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Operation Devil's Moon Part I


Junior Member
18:33 CST, January 15, 2015

It has been fourteen hours, sixteen minutes, and twenty seconds since the fall of Mexico City. Fourteen hours, sixteen minutes, and twenty seconds ago, alien craft arrived in the skies of Mexico City. Dropping bombs that sprayed poisonous black gas, that killed hundreds within the first hour.

It was slowly deluded, and the survivors crept from their hiding places. The only thing they found were strange, metallic pods that spread strange lime green gas, leaving them trapped in slimey cocoons. The 15th Mexican Regiment was deployed to investigate, and never returned.

“Delta 1-4 this is Central. We have confirmation of your arrival. Big Sky will be nearby in case of need for emergency extraction.” rehearsed Bradford. Delta team was dropped on the skylight of a mall. “Go, Go!”, murmured one of the men, and they slowly marched into the fith floor. The deluded gas clouded most of the view of the mall.

Tip - Map Advancement; “In Order to move across the map you must advance. There are two types of advancement. Team advancement works on a vote and moves the entire team. Unit advancement works individually, where separate units can move separate place.”

>> Team - Advance Towards The Left
  • Time Unit (TU) Cost: 1

>> Team - Advance Towards The Right
  • Time Unit (TU) Cost: 1

>> Team - Advance From Floor 5 to Floor 4
  • Time Unit (TU) Cost: 1
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Yves Roux
"Affirmative, Central. On the move."
Roux gazed down the skylight, sneaking a look down at the mall, before turning to his teammates, DMR in hand and pistol in holster.
"So, what do we say to advancing to the lower floors?"
Roux carefully gazed down the skylight, before backing off, looking for where the stairs or ladder to the next floor would be. Roux also looked around himself to check his surroundings.
(Voted for team to advance to Floor 4)
John Berletti

John took deep breaths in the XCOM dropship, holding his machine gun ready. He hoped that he wouldn't let his team down in the upcoming fight; most of the time the answer is lots of bullets he recited to himself in his mind in Bob's voice. He admired the XCOM-issued X12B SAW he had been given - not the same, but still an incredible gun. True power lord in Berletti's hands, and he liked it.

As the team dropped, John was calm. Thudding onto the skylight's glass, John took a look around, scanning his peripheries.

"So, what do we say to advancing to the lower floors?" asked John's squadmate, Yves. "Maybe not so fast. We've got a good vantage up here, and to give it up without using it to recon the what's around the mall. Might be able to see somethin' before it sees us." John replied softly. (Vote Move Right/Left)
Victor Garza

Looking around, Victor came to a conclusion. "John may be right. We should probrably search around the roof first."

He then checked his sourroundings. The fog clouded a lot of his vision, but there seemed to be nothing here.

(Vote for moving Left)
Yves Roux
Roux took the advice of Berletti and Garza, carefully listening to what they had to say, before deciding that they were right.
"Hm. Yeah, you might be right. Alright, I'll perform a bit of recon before moving in."
(Vote changed to move left)
John Berletti

"Alright, settled then. Let's see what we're dealing with..." John said to himself as the team began to move to the left. As they move, John moves up to talking distance from Victor. "Hey, John. Thought I'd mention that I...don't know if I like our odds gunning so alone out here. I know the organization isn't ready to field too large of squads yet, but maybe we don't need to. I'm sure there's people here in the Ciudad that wouldn't mind fighting alongside us - this is the most common of enemies humanity has ever faced. We would just have to find them, obviously."
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Operation Devil's Moon Part II
(Gonna post this because of majority vote anyways.)

Moving westward, Delta squad found another staircase leading down.

“3...2...1! Move!”

They busted to the door, guns blazing. They found the walls smeared with blood. And a body, one of the Mexican soldiers. Something tore through her armor, and it most of the skin was burnt charcoal black.

“It seems that,” said Doctor Vahlen, while trying not to puke, “That she was exposed to extreme heat, and the water in the blood evaporated into steam. Cooking her alive.”

