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Fandom [UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Psych Investigation Episodes: Training Camp

*Before I write this all out, I'd like to say that you don't need knowledge of the books. If you know them, great! If you don't, to quickly summarize what they are I'll just say that they are books by a wonderful author about people who- you know, I'll just write it below. ;3 PREPARE FOR INFORMATION OVERLOAD!


There are people in this world. People similar to us normal humans, with "powers," you could say. They have a name amongst them.


Almost every- well,
normal person knows nothing about their existence. Those who do either are in the military, the parent or guardian of one, or don't exist. Well, except for me. But that's not the point.

The thing is, more and more Psychs are appearing everywhere. They have these Organization Headquarters placed in many places around the world, with smaller ones in others. There's ones in Ireland, Scotland, some state in the U.S, China, you name it. I've gotten intel that states that many of the Psychs who's had a Psych child isn't registering them at the Headquarters in their area, and that the Generals, usually very powerful Psychs that had been a captain of a team - I'll explain later -, are freaking out.

They're going on patrols now to find unregistered Psychs. Many have been hiding their children for more than ten years!

Now, they are having Psychs of appropriate age - fourteen or so - go to these camps where they learn how to control their powers better. Those who can make it through the harsh regimens and training put against them by the Sergeants of the camp they're in will be able to join one of those teams I mentioned earlier. Usually a powerful General is in charge at a camp, and there are big walls surrounding it with members of the Military keeping watch.

You want to know more? Okay, I'll tell you...

Different Types of Psychs:

Telepaths are the most important Psychs when on a team. However, on their own and without a weapon, Paths that aren't that powerful can be considered weak.

They are important on teams because Paths can help their teammates by lowering their enemies' pain tolerance, make them dizzy or unbalanced, anything that can affect their emotions or minds. Paths can even sense where other people are. They can be powerful when partnered with Telekinetics, as some Paths can see into a person and the Kinetic can easily kill them from the inside out.

*Known Powerful Paths: "Requiem", General Rose, Ems





Different Teams:



The Organization:





Other Somewhat Important Things:


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