
Professional Spaghetti Spiller





It exists. It always has and always will. Resting within the trench like abyss known as The Wired, The Web, or more commonly known, The Internet, The Deep has constantly watched over it's healthier counterpart; constantly feeding from the oddities that made The Wired unpure. It wasn't that unfathomable, really. Deleted history, emptied recycling bins, exiled coding. Did you think that perfectly useful data just floated through the seems of the digital space time continuum? Heavens no, everything has a place, even things you call waste.

After some time, people began to call this chasm of abomination their home. Using their advanced computer networking skills, they were able to enter this world and conduct illicit acts here; we called these select individuals.."Hackers". Now, as you know, The Wired is no simple tool for usage. In order to truly connect to The Wired, one must dispose of their physical selves, temporarily scanning their brains into the data banks so that they may truly become an "Internet Explorer". One was always warned, however, to not spend too much time on The Internet. A week in the wrong place and you'd lose your humanity forever..not everyone was so opposed to this idea. Those people? We like to call them believers, though I think you go by a more formal name...Trolls.


It's a Troll's duty to expose the world to The Deep's influence, its a Troll's duty to enlighten mortals of what their bodies are truly capable of; they just need to ditch the fleshy exterior and settle into digital interior. For within The Deep lies unimaginable wonder, a land in which you may truly be yourself without worry, without doubt. So long as we have BASED as our guardian, we'll truly live in a world of peace and prosperity. Who is BASED you ask?..God..of course. :) . The second coming of BASED has arrived, those who have not worshiped his holy dankness will be no-scoped on the day of rektoning.

As signs of BASED began to show themselves, more and more Explorers found themselves believing in the hype. Troll successful. Now, bits and pieces of the real world have begun fading out; data streams filling the void-like blackness taking it's place. As news reporters globally spew nonsense of the end times, those who possess a great faith ready themselves for the ascension- no longer will they be scrublord noob m8s. Day after day, humans are losing their minds in The Deep, Earth is showing signs of decline, and "Tryhards" are surfacing from every nook and cranny...It's times like these that we wonder.. which world is the real..and which world is the fake? Join us.. as we uh.. find out or something.

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Accessed from just about any point in the world, GAME is a..sport of sorts.. that takes place within the farthest regions of The Deep. On the base level, it's no more than a competitive, open world PVP game in which players can use their avatars to battle it out in a series of different battle mechanics. Dig further and you'll find more than just a PVP game, in fact, players have been known to start their own private servers of GAME; shaping into MMORPGs, Co-Op FPSes, and plenty more. Now, dig even further than that, down where the HACKERS lie..that's where you'll find the true GAME.

Much like a round table, HACKERS and TRYHARDS from all over The Web gathered around, betting more than just bragging rights on matches. Land Titles, Business, Guilds, Housing, Members, Relationships- hell - even lives are put on the balance. In the dangerous GAME, people competed over PVP matches, MMORPG Quests, FPS skirmishes, etc;..They called these events.. DEATH MATCHES.

Now, DEATH MATCHES became a tradition in DEEP GAME. People won and lost a plethora of things, normally it wouldn't be an issue- until he showed up. GRIMLORD666. Now this man was the definition of "Cheeky I'm uncultured M8". Jet black everything, tattoos, a feminine waistline, and enough edgy text to create a black hole(like his heart). Being one of the greatest hackers around, he was able to cheat the matches when nobody else could; using items known as "EDGE BLADES" or "BLACK EFFECTS" to claim victory. At some point, GRIMLORD666 had gotten so powerful that he grew bored of gambling for the simplistic things, he wanted someone to offer him a challenge he couldn't refuse...FINALLY!..WE GET TO THE MAIN CHARACTER!

"How about the world?" A single skeleton engulfed by the stench of Nacho Cheese Doritos approached him, opening up the cap and chugging down a few gulps of Mountain Dew. Gasps continuously echoed around the room as he inhaled a great amount of dankage from the excellently rolled doobie. "What's that?" GRIMLORD666 questioned "You want to face me for the world? and just how will you grant the authority for that?" The skeleton shrugged "Well, I'm God so..." The man grinned "Interesting..well then God.. you've got yourself a deal. What's the stakes?"

"I'm going to grant you access to the multiverse and beyond, dimensions upon dimension to travel. We have as much time as we need to do this but it must be done. Join and complete 1000 GAMES in total. PVP, PVE, Slice of Life, whatever. First to do that comes back here, first to make it here wins. Simple, right? Good.. GO!"..and with that.. the two disappeared.. the race for earthen realm was on..The only question that weight on everyone's mind was.. could they really place their faith in the hands of a keyboard warrior?

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  • ????????


    Name: Benjamin [ C L A S S I F I E D ]

    Age: Twenty One

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Professional Hacker

    Ethnicity: Dank

    Religious Belief: BASED DEEP

    Level: You are not on it. (9001)

    Height: 6'3

    Weight: 189lbs


    Life was, has been, and always will be a game to Benjamin. Ever the age of two he's been quite the manipulator; taking no interest in things outside of his realm of entertainment. Things had grown to be so dull for him, going to school, making friends- repeat repeat repeat. He tried to share interest in their conversations but he only found himself manipulating them further.

    As middle school came around the corner, Benjamin had become a full blown narcissist. Everyone around him, parents and all, hadn't deserved to gaze at his presence, let alone breathe in it. Humans were such fickle, gullible creatures; so easily manipulated..like sheep. It was around this time he was introduced to The Web. Having the freedom most users possessed in The Wired, Benjamin was able to reinvent himself here- no- with this, he would manipulate the world.

    High School mattered not to a Keyboard Warrior. Graduating it was as easy as basic code, moving onto college even easier. After so much time controlling the minds of The Web, Benjamin felt at this point it was his obligation to guide them, guide them into a better age; one with him as it's leader. To become the beacon of humanity, to become the leader of these people, no such religion existed that could withhold his tyrannical beliefs...So why not create one?

    On The Wired, he could be anything he wanted to be. On The Wired, he could create a new home for himself, a new place for him and those who worshiped him to be free. Yes, he could create such a world, he knew he was capable of it. What would he call this beautiful religion? Well, that's easy isn't it?

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