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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

Lok was watching when Vash died and ten watched his brother chase after a woman. He's over there chasing booty at a time like this, was Lok's thought on the matter. Lok decided he should walk over and see what's up because for what he's planning who knows just how things will be. Lok walked over and arrived just in time to hear her speak. Lok said "I'm Second Prince Lok, nice to meet you Tangllyia of Sacawn. What bring you all the way out here?"
Allerick nodded and smiled. "Well it is nice to meet Tangllyia, however I must excuse myself, something has been begging my curiosity." He said looking at the keys Vash had been holding on to. He noticed Lok and he smiled once again. "Ah brother, perfect timing, please keep our new member entertained or something." He said and on that note he left the area, heading back to the church.

He entered the church and looked around for any locked doors. There were many doors on each side, each closed, it would seem the best way about to do this was the process of elimination. And thus he checked every door, most were empty with a bed or religious object, however after around 5 minutes of searching he finally came across a locked door. Inside he could her high pitched squeaks and chatters, however no fear. He slowly turned the key and opened the door. Inside were villagers, mostly women and children however some men were there too. None of them looked scared, even when Allerick came in unannounced. Some women even asked where the nice And sexy Ulsan mercenary was. So this is what that Vash guy was hiding, I guess he wasn't such a bad guy after all, Allerick thought to himself, and escorted the villagers out through the back, letting them know Vash had fallen.
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The woman placed a hand on her hip, then sighed and knelt down, and began to rewrap her feet. She couldn't afford to have new shoes cobbled for herself, so she normally took spare cloth and wrapped them around her feet to keep them somewhat protected from sharp rocks. And she was otherwise skimpily dressed. The thing in best condition was the pair of men's underpants she wore. Her worst was the cloak she wore around herself. It was full of holes and frayed at the bottom edge.

At this moment she slipped the cloak off, the fabric fluttering down to the ground as replaced her feet wrappings. She didn't care that passing men stared at all of the exposed skin; she didn't generally care anyway. Those men could whistle all they wanted, it never would get her in bed with them, more sooner their head off their shoulders.

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The swordsman dead, and the fighting finally drawing to a close, Uriah let loose a long breath, as the adrenaline surge ended and his body let him know of every bruise and cut he had sustained in the battle. Cracking the stiff joints in his neck, he dismounted, and checked his mount for injuries, and other problems. Satisfied the animal was whole, he hung his shield from the saddle, gripped his lance, and set about following Allerick. The prince's safety was his foremost concern, and he wordlessly resumed being his Prince's shadow. He nodded to the swordswoman who had saved Mayumi from the mercenary as he passed, and silently followed Allerick into the church, ready to defend his prince should some of the enemy force remain lying in wait. His side twinged. The Elixir had helped keep the wound from bleeding, but the wound still burned like a brand in his side, and his muscles cried out for rest, the weighty plate armor feeling for all the world like the heaviest burden, but no complaint escaped the silent knight's lips.
With Port Velluncullen under their control, politically and physically. Allerick puts his trust into General takashi in keeping the town safe. The army still stands strong, maybe even stronger than ever with the recruitment of new soldiers, however one of them has inspire their next movements.

A ranger by the name of Issler suggests his family have been taken into slave work by the Ulsans. Determined to earn full respect of Issler and save citizens of his own country, Allerick looks further into it and finds out that villagers have been kidnapped and put to work at Fort Rosseau. A fort once owned by Allericks deceased uncle, Lord Darren Lois'll.

With this information in hand Allerick and the army set off towards the fort, only to be side tracked by what seems to be a villager in need.

After a long journey Allericks legs grew tired. At this point he could barely walk let alone fight. From around 2 kilometres away was a mercenary hot spot, Hellenburg: a once booming city, however has now become a desolate ghost town, or so he thought. A tall and crazy looking figure came running towards the army in a zig zag pattern. Once his face became clear it was hard to judge his emotions. On one side of his face he was really happy, however on the other side he was depressed: it looked like he was having a stroke. He ran right up to Allerick and fell in such a way that Allerick would have to catch him like he was doing tango, and he was once again confused. The villager opened his eyes dramatically. "Oh dear great and beauteous travellers, such a tragedy has happened. My cabbages, those bandits turned them into soup.... Bad tasting soup.... Oh my poor babies. Oh yes and children are dying left and right, but oh my cabbages!" The man said collapsing into tears and in a matter of moments he fell asleep. Allerick shook his head and looked to his army. "Well, um, get ready for battle I guess." Allerick said running over to the open gate of the town.
"Cabbages? We're rushing off into battle, for CABBAGES?" Tangle muttered, lifting her hands up, exasperated. This could not be any worse. But hey, bandits were bandits. She kind of had to listen to Allerick now that she had joined into the group. So off she went, following the prince into battle with her father's blade in hand, and her mother's cloak on her shoulders. This was actually kind of fun, even with the whole following orders thing. "Do we at least get to eat some?"

