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Entirely sentient, mostly sapient.

<strong>[[ This was extrapolated from an actual dream with added details, showcasing of the plotholes that come with dreaming, and how I would react to the dream in reality. In dreams I feel detached calmness in situations I would be terrified about in real life, and only a sense of slight dread / uneasiness when I would probably be scared of dying otherwise. Dream logic is </strong><strong><em>weird</em></strong><strong>. Well, hope you like it! ]]</strong> <em>What is</em> outside the<em> door?</em> <em>You</em> certainly don’t know, you just woke up <em>or was it down </em>and everything is dark and wherever did your<em> alarm</em> <em>clock</em> go? <em>Not that it matters</em> any more than that little light just seeping under the door. It was <em>golden pale </em>toobright <em>like the lightning that crackled, made that horrible noise like a whip coming down to </em>break<em> that flimsy wood of your bedroom door…</em> Is this your bedroom? It looks odd and shadowy and <em>the shelves are missing</em> but whatever, that light is getting <em>brighter yet brighter</em>. Where is it coming from—are your parents holding a <em>dinner</em> <em>party</em> in the middle of the <em>night?</em> People are chattering outside the door, you hear their laughter and clinking glasses of drink. You throw the sheets off and <em>how did you do that, you didn’t use your hands?</em> You rolled out of bed. The open closet door to the right of the bed that <em>you know should be there</em> is gone. It’s replaced by a cracking blank wall. Speaking of closets, are you<em> wearing any clothes?</em> You look down for a mere second to confirm that <em>yes you are wearing a T-shirt and pants </em>before snapping your eyes back up as the light <em>flickered</em>. The light, warm shimmering <em>gold is just begging you </em>to follow it. You walk <em>run glide float fly</em> to the door and put your hand to the door handle <em>where was that damned appendage before and why didn’t you see the handle earlier?</em> Twist it and open the door and the light <em>rushes inside</em> and your room is covered in gold, warm shimmering gold.<em> When you look back again the bed is gone but</em> you realize that your door is at the beginning of a hallway. The floor is off-white carpet the left side is pure white plaster and the right side is open air and <em>rickety</em> brown wooden railings, <em>hope you don’t fall and crack your skull open, dearie</em>. There are large spherical light bulbs in the ceiling and the <em>softly glowing </em>golden light is pouring out of them. So where’s the dinner party you thought<em> you heard people talking</em>. Wait they <em>must</em> be downstairs. Of course—<em>this isn’t right this isnt right this isnt your house where are you?!</em> There’s the sound of heavy footsteps down below and you jump, <em>startle</em>, you look down and lean against the railing but you see nothing and <em>you’re falling, you fell over the railing </em>you’re falling!<em> You’re way too high you’re a bird shot by the hunter and now you have broke your poor wing </em>silly thing<em> and now the dog has come to fetch your mangled body—</em> You’re on the first story. You’re kneeling on the <em>hard </em>smooth stone tile floor. You look back up at the railing you fell from and it’s so, so high… it’s thirty feet up there and you can’t believe your bones aren’t shattered and <em>your hands are shaking way too much</em>. You clasp your trembling fingers together and you aren’t surprised when they don’t stop shaking with mingled <em>anxiety fear dread</em> but at least you aren’t <em>hyperventilating</em>. You take a look around and find that you landed at the opening of another hallway. There aren’t any stairs leading to the railing and you don’t know how you got up there in the first place but <em>it doesn’t matter</em> you’re too tense to dwell on it right now. You’re not even injured so stop panicking, it’s just <em>falling no it’s not ‘just’ anything but terrifying.</em> You shut your eyes and try to shut out the feeling of freefall. Deep breaths. You’re fine. <em>You don’t even know if you have lungs</em>, if you can breathe in the first place, but just <em>thinking </em>aboutit helps calm you down. Actually, are you saying the words or thinking them? It feels and “sounds” like a thought, but then again the talking people did too… <em>where are they?</em> You’re curious. The new hallway has the same white plaster walls as the earlier one, the same stone tile floor beneath your feet, and this time there wasn’t any open space to fall into. You move <em>in some way</em> through the hall and get to the end in the space of a breath. <em>How…? Never mind that! </em>Your eyes widen as you take in the sight in front of you. A huge wooden dining table covered in a white tablecloth and plates,bowls, glasses, cutlery… all of which is <em>broken</em>. Ceramic mugs are smashed across the floor, glasses shattered to dust and scattering around and inside the <em>broken splintering cracked</em> plates, and there is no food. None. Just a puddle of some dark purple wine staining the cloth. <em>Something is wrong </em>here. The <em>footsteps </em>have returned<em>.</em> This time theyre accompanied by a sharp <em>growl</em>; foul, vicious, but utterly <em>silent is this all in your head?</em> You can’t look around, you can’t even turn your head you cant move at all, and it’s closing in and it’s very angry, and you don’t even know when it attacked, only that you suddenly <em>heard felt saw </em>a shrill shriek and your eyes opened <em>how are you in your bed again?!</em> <strong>It’s just a dream. You’re </strong><strong><em>fine</em></strong><strong>.</strong> <strong>No... no, you’re the </strong><strong><em>same room.</em></strong> <strong><em>You’re still there.</em></strong>

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