New profile posts

Hi! I saw you advertise for Bully and I’m wondering if you’re still down
I am 100% still down! send me a dm/pm whenever you have a second and we can get chatting more about it!
hot take (?) but i think the activists who ruin those paintings in the museums should do some other type of protest
”Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread
The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead
Let's be better than before
I'll give the tools you need to become one of the Moral Elite”
If Tom Holland's nerdy looking ass can pull a baddie like Zendaya, then there's hope for the rest of us nerdy looking MFs.

Before you come for my throat;
I do think Tom Holland is very handsome, he just looks like someone who'd do my taxes for me~ cx
Okay so because of some issues I've been running into, I may move most if not all of my role plays to Discord due to how inactive I've been on here. I apologize to anyone I've left hanging for the inconvenience!
I’m heavily inspired by my head canons I just want a one piece rp to explore Dragon’s relationship with his wife who she was and what happened to her and what made Dragon finally decide to form the revolutionaries.