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Mayumi tightened her grip on her bow as she followed Allerick. The wound on her leg gave a small twinge--it had healed some but thr long walk had certainly not helped--but determinedly ignored it.

She felt the need to prove herself after what had happened in the last town. She still remembered it vividly; Vash's sword had been a hair's breadth away from her nose before being saved by the newest recruit. Being caught off guard like that was inexcusable and nearly cost her her life. Well, now she would just have to make up for it.
Ironshod hooves struck the stones of the road, as Uriah maneuvered his steed into position, walking just behind Allerick. His side had not fully healed, and throbbed with a dull ache that he shoved to the back of his awareness. " ...My lance is your's to guide, Milord...." the Silent knight spoke to his liege. Armor rustled as the cavalier equipped his shield, fastening the metal slab to his left forearm. He would follow his prince to the ends of the world, should he ask it.

Gregoire shook his head as he took his vulnerary back from Mayumi, though he kept himself aware of the battle with the swordsman as he spoke. "No need for thanks, it's the least I could do for a beautiful woman such as yourself." He chuckled as he heard Gaia's comment. "Oh shut u-oof" he grunted as gaia smacked his wound lightly. "Careful there. And while I didn't have time to pick up your clothes, what with the battle and all that, I always carry a spare robe, just in case." Gregoire pulled out a large robe and tossed it over to Gaia. As he did, he heard the swordsman rapidly approach, and as he was already busy with Gaia, he feared he would not be able to stop the man from taking Mayumi's life. But as he turned back he saw the mysterious swordsman slay their enemy. At this point, Gregoire simply remained silent, knowing he had failed in his duty as a swordsman in not protecting Mayumi. And though he said nothing, he could not help but admire the young sword-wielding woman's beauty as she cast off her robe.

Gregoire went with the group to the new city, remaining quiet most of the way. He sighed when he learned they would be going into battle so soon. His side still ached from where the axe had struck it, but hopefully he could still fight in peak condition. As they prepared, he walked up to Mayumi, whom he thought might be a little distraught after their last fight. He put his hand on her shoulder,and gave her a grin. "Hey, don't worry about it, everyone makes mistakes. What say you and I both watch each other's backs, make sure it doesn't happen again?"

((@WhimsicalWriter ))
"He's getting away!"

"The crazy coot!"

"Him and his cabbages will be mine!"

The battle cries rang out amongst the running group of shirtless bandits and their waving axes. They raced over the line of hills, up and after the mad old man, because they feared he'd warn the villagers, or reach the authorities before they could catch him. Half of the red-clad army remained behind a wide bridge, and were preparing to move out against the villages across it.

It didn't seem as though the old man was racing for the village gates.

So what, then, was he running towards?

Atop the pegasus Rochester, the snow-white horse flapping against the night's breeze, Faina saw the answer. Shining torches and armor decorated the landscape ahead, and Faina didn't like the look of their banner. She flew close enough to recognize it -- the blazing emblem of Lacayia.

"This sucks." She groaned up at the sky, pulling back on Rochester's reins. The horse circled back around, banking left, and she returned to the leader just behind the screaming bandits.

He was a tall man, spindly rather than bulky, and scars coated his face thickly, taking up more space than clean skin. Salt, they called him, because of the bitter aura he exhuded. She'd heard he'd gotten a scarred face for sleeping with the village elder's wife, and had a voracious appetite for spilling blood ever since. Bandits were the only sort that would take him in.

They had that in common, at least.

Faina touched down to his right, and he yelled out at her sudden coming, raising his axe. A fighter by class, she'd known. Faina stiffened, the sharp edge of his curved weapon stopping inches from her leg, and Rochester's stomach. Close call. But what could you do? Bandits are as bandits do.

