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zombie girlfriends


One Thousand Club

It had all happened so quickly, first came the shady warnings and state-warranted curfews; then, the news stations finally were able to pick up on this allegedly 'contained' outbreak of some kind of parasitic 'zombie' virus. The cause was unknown, but once one was infected; it seemed that too many followed, and the streets were in a frenzy; hoards of zombies and riots of protesters were indistinguishable. The disease only spread from there, all kinds of crazies out in the streets using it as an excuse to burn things and loot stores; while others took sanctuary in the church; and the government, trying to avoid mass panic, said the situation was 'under control'. Valentina would have believed that had she not already been so high-strung and cautious, and it wasn't until it hit the news that the infection was spreading rapidly; the TV simply burned with a list, the report cutting out, and a low beep coming through the TV static.

1) Gather canned items,water, and nonperishable food (enough to last ~a year)

2) Keep all doors, windows, and openings to home blocked off.

3) Do not let any strangers in house

4) All infected peoples should report to the hospital: Alone.

5) No loud noise or sharp movements

Suddenly, the situation felt so much more real; they had a ticking time clock to get ready before mass house arrest was enabled and the National Guard 'took control'; she feared nuclear warfare on these 'infected' people. Then again, if there was going to be any kind of bombing; wouldn't it be safer to clear out of the populated areas? Val packed up her belongings in her old camping gear; throwing mainly her male roommate's clothes into the pack, since they were better suited for what she feared was the apocalypse. Putting on her hiking boots, equipped with pepper spray and a wide-but lightweight frying pan; she left her stuff locked up in the apartment and crept out of the building. It was in the early a.m.- she had gotten up early, and it seemed the entire world was still sleeping. It was hardly light out, but most of the buildings seemed abandoned; in fact, she was able to simply step through broken glass from rioters to creep over and grab supplies. This was incredibly lucky, but not many people were bold enough to go outside yet; trusting the government may work something out, and fearing criminal activity.

In a short amount of time she had collected plenty of canned items, enough water to need to steal a grocery cart, all of the active-life tampons from the shelf, instant meals (organic ramen mostly), nonperishable items that were as healthy as she could manage, dry shampoos and other hygiene products, and basically all she'd need as far as the bare necessities went. The store was dark, not enough to need a flashlight; but enough to feel blessed for having one. She ran into a few early bird survivalists like herself, the hoards hadn't reached her town; but the riots had. The mass hysteria resulted in a mass recluse society; leaving the best to the boldest citizens. She talked quietly, amicably enough, with the others who came in; like rats scavenging. They were going to load up their cars, steal campers, and go live somewhere 'off the land' until the 'entire thing blows over'.

Once home, having picked clean every necessity down the street, she boarded up her entire apartment and called her roommate first. The boy, her friend since freshman year in highschool, had gone to visit his parents for the vacation. Her call went to voicemail, and she felt tears well in her eyes. Next was her mother; it went to voicemail. And her father? Voicemail. Even her grandmother she was named after- voicemail. Desperately calling everyone, she finally clicked the dreaded call button by her girlfriend's number.

Then the line picked up, and she heard Nicole's voice at long last.

"Thank god." She burst into silent tears, clutching the phone like a lifeline, "Nicky we need to get out of here. I got as much as I could, you need to get a car or a camper or something and you need to come here and we need to leave. We need to leave." She knew she sounded almost hysterical at this point, her heart skipping beats and tears streaming down her face. She was genuinely afraid now, the many lost calls were enough to make the situation feel like a world war that she was in the dead center of. The plague was only moving closer too, and she felt panicked almost beyond rationality.

"I love you so much, Nicky, we need to get out." She whispered, sinking down against her locked front door. Knowing her girlfriend, she would be calm even if it was just to make Val feel better. Hell, it wouldn't surprise Val if upon the first indication of this outbreak her girlfriend had already stocked up on all kinds of things; including her pot stash. While Val thought to get what 'the list' said, she didn't think as abstractly and intuitively as her girlfriend; who would probably show up like a knight in shining armor, bringing books, condoms, extra bras/panties, extra glasses, something that classified as a real weapon, and other seemingly useless but surprisingly helpful items.

(It's not my best, but starting this was awkawarddd I didn't wanna powerplay but I wanted to set it up ehghg)

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