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name: channing elijah nott

nickname: chan

age: seventeen

gender: male

pob: maidstone, kent, united kingdom

sexuality: bisexual

height: 5'9

weight: 10.3 stones (144lbs)

body type: ectomorph

tattoos and piercings: a wolf on his chest, a hoop through his right nostril and a tongue piercing [/div] [/div] [div class=content2] [div class=image2][/div] [div class=para]
school: hogwarts

house: ravenclaw

year: seventh

blood-status: pureblood

wand: rowan wood, dragon heartstring and thestral tail core, 11.25", hard flexibility

patronus: peregrine falcon

amortentia: ocean breeze, bonfire, pine

best subjects: defense against the dark arts, charms, potions

worst subjects: astronomy, history of magic

elective classes: ancient runes, care of magical creatures

extra-curricular's: quidditch, dueling club, charms club

quidditch: chaser on the ravenclaw quidditch team [/div] [/div] [div class=content3] [div class=image3][/div] [div class=para] personality traits: [ + ] incredibly clever, sarcastic, witty, loyal, determined, sharp-mind, resilient, would stand up for his friends no matter what. [ - ] too stubborn for his own good, will not do something he doesn't want to or doesn't believe in, gets into trouble often, says things without thinking them through, hates reading

family: theodore nott (father), alice nott (mother), marco nott (brother, gryffindor 5th year) thomas nott (grandfather--rotting away in azkaban), marie nott (grandmother--deceased)

background: theo nott, as many well know, was at hogwarts during the time of harry potter, though didn't run in the same circle. he hung with the slytherin boys; draco malfoy, blaise zabini, vincent crabbe and gregory goyle, all but one of which had death eaters in the family. theo wasn't super involved with it, unlike his father, and generally preferred to keep out of it. voldemort actually scared the living shit out of him, not that he'd ever admit it. and he actually wanted to stay behind during the battle and fight the death eaters, but he'd already been escorted out.

after the battle, thomas went to azkaban and good riddance. theo became pretty anti-death eater and after changing his ways, met alice, an american witch who was over in the uk on a job for macusa. a year later, channing was born. two years after that came marco. it didn't take long for channing to learn all about his family's history, a history he absolutely hated. it was right then and there that he decided he'd do all in his power to rebel against it.

his first step towards rebellion was doing as many muggle activities as possible, one of which was dancing. he soon found that dancing came naturally to him and progressed in levels. hip hop was definitely his strong suit and it was that he stuck with, even at hogwarts (he has long since mastered how to use the room of requirement and it transforms into a dance studio whenever he needs it). his second and third rebellion acts came during his 5th year at hogwarts, those being the wolf tattoo, nose ring, and tongue piercing.

