A Wolf in the Garden [Inactive]


Junior Member
Larbeight submitted a new role play:

A Wolf in the Garden - A Game of Thrones Original Story

After the conclusion of the Battle of the Blackwater, a new power arrives in King's Landing: house Tyrell. With Margaery Tyrell now engaged to king Joffrey, Sansa Stark will no longer have to marry him. But will this mark the end of her suffering, or are her troubles just beginning? A tale of adventure and romance.
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Within the hedge walls of the garden, where flowers of deep reds and blues bloomed in the warmth of the summer sun, even Sansa Stark could not feel safe. King's Landing had terrors around every corner no matter where the poor girl found herself, eyes constantly watching her, trying to live up the what mysterious expectations were held above her. When she cupped a flower in her delicate hands she thought of Robb, how she always used to put flowers in his hair when she was little.

Oh, how she missed them.

Sansa would do anything to see her family again. She had hoped that with her release from Joffrey's clutches that perhaps she'd be allowed to go home, but she knew beyond all else that the king doesn't let his toys away so easily. So perhaps the gardens would protect her, being in the sight of more people, keeping her from regular beatings and torture.

She leaned in to smell the fresh flower, sighing, wishing Robb could be there with her. Or rather, that she could be with him.
Ser Willem Musgood strolled through the gardens, rather amazed with their beauty. There was nothing like this in the Stormlands where he hailed from. As he walked through the rows of hedges and flowers, he reached up to his collar and pulled slightly. He wasn't completely sure if the clothes he had been given by the Tyrells were too tight, or if this was simply how formal clothes were worn here. He supposed he should get used to it, as of not too long ago he had become a Tyrell in everything but name.

He was quite happy that the Tyrells had accepted his service and pledge of loyalty, as they had every right to kill him on the spot for what his former lord, Stannis, had done. Well, allegedly done, but it was obvious in his mind that it was Stannis who had arranged Renly's death. It was the only logical answer.

Putting those thoughts to the back of his mind, Willem reached up and stroked his beard. It was getting quite coarse, and he figured he should shave it soon. Then again, he rather enjoyed being the one of the only followers of the Tyrells' with a full beard; it made him feel more manly, somehow.

As he was thinking on this fact, he turned a corner and nearly ran into someone, barely managing to stop himself before slamming into them. It was a woman he had nearly run over. A rather beautiful one, in fact, with flowing red hair, though he could tell from the look in her eyes that she was unhappy. Unfortunately, he had no time to contemplate what the problem might be, as there were protocols to follow. "Apologies, M'lady. I should be paying more attention to where I'm going. These gardens are home to such beauty, it's easy to get distracted looking upon all the colors." He offered a smile along with his apologies, hoping he didn't come off as too much of a buffoon.
Sansa was admittedly startled at the tall, strong man that had suddenly appeared and disrupted her homely thoughts, but it was not unwelcomed. She noticed the rose of House Tyrell embroidered on the breast of his tunic and felt a bit more at ease, knowing he might not have been sent from Joffrey or Cersei as some kind of sick prank.

"No, forgive me ser." Sansa gave a respectful curtsy. "I was standing in the middle of the walkway without thinking, it was rather foolish of me. Their beauty can be distracting, yes." She curled her hair behind her ear, strands of fire in a garden of flowers.
Willem nodded his head along to her response. "Yes, there's nothing quite like this in the Stormlands, so it's far different than what I'm accustomed to." Willem then abruptly shook his head, and quickly turned to Sansa and bowed. "Forgive my lack of manners, I am Ser Willem Musgood, sworn knight of House Tyrell. Might I have the pleasure of your name?"

Willem honestly felt quite ashamed that he had to ask. Though he had remained up to date on the names and events as far as news from King's Landing went, knowing what each of the names looked like in person was a different matter. And deep down, he got the feeling that this young woman was not unimportant.
Musgood. She remembered that name from her studies well enough, but it struck her as odd that a man raised in service of Stannis Baratheon had somehow flocked over to House Tyrell. Perhaps Renly's death was as suspicious to him as it was to the rest of the realm. Either way, Sansa dared not to pry with her stupid questions.

"It's a please to meet you Ser Willem," Sansa stated with a gesture of acknowledgment and a small smile. "I am Sansa of House Stark."

It saddened her, how many different reactions her name would receive. She would proud to be a Stark but King's Landing would never allow her to be so.
Willem took a step back, surprised. "Lady Sansa-?" Of course it was Sansa Stark: the fiery red hair, the faraway look in her eyes. He quickly looked around to to make sure no prying eyes were watching before turning back and responding.

