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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book


"That would be me." Gregoire coughed out from his position leaning against the wall. He weakly pointed to the pack laying next to Gaia. "Vulnerary... in there." He coughed up a bit more blood with that last phrase, and decided to keep quiet after that, much preferring to keep his blood inside rather than outside of himself.
"Oh... Hello." The young woman said, then started digging through the described bag, looking for the mentioned vulnerary. Personally, she was kind of regretting joining this bunch. If she got too close to someone and they died, well..... But then again, she had so much more strength in numbers. "Alright, here." She pulled the vulnerary out and handed it off to Gregroire.

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He'd succeeded. Relief made Faina slide down to her knees. She sighed, all the fear and danger having passed with the killing of this one bandit. It felt as though one burden had been lifted from her shoulders, but as quickly as that one had gone, another settled.

This was her fault.

Her tired eyes watched the mother cry over the corpse of a child, her sobs hysterical and frenzied, growing more unrestrained with time. The bandit bled in a crumpled heap in front of her. Ignored, set aside, nothing but trash on the roadside. It was a hideous sight. And Faina was certain that if she'd not hesitated earlier... no, if she'd kept herself out of this battle entirely instead of foolishly charging in, things may have been different. Heck, Allerick's whole army was probably better off without her.

A shadow passed over, and Allerick's smooth voice registered as a blur of noise to her chaotic senses. Faina turned her eyes on him, seeing the dull gold of a twice-used vulnerary held out towards her. Mutely, she shook her head. With a shaking hand, she uncorked her own and poured it on her chest, letting the healing solution do its work.

A cooling sensation overcame as the wound was clotted in vulnerary. Grabbing the torn portion of her dress and tying it, Faina felt her head slowly clearing. She pulled herself to her feet and nodded firmly to Allerick. "Thank you... erm... No... that's not right..." She ran a hand through her messy, wavy hair and sighed.

"Sorry..." She muttered. "Back there... I... I'm sorry. I couldn't do much of anything... and..." Failure was in her veins, somehow inseparable from her actions. Faina felt her chest rise with miserable despair. "Sorry." She said again, the words coming out like a breath.

"Is there..." She swallowed past a dry throat. "Anything I can do for you now?"
Guilt and sadness clawed at Mayumi's heartstrings, spurred on even further by Uriah's words and appearance. He was voicing exactly what she was thinking; they had failed. Protecting the royal family had been a duty given to her by birth, but it had taken only an instant to fail it. Prince Lok had not only been a prince, but also an acquaintance of sorts, which made it even worse. If she hadn't been able to keep Lok safe, then what guarantee was there that she could protect Allerick?

She inwardly shook her head. That was something she could dwell on once the battle was over. Right now, Uriah looked absolutely terrible, with his array of wounds and the sickly pallor to his skin. Her own two gashes on her arm were nothing compared to that. She took a small step forward, her voice quiet as she forced it not to tremble.

"Uriah...I believe you should sit and rest." she suggested. "I can...I can wrap up the worst of the injuries if you will allow me." She pointedly avoided the subject of the prince.
Uriah wanted to deny that he needed to rest, but the multitude of physical trauma coupled with the debilitating trauma of having lost the youngest prince of a bloodline down to it's now last member over rode any objections he could have voiced and he mutely shrugged, a gesture that seemed even more defeated, given the armor. He did move to the wall of a nearby house, and back against it, slid down until he was sitting. Now that his body had shut off the flow of adrenaline, his injuries flared into his awareness like brands burning into his skin. He closed his eyes and grit his teeth, uttering no exclamation of pain. Try though he might, the one thing cutting deeper than his wounds was his failed duty, A duty that had been ingrained in the very earliest days of his martial training. The world seemed... askew, as if the prince's death had set something in the universe off kilter. Gone forever was the young man whom he had chastised for his reckless behavior. It was wrong that Lok had died, and he, a vassal sworn to die in his lord's place, remained.
Allerick smiled and looked into Faina's eyes. "Sorry for what? You were at a disadvantage, I should've jumped in earlier, your injuries are a result of my cowardice. Faina, I should be the one apologizing." He said reaching over to her shoulder and holding his hand there for a second or two. He looked over to her Pegasus, thoughts plotting inside his head. He looked back to Faina, "Actually, I know you've done alot today, but does your Pegasus fly two people? I think it would be smart to check up on the other groups, especially my brother's, you remember Lok don't you? Or did you two not meet yet, my memory ceases to assist me at times." He said in a motivated tone, it seems everything was going well, the screams of people and bandits seemed to stop and final moments of the battle were approaching. However knowing his brother he would've probably gone crazy and broke his arm, or both his arms. But through thick and thin, Lok had trouble dying, it was in his blood.
"Alright..." Faina murmured. Nonetheless, she shied away when the slim hand made contact, melancholy turning her evasive.