speaking of hogwarts, most thought he was going to end up in slytherin like his father and grandfather. but channing had no desire to end up in that house and would rather drink acid. so, taking this into account, he was sorted into ravenclaw, a house he's absolutely thrived in. in his third year, he made it onto the quidditch team as chaser and was made captain in his sixth year. also in his third year, marco arrived, though was sorted into gryffindor. though they don't ever overlap in classes, the two still make a point of sitting next to one another for meals. [/div] [/div] [div class=content4] [div class=g1][/div] [div class=g2][/div] [div class=g3][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]code by wonhae[/div] [div class=name]channing nott[/div] [div class=tabcontainer] [div class=tab1]1.[/div] [div class=tab2]2.[/div] [div class=tab3]3.[/div] [div class=tab4]4.[/div] [/div] [div class=personality]basics[/div] [div class=history]magic[/div] [div class=extra]life[/div] [div class=gallery]gallery[/div] [/div]
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...the basics
full name: caine (like cane) feinauer nicknames: are you really going to try and shorten a one-syllable name? (his sister used to call him 'sugarcaine' but he'll take that to his grave) age: ?? years old gender: cisgender male (he/him) sexuality: pansexual, with an unhealthy tendency to want to fight or fuck anything consenting and on two legs place of birth: los angeles, california
...the wizard
school: ilvermorny house: wampus and now (temporarily) gryffindor year: tbd tbd blood-status: muggle-born, and the only wizard in his family wand: holly, phoenix feather core, 11 inches, supple patronus: rottweiler amortentia: sea-salt and sunscreen, fresh citrus, ozone smell after a thunderstorm best subjects: transfiguration, astronomy, defense against the dark arts worst subjects: potions, herbology, history of magic elective classes: care of magical creatures, muggle studies extracurriculars: duelling club, quidditch quidditch: keeper on the gryffindor quidditch team
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...the camera roll
...the looks
hair: dirty blonde, overgrown and tousled in that nonchalant california surfer boy aesthetic eyes: an expressive brown framed by arched brows and long lashes skin: sunkissed tan from all those days at the beach height: five foot ten (178 cm) and forever bitter he never reached six foot body build: lean but not bulky, with a toned abdomen and muscled arms distinguishing features: that jawlineโ€™s sharp enough to kill attire: when heโ€™s not in his school robes, heโ€™s fond of muggle clothing, particularly well-worn jeans and tees (or, scandalously, jackets with no shirt underneath) tattoos and piercings: pierced left ear, a scattering of small tattoos: pawprints in the dip between his collarbones, arrow on his left bicep, compass rose on his left wrist
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Hey, where are you??
uh so
i got a detention for saying "eat my ass" in the hallway
traits (+): persistent, fiercely loyal, principled, would bend over backwards to do what you ask if he cares for you, confident, straightforward, protective, the kind of magnetic presence that captures a roomโ€™s attention when he walks into it, fearless, defender of the weak who will put himself between someone and a bully no questions asked traits (-): impetuous, unpredictable, prone to anger, never backs down in an argument, often uncompromising, good luck getting him to admit heโ€™s wrong, wildly competitive, can be painfully tactless, oblivious, no self-preservation instincts family: aaron feinauer (father); beatrice feinaur nรฉe gaines (mother); chace feinauer (older brother); cher feinauer (older sister)
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Caine had the generic American upbringing: two loving (if busy and overworked) parents, an older brother who teased him and babied him in equal measure, and an older sister who made up the difference by beating him up (but lovingly, of course). the only difference reared its head when, at eleven, an acceptance letter to Ilvermorny University was sent by Gale-Mail.
Caine didn't see the wind drop the letter off, of course. That'd make it too easy (or it would make him freak out, whichever came first). So when he saw the letter on the porch, with a name sounding like someone reached into alphabet soup and pulled out a random handful to make a word out of, he assumed it was a joke.
"Chace!" he yelled, storming through the house to his brother's room. "Chace! What did you sign me up for, you jerk?"
Without opening the door (because, of course, older brothers never opened the door), Chace yelled back, "What are you talking about? I didn't sign you up for anything!"
Scowling, Caine hammered even more furiously on the door. "Yeah, you did. Livermoney, or something." He paused to pound some more. It was a wonder that the door withstood the onslaught. "Come out and look, you're such a jerk!"
And so this was the Feinauers' unglamorous introduction to Ilvermorny.
To be fair, they all thought it was a joke, even (especially?) their mom and dad, who marveled that a prank would use such high-quality stationery. ("It looks so legitimate," his dad said, "that I might have been fooled myself.") But Caine was pretty sure he'd never done anything magical in his life, and when Cher began to make fun of him for being a wizard, he threatened to cry, the tried-and-true strategy of all youngest siblings. That shut her up really nicely.
But Ilvermorny didn't give up, and they didn't ask for a $500 deposit or anything like most scams. And so Caine showed up for his first day of wizarding school confused, out of his depth, and definitely more than a little defensive. This was completely new to him, but he nearly bit the heads off of anyone who so much as implied that he needed help. (Even if he did.)
Caine caught on, of course. Being immersed in that world 24/7 for most of the months out of the year would do that to you. He was sorted into Wampus and felt celebrated, even though he had no idea what that meant, but Americans were great at feeling a violent pride for whatever team they were on and sparking a competitive spirit. Caine had always been athletic, but he found his true calling in Quidditch. (He was almost crucified for saying being a Keeper was like being a goalie, but he was forgiven when he proved to be damn good at it.)
ring me up: he's usually wearing an excessive amount of rings for no reason play with his hair: he's 110% a sucker for it casanova: considering how short of a time he's been at hogwarts, he has an impressively long history of hook-ups 1960's bad boy: rides a motorbike, wears leather jackets, can smoke and drink with the best of 'em left-handed: and weirdly proud of it
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