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Futuristic The way life is: Act 1 Athena station.

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The local outcast.


Space station 2487: Athena. A space station made when war destroyed the human ability to live on earth. There are two other functional stations and one station that was lost to some parasitic creature. Athena station houses most of the surviving population from Earth but due to poor conditions mutations occurred and the station became divided.


Due to a food shortage some mutated to survive off a truly never ending resource. They were feared at first to be contagious but it was shown their bite wasn't used to make more. This mutant type quickly amassed wealth by being able to live longer and therefore learn more. They were back on earth feared as vampires.


The second type of mutation to emerge was lycanthropy. Less than one percent of the lycan population is feral the rest are extremely fast, strong, and intelligent. There numbers are higher than that of vampires but lower than the other races. They are primarily used in police stations and as guards on the Hades prison station.


The third mutation and one that most of the population fears are humans referred to as kinetics. These people look normal but they have abilities that allow them to manipulate certain things with their mind. The government requires registration and constantly monitors them. They are struggling under strict regulations and discrimination. Those who don't register are killed on sight and others have been lynched.


The fourth mutation which has the second highest population is the neko mutation. This group has very large percentages of its population sold as slaves for more mature entertainment. Some members of this species are as smart as humans while others are more like pets. They made be called neko but in reality the half cat population is pretty low composites to the others but it's the most well known.


The fifth mutation is the most dangerous and most feared. After over exposure to darkness and extreme closeness to the moon a odd fungus formed in poor sectors and in another station. This fungus was small but oddly shaped like a brain though it seemed harmless and was ignored. After it started popping up in other areas it released spores that took over host bodies and connected them to the now very large fungus called the Hive. The Hive took over a station and the outer sector of the Athena station in a day before stopping and negotiating a truce with the rest of the population of the four stations.

The factions:

The seekers.

The seekers are government officials that hunt down unregistered kinetics and are trying to put down a rebellion. The seekers mainly consist of lycan grunts commanded by human captains and vampire generals. This organization only reports to the council which runs the government and had one member of each race except kinetics.

The Forsaken.

The faction led by The Hive that plots carefully and quietly to take over the remaining space stations. They are run by one giant brain shaped plant hidden deep in a heavily fortified structure in its territory.

The shackled.

A group of rebels fighting to end inequality for everybody and end the suffering of poor people in the stations. This group had a kinetic who could see the future and instructed them to seek out a kinetic that could use all the powers they encountered.
It's a nice sunny day for the Athena station. Currently 10 am. A local boy was being harassed by the local authorities in the second poorest sector of town. The conflict lasted four hours before the officer finally accepted that the boy was deaf. "Listen kid you can NOT GO INTERVIEWING UNREGISTERED KINETICS!" The officer yelled causing his commander to perk her ears up she quickly thought the situation through. "Just let him past and I'll worry about it later. Ok?" She said smiling at the boy who signed back his thanks.

30 minutes later.

The boy ran down the street bleeding with a camera and his messenger bag. He dove into a station transport train to head home hiding his blood the whole way and thinking about how to report what he'd seen. A seeker had murdered his interview subject in cold blood then shot him in the side at the order of a female.
An early surise light crept it's way into a small borded up house. The house consisted of a living room, a kitchen and a bedroom. The house was located in the lower class parts of the area and was very run down. However, the two inhabitants kept the place up and running the best they could...

Eventually the light made its way over a young neko's face which immediately hid under the worn, patched up quilt to avoid the signs of morning. A soft whine came from underneath the large blanket followed by a tired grumble....

"Hmmmnnn...I guess...." Kira said after slowly sitting up, her small friend sitting by her wagging it's tail. A growl came from both their stomachs each of them giving a smug look about it. Kira got up and liftEd the small mutt of the ground and wallked into the kitchen and opened the main cabinets finding anew abundance of canned foods, mainly dog food and chili. Kira took a two cans off the shelf after placing the pup onto the counter. "Alrighty Sammy, chili or doggy food?" She asked him and placed down the cans. Sammy stood up and knocked the dog food down to the floor, Kira gave a sweet smile and scratched Sammy's ears "Haha, so chili it is!" She said getting a happy bark back...

After dividing up the food in equal portions Kira and Sammy did their best to savor the chili for they wouldn't eat again until the evening.