She tried to shake off the emotion. It would do no good to be morose now. There was so much more to do. "You give the orders, cap'n." She said to Allerick's question. "If you'd like a ride, a ride you shall have." Swallowing the rush of self-deprication, Faina gave a quick grin before bowing gallantly. Then, turning, she caught her hand on the noble Rochester's horn, hefting herself astride the pegasus and leaning out a hand towards Allerick once she had settled.

"I've the eyes of a hawk... er, hawkess, milord. Feminine, always. If your brother's out there, I'll find him! Who all did you say he was with again? No, more like, what colors should I be looking for? Er..." She dropped her head back and breathed a sigh, making cessation of her rambling tongue. "On second thought, maybe you should just tell me where to go." She said, abashed.
Allerick let out a confused sigh, it was rather strange ordering other royalty around, he was used to giving orders to his soldiers not princess's. He felt a little more powerful then he thought he deserved. However Allerick digressed and shook his head. "You speak so much like my friend Rosso, you don't have to feel so uptight around me, Faina. I am not going to hurt you if you make a mistake, but right we should probably quit being idle and double check on the group. A leader has to be aware of what is going around in the battlefield, am I not correct?" Allerick said honestly, making his way next to Rochester and stroking its nose. He looked back to Faina and she seemed a little different from when he met many years back.

Allerick looked back to Faina and smiled. "Anyways, you seem tense Faina, shall we relax once this battle ends? I wouldn't want to loose you, it's good to have friend alive y'know? For a while I thought it was just me and Lok whom remained from my childhood memory, I only wish your sister will see the light of our cause as well. Ah! But one purple haired sister is enough, come on we should get going or Lok'll probably burst his load if we keep him waiting." Allerick said in a happier pitch of tone, trying to light up the situation. Allerick Reached for Faina's hand with his strong left hand and looked into her eyes.
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"Yes, yes." Faina said. She kept the worry back, and forced a smile. Hopefully she wouldn't screw this up again.

Allerick's grip was strong, but as she pulled him up, the spring in his step made the effort rather easy; his weight was made light by the propulsion of motion. He landed soundly, gracefully in the saddle behind her, and Rochester sprung into action. With a strong gust of wind, his wings drove them upward, lifting them off with a demanding force. With each flap, they were jerked further upward, and Faina jostled fluidly with each movement, adjusting her body to be in tune with Rochester's flight, a skill only practice had perfected.

High above the battlefield, the scattering of the enemy was made apparent. Their red-clad persons were few and far between, now, and around Allerick's banner a crowd had formed, of armored fellows and muscled nomads. The river wound between them and that group, and a disruption was made at the for north bank, where a mage hastened to cross, beset by one overshadowingly large and scarred man. And, further west, she saw by the banking of Rochester as they surveyed the field, was a clear green armor, likened unto a field of grass amongst the town.

"Where shall I land, Prince?" Faina yelled, her voice buffetted by the wind.
Allerick had never rode a pegasus before, but so many young and aspiring females did, so what was so intimidating about it? True, Allerick had always been a ground fighter and he had never once taken in air. He remembered watching Rosso do it when they were younger though, and that always seemed inspire and amaze him. He may have been more scared if he was riding a wyvern, they were rather, scary yet majestic creatures. He held onto Faina's hand tightly and lifted himself onto the back of the Pegasus. He was a much friendlier looking then Rosso's wyvern, it didn't have any teeth to eat or poison Allerick with, but that was not where the fear would begin.

As the Pegasus took into flight Allerick's stomach immediately churned and 100 meters appeared to be a 100 kilometres! Allerick frantically avoided to look down, but knowing his army was down there he sort of had to. He felt as if he was falling off the back of the Pegasus and he reached embracing Faina's stomach to keep balance. When she asked him where he wanted to land, he anxiously pointed to the green armoured guy, without second guessing.