Looking down you find the soldier’s equipment, an M110 SASS and a few grenades.

Take M110 SASS?

M110 SASS:
Damage Per Shot (D/pS): 38
Type: Kinetic
Magazine: 20 Rounds
Item Weight: -10
Fire Rate: Semi Automatic
Range: Long

Take 3 Frag Grenades?

Frag Grenade:
Damage Per Detonation (D/pD): 20x12 (Damage/Fragments)
Type: Kinetic
Range: Short
Item Weight: -2
John Berletti

At the sight of the slain Mexican soldier, John leveled his machine gun and swept the room ADS. After a brief scan, he lowered his gun, and decided to head over slowly toward the corpse. "Checking pockets," John explained to his squadmates succintly, beginning to do just that, hoping to uncover something of interest; intel, food, money, ammo, secondary weapons. The M110 and fragmentation grenades did not interest him.
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John Berletti

At the sight of the slain Mexican soldier, John leveled his machine gun and swept the room ADS. After a brief scan, he lowered his gun, and decided to head over slowly toward the corpse. "Checking pockets," John explained to his squadmates succintly, beginning to do just that, hoping to uncover something of interest; intel, food, money, ammo, secondary weapons. The M110 and fragmentation grenades did not interest him.

Scavanging the body, you found a small body camera. Most of it was destroyed, but it's memory chip was, for the most part, intact.

Searching further, you pocketed a small knife. It's blade was dull, but could still be dangerous.

Dull Shiv:
Damage Per Shot (D/pS): 20
Type: Kinetic
Item Weight: -2
Range: Ajacent

A small radio device was also found on the body, but all channels were static. Except for one, which was someone begging for help in Spanish. He mentioned he was on the third floor.
John pockets the memory card and discards the destroyed camera.

John sheaths the dull blade in his boot.

John, knowing little Spanish, replies on the radio the best he could. "Ayuda viene," he said a few times into the radio, before stashing it on his person.

"C'mon, we have proof someone is alive around here. Might be a soldier. Let's go to the third floor," John suggests to his fellow gunmen, preparing to himself. (Vote Move to Third Floor(
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Yves Roux
The marksman gave the dead soldier a stoic look, carefully scanning what the soldier's weapons were. A shiv, which his squadmate John took. And a M110 plus three fragmentation grenades.
Roux decided to pick up one fragmentation grenade, but left the M110 and the other grenades as is, before hearing John and Victor, and a channel on the radio begging for help.
The marksman heard his teammates decide to investigate, and Yves agreed with the plan.
"I'm with you guys. Let's try and rescue him-I agree with Victor that we may find out what happened."
(Vote: Third Floor)
Operation: Devil's Moon Part III: A Turn For The Worst
The Team rushed to the third floor, bursting open the door to the third floor. Slowly, the team scanned the area. Soldier's bodies scattered around the area. The signal slowly begins to get clearer and clearer, until you reach your man. He was standing up, and he looked as if he was burnt to a crisp. He was also painted in blood. Before any of you can say, "Trap!", you can see his eyes are rolled back into his head, and are glowing purple. He drops a smoke grenade at his feet, he then primes another and throws it at you.

Dexterity Check - Yves Roux: 20/20, +2 Dexterity

Dexterity Check - Victor Garza: 14/20, +1 Dexterity

Dexterity Check - John Berletti: 16/20, +1 Dexterity

Dexterity Check - Simon Hechler: 20/20, +3 Dexterity

Moving Out of the way, you get into cover.

^*=+%_ALIEN ACTIVITY_*&12%

Three Aliens move out of the deep black fog.

Two of them are short, no larger than a child, have sickly gray skin, and have massive heads. Another, is a large hulking orange creature, lugging around a massive weapon.




The the hulking Alpha charges at Yves. It roars as it uses it's gun to strike at Yves, hitting him with a barage of purple flames.


