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Realistic or Modern When The Apocalypse Starts

Abigail looked at James. James nods."will come with you."Abigail says. Ethan smiles."yay" he clapped. Abigail smiles and held him close with a wink.

Irish Ice Queen
Marzia turned around and saw the horde. How did it go from no zombies, to a lot she wondered. She had two options. Run, or... She heard a gunshot and looked for the sound. She saw a sniper and made up her mind. Second option it was. The walkers were catching up now. She picked up her things fast and ran to the house. There were more than she thought. She ran up the door and knocked rapidly.
(Zabel is pretty far away, it would be next to impossible finding him without binoculars.)

His first shot was off, the bullet had gone straight through the walker's head. He pushed up the lever, pulling back the empty bullet casing flying from the chamber. Ready for another shot he braced himself, aiming the cross-hairs to the left of the zombie's head. Wind and bullet turn would land it where he wanted. Zabel fired again. He would take out the zombies close to the lone survivor who knocked on the door.

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