"By the green armoured guy, by Uriah! I need earth!" Allerick said in a frantic tone, as he began to grip her stomach a little tighter.
Mayumi knelt beside Uriah, reaching into her pack for the remaining bandages she had. She pulled out only a few rather pitiful strips that would hardly help to staunch any bleeding. After digging through the pack for a little longer she discovered that it was all she had left. She looked down at the scraps in her hand, a sudden wave of helplessness washing over her.

If she could have looked at herself, she would have considered it a pitiful sight. Her kneeling on the ground as blood dripped down her arm, Uriah covered in wounds against a house, and the body of the youngest prince only a few feet away. The urge to say something, anything in reassurance was there, but she had no idea what there was to say. She had never been good with words, and now with emotion clogging her throat, it was practically impossible.

Instead, she tried to do what she could with slightly shaking fingers and wrapped one of the worst wounds. She carefully pressed down on another in an attempt to staunch the blood, hoping that help would come soon.
Is that my stomach? A tightening sensation coalesced there. Was it nerves? But what from? Perhaps it was the sensation of Allerick's chest, pressed up flat against her back. Or maybe his arms, flexing tight, showing surprising bulge when pushing against her ribs. But that was strange. She'd been so comfortable with him until now. Talking to him was like talking to a sister. His face had completely set her at ease, so why the nervousness now? The wind embraced her thoughtful, flowing her hair back behind her.

As she turned her foot to press Rochester into a descent, a glance downward revealed the true cause, and prodded her to laughter. It was Allerick's fisted hands pulling tight against her lower abdomen. That was the cause of the strange feeling. The laughter was cut short rather suddenly, however, as the air was squeezed out of her by Allerick's heightened grip.

Rochester, therefore, touched down a little sloppily, the flight turning to a jaunted gallop as the two riders impacted the earth. As soon as he'd slowed his pace, she tried to slip out of Allerick's breath-severing grasp, only to trip on her way down, pulling Allerick with her as she crashed against hard ground. Pushing the prince away, she informed him they'd arrived, and raised her head to see the blood and horror of two fallen comrades.
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"Brush, brush"

The green leaves of a thicket of bushes rustled and sway noisily. "uuuuh-AAAHHHHH" A bear like yawn emitted from the bush. And a big leather bound foot stuck out, causing the leaves to rustle more violently. With the 2nd foot followed the body. A man... shirtless and in black loose pants, much like the ones pirates where. His body was bulky and full of scars. On his back he donned the famous skull crossbones of pirates.

He looked around the battlefield... seemed to be dying down but still.

He rubbed his eyes and reached behind him back in the bushes, and pulled out a ridiculously big axe. An axe way too big for a normal to carry, yet he picked it up swiftly and with ease. "Ok... time to move. Meanwhile while they're fighting."

The large man began going to dead bodies and stealing gold and other supplies. Dead soldiers on both sides of the conflict. A couple feet away are the prince and downed pegasus. He didnt seem to notice them...
Allerick fell to the ground landing on his faulty wrist and yelping because of it, but yet there was relief. He shook his head around and smiled, he was glad to be back on the ground, he looked over to Faina, her eyes seemed occupied on something. Everyone seemed still, everything was quiet, towards his right he saw Mayumi severely injured who seemed to be speaking to Uriah. He slowly raised himself to his feet and walked over to Faina, but couldn't believe what she was looking at, there was no way, this had not just happened....

Allerick's body fell weak, his heart stopped in time, his one hope in his life, his last family member.... Was now yet another pet of death. Allerick silently walked past Faina like a ghost and collapsed next to the dead body of Lok, the Rash swordsmen. Allerick solemnly put his hand over Lok's face, it has no heat of life, just the coldness of death. Allerick reached his hand down towards where the arrow stuck in Lok's chest and tore it out, oh how the blood flowed and felt like his very own, the resemblance was almost scary. Allerick put Lok into a cradling hold and lifted him up, he tried to restrain the tears, but what would Lok say if he saw his older brother crying? He struggled to hold the boy, his injured wrist took a toll on his muscles and he lost control and dropped the corpse.

