even though she had just met them, it was odd but she enjoyed their company and that's all that mattered.

Wouldn't it be cool if we had the same dorms together? That way we can tell spooky ghost stories and everything before bed! Julia seemed to brighten up as she let her tail go and her ears stood straight up.

She moved the puppet to her head and made it seem like it was sitting down. The puppet was a little pink bunny with rosy red cheeks, and it wasn't even really a puppet. It was a stuffed animal she used as a puppet.

Julia let a smile stretch across her face, her tail waving around slightly wildly. It would be awesome~
Delacare said:
"I've actually already been to my dorm. I dropped off my stuff and changed before I got here. I might as well have left my shirtshirt there, though. It's serving literally no purpose right now." He called a breeze to blow back his shirt, emphasizing the fact that it only covered his back.
Cheselth said:
Julia just sat there listening to the two talking and smiled. She was finding herself to be quite comfortable around these two even though she had just met them, it was odd but she enjoyed their company and that's all that mattered.
Wouldn't it be cool if we had the same dorms together? That way we can tell spooky ghost stories and everything before bed! Julia seemed to brighten up as she let her tail go and her ears stood straight up.

She moved the puppet to her head and made it seem like it was sitting down. The puppet was a little pink bunny with rosy red cheeks, and it wasn't even really a puppet. It was a stuffed animal she used as a puppet.

Julia let a smile stretch across her face, her tail waving around slightly wildly. It would be awesome~
" I see. Well, since you have been there before, can you tell me how the dorms like? I haven't checked out the dorms yet, and I'm kind of curious now. " She asked Jeremy, eager to hear about the place she would be spending her academic career at. Maika looked over to Julia, she seemed rather content just listening to the two's banter.

" It would be amazing if that was the case!" She said in response to Julia, agreeing that it would be wonderful if the three could have room together. " I mean, it's not like I'm scared of ghost or any of that spooky schmaults so we would have such a fun time!"
Asura Novembra

Asura sighed, as she looked out the window to her immediate left. She was about in the middle row, all the way to the left. Perfectly far from either door, so she wouldn't have to bother with any students who would eventually wander in here on their own. It was a nice day out: bright sun, glittering blue sky, and fluffy white clouds dotting it. Even so, she preferred the shade of a large canopy of jungle trees over much-too-bright days like today anyday. She was homesick, though she refused to admit it, even to herself. Sighing again, she buried her face in the palm on which she'd previously rested her head. She wasn't anxious for human interaction, but how long was she expected to wait for? This was getting ridiculous.


Rachet Willows








Mainly sticks to the rules and focuses on her studies, is really clumsy, is fine with changing her ideas as long as her ideas are heard in the end. Would rather say the truth even if it meant hurting someone else's feelings. Enjoys being by herself rather more than being with a group of people she barely knows. Has a sense of humor and loves puns. Rachet would much rather study for school rather than go to some party (but she is fine with parties if they are planned correctly). If she has a crush she'll generally be awkward, and stutter in her sentences around them.




- She knows she has it, but that doesn't mean she can control it at her will (yet). Especially when she has strong emotions a blast of air will emit from her wether she wants it to or not.

Studying - If there was a studying competition on who could study the longest and learn the most, Rachet would at least be in the top three if not first.


Schoolwork - When it comes to this topic Rachet generally knows a lot about it and should be your go to whenever you need any help with it.

Listening - Because of not being the most talkitive person in the room Rachet is extremely well at listening to what everyone else has to say and having what they said be heard by everyone else also.


Loses stuff and is pretty clumsy - Which can be a huge nuisance when she's losing or dropping textbooks, schoolwork, papers, homework, etc. everywhere.

Hard time trusting people - It may be awhile until Rachet will ever tel you anything personal about herself, but she is completely fine with talking about the general known things about her that almost everyone knows.

Almost no agility, speed, or even strength - Due to spending most of her time studying in her room Rachet never really had the time to plan daily workouts, and when she did have time something almost always came up to stop her from exercising.

Items Owned:

A bag full of school materials - Who knows which class you'll need this stuff in?

A watch - Helpful for keeping track of time.

A blue mechanical pencil - A favorite mechanical pencil because of how easy it is to refill its lead and eraser.

A recorder - If Rachet ever feels like she needs to record a lesson so she can use it as reference she'll use this (which is always hidden in her right pocket).

Hygiene, clothing, etc. - She needs to stay clean!