KIra washed he face and got dressed in her usual attire and stepped outside, and began walking, Sammy right bedside her. The walked around for a while before they stopped at a park, the sun was higher now and people were now moving around more, the clock in the park said it was ten o'clock.

"Well Sammy, today is pretty much a free day soon I dunno what we're going today" she said with a relaxed voice. Sammy crawled onto her lap, turned around three time and layer down with sigh " Yeah... I know, already a boring day huh? We'll figure it out soon enough!" Kira exclaimed with a cheery voice while Sammy watched a couple of squirrels ran from one tree to another but kept his composure and remained still....
Illuta woke up, she didn't live in the poor sections or anywhere really, she lived in places that didn't exist or at least their owners didn't exist. It was how she had gotten by for years simply find some petty bunch of criminals as there were plenty and erase them and simply live off their supplies. This also helped with her natural misdirection constantly moving and showing up in places that seemed to have existed for years without anyone knowing. Hero, villain, bystander she had played each role and found none of them fitting she simply was it seemed. Well that suite Illuta well enough it was not like she had a choice after all she was forgotten in every sense of the word by everyone and everything.

Illuta did sometimes wonder if perhaps she should try that family thing but at 4 foot 7 she looked like a kid and whoever she tried to woo would just forget her anyways. Really what kind of life could she really hope to have, a monster should live alone after all. Living in hidden places also suited one like her she could live as long as needed after all she had never aged so she never changed and there were always more people no matter how many were erased they always kept popping up. It was an endless cycle for someone who didn't really exist all because of a few words. A normal life if not for a few select words spoken in anger , but what was done was done it was not like she could take back what had happened .

Well Illuta was running out of supplies so that meant finding another gang of people and getting rid of them, likely another bunch of monsters they were all better off gone. They would vanish and no one would mourn them, though finding their dens proved difficult for one without connections. Thought there was one method that was proven to work, following a bunch of seekers.
The light came slowly creeping in to a poorly lit room, displaying a general sitting in a fancy arm chair running his fingers through the long silver hair of his pet while humming an old tune.

The girl sat on his lab with a blank look in her eyes, enjoying the rays of the warm sun on her face.

It was a very peaceful scenery until violent knocks on the door came disturbing the peace of the two.

An officer opened the door slowly causing it to produce a high pitched squeaking noise, then proceeded to stand in front of the general who was still humming.

''Ge...General Zanthos'' the young officer started hesitantly, the general kept humming, while Robin, the silver haired slave girl tilted her head slightly to get a better look at the officer, new bite marks were visible on her neck, she rocked her legs back and forth as she listened to her master's song.

''you ordered to be woken up at 10 in order to go patrol the city yourself''

the humming stopped.

''Did we now Robin?'' Zanthos asked his pet who nodded in response still inspecting the stuttering officer, who now was confused by the sweet smile on the general's face.

General Zanthos stood up picking Robin up and placing her over his shoulders, then walked out of the room followed by the young officer.

The city was so alive, everyone seamed to be enjoying the sunny day. Zanthos walked slowly making his way to the poor sections of the city. He enjoyed watching the people fiddle about when he was in a good mood. As he walked he passed some seekers who nodded to him respectfully, and had some light conversations with other generals.

On his way, he bought an apple and handed it to Robin who was still seated on his shoulders. The girl nommed on the apple happily as people stared at her confused.

The smell of blood reached the general's nostrils as he reached on of the poor sections of the city, he looked around inspecting and his eyes caught a kid running frantically in his direction, all it took him was two steps to the right to block they young boy's way.

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Anthony further ran down the way looking back just in time to bump into the general before Landing flat on his back. His tail twitched bloody from his running. He looked 12 due to malnourishment but was actually 16. He was bleeding pretty badly when a blonde woman turned the corner following the boy at a brisk walk. She was licking blood from her fingers and noticed the general. She smiled and gave a brisk and short salute before approaching. "Great work stopping him general he was caught meeting a unregistered kinetic for a news interview. The kinetic was taken care of but this boy refuses to talk to me.

The boy ducked behind the general using one hand to frantically hand sign that he didn't have any more information at the time and that he'd be fired if he didn't get back soon.

Deep in The Hive, a sadistic killer lurks around, keeping an eye on these dogs known as "Prisoners". He walks around, with his arms folded in an intimidating pose. Knowing that the people around him are scumbugs who aren't eligible enough to be around him, he makes sure that his presence is known. As each prisoner cowers in fear at his sight, his frozen smirk makes it known that he isn't the one to play games.