"What exactly do you hope to accomplish doing that m'lord?" A familiar voice said, Allerick slowly tilted his head back and realized, it was none other than Rosso.

"Rosso... I wanted to bury him." Allerick said slowly, sadness infused with his voice.

"It was always like you, here let me do it." Rosso said calmly, she then, without a problem, lifted Lok's body with the utmost care.

"Thank you..." Allerick said slowly and walked in the direction of Faina. "I'll put you in charge, finish the mission for me, I cannot fight, I am just so powerless, weak and pathetic." Allerick said in a saddened tone and walked off with Rosso, not even awaiting Faina's response.
The battle, it was like a mad dance his right hand burning with an unwanted but all to familiar pain, the blows, the nosferatu spells to keep injuries healed, the arrows from other members of the party, For Keshal, it had been more than enough, he had been at his breaking point. It all blurred together sweat poured from his brow, the inside of his mask was sticky, half from the sweat, half from the numerous close calls from the axes of the bandits. At the End he was limping back to the sound of friendly voices, his right hand wrapped in some cloth. He was about to say greetings when he saw it, Allerick walking away...but from what? He needed only look a little and lo...there was something he dared not wish to see.

There was the young prince Lok, covered in blood, with a trembling hand Keshal grabbed the side of his mask. He undid a buckle and slid of his face hitting the ground with a hollow tone. He never talked much to Lok, he hardly knew him. Still looking at Aleric he knew the feeling. It was a terrible and gnashing feeling. He could only mutter out a hushed. "No..we...we...were all..doing so well...we weren't going to loose someone. After the last mission we just...couldn't. not like this...not like this."
Faina wished she could give the Prince some manner of comfort. She watched his anguished form crouched over the body of his brother and bowed her head. The only words that came to mind seemed insensitive, repeated, dishonest. She couldn't even extend her hand to him, the distance between them seeming unbreachable, endless. Faina only bowed low when he approached, half grovelling, half sympathetic, and readily agreed with the order.

"I will... yes..." As he tarried off, a pace behind the wyvern rider, Faina realized just what she agreed to, and froze.

"Lead... lead, me?" She pointed a finger toward herself, head tilting as she tried to get a hold of herself. "Who's leading? ...Who am I leading?"

"..everyone?" The word came out a squeak. She glanced over the three gathered there; the bow-girl, the wounded green knight, and this... new guy that seemed friendly. He took off his mask and Faina's mouth went slack at the sight of the handsomeness therein.

"Why hello there, stranger!" She called out as she closed the distance. "Do you have a map, because I just got lost in your eyes..." Her hand ended up walking across his chest before her sanity turned back on, and she jumped back just as quickly. This was no time for flirting! Allerick's brother was dead!

Faina mentally beat herself up, throwing herself around and slapping her own face a few more times for more effective results.

Once she was convinced she could control herself again, she gathered what little wits she had and handed the archer what was left of the vulnerary Allerick had given her earlier. "That should bring him back to fighting condition, miss...er... Archer." She finished lamely, setting it down by the knight after a moment's delay.

"Now then... uh. So.... Who can... we safely say is in charge and start obeying..?" Faina asked nervously. "Or, well, I'm Faina, by the way. Pegasus knight, as... you... may have noticed." She flourished her hand towards Rochester, who now brazenly grazed on the bloodied grass.

She experienced a coughing fit. After that had run its course, she spat a few times in the grass before turning back to everyone with a hoarse, "I'm fine." And a wave, the gesture to carry on.
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Keshal was caught of guard by the new person's attempt at flirting. What time does she think this is? Though at this point he needed to regain focus. he sratched his forehead with his left hand , right hand still chard black and in pain. though he knew it would get better give or take a week. looking at the group before him he decided to do something he never really did. speak without the mask...he figured that actually this was the first time he'd be talking with people actually seeing his face. "Alright ladies and gentlemen. Roll call, who can fight and who needs a vulnerary, and If anyone has a spare bandage I could use it."
"Huh?" Dante was busy counting the money he snagged from the dead before noticing Faina." HAHAHAHA WELL YOU KNOW!" Dante erupted suddenly. He was quite flattered at the girls flirting on him. She was even bold enough to touch his chest without asking. He laughed and scratched the back of his head, while blushing. He worked hard for his looks, and so he was a sucker for flattery.