Faina smiled past her nervousness, her eyes switching every which way. "Hello there, sir." She waved, hands grabbing the reins again immediately after. "I saw some army up ahead, just over the hill. I think it might be best to... maybe...."


She reeled back at the sheer volume of his impatience. Screwing a pinkie in one ear and cringing, she let out a long breath, and spat it out. "Let's go back. No way we're standing a chance against official army threads."

"ARE YOU MAD, WOMAN?" His spit was thick as a camel's. "THEIR ARMY'S WEAK! TORN ASUNDER BY OUTSIDE NATIONS, PRAISE BE TO ELMINE!" His fist raised high, pumping into the air, directing the crowd of bandits forward. "CHARGE, MEN! WE DINE IN SWORDS, BLOOD, AND WOMEN TONIGHT!"

Well, he might have a point. The Lacayia army was rather... downtrodden. And absent for the whole time she'd spent with these smelly men, which amounted to a little less than a week.

Faina just hoped she wouldn't run into anyone she knew.


"It's Faina," She muttered under her breath, but clicked Rochester into a flap nonetheless, taking to the skies above while the collection of bloodthirsty bandits clumped over the hilly country.
Nearly jumping in surprise, Mayumi turned her head to look at Gregoire. Her hand, having instinctively started to raise her bow in order to defend herself, lowered upon recognizing him as an ally. Still, she was quite unused to most physical contact and wasn't sure what to think of it, so it took her a moment to formulate a response. She couldn't help but almost shyly glance away despite their proximity.

"I...alright." She responded. Talking had certainly never been her strong suit. The other's words did make some sense, she supposed, so there was no reason to say otherwise.
Allerick noticed the scream of bandits, a sound that always pained him so much to hear. He closed his eyes but as soon as he opened them it would seem a graceful little dove would come his way. He smiled, but as the 'Dove' cast a shadow over Allericks face he soon realized that this was no Dove, this was an Oztenian Pegasus knight. He unsheathed his blade and stared the woman in her eyes. He didn't want to kill this one, he wanted to talk to her. He darted his eyes around at the army and stuck his blade up. "Do not fret over the Pegasus knight, she is mine. All of you may take care of the strangling bandits that come towards us!" Allerick called out, focusing back on the Pegasus, it seemed like she had purple hair, it was familiar, and then it hit him, Felicia!

He hoped he could reason with her, or if it was even her. She had always been his childhood crush, she was just so dignified and honourable, and her sister Fanta was okay too, kind of weird though. He still drew his blade but he was not in a threatening stance.

The army seemed to be moving out of her way as she flapped her way towards their leader, the soldiers of the opposing side focusing their swords and wit upon every enemy, it seemed, but Faina. That worked for her. But really, she felt a little slighted. They could look her way now and again.

She gripped her slim lance, even almost threw it at the back of one of their oblivious heads, but decided against it. Wasting her weapon wasn't the best way to go, especially since it was the last she had, even beaten and worn as it was.

The leader rushed out and drew his blade before her. It was almost too easy, the way things were working out.

Then Faina saw his face. A familiar one, though older than she remembered, the feminine angle of his chin, the luminescent shine of his blue eyes still struck a familiar chord in her. Faina gasped, lowering her lance and raising it again. He probably didn't remember her, anyway.

"You there," She said, masking her voice with her best baritone. "Surrender. I promise you no harm shall come to you if you do."
Lok went with everyone else since they didn't return to the castle which is where he was planning to share the news about what he's up to. He hanged back mostly the whole journey. Anyone could possibly tell something was on his mind. But, when the battle came he charged in with his free spirit of not having to follow orders. Though he remained more or less with the group.
With all the hacking and slashing in fighting, the entire time, the only thing Tangle could think about were the various cabbages scattered around on the ground. "I'm serious," she said as she causally sliced an axe wielding bandit's head off, "do we get to eat any of these cabbages?"When someone nearby stared at her, she shouted, "What! I'm hungry!" Sighing, she whipped around and went back to her killing spree.

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"Actually let's reverse that, put your weapons on the ground and I won't call over to my sharpshooter to knock your brains out with a single arrows." Allerick said staring the Pegasus knight in the eyes. "But answer my one question... is your name Felicia? You look familiar, like a crush I had when I was younger." Allerick asked with a curious look in his eyes.
Ein stood idly by on the battle field, surveying all of his surroundings. Thinking, breathing, focusing, trying his hardest to come up with a plan of attack to stop the Lacayian in it's tracks. 'I must do this for his highness. I will prove that I should be the tactician at his side...' Ein was a young but brilliant mind, he knew strategy like the back of his tome.