Kiyoshi looks around. "You are all lucky that you are still alive in my presence, as my friends are all starving...I could just eat you all up right now, nobody will know..." as he finishes that sentence. A termite buzzes out of his mouth, and crawls around on his right cheek. "See? Don't worry little guy, we are going to find you food real soon!" he tells his little friend. The termite crawls around on his face for a bit, before returning to it's living nest through Kiyoshi's nostril.

Kiyoshi wishes that he could just murder all of these fools in one glorious parasitic explosion. But alas, they may hold valuable information that will aid The Hive in it's conquest for domination and control. So he must keep them alive for the time being, but they are subjected to horrible living standards at the moment. Rolling around in their own filth like a savage animal, Kiyoshi knew he was beyond these fools, but he keeps his arrogance to himself. As arrogance is a weakness that is found in lesser people.
Hazard was on the hunt. about an hour ago there were report of unregistered Kinetics attacking seekers. It took some time but now he had a fresh sent and a lust for the hunt. Tracking the scent through the poor sections. Hazard came to what looked like a hideout. right off the bat, he already had a rough estimate of the numbers just from the smell emanating from the building. " This is Hazard, I have tracked down the kinetics to a small building in district 7 of the poor sections numbering up six, requesting permission to purge." He radioed to command. "Negative, a Clean up team has been sent, stand down."

His fur was now bristling. He just spent the good part of the morning to hunt them down and now hes being denied the prize.

For anyone else, that might have been fine. But he was a semi Feral and the Hunt was everything. Yet orders are still orders.

Finding a good perch, Hazard just observed the hideout as he wait for clean up team to arrive.
Kira and Sammy decided to go to the market today. Even though seekers are all over the place she isn't really noticed that much. While she walked she picked up her friend and held him in her arms "Maybe we should get registered...I mean, the ones that do aren't killed off and get a job and money... we could live like kings compared to what we have been living like....what do you think Sammy?" Kira asked her companion who gave a low growl back... "You never know Sammy, unless you try, besides, I know you hate those creepy crawlies on your back, and we could get food three times a day, and showers an new clothes" Sammy didn't make a noise to Kira's continued reasoning " Alrighty then... guess we will go register" Kira said changing her direction to a registry office about a mile away....

As the two approached the office door, Kira's ears twitched and a shiver ran through her body, she looked over her shoulder but there was nothing, nobody but she felt eyes upon her, she could sense it. Kira opened the door to the office and walked in. The registry building was empty except for the employees there. She walked up and took a serving number and sat down, waiting to be called upon...
Robin peaked down at the little boy, while still sitting on the general's shoulders rocking her legs back and forth: ''he's mute'' she muttered before resting her chin on the general's head making his blonde hair fall in front of his eyes.

''My little pet here is right'' general Zanthos said with an expressionless look on his face as he eyed the blonde woman and took a deep breath allowing the smell of blood to fully reach his nostrils: ''what has he seen?'' the general addressed his question to the woman tilting his head slightly as the kid stood behind him terrified.

Robin jumped down from Zanthos' shoulders and started petting the kid's head happily trying to distract him as her master spoke to the woman

At the lair Illuta finished her meal and debated where to head, well she had a plan to find some seekers and follow them. This generally meant making people forget about those seekers looking for the others as if she didn't they were likely to come back. So she would need to reduce the population by some seekers and some others, but that was a small price to her as both sides would do nothing but cause trouble for her. Freedom or order really at this point she didn't care enough to side with either they both had to many problems and well she wasn't one to join and help others given even if she joined they just forgot about her. That was why she had registered 4 times and was still unregistered and had even joined shackled a few times then they forgot and she gave up. Illuta knew she would always be a solo act she would be a group all by herself The forgotten. Well first thing on the list was a new base, so she had to leave the current base. She walked up the stairs from the subterranean lair and out into the air.
"Well he did see me give the order to shoot a kinetic but that's done with already. It would be a pit to waste so much blood though. Maybe you want to keep him?" The female said giving a smile at the thought of the boy being turned into a feeding station. "Besides something about his blood tastes off. Like it's stale or something."