He then heard Keshal speak up. "Hmm... might be a good idea if i run with these guys for a bit. Gather up some cash along the way." He thought to himself.

He ripped off the sleeve of a dead soldier. He also snagged a goat skin pouch full of alcohol earlier. But he decided he would help Kershal out.

"I can fight sir." The big man said walking towards him. He raised the sleeve and alcohol to him. "Would you like help with your injury, or have you got this?" He asked politely
Watching the young one help Gregiore, Gaia laid on his back resting a second as he regained a second wind. His arm was gashed but not fatal, his shoulder was still hurt from the battle from earlier. His tail was covered in filth, making it a slathered mess of life that he did not want to bathe in. He released a low growl of frustration as he continued to think of his fur being filthy covered in the blood of cowards. He felt rested after laying there and finally caught his breath but choked on the scent that the vulnerary gave off. His nose twitch and his lip curled upward with animosity.

"BAH! Get this vile concoction away from me!" Gaia roared as his backhand sent the flask flying across the space between the two small groups. Gaia raised himself onto his elbow and shook his fur along his back lathered in the blood of the bandit he had just torn apart. The scarlet liquid dripping from the fur he had down his spine and falling from his tail. 'Damn it all... My tail... my fur.... GRAWWWR' Gaia roared, cutting off his thoughts. He stood, hardly, as he stammered and had to try to keep his balance. His muscles tightened in his bare legs as he maintained his ground and kept himself from falling. His hand went to the cloth he had hiding himself from the females in the group, along with the men. Gaia tightened it around his waist and his tail swayed, painting the floor with specks of blood. Gaia looked over to the group a dozen paces away and realized the familiar scent of blood floating in the air. Gaia saw the prince hovering over another body and saw the blonde hair of the young prince.

Gaia walked across the space and saw the how the rest of the group was faring. He saw the dead prince lying on the floor and growled deeply in his chest.
'Damned fool. I told him... What a waste.' He placed his heavy hand on the young prince and spoke out, "He's in a better place. This world is tragic. And this is proof we need to end this senseless war." Gaia waited until he gave the command to the woman he hadn't met yet. The wyvern rider took the young price and left. His attention went back to the young prince. "I have a family hiding in the coliseum and they could use your guidance. Gaia insisted as the prince seemed distraught. He looked over to the woman and stood without an expression. 'She plays as if she is in a ballroom with young men... And I have to take orders from this... Humans.... Bah, I'll never understand them.' He growled softly and looked at his wounds. They weren't gravely hindering him but he was in no mood to continue fighting. Gaia was tired. He ached and he would not let any vile medicine touch his lips or wounds. He turned to the young prince again, "I'll guide you, young prince. Whenever you are ready..."
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The cloaked woman made her way slowly towards the group again, pulling her two remaining Vulneraris from her bag and passing them out to whomever needed it, she knew others were in far more need then she was. Compared to the others, like Uriah the cavalier and Gaia, her injuries were merely scratches.

"I.." She began, looking at the distraught prince, "I feel I should say some words to try to be comforting, but none come. I'm... Afraid I never knew Prince Lok very well. But, I know what loss is like. If you feel you need someone to talk to, just come find me."

God, she sounded like a sap. But it was the best comfort she could give.

She straightened, "I'll help guide the group to the nearest city, and guard if need be..."

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Dante looked at the cloaked women. She seemed very sincere, even looking like the situation was her fault. Dante admired that. It wasnt until she spoke that he got a general idea of what happened. A prince died. An ally of theirs. It mustve been very hard for them. He couldnt have imagined losing his mentor, Blackbeard, while he was in his crew. His face frowned a bit in condolence.

Weird... as soon as he died Dante became apart of the grew. "For each life. Is a death." He heard that a long time ago. It seemed to apply here sadly
Allerick slowly turned his body, still torn by the situation. His brother was dead, his only family, dead in the arms of a dear friend. He looked to the Muscular man and then looked to his broken and tattered wrist. At this point the wound was in horrid condition, bright purple and the bone slightly fractured, visual through the skin. He was tempted to say yes to the man's offer to assist with his wound but shook his head. "I'd love to discuss your legitimacy to my cause, but that'll have to wait. I have lost someone as you can see. Follow Faina, she is the purple haired flirtatious women, step in front of her with those muscles and she'll notice you right away." He said trying to pull off a smile, but he couldn't do it, he jested with a saddened frown. He let out one more sigh and wiped the tears off his drenched face.

