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  1. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Willem halted his walk away as he heard Sansa apologize. He did not want her to feel as though she was responsible for his discomfort with the idea of marriage. This was something it seemed only he had a problem with. He turned and sighed, apologetically. "It is nothing, m'lady. I have simply...
  3. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    "Oh..." Willem's voice trailed off as he thought about the possibility. Although the Lady Sansa had caught his eye, it hadn't even passed through his mind that he should marry her. Then again, that IS how things go with nobility, though he could not help but get a bit flustered over the idea...
  4. Larbeight

    Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

    Gregoire: "That would be me." Gregoire coughed out from his position leaning against the wall. He weakly pointed to the pack laying next to Gaia. "Vulnerary... in there." He coughed up a bit more blood with that last phrase, and decided to keep quiet after that, much preferring to keep his...
  5. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Willem smiled sadly, knowing the truth of her statement but also not wanting to give up on the possibility. "You never know what the future may hold, m'lady. Perhaps one day we shall walk through the halls of Highgarden together, but if that does not happen, I swear to you I will indeed send...
  6. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    "Oh, no, I have not yet been there myself." He responded quickly. "When I pledged my allegiance to the Tyrells they were already on the march to King's Landing, and so I was unable to visit the city." Willem hesitated before asking his next question. He didn't wish to offend Lady Sansa, or for...
  7. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Willem nodded in response. "As am I. I only hope their ambition does not get the better of them. Or us, I suppose I should say now, as I am sworn to them..." Yes, he was loyal to House Tyrell now, and he swore to himself to never desert them, as he had his lord Stannis. After going quiet in...
  8. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Willem frowned slightly, but quickly shook his head and responded, there would be many asking this question of him, he should probably get used to answering it. He began to walk with Lady Sansa as he talked. "Well, growing up in the service and in the court of Stannis Barratheon, I was taught...
  9. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Willem was surprised at the smile offered up from the Lady Sansa. He was ready for all sorts of negative reactions, due to the subject matter of the conversation. Also, they were the usual reactions he tended to get when he talked to beautiful women. And Sansa was indeed beautiful. The way her...
  10. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Willem took a step back, surprised. "Lady Sansa-?" Of course it was Sansa Stark: the fiery red hair, the faraway look in her eyes. He quickly looked around to to make sure no prying eyes were watching before turning back and responding. "My condolences on what happened to your father. No man...
  11. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Willem nodded his head along to her response. "Yes, there's nothing quite like this in the Stormlands, so it's far different than what I'm accustomed to." Willem then abruptly shook his head, and quickly turned to Sansa and bowed. "Forgive my lack of manners, I am Ser Willem Musgood, sworn...
  12. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Ser Willem Musgood strolled through the gardens, rather amazed with their beauty. There was nothing like this in the Stormlands where he hailed from. As he walked through the rows of hedges and flowers, he reached up to his collar and pulled slightly. He wasn't completely sure if the clothes he...
  13. Larbeight

    A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]

    Larbeight submitted a new role play: A Wolf in the Garden - A Game of Thrones Original Story Read more about this role play...
  14. Larbeight

    Plots, plots, read all about it!

    Yeah, sure! It has been forever since I played FFX but the setting's neat so I'd be up for it.
  15. Larbeight

    Plots, plots, read all about it!

    I would be down for the Game of Thrones or the Final Fantasy X one.
  16. Larbeight

    Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

    ...noticed its strap had been severed by the hand ax. Gregoire sighed, knowing he couldn't reach it in his condition. Instead, he looked over to Gaia. *Only three bandits left. Should be a cake walk for him.* He then turned his gaze upwards to the sky, hoping the clouds would provide a brief...
  17. Larbeight

    Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

    Lolynne Rohlock: As the group of 5 bandits, approached, Lolynne rode back into formation, with Rosso at the front. The first bandit was quickly dealt with by Rosso's Lance, And Lolynne fired off an arrow at another bandit attempting to catch the wyvern rider off guard. It struck the bandit in...
  18. Larbeight

    Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

    Gregoire: As the arrows landed around them and the prince was hit, Gregoire realized he had gotten through the opening volley relatively unscathed. Aside from a few arrows snapping on his armor and a light cut on his left arm, he was fine. Unfortunately, it looked as though the prince was not...
  19. Larbeight

    Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

    Gregoire: Gregoire shook his head as he took his vulnerary back from Mayumi, though he kept himself aware of the battle with the swordsman as he spoke. "No need for thanks, it's the least I could do for a beautiful woman such as yourself." He chuckled as he heard Gaia's comment. "Oh shut...
  20. Larbeight

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    goddamnit gaia