He knew he had no choice but to work with what he was given. 'Faila is a good soldier, but these brigands are a bunch of idiots... They don't listen to orders. And all that idiot Salt cares about is booze, breasts and booty...'

Ein watched as the young Pegasus knight finished her talk with the brigand leader, and flew off toward the enemies. 'Faila.... be careful...' he thought to himself as she flew towards the enemy camp.

'Why is his majesty working with these barbarians anyway... What does he stand to gain by taking the rest of the continent.
' This thought had been racing through his mind ever since the initial invasions began, but he loved his country, and his King had always been such a kind and just man. He had always admired him, but no the admiration was failing..
Clyde was having trouble. "How did I get myself into this situation?" he asked himself.

His plans was to join these brigands and rob them blind afterwards. They'd never have a clue what happened. Instead here they were, fighting what seems to be a resistance army.

Clyde just calmly stood back and think of the possible actions he could take. He didn't want to fight the resistance. In a weird way, he was on their side. Clyde decided on a course of action. He was just gonna stand back and not stand out. If a resistance soldier finds him, he'll just have to hope that the person is reasonable and listens.
In a charge across open ground, Uriah held the high ground. He reared his mount back, lowered his lance and then set his charger surging forward, hooves tearing at the soil with the force of their passing. the point of the lance glinted in the sun as the green armored knight charged across the plains, and smashed into the ranks of the bandits, knocking several to the ground and impaling one on the way through the enemy lines.
Lok took moment to look at his brother and thought to himself he is chasing booty again. Then he kind of recognized the face of the Pegasus Rider but barely. It was some girl he has seen before or something then it hit him that girl that bro liked, which made him burst out laughing as bandits began to close in around him. They paused as if stumped by his sudden eruption of laughter. Lok managed to get back into his battle stance while still laughing. He cut the first bandit's stomach and then proceded to down the others one after another. Lok's mind went to work remembering that girl but that was almost 12 years ago and all he could recall was his brother's crush. Lok yelled over to his brother in a joking tone "Stop chasing booty in the middle of battle, hahahahahahh."
Faina sat upright. "Felicia?! No! What makes you think Felicia would be caught dead lending her lance to bandits?" As the indignance passed, Faina slumped over Rochester, shaking her head at the boy. "No one ever remembers me... her sister, Prince. I'm her invisible, insignificant sister that screws everything up. Does that strike a chord?"

But that confirmed it anyhow. Allerick was the Prince standing in front of her as he had been way back then. It seemed he hadn't stopped his heart's chase for Faina's elder counterpart, so it was no wonder he'd forgotten the other.

But she remembered him well enough. A few memories shifted past her mind as she stared at him, and a cacophany of emotion tried to dominate her, twisting her face every which way until she lowered it, hiding it.

"Look, Prince." She whispered. "I really... I don't want to be here. I wish there was some other way."

She let out a low sigh, gripping her lance tighter. Rochester whinnied, in tune with her intent. "But there isn't. And it doesn't look like you guys would leave even if I asked, so..." She sighed.

This was all too serious for her. Really, all she wanted to do was find her way back into a tavern and dance to the sound of troubador song. Not a bad idea, anyway. Faina leaned towards him, holding out a hand. "Tell you what," She began. "Give me 1000 gold and I'll just leave. I'll be on my way, and shall give you no trouble."
Allerick gave Lok a stink eye and motioned him to go away. "Lok! Don't say that, you know I am not into that kind of thing!" Allerick said to Lok.