"My condolences on what happened to your father. No man deserves a death like that, least of all your father. I never met him myself but I hear he was a noble man." He wasn't sure if he should have brought it up at all, possibly reviving horrible memories, but the actions made by Joffrey were so horrible he felt not expressing his feelings on the matter would also be out of form. He only hoped he had not completely ruined the conversation, as it would be nice to have a friend in King's Landing, amidst all the corruption and deceit.
Not many had offered their sympathies for her late father, betrayed and beheaded against any promise that was made for his redemption. Sansa was constantly reminded of her father's "treachery" throughout her stay in her gilded prison. But such a confession coming from a seemingly gentle man such as Ser Willem, Sansa allowed her guard to be lowered only slightly and smiled at his compassion.

"Thank you, ser. Not many care for the death of a traitor." She thought of Robb and her fear for his head as well, her dear brother, but she tried not to let such concerns show. This was King's Landing, a stage to test her acting skills, and tested she was. "Your kindness is appreciated."
Willem was surprised at the smile offered up from the Lady Sansa. He was ready for all sorts of negative reactions, due to the subject matter of the conversation. Also, they were the usual reactions he tended to get when he talked to beautiful women. And Sansa was indeed beautiful. The way her flaming red hair contrasted against the greens and blues of the garden and its flowers; and the smile. The smile, sincere or forced, was the finishing touch. Upon seeing it, something rose up from within his chest, and his gaze lingered for a bit too long at Sansa before he turned back to the garden wall and cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking.

"It's nothing, only common courtesy where I come from to offer sympathies to the dead."
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"I appreciate it all the same."

Sansa caught his lingering gaze and felt a flush rise in her cheeks, wondering if she dared to indulge herself in the small pleasures of flirtatious behavior. She had hardly been in the mood to do so as many abused women tend not to be, but the gardens were public and Joffrey was off at a hunt. For once, maybe things were safe enough to allow a little joy.

Only a little.

"How does a Baratheon bannerman come to the service of the Tyrells?" she asked curiously, wondering if her question wouldn't seem prying. Sansa wanted to continue walking around the gardens and hoped he would walk with her, if only so she could engage in some interesting conversation.
Willem frowned slightly, but quickly shook his head and responded, there would be many asking this question of him, he should probably get used to answering it. He began to walk with Lady Sansa as he talked.

"Well, growing up in the service and in the court of Stannis Barratheon, I was taught that honesty and justice were things to strive for above all else. So when I heard of Renly's death, and how it seemed obvious at least to me, that Stannis was behind it, I deserted. Not a noble action, to be sure, but a nobler action than to follow one who would slay his own brother, at least in my book. Luckily, I had made Ser Loras' acquaintance a few times, mostly at tournaments, and he had grown to trust me as an honest man; so when I turned to the Tyrells to pledge my blade to them, I was quite lucky I had earned his trust, and that Lady Margaery is compassionate as well. It is not often that a deserter is able to find a place in another's court, and I will remain loyal to the Tyrells until the day I die, if only to prove myself to them, and everyone."

Willem was able to give a slight smile after telling his tale. It actually felt rather good to get it all off of his chest. He only hoped Sansa would not look down on him for being a deserter, as many others in King's Landing had.
Sansa could never say as much, but she envied his ability to desert as he saw fit when there was corruption around him. Men were more easily forgiven than women, and less easily tormented. At least, so she thought.

"Lord Renly's death was a tragedy indeed," she said with a respectful nod. "I do not blame you for your suspicions. I heard many stories about it myself. I am glad the Tyrells are so merciful." Sansa caught his smile, once again jealous of his ability to speak the truth when she was a mockingbird, preaching only what was safe.
Willem nodded in response. "As am I. I only hope their ambition does not get the better of them. Or us, I suppose I should say now, as I am sworn to them..." Yes, he was loyal to House Tyrell now, and he swore to himself to never desert them, as he had his lord Stannis.

After going quiet in thought a moment, he spoke up again, not wanting the conversation to lull for too long. "Have you ever been to Highgarden? I hear the gardens there are twice the size of these, and far more beautiful."
"It seems ambition gets the better of everyone in this place," Sansa said with much honesty in her words. She had seen the poison of ambition ruin everything she had worked so hard to build, that her father worked to build. The infection started with Robert's Rebellion and hadn't stopped, even after all these years, after all this time. And the Starks seemed to be paying for it with their heads.

