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Fantasy ❝ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜɴ ɢᴏᴇs down - info


– pixie dust

..............................- you'll never know the beauty i see when you open your shadow
Siren Age
ages can range up from 100 to 300. as sirens progress in life, their rank increases along with their age. 300-year-old sirens may be the oldest of the sirens, but they are able to cloak their appearance and use magic to make themselves appear younger. 100-200 year old sirens are able to appear as young as they would like, sometimes looking like a 12-year-old to humans if they are skilled enough. most sirens only appear the age that their siren age is converted to; a 100 year old siren would be 17-20 human years old. a 200 year old siren would only be 21-24 human years old. despite their modified appearances, only humans can see that appearance and older sirens have no difficulty looking through the cloak. younger sirens have more trouble and can see flickers of the real appearance of the siren and the fake appearance.

Siren Markings a Abilities
sirens are born with different markings (tattoos) on their skin that show their rank. purple markings signify royalty, gold tattoos signify nobility, blue markings show middle class, and white marks signify poverty. [look at Q&A for more] siren markings can change color over the years, so the rank you are born in will not always be the rank that you stay in. there are famed sirens born in the lowest caste who upgraded to nobility. each siren is born with a different marking and no multiple sirens have ever had the same marking. families of sirens do have similar markings to their siblings or parents. all sirens are able to transform into human bodies, whether by using magic to transform their tail into legs or splitting their legs into tails. some are more skilled at this then others, and some transformations can be painful. royal sirens have two abilities and any sirens under the royalty class only have one power.

Siren and Mortal Castes
mermaid royalty - queen (npc) ; princess (taken)
human royalty - king (open) ; queen (open) ; prince (open) ; princess (taken)
nobility - lords/nobles (available spots) | duchesses (available spots) | barons (available spots) | baronesses (available spots) | etc. [quoted from Q&A]
middle class - guards (available spots) ; soldiers (available spots) ; businessmen/businesswomen (available spots) ; workers [bakers, chefs, technicians, etc.] (available spots)
poverty - maids (available spots) ; servants (available spots) ; soldiers (available spots) ; workers [bakers, chefs, technicians, etc.] (available spots)

Underwater Locations
this breathtaking kingdom is the home of the royal family of the sirens. it was made centuries ago, but the artisan who crafted it was a powerful siren who built this sturdy palace with magic that let it maintain its secureness. well-trained soldiers defend the entrances of the palace and trusted guards protect each room in the palace. the royal family is flanked with guards and soldiers wherever they go and are never seen without any protection. this well-fortified kingdom has never had any successful break-ins and is hidden from any humans.

avallain is an advanced underwater city where only the most privileged and wealthy sirens live. its structures are similar to the kingdom and is filled with arches and bridges and towers. there is a sunken human kingdom that is a prized treasure in the middle of this city that was turned into the city's own kingdom that houses many rich sirens. in fact, it is rumored that the queen and the princess themselves sometimes arrive at this beautiful city to appreciate the many sights! avallain prides itself on its beautiful structures and famous monuments.

this underwater city has both poor sirens and rich sirens. in fact, it is the most populated siren city underwater and is famed for the human ship that fell onto an underwater skyscraper and killed hundreds of sirens. this city is extremely dangerous as many humans have discovered it before, but none of them managed to escape alive. because of all the disappearing scientists and divers, the humans have become extremely suspicious and even more humans who were sent to explore were killed.

this old town may be the most dangerous town of all the places underwater. it is infamous for homing many outcasted or poor sirens and many mermaids have disappeared over the years, but nobody knows the cause of the mysterious disappearances. this town is notorious for its many dangerous gangs or criminals. it has many prisons filled with infamous sirens who have all committed horrible crimes. of course, if you can excuse the sirens who killed all the humans with their voices, then these would be the truly evil sirens. nobody wants to live in corithan, but some sirens are too poor to afford another home.