"Everyone apart of the Lacayian resistance you will be fighting under Lord Faina, let her orders be the one that guide you. I have experienced a loss if you have not found out yet. Finish this skirmish, for the sake of Lok, for the future of Lacayia." He preached.

Gaia however caught his eye suggesting that there were people in the coliseum. "How thoughtful as always Gaia, hmm. Take Lolynn and Tangy and see what you can do. Lolynn will know what to do, she is chief after all. Perhaps she can take them under her wing, she does have an entire battalion under her after all." He told him and made his way back to Rosso.

(I'm have been resurrected! I am soooo sorry everyone >.< hope you are still with me.

@TechEwok You now have control over Lolynn unless Larbeight comes back. Not permanently, but use her for the plot reasons.

@Killigrew I really hope you are still with us, we should start finishing this battle off.

If any of you have a issue please let me know.)

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With the young prince's dismissal of his suggestion, Gaia growled low and felt slighted. When the young prince had advised him to take the girl and the nomad with him, he shook his head and turned away. Gaia didn't like the idea but it was the best course of action. Gaia grabbed the cloaked girl by her hood and began to drag her behind him, "You're coming with me. And keep that disgusting vial away from me." he said with a sneer. Gaia let her go once he thought he was done dragging her behind him and continued towards the coliseum.

After she had dispatched the bandits, Lolynn made her way to where the rest of the group was. She heard all of the conversation between Allerick and the soldiers under his command. She sneered when she was supposed to follow the beast and take care of the civilians while the rest cleared the city. She grabbed the reins to her horse, Neema, and peeled away from the group to follow behind the beast with only a piece of cloth covering his waist. She was used to seeing bare skin, but the beast was different and she didn't trust him. She kept her distance and followed in silence.

Gaia was becoming annoyed with the clattering the horse was making and he had the sudden urge to feed on the horse. He grinned and thought it would be unwise to munch on the horse and not the owner herself. Gaia let out a low rumble as he chuckled looking ahead at the entrance to the coliseum. He reached the giant doors that looked like they were sealed from within. He walked up to the double doors and slammed his massive fist on them. A cry from inside was heard. "Wh-wh-who is out there!? You c-c-can't come in here!"
a woman's voice cried out.

"Open the gates. I've brought my companions to aid you. Now, open the gates before I tear them from the hinges..." he said as his claws dug lines into the wood. The latch was being moved and the doors shuddered as they began to part. The wife of the merchant held open the door and peeked her head out to see the giant mountain of a man. Gaia looked down and smiled, "I'm glad you still live. Now, we will stay here and watch you all until the others clear out the town." he said in his low rolling voice. He looked over to the nomad, "Gather your tribesmen and surround the arena. There are perches above if any of them feel like dismounting. I'll be inside with the girl and the families." he said with authority. Gaia walked inside and made his way towards the area where he had shed his clothes. He found them where they laid and he lifted them up. Gaia dusted off the clothing and made his way to a holding cell without speaking to anyone.
The young woman watched Gaia, then followed him slowly into the city, looking around. All she had known was that one minute she was being dragged by a half naked lion man, then trudging along behind a horse, because Gaia was riding on it with the owner, though he looked more eager to eat it rather then ride it. She spent most of her time staring about, awed at all these new sights and sounds, looking at all the new people. She rarely left Sacawn, so she had never been here before.
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Faina cleared her throat. "So, I saw one bandit. He might be the only one left in the pile of carcasses you lot have bravely littered this entire area with." She pointed to the general northeast and added, "I saw him over the river, chasing a mage, or... yeah." She twiddled her fingers, and drew in a breath. Considering she had never even managed to hold the lowest position of a Pegasus knight mercenary troop, she doubted she could handle managing and maneuvring a whole group of people, let along bring them out of this alive. Allerick thought too much of her. She wasn't like her sister, she couldn't do amazing things, and most of what she did twisted into failure.

She raised her head to the people around her and forced a smile. "Who wants to lead us to him?"

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