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Fantasy Zombie Apocalypse - Settings/Locations


Majestic Dinosaur

Roleplayers are initially divided into two groups, set in two different locations. The two groups will meet at one point in the roleplay, whether on friendly terms or not. Each location has their individual advantages and disadvantages, so choose wisely upon where you want to be.

The School

Although there are no resources within the school, you are guaranteed to be safe here. The building is surrounded by gates, ensuring that no zombies could enter unless you decide to leave them unlocked. The school consists of three floors and a roof, where you have a nice view of the town. There are bathrooms, but it would be futile to try to get water, seeing as both electricity and water are cut off. The nearest source of supplies, a small market, is roughly fifteen minutes away by foot. However, keep in mind the foods in the market may not necessarily be fresh.

The General Store

Unlike the school, there are plenty of supplies ready for you, which include clothes, blankets, batteries, food, water, and simple electrical appliances that runs on batteries. However, the only thing keeping zombies out is a transparent glass door and a lock. There is a small bathroom near the back as well as a fair-sized storage room.

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