human kingdom, cinders [desert village that surprisingly fares quite well despite not living near any sources of water], hesperus [a village known for its crops and rich soil], lailah [a village famed for its blooming flowers and eccentric villagers], seraphim [a snowy village that throws the best christmas parties and is known for creating the best parties each month] barbarus [a village in the jungle that is skilled in fighting and war] gaeldon [a village of small huts clustered close together on a high mountain] gallia [a poor village with many beggars but known to be filled with the happiest people]
Siren abilities: list of powers, older sirens with more significant ranks have more control over their power

ooc | cs | ic | npc | info | relationships | interest check
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Questions and Answers

Settings and Characters
Ω. What is the setting of this roleplay?
There isn't an exact "setting" per say, however, to clear up any confusions, both the Sirens and Humans have their own Kingdoms, classes, and lifestyle. The human kingdom and its inhabitants are still susceptible to plagues (kinda like the black plague, cancer, and other ailments). Items such as guns, tanks, etc. do not exist. So weapons like swords, bows and arrows, daggers, etc. are most likely used. At the same time, humans do have phones and are used to communicate (pigeon carriers , letters, etc. are also used to communicate). The human kingdom has villages, towns, ports, that are "part of their world". And, as for the Sirens, they also have their own "cities" and "towns" under the Royal Kingdom. The setting is medieval but also borderlines 1800s.

Ω. Are characters first come, first serve? And are we allowed more than two characters? When is the character application due?
The characters, unfortunately, are not first come, first serve. Every application will be looked over and checked by the GM and moderators of the roleplay. You are definitely allowed to make more than one character (really, make as many as you want), as long as you can handle them all and if they are approved. Applications are due July 30th.

Ω. What is the age difference between Sirens and Humans?
If a Siren is 100 years old, their Human age is around 17-20
If a Siren is 200 years old, their Human age is around 21-24

- The older the Siren, the more they are able to control their powers
- Each Class of Sirens are given a different "color" mark based on their class. At the same time, each person's mark is different. So no one has the same mark, at all.
-- Purple is Royalty
-- Gold is Nobility
-- Blue is Middle Class
-- White is Poor
[The color mark on a Siren may change as they change in "class". For example someone who is poor can definitely go up their class/ranks (though of course, not the a rank of a royal, unless they marry into the family).]

Ω. What roles can we apply for?
You may apply to become a Siren or a Human.

Ω. Can we play traitors?
Of course! Your character doesn't necessarily have to like the Royal Heads of their kingdom. There can be a secret society of Sirens who are against the Queen and there can be bandits or the likes who are against the King and Queen of the human kingdom!

Villains are also welcomed to be played and a part of the roleplay as well!

Siren Information
Siren Classes:
Royals - The royals include the royal family. However, the only available role is the princess. You may apply for that role.

Wealthy/Middle - The wealthy class include those under the royal family. So, specifically the wealthy class are those who hold positions such as Lords, Ladies, Duchess, Barons, Baroness, etc. They are the ones with nobility.

Middle - The middle class are the ones who work under the nobilities, keeping their business afloat. Though, some middle class sirens have their own businesses but are localized businesses rather than "enterprises". Some middle class citizens include some servants, soliders, guards, bakers, etc.

Poor - The poor class are those that lives in an area of poverty and are those without anything. They are usually out-casted if they do not give anything to society. Some jobs that those in the poor class include being servants to not only the royal family but also the nobles.

Ω. Do we also have sea monsters? If so, would they be protected by the Queen's magic since sea monsters are also mythical creatures? Can we speak to them?
Yes! We do! These sea creatures and mythical creatures that are part of the sea can be used as familiars. Those who have familiars would more or less be able to communicate with the sea creatures. The sea creature languages can be learned [sort of like learning new languages in the human world].