"I've never been to Highgarden, no. I had never left Winterfell before I came here to King's Landing. Have you been there, Ser Willem?" It seemed a stupid question considering his allegiance to House Tyrell, but the way he talked about Highgarden made her question if he had ever seen it.
"Oh, no, I have not yet been there myself." He responded quickly. "When I pledged my allegiance to the Tyrells they were already on the march to King's Landing, and so I was unable to visit the city." Willem hesitated before asking his next question. He didn't wish to offend Lady Sansa, or for her to think he was making his advances too soon, but eventually the overall success of their conversation so far, combined with her beauty, convinced him to ask anyways.

"Perhaps someday soon, we can go visit it together? I have so far enjoyed our walk in this garden, and if the gardens there are twice as large and beautiful, our time will be twice as enjoyable, right?" Willem smiled, hoping for a positive response.
His flattery was not thwarted or underappreciated--on the contrary, Sansa felt her cheeks turn a light shade of pink and the girl chuckled at such a handsome offer from a handsome knight. This kind of thing was something that a younger Sansa would dream of while doing needlework or sitting by the waterside. But she was not a girl anymore.

"That is the most kind of offers," she told him politely with a foolish grin, "but I am not sure the queen or king will let me leave. Perhaps you will have to send me a small gift from Highgarden if it please you, so that I might better imagine what it's like there."
Willem smiled sadly, knowing the truth of her statement but also not wanting to give up on the possibility. "You never know what the future may hold, m'lady. Perhaps one day we shall walk through the halls of Highgarden together, but if that does not happen, I swear to you I will indeed send you whatever you desire."

He truly did wish they could be together, but the more he thought about it, the less likely it ended up seeming. His smile drifted to a frown for but a moment before he coughed into his hand to hide it, and looked back at the gardens around him.
Lady Olenna. The name came to her like a fleeting dream, a prayer answered, a gift on wings. Sansa had always been prone to foolish wants and desires that were more akin to a little girl than a woman of the North, but even the smallest prospect of leaving King's Landing and escaping to Highgarden made the young maiden smile. Ser Willem was a handsome man as well, and a knight nonetheless.

For once, Sansa allowed herself to dream.

"I suppose I could speak with Lady Olenna," the woman voiced. "She spoke of marrying me into the Tyrell House, or associated with, and taking me off to Highgarden far away from here. Perhaps I should have lunch with her..."
"Oh..." Willem's voice trailed off as he thought about the possibility. Although the Lady Sansa had caught his eye, it hadn't even passed through his mind that he should marry her. Then again, that IS how things go with nobility, though he could not help but get a bit flustered over the idea. His family had tried to marry him off multiple times before, and it had never gone well.

"I, um, yes, that would... be wonderful. I... " His voice once again trailed into silence as his cheeks began to blush. He quickly tried to change the subject. "Um, it's gotten quite late. I should report back to my quarters." He blurted out and stumbled away through the gardens, muttering under his breath. "Report back to my quarters? Who says that..."
"Oh! I--I apologize, I didn't--" Sansa felt terrible for her sudden outburst, and retracted from his side. A wave of fear and caution swept over her. "I didn't mean to imply anything, sincerely. I never meant to have you feel uncomfortable." The red-head maiden placed a gentle hand over her mouth as if she were ashamed, as if she didn't know how he would react, and placed her hands carefully at her side.

"Please. Ser Willem, I meant no offense."
Willem halted his walk away as he heard Sansa apologize. He did not want her to feel as though she was responsible for his discomfort with the idea of marriage. This was something it seemed only he had a problem with. He turned and sighed, apologetically.

"It is nothing, m'lady. I have simply been stressed by all of my new responsibilities, it is nothing you need to be worried about. Please, do go speak to Lady Olenna. I have heard she has been wanting to speak with you as well, so the meeting may serve multiple functions." Willem managed a slight smile through his distress. He hoped he hadn't made too much of a fool of himself.
Sansa still felt like she had said something wrong. As she looked at Willem she thought perhaps the subject of marriage was a touchy one for him, one that brought up memories he wanted to forget. The knight offered enough words of assurance that should have eased her nerves, but Sansa wasn't one to take hurt feelings lightly. She had the desire to make him forget his pain, such was the nurturer in her.

But this was a place of harm, she knew. Perhaps there would be no way to help him.

"I...thank you, ser. I will see her immediately. I apologize again." Sansa took a low bow and turned to leave his presence, feeling ashamed, but pitying him all the same.
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