Zodiac rp

Space Cow

New Member
Everybody has one. every single person has a sign. There used to be just the original 13. but recently a new sing, the chaos sign has been discovered. those who bear the chaos sign wield nearly unmatchable power. There are people who are able to access the power of their symbol and use it to fight, and you are one of those people. You and your allies must rise up and defeat this new chaos sign before the world experiences extreme peril, and slowly but surely dies.

rules: no GodModding/Mary sue.

powers are not exclusive to one person. if you have, say, fire powers, other people can also have that.

please, dont exclude your fellow rpers.

Capricorn: January 20 - February 16

Aquarius: February 17 - March 11

Pisces: March 12 - April 18

Aries: april 19 - May 13

Taurus: may 14 - June 21

Gemini: June 22 - July 20

Cancer: July 21 - August 10

Leo: August 11 - September 16

Virgo: September 17 - October 30

Libra: October 31 - November 23

Scorpio: November 24 - November 29

Ophiuchus: November 30 - December 17

Sagittarius: December 18 - January 19

To apply:



Zodiac sign


Power(s) (should be sign relevant)

companion/pet (optional)

so it looks like i screwed up the chart and i have the wrong dates. so, to find your sign just look it up. start applying now and dont dtart roleplaying until i accept you. 
Name: Jace

Looks: I wear a blue cloak lined with silver. under my hood, if you take my hood off, all you see is 2 floating, glowing blue eyes. if you look down, im floating and dont have legs.

Sign: Scorpio

Weapon: scythe

Powers: I'm a water mage. I can cotroll water and form water in my hands out of thin air.

Companion: A black wolf only i can communicate with. (if you touch him i will rip your eyelids off.)

Personality (forgot to put this on the main post): Fun/funny, like to fool around

Age (also forgotten on main post): 17
Name: Nathaniel

Looks: Wears a simple earthen color cloak and leggings, no hood. He has short spiky black hair and dark Brown eyes.

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Weapon: bo staff and hands

Power(control of earth? if not OP)

companion: a mink that hangs on his shoulder, that he can talk to and it likes to cuddle other people that it/Nathan likes.

Personality: Reclusive and patient, but also has a short fuse and gets very angry when provoked hard enough.

Age: 17
Theshadowrisen is accepted you just need to need your powers a little bit, control over the entire world is a little OP if you ask me
Name: Clair

Looks: Navy Blue Hair floppin to one side with a hair bow to the other side, blue eyes, pale skin, purple shirt with skull on it, and a light blue pants; she usually smiles.

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Weapon: Nunchucks

Power: Water

Companion: Bald Eagle (she can talk in multiple languages, and she can shapeshift. She likes to be stroked by her owner and her owner's friends)

Personality: Kind and Helpful, but easy to anger, especially if her friends are endangered

Age: 15
Name: Blair Deacon

Gender: female

Age: 16 Years Old.

Zodiac Sign:

Power: Earth - The Virgin of Virgo is the only female figure in the Zodiac, the other single human figure being the male Water Bearer of Aquarius. The maiden, or virgin, usually holds a ripe ear of wheat, linking her with ancient goddesses such as Roman Ceres and the Greek earth goddess Demeter.

Weapon: Multiple daggers and small hand-sword.

Personality: Blair has seen many unneeded things and they have left her to be bi-polar, and extremely sensitive despite her fake smile.

Companion: a Dove named "Duva"

Appearance: Blair has short, curly red hair that rests on her shoulders and bright blue eyes that sparkle when she isn't upset. She has two earrings; one on each ear. She's sort of short, being 5"6' tall and only weighs 122 pounds. Her usual attire is a white dress that rests right above her knees and she wears a floral headband covered in sunflowers. She also wears a golden belt around her waist.
Infinity is accepted, and shadow that's fine. If we can find a time when everyone is on we'll start roleplaying then.
Name : Leo Grave

Looks: Long black hair that falls slightly past shoulders. Has dark blue eyes. Stands at about 6'1" and weighs about 200 lbs. Wears leather armor.

Zodiac sign: Aries

Weapon(s): "Soul" gauntlets (energy from the sign covers hands and arms to form the weapon)

Power(s) (should be sign relevant) Flame Javelin (creates a large javelin of pure fire and throws it at opponent) Ram's Flame (body becomes engulfed in fire mimicking horns of a ram. Increases speed and power) Aries' Sword (The sword of Aries gets summoned for a short amount of time)

companion/pet (optional)

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