~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~


~ King of Pink ~
About the RP

Rose Academy will take place on an Isolated Neutral Island country called Postremo. This special little island is unique though because it doesn't simply house Ability users but is 50 years ahead in Technology compared to the rest of world. The Rp will mainly focus on the lives of the Students attending the Academy, The secrets hidden by all but the most important figures and much much more once the Rp Expands. For now though we will follow the problems students will face in this Academy , Tensions between the Level 5's and the ongoing research being conducted in this place.

Every student here no matter Ethnicity , Religion , Gender will have a power here whether it be Dormant or highly active. These Students are called Espers by the Local Population , Scientists , Teachers etc. Though the School is rich , Elaborate and even down right perfect volatile rivalries are brewing especially among the Level 5's while Level 2's , 1's and 0's face Prejudice for their latent abilities.

Meanwhile the Board of directors are growing cautious and afraid of the sudden influx of Espers and worry about a revolution esque style revolt and have began construction of the FIVE_OVER Models unbeknownst to most.

The Levels

Level 5 Person with Super Powers

Powers of an extent that their wielder can fight alone against a military force on equal terms.

Level 4 Person with Great Powers

Powers of an extent that their wielder acquires tactical value of a military force.

Level 3 Person with Strong Powers

The degree when powers are considered convenient in everyday life, ability-wise this is the Level when one

starts to be treated as part of the elite.

Level 2 Person with Unusual Powers

Just like Level 1, powers are not very useful in everyday life.

Level 1 Person with Low Powers

Powers of the degree to bend a spoon, many students belong here.

Level 0 Person with No Powers

Exceptions aside, cannot be considered completely powerless, but is considered one of the so-called "students that can't keep up at school". Might possess some degree of power, but unable to truly control it.
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The Dorms



Quintel Grewred

Tatsu Kikuchi



Jansen Baer

Daniel Vorsch



Michael da Volterra

Fer Drastinlien



Edward Degrace

Fiodor Svyatoslav



Cassandra Shiva

Haru Senji



Landon Pierce

Anna Noelle Coon



Marvin DeGrace



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