While the two Betas create some sort of, purple, kinda, holographic avatars of themselves. Forearmed, nine feet tall avatars. They teleport behind Victor and John.

Dexterity Check - Victor Garza: 7/20, +1 Dexterity, -8 Will of the Elders

Dexterity Check - John Berletti: 14/20, +1 Dexterity, -8 Will of the Elders

The odd holographic creatures' arms raise up into the sky, launching a bolt of lightning down on the two, before disappearing into thin air.

-20 Damage, Ignoring Armor.

Victor Garza: 80/100 HP, Disoriented: 2 Turns

John Berletti: 80/100 HP, Disoriented: 2 Turns

I gave the aliens a power boost...

Don't worry, you can recover from this! (Somehow)

Also, if you die, you can make a new character for next mission

Also the orange creature is loosely based off of the Chtonite from the XCOM: UFO Defense remake OpenXCOM's Final Modpack.
John Berletti

John's feeling about the situation got worse and worse as the squad progressed. Seeing all of this mangled bodies of uniformed armed forces was undoubtedly discouraging. But he and his colleagues were the best of the best; equipped with the best of the best. If anyone was gonna stop these things, it was them.

As the four of the advanced into the third floor, the hairs on the back of his neck stood as his eyes make contact with the eyes of the controlled soldier. Berletti watched as his mind conceived the notion that this man's entire eyes had become purple, and in this moment John believed nothing to be real.

The gunner however quickly shook these delusions off, as the smoke begun to funnel out of their canisters and heavy footprints could be heard within it. John readied his gun - only to watch Yves fall to the Alpha, and then feel a burning electricity of a trillion volts run through his spine. "Agh!" John revolted vocally to the wound, the entire room spinning as he instinctively crouched low and darted toward better cover. He felt sick, but knew he wouldn't survive sitting there like a duck. (Individual Move: Retreat to Pre-Fab Fences, 2 TU)
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Tips and Tricks I
Tip - General Combat: "In combat, you can move to different positions for cover, and shoot. Moving is simple, and as for an example:

"Move to (Heckin' Blank Dude)

-1 TU

Cover: Deep, -8 Enemy Aim

Enemy Ranges:
- Bob, Long
- jerry Short"

Another important Step, is Shooting. There are three types of shots. Headshot, which requires two time units but doubles damage and grants +2 accuracy. Snap Shot, which requires one time unit with no special benefits. Burst Shot, which has a -2 aim debuff, but shoots an amount equivalent to whatever burst type. (i.e: three round burst = well, three rounds) And, most importantly, Full Auto, which has a -5 aim debuff, but shoots ten rounds.

Bolt Action - Headshot

Semi Automatic - Headshot, Snap Shot

Automatic - Snap Shot, Full Auto

Burst - Snap Shot, Burst

If you leave one or more tu, than you will take a reaction Snap Shot during the alien turn."

Tip - Airstrikes: "Once per mission, you can use your transport to dive bomb the enemy, this will completely destroy them, their cover, and their loot. This can only be done once."

Tip - Explosives: "Explosives can be used to severely injure, or outright kill enemies. Throwing a grenade takes 1 tu, throwing a charge takes 2 tu"
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>> Move to Trash Can

-1 TU

Cover, Light -2 Aim

Enemy Ranges

BETA-0001 - Medium

BETA-0002 - Long

ALPHA-0001 - Short

>> Move to Prefab Fences

-2 TU

Cover, Heavy -6 Aim

Enemy Ranges

BETA-0001 - Long

BETA-0002 - Long

ALPHA-0001 - Medium
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Victor Garza

That orange monster had taken out his friend, Yves would not die in vain!

>> Fire AP Grenade at ALPHA-0001

Accuracy Check: 16/20, +5 Skill, -10 Disorient

Fragment Burst: 7/12

>> Fire AP Grenade at ALPHA-0001

Accuracy Check: 3/20, +5 Skill, -10 Disorient


There were definite wounds, but he was still standing.

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