Ω. Would you say that all sirens have some form of abilities to manipulate water in some way? I know most sirens would only have one ability aside from royals who have two abilities, would it could be a common thing for all sirens to be able to manipulate water to a certain extent? How about speed swimming? Would that be common for sirens?
Yes, all sirens have some sort of way to manipulate water. Most sirens would have similar water abilities but different at the same time. For example, some sirens can freeze water, some sirens can heat up water, etc. [this would go under the siren's specific power abilities]. Water manipulation could be a common power for sirens, but they are only allowed to manipulate water in one type of way specifically. Royals and nobles have the most advantage due to their upbringing, most definitely.

At the same time, speed swimming is a given since all sirens are born in water, it's like walking/running but for sirens instead. Some sirens could potentially be faster than others, but it depends like how some humans are faster runners than others.

Ω. Is it possible for a siren to live or be born in rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, etc.? Also, in the roleplay, would you say the sirens are freshwater sirens or seawater?
Yes, it is possible, but they'll either have "migrated" to the sea or just stayed in the water source. But if they stayed in the rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. they may not have any relationships.

Sirens, in this roleplay, would be saltwater but in some cases, the sirens are freshwater (born in lakes, etc). Saltwater sirens can deal fairly well in freshwater but they need to be in saltwater within a period of time or else they'll get ill. Or, more powerful sirens can be supported within a longer period of time in freshwater but they'll get some painful feelings or such on their tails if they stay for too long.

The freshwater sirens will have the same problems as the saltwater. Depending on how long they have lived in freshwater, they may have more complications if they've lived in freshwater longer or shorter times in freshwater may allow sirens to adapt to saltwater.

Nevertheless, between both sirens living in different waters, all sirens must get used to the water they are in. Complications such as rashes, trouble breathing, itchy fins, etc. may result in being in different type of waters, so definitely getting a siren's tail wet in different type of water is better than jumping into a "line of fire" and causing one's self to well . . be subjugated to illnesses and the likes.

Human Information
Human Classes:
The classes are pretty much the same as the Sirens, however, the Royal family is up for grab. This means, you can make the Queen and the King for the human Kingdom. The Queen and King must be at least older than 40. The royal children are also up for grabs and they have one daughter and one son.

All the other classes have positions available, so the sky's the limit!

Ω. Is there anyway a human can tell a siren is a siren when there in the human form?
Yes, because the sirens will still keep their markings and they will have "sirenoid" features, such as peculiar eyes or glowing skin or colorful hair that doesn't seemed dyed or such. More skilled humans can identify the sirens very well and learn their rank or powers or etc, but normal humans can just identify sirens by those features. When the sirens are in human form, they are able to sing without killing anybody and in human form, all their powers are non-existent except water manipulation or for those powerful sirens, water animal language. They are still able to contact their familiar though. humans still have to be very careful when sirens are in human form though, because they could potentially lure humans to the seaside where other sirens in their siren form would kill the human.

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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Proposition 9.png
The last river in the Mainland counting up from the South. North of it lays an arid zone which's only water source is from occasional rain: Cinders is settled around here.


The Queensford River is the largest river in the Mainland. It connects the Bay of Cadriff and the urbanized East to the resource rich sections of the West. The Kingdom utilizes it as a water highway where boats transporting government officials, merchants and raw resources make their way across the territory safely. It is named after the Queen of Sirens; largely mythified and exalted through both fear and admiration.

A pair of rivers that part from the Hesperian Channel and unite in a single body of water, surrounding the city of Lailah. It serves as the city's main water source and it keeps the lands around it fertile and habitable.

Two small rivers hugged by a larger one, making three sections in between their shores. Large deposits of Iron are found around the region, thus giving it the name. Most of the Kingdom's mining is done in this region and the extracts are transported through Queensford.

The largest deposit of water in the Mainland. During the cold seasons, snow coming from the southern mountains freezes the entire surface causing water to generate small, permanent ice capes around its edges that give it its name. Sometimes, after particularly cold winters, glaciers can be found floating.