The boy looked back and forth between them looking confused and a bit worried. He started carefully sliding away trying to be really sneaky so as not to be dragged into this debate. That was when the woman's hair grew grabbed his leg pulling him back roughly causing him to writhe in pain and bleed more.
Zanthos' hand reached the woman's hair grabbing it with his grin still on his mouth: ''now now Natalia, there's no need to be that violent is there?'' he tugged on the woman's hair a little to make her leave the boy.

Robin was angry, she felt like she found a pet of her own, and that woman was trying to kill him, she started forming ice spears which she was going to stab the woman with but was stopped by a warning look from Zanthos melting the ice and standing by his side with her eyes facing the ground.

''and plus deary, you did say his blood tasted off, I'd like to try it'' his grin remained on his face all the while as he stood between the terrified boy and the woman
"Oh fine it was just a little play time. You can deal with him from here I'm sure." Natalia said with a shrug before turning and starting forward. "Alright now where to go next?"

The boy was starting to flicker in and out of consciousness from blood loss. He felt himself getting colder and he could smell all the blood on himself.
A jail cell wasnt a to unfamiliar seen for Rain. This time she was sentence to 30 days for breaking an abusive lycan arm for hurting a child. Even though she should of ignored it she couldn't. She been in jail 29 of the 30 days. She lays on here bed waiting to be let out. Despite her punishment she wasnt wrong. She did manage to lower her time by doing some unsavory thing. Everyone loves a pretty neko. " hey when are you bitches letting me out if here."

@ anybody @DialgaMatthewa @Holo
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Kiyoshi left the section of the prison he was in. As the prisoners seemed to be doing their daily routine of nothingness, exactly how it should be. He checked up on the other filthy prisoners. Those who violate The Hive suffer greatly for their actions, and vanish from the public without a trace. His termites crawled all over his body, growing restless from hunger. Kiyoshi knows that he needs to feed his friends if he wants to keep them.

A guard walked by Kiyoshi, and gave him a task to do. A task that was pathetically easy for the likes of him.

"There have been reports of prisoners trying to escape through the maximum security door, located near the south wing. Apparently, it's circuitry has been weakened by some force and it can now be easily hacked into. The failed escapees have already been caught and punished, with death. We need you to fix the circuitry so this doesn't happen again."

Kiyoshi nodded. "Consider this task done, sir." He says, his repulsive bugs crawling out of his mouth. He then heads down to the south wing, in order to fix the defective door.
Kira sat for quite some time at The Registry Office, she wondered why nobody called her number yet. She stood up and walked to some of the offices to see if any one was around. One after another, offices and cubicles were all empty and a chill Han through Kira's spine. She quickly picked up Sammy and ran out the door into a large square. "Fuck that.. " she said, her adrenaline running through her veins, "That place gives me the creeps, come on we're going back to the market"....

It had been a long time since she used her powers, she didn't need to...let alone want to... it has been half a year since she last used her powers, but the last time Kira did use them...It was in anger. Kira accidentally killed her closet friend. Knowing she would live a strict life, Kira still wanted to register but today wasn't the day....

Kira walked down a cobble stone like street Sammy trotted happily next to her. As the two took a slow pace and enjoyed the day, Kira took notice of a General, a girl and a young boy. Kira and Sammy walked by them like they were anybody else in the city and they didn't look back, the two just went about their day.....

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Finally someone lets Rain out of her cell. She decides not to mouth off this time around. Not wanting to have another day in jail because she puts her foot in her mouth. She walks off in a random direction not caring where see walks off to. No one cares about an ex slave with abilities. No one would miss her. She might as well be invisible. Rain thinks to herself as her body flickers between visible spectrums of light that the human eyes can see and others that they cant.
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With a swift lift, the general lifted the boy in his arms and proceeded forward, Robin following him obediently. She didn't realize her master had stopped until she bumped into him and fell to the ground. Zanthos placed the kid on a chair set in the station for passers to rest and instructed Robin to buy some water which he gave to the kid.

Zanthos never did anything kind except if he had hidden reasons, he waited for the kid to rest a little before calling an ambulance to take him to the hospital and instructing the paramedics not to let any of the officers interrogate him until the general himself came to the hospital.

Before leaving, Zanthos picked Robin up and placed her again on his shoulders before walking away to continue patrolling the city.