He looked to Faina, feeling sort of bad. "Your name was Fant- Faina, am I correct?" Allerick went on. "I know how perfect your sister was, and I envied her for her skill and bravery, but now that I am in a war against her country, my love for her is no more. And seeing that you are no longer apart of Ozten you are my new favourite sister out of the two. So please, instead of going away, fight with me, prove that you are not a simple dust cloud of your sister. Help the people of Lacayia, help us save people, redeem yourself." Allerick preached, offering his hand. "Join us, and we shall show your sister who is the greater warrior and army!" Allerick said, with a bright smile.
With a swift throw of the arm., Gregoire had tossed him a robe. A ROBE?! "Where is my UNIFORM, Gregoire---" He was cut off with the wind he felt tickling his ear. He heard the footsteps of the swordsman rush forward. On his left he saw a hooded woman, in tattered threads as he was. He saw the vague form of a weapon in her grasp and she was coming for him. The period of time seemed to fall still. Gaia's eyes faced Mayumi and the brigand attempting to slay her. I can't raise my hand... not like this... He watched the sword flash out of the woman's cloak and strike the swordsman down. He sighed slightly, Forgive me... I couldn't... Gaia closed his eyes and whisked away his thoughts of the past and slowly stretched into the ill fitting robe. For a man the size of Gregoire, it might have fit loosely. Though for a giant beast like Gaia, the fabric was tight around his flesh and his fur was being pinched. Gaia scowled as he finished adjusting the robe on his body, "I'll be on my way to receive MY UNIFORM. I'll be close behind you all if you happen to leave before I return." Gaia said to Gregoire before walking awkwardly towards the gates of the port.

Without giving the new addition to the group another thought, Gaia had made his way across the battle torn town of Port Vellincullen. Gaia crossed the hole in the walls and saw his clothing along the grass where he had swiped it off before turning. He shed himself of the ridiculous robe and felt the fabric along the back tear.
I hope he didn't want this back. HA! He chuckled aloud with a small rolling of his growl behind it. He tossed the robe off to the side and gathered his uniform. He dressed himself and made sure everything was intact, most importantly, he checked to make sure his records were safe and sound. He pulled it out and examined the cover. The leather was intact and unharmed and the pages still flat and untouched. Though the protective binding securing the latch was broken, he was content with it's condition. He placed it back in the concealed pocket of his vest and dusted off his clothing. Gaia looked around and frowned at the events that occured this day. The blood still trickled off his ear and he didn't carry anything to stop the bleeding. He ripped a piece of the robe and wrapped it around his head and tied it off in the back. It began turning reddish around his wound but he didn't notice it.

After gathering his belongings, Gaia left the walls and saw the group already heading out. He followed far behind them but didn't mind the distance. He needed the space to think over what had happened to the poor girl he buried. He was distraught and was in no mood to engage in conversation after today. The trek was what Gaia needed to calm himself and harden his resolve to stop the brutality of the treachery Ozten has become.

After a long trek across the countryside, Gaia was still far behind the young prince's army of resistance fighters. He saw them stop and talk to a man that looked like he had just died in the young prince's arms. Gaia peered across the far expanse that separated them and couldn't see over the hills to where they had began running to. He was in no mood for battle. Let alone running in behind them all and accidentally maiming or killing one of them in his rage. Gaia continued forward and hurried to see what was ahead.

He made it to where the man was, he was alive and well. Breathing slowly in a sleep. Gaia growled lowly and looked over to where the fighting had commenced. The young prince had engaged with a flying warrior atop a steed that would have rivaled the grace of even the Laguz of the Heron Tribes. He looked out again surveying the battleground, looking for the remaining group. He caught a glimpse of the myrmidon that had saved Mayumi, slicing her way through the onslaught of bandits. Off to the side, he heard the hoof beats of a horse gaining ground. He turned to see the shining emerald armor of the cavalier that journeyed with the prince surging through the ranks of men. He gave a low growl when he couldn't find Gregoire. Gaia saw the hotheaded prince's brother and sneered unconsiously. He was driving forward against the bandits and laughing as if he was a maniac. Gaia stroked the sides of his beard with his claws, glowering over the display of disrespect the second prince gave to his older brother. ...Children.... Hmph...Much to learn... Gaia dismissed it all over his hostile mood and saw the villagers that inhabited the town were trying to escape the battle. He heard the screams and thought quickly as how to move them out. He couldn't think quickly enough, so he banished the thoughts and rushed around the battlefield avoiding bandits and hurried to free them from the area.

Gaia reached the walls of the town and scaled over the top in quick, skilled movements with the aid of his claws. He hit the opposite side with a grunt and crouched low to take in his surroundings. There were shops along the dirt road among with bars and armories. He cast his gaze to his left and saw movement as it rushed behind the shops into a cranny. He sniffed out the air and crept closer. He smelled dirt and a tinge of iron. It hit his lips and he immediately recognized it. Blood. He hurried closer not sure whether it was friend or foe. He reached the cranny and raised his arms in response to the movement. He held his gaze at a family of three cowering in fear. The father and mother were holding their young son in their arms. The shrieks of the woman blared in Gaia's ears and he flinched, lowering his clawed hand. The father looked older and worn. His shirt was torn where the blood lingered across his shoulder.