A natural landpath between a big lake and the Continental Waters. In it is a rainforest inhabited by curious and extravagant animals; many which are dangerous to be around. The coastline is well defined, but internal exploration is scarce.


A pair of rivers at the southmost of the Mainland. They're aggresive rapids during the summer and frozen pathways the rest of the year. Inclination makes them develop into thin waterfalls fed by the melting snow atop the Seraphimian mountains.

The C-L-C road is the main economical highway of the Kingdom. it connects the three cities and has big, tall and wide bridges that allow carts to cross East Queensford, the Twin Rivers and the Neck. Inns and small villages have been founded around the road to profit from trade between the urban centers.

Almost all communication done between Cinders and Cadriff is done across Lailah.


The southern part of the Mainland is thinner than almost all other places in the Kingdom and, being that it is found between the Coral Gulf and the Bay of Cadriff, it is extremely affected by water. The humidity and moderate elevation maintain a rich vegetation alive, but this zone is often hit by typhoons. At the end lies the Kingdom's cold south and the Iceshore lake; sudden peaks in elevation in the form of tall mountains mark the beginning of this region and, with it, a drop in temperature as a consequence of the taiga.


The Western Sea or Continental Waters is a vast region surrounding the entire West of the Kingdom. Further deep in it is a continent that engages in commerce with the isles on rare occasion. The most tranquil and stable of waves can be found here and sailors think it to be gentle and easygoing.


Vastness of water that the Kingdom doesn't care about approaching. The East is even discouraged, for Sirens are known to populate these parts.

Although only concentrated in the southeastern and northwestern segments, the Coral Gulf is a low depth zone with a high population of marine wildlife. Sailors of these parts tell stories of a rainbow myriad of fish inhabiting the zone and, rarely, of sirens harvesting the corals. Experts suggest that this behavior could be a resource search for either construction, nourishment or some form of manufacturing.

Although it has the shallowest maritime waters in the kingdom, the Bay is denominated as a dangerous zone. Sirens are rumored to have their highest activity hub in this region and boats that cross it are either discouraged or setup with protection when going through the southmost part.

An opening of seawater that connects Hesperus and its isles to the Mainland.

A group of islands similar to the basin where Hesperus is located. In it, fertile, hot valleys are located; they are, however, untamed territories highly populated by venomous insects and carnivores. Although they have been carefully charted and explored, Hesperians (or any group of people, for that matter) have failed to establish population centers in there.

The main island has a high variety of rivers going across it. None are named.

Siren map.png

ALTITUDE MAP (Light Olsson):
Proposition 3.png
SKYVIEW (Lefevbre):
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Calculating a siren's proportions (optional)

Sirens are marine creatures that need a lot of force to move through the seas. They're generally bigger than humans; all over 8ft tall in length. However, many of their measurements are derived from hominins. The following is a calculator to help you define how big your siren would be with actual siren proportions as shown by this image.

To begin, we need to imagine our siren as if they were a human being. Given their human height and human weight (whether it is in meters or feet and inches), the following formulas can be applied to get a size.

Sirens are able to adopt human forms, so these would have to be their metrics if they used that power.

It is important to consider that, although sirens might gain a lot of weight, it doesn't mean that they're fat. The muscles of marine mammals tend to be very large since they need to swim long distances or short ones very fastly and thus, their tails are heavy (as it would add to them, essentially, the strength of a small bottlenose dolphin). It is there where most of the siren's body mass would be concentrated and, from the waist up, normal human ratios would apply.

(A healthy siren's BMI would range in 38.2-41.2.)

Kilograms: Human weight +150kg * [1 + (1/10 of Human Height)]
Pounds: Human weight +330lbs * [1 + (1/10 of Human Height in meters)] Here's a tool for that.

Meters: Human height * 1.55.
Feet and inches: Human weight * 5.223 in base 12.
(This one's quite tricky because inches and feet aren't decimal. I suggest you use meters and then convert back to /ft'in/. Use the tool if you want to make it easier.)

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