Dorm Details: ---

Class: Class N

Other: She hopes to one day become a headmaster of a school like her biggest role model (Sumi).

Special Requirement: (Not sure if I still need this still, but here it is anyway!)


-=-=((Rachet Willows))=-=-

In my mind I had imagined him saying he also had Class N, but in the real world he just said he was in Class T with a disappointed tone in his voice. Trying to brighten the mood I decided to say something, "Well, me may see each other nex-." I was cut-off when Nagisa had suddenly hugged me tight enough that I wouldn't be able to get out by my own force. Not wanting to lose my only friend here I hugged him back, "If you don't let me out soon we may not make it to class in t-time." I then also realized that I had forgotten earlier that I had also picked up my bags and I had only a limited amount of time before I went stumbling to the ground.


Nagisa Shiota

Nagisa laughed as he fell to the ground with Rachet who had forgotten to out her bags down first. He lyed on the floor for a few minutes before getting back up and offering a Hand towards Rachet to help her up as well. "Well it really was nice meeting you! I wanna see you again sometime so I will find you!" He said being dead serious although he had a wide grin on his face. He expression changed for a moment before he went expressionless looking Rachet dead in the eyes. "Your a great person. Much more than you know." And with that he grabbed his bags, thanked her and ran into class T sitting near the window placing his things underneath his desk, or his soon to be desk.

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Rachet Willows








Mainly sticks to the rules and focuses on her studies, is really clumsy, is fine with changing her ideas as long as her ideas are heard in the end. Would rather say the truth even if it ment hurting someone else's feelings. Enjoys being by herself rather more than being with a group of people she barely knows. Has a sense of humor and loves puns. Rachet would much rather study for school rather than go to some party (but she is fine with parties if they are planned correctly). If she has a crush she'll generally be awkward, and stutter in her sentences around them.




- She knows she has it, but that doesn't mean she can control it at her will (yet). Especially when she has strong emotions a blast of air will emit from her wether she wants it to or not.

Studying - If there was a studying competition on who could study the longest and learn the most, Rachet would at least be in the top three if not first.


Schoolwork - When it comes to this topic Rachet generally knows a lot about it and should be your go to whenever you need any help with it.

Listening - Because of not being the most talkitive person in the room Rachet is extremely well at listening to what everyone else has to say and having what they said be heard by everyone else also.


Loses stuff and is pretty clumsy - Which can be a huge nuisance when she's losing or dropping textbooks, schoolwork, papers, homework, etc. everywhere.

Hard time trusting people - It may be awhile until Rachet will ever tel you anything personal about herself, but she is completely fine with talking about the general known things about her that almost everyone knows.

Almost no agility, speed, or even strength - Due to spending most of her time studying in her room Rachet never really had the time to plan daily workouts, and when she did have time something almost always came up to stop her from exercising.

Items Owned:

A bag full of school materials - Who knows which class you'll need this stuff in?

A watch - Helpful for keeping track of time.

A blue mechanical pencil - A favorite mechanical pencil because of how easy it is to refill its lead and eraser.

A recorder - If Rachet ever feels like she needs to record a lesson so she can use it as reference she'll use this (which is always hidden in her right pocket).

Hygiene, clothing, etc. - She needs to stay clean!

Dorm Details: ---

Class: Class N

Other: She hopes to one day become a headmaster of a school like her biggest role model (Sumi).

Special Requirement: (Not sure if I still need this still, but here it is anyway!)


-=-=((Rachet Willows))=-=-

The time had ran out and I had fallen back to the ground once again. I began trying to avoid eye contact so it wouldn't be any more awkward for me than it already was. I then heard Nagisa say he'll find me sometime which caused me to smile at him, "Yeah maybe then we could talk about how our classes went and what we learned!" I then took his hand and got back up and went to pick up both of the bags I had dropped. I looked up at Nagisa to see him looking at me straight in the eyes and saying, "You're a great person. Much more than you know." As he walked away I thought much more than I know? Don't I still know myself better? What do I know, I'm just a straight A student.

I opened the door to Class N and really didn't pay much attention to the room's interior because I was too busy looking for the proffessor. I looked around for a while longer still not being able to see her. I left both of my bags next to door and continued looking for her as I went to look around the room.
"Professor Ninja? Are you here?" I began to get more and more worried that I had accidently went into the wrong classroom and I was going to be late for my class the longer I looked.

@Silver Wolf))=-=-

-=-=((Was talking to

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