"Please! Please! Don't hurt us! I beg you! I'm just a merchant. You can have my money! Just let my family go!" The man said to Gaia. Fear had been visible all over his face. His son whimpered in his arms and it struck Gaia fiercely. He lowered his arms and softened his features. He held his hand out to them.

"Come. I have no need of your coin nor do I wish your family harm. I'm of the Blue Rose Mercenaries, currently under the employ of Prince Allerick Lois'll. We are here to stop the bandits and save who we can." Gaia said to the man, leaving his hand in an honest gesture.

They stared at him with concerned eyes. They feared him, not the fear he saw earlier but a new fear. They had never seen a man like him. He wasn't human. He was more of a beast and they were unsure to trust such a beast with their lives. The man held his gaze with Gaia. "I'll not trust the word of a mercenary. However honeyed your words are! Prince or no prince, the word of a beast such as yourself is not one I can trust."

With a low roar, Gaia reached out to the man and grabbed him by his collar,
"You insult my honor, merchant. I promised you free passage for your family. Insult my honor again... and I'll be forced to show you the beast I am." Gaia released the man and his tense sneer lessened. Gaia sighed and looked into the eyes of the child. He smiled softly and looked into the man's eyes. "I know how it feels to lose something precious... I would not want you to feel this pain and have to live with it's burden. Take my hand and let me help you out of here."

The man looked to his son and then his wife. He winced as he nodded, Gaia had reopened the crust on his wound. The merchant reached up and grabbed Gaia's hand. "Thank you, Blue Rose mercenary." With that, the man reached the wall with the aid of Gaia. His family with him, the man explained the layout of the town, Hellenburg. The entrance and exit was covered with bandits and the only thing that piqued Gaia's interest was the arena. Gaia had... "Fought" in a couple over the beginning years of his life. A record of his life he was not proud of. He went by a different name back then and he avoided arenas since then to avoid being recognized. He knew how they were built and the layout of the arena's structure. The merchant had told him of it's closure during reconstruction, so he had the idea of holing them up there while the battle died down. The merchant had agreed and Gaia began to lead the way.

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Lok walked over to his brother and said "Yeah right, but you were certainly into this girl's sister." Lok turned to the Pegasus Rider "Listen, i know what it is like to be in the shadow of your older sibling. My brother's men are loyal to him and not me. To them i'm just the arrogant little brother that should just disappear. But, that's because i'm the Second Prince. You on the other hand would fit nicely among us, if you don't want to join my brother's army then we need to have a more private discussion about another option." Lok walked back to the battle and continued to slash apart straggling bandits.
Pretty words colored the air, and Faina was nearly swept up with the fantasy they painted. Overcoming her sister, no, showing her that Faina was more than she seemed, that she had something worthwhile to offer, that she could do something better than Felicia. It brought a wistful sigh to her lips, and she exhaled up at the sky.

That was a hopeless dream. It was a futile fancy, and Faina knew herself well enough to admit this. Surpassing her sister, gaining her father's approval... from the time of her youth, a chasm had been opened up between that want and reality, and Faina would never cross it.

A denial of Allerick's offer was in her throat, but it died on her lips. She could see the truthfulness in his expression, the resolve in his eyes. He meant what he said. He really wanted her on this team. "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Faina said, smiling wryly. "But what you were talking about... proving myself to my sister," She sighed, closing her eyes. "I want that more than anything."

"I'll entrust myself to your care, then." I do want to do better. I just don't know how... But maybe, maybe this will open up my abilities

A slow grin made its way around her face as she took a quick surveyance of the males around them. Handsome lads, most, to her impression. Allerick wasn't half-bad looking either. Quickly, she swallowed down the urge to make a fool of herself out here on the battlefield as the foes around her turned to good-looking friends in her mind. Focus, focus.

It was around that time that a blood-soaked fellow broke into the conversation. He said his piece, looking rather fed up all the while. "Oh! Well! You've convinced me!" Faina said quickly, trying to calm him. That sword he had was rather threatening. And red, liquid red dripping off it.

She let out a relieved breath when he ran off to charge the bandits incoming. Returning her attention to Allerick, she whispered conspiratorially. "So, who in your army is the most single?

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