Turning around he cast an eye on a girl walking along side a little dog, Robin smiled and waved at the dog childishly as the general kept walking silently with a bored look on his face

@Holo @Gradous13
Sammy gave a kindhearted woof at the girl who waved at him then continued on with Kira as they walked to the market. About half way to the market Sammy looked up at Kira a barked a couple times, Kira laughed and replied "A job, huh? I guess I could try...I am a Neko so I am not very suspicious...Plus a paycheck would be nice instead of pick pocketing" she said with a smile "Besides, I'm not very fond of stealing anyways"

It was a beautiful day with clear skies and a nice breeze, the temperature was around seventy-five degrees farinhight, it was a great day for a walk. The Market was loud and congested with people. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, furniture, decor, beer and liquors are just some of the things the market carried. "I got enough for some fruit and meat, come on Sammy, let's grab a treat!"
Rain stops thinking of all the negative stuff in her head. After she notice a group of people looking at her. She hadnt notice she been turning invisible and visible as she been lost in the train of thought. As she turns to yell at them she runs into a girl and her dog. " ahh! Watch wher you are going stupid!!!" Rain yells at the girl. Not even caring that it was her fault.

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As Kira and Sammy walked down an aisle in the Market, someone suddenly ran right into them, shoving Kira out of the way and accidentally kicking Sammy. Kira got a good look at the girl running away, A brunette neko with some sort of telekinetic ability as she became transparent the back to normal several times..

Sammy whimpered as he limped over to Kira, she picked him up and blitzed after the girl. Kira's eyes went from a lovely green to a piercing silvery white as she ran with Sammy cradled in one arm. The unknown neko was about fifty meters away when Kira spotted a transformer on top a telephone pole, the electronic equipment exploded without warning about ten feet in front of the girl "You better have a good damn reason for injuring my friend, and a second reason why the fuck I shouldn't kill you!" Kira bellowed with anger. Kira could feel the darkness growing within her, this time she cared not as her one friend in life was injured by some douche bag who need a lesson in life....

@Lil Shirou
As Kiyoshi fixes the defective door's circuitry. He feels an overwhelming itch coming from the inside of his body. It started out as an irritating itch that can only be described as being deep to the bone, and escalated after that. Gritting his teeth, he finished what he needed and stumbled back, screaming bloody murder that echoed across the prison for ages. But suddenly, the pain just died down. It vanished without a single trace. Kiyoshi was fine and he felt absolutely no pain.

"Damnit..." Kiyoshi's thoughts raced as he grasped mentally on the situation. "I need to find something for my friends...." he muttered to himself. The prisoners looking at Kiyoshi in shock behind their rusty cells. Kiyoshi simply walked out, not saying a word, or even doing his favorite thing - taunting the prisoners with their inevitable death.
Rain was a bit shocked that she accidentally picked a fight with an electrokenitic. She didnt want to fight and go to jail again, but it didnt look like she had a choice in this. People had surrounded both girls and screaming out "fight , fight, fight."

" look it was an accident i didnt mean to walk into you or your little dog. If you want to fight i can give you that bitch but not for their entertainment." Rain says turning the light around the other buildings go brighter. Temperory blinded some of the crowd. She then creats several holograms of her and the girl with the dog.

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The crowd chanted "Fight, fight, fight!", Kira knew she messed up causing attention to be attracted to the two kenitics and now with the duplicates of both Sammy, the girl and herself, made it impossible to do a burst style attack...

Kira looked down at Sammy, the pup was obviously still in pain and setting him down was not an option for Kira. Attacking will hurt the innocents around her and that was out of the question. The only choice she had was to get out, she looked left and then right.Kira decided that going right was the best way to go due to the large park in said direction...

Large, vibrant blue sparks came of her lower body, a split second later she launched her self over the right most crowd and the holograms clearing their heads by about three meters, landing fifteen feet away. The burst of controled energy left a six foot wide, three foot deep crater in the ground after she released the energy from her body. Kira turned around and stared at the girl through the crowd with both their eyes meeting...

Once again Kira looked down and then back up, she was now cradling Sammy with both arms, Sammy's back resting on her forearms and hands. "Forgive me, I am sorry, and I will not fight you here, or today...another time perhaps" Kira said to the girl with a shaken voice from a mix of emotion and adrenaline. With a couple hesitated steps back Kira took off and out of sight, protecting Sammy from anymore harm....
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