When Magic Falls

That Lass Over There

Constant Panic
Work In Progress

Things to know

Artificial mages - there are two types of artificial mages, the old generation and new generation. The old generation are artificial mages that were granted the ability to manipulate outside mana with machines called catalysts, the machines acting as a bridge between caster and mana, which humans can't do on their own. Essentially, any human can be turned into a mage via this method, which is why it's so widespread. However, although using outside mana means limitless mana, it severely limits spell scales and types.

The new generation are genetically modified human beings, much to the displeasure of many religious groups. They've been modified to be able to access the mana in their own bodies, and as such be the equivalent of a natural mage. However, they do not have the innate talent or extreme mana sources as natural mages do, and as such fall short unless in numbers. Unlike old generation, new generation can't access outside mana sources.

Details about artificial mages - Compared to natural mages, there are several differences. First, Artificial Mages have to follow all scientific laws in their magic, while naturals are relatively unrestrained concerning science. Second, there are way, WAY more artificial mages then natural born. Third, artificial mages have the support of humanity, while naturals don't. HOWEVER, only natural mages and some old generation artificial mages have any care for humanity beyond lower life forms with their uses.


Private CS(you will send this to me over PM)
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