Touch of a greater mind (Flower & ChestPains)

When the board returned to him, Loki mirrored his move with the other knight, obviously acting on a strategy. Much could be said about his character by his choice of pieces: most considered the knights to be practically useless, simply tools in defending the borders of the valuable players such as the king and the queen. The god send the board floating off between them again, twisting his fingers slightly to turn it so Charles was once again playing black. He considered the question for a moment, though it was far from the first time he'd heard it. "Envy, perhaps, for the simplicity of your lives." He mused, "The capacity for irresponsibility; how little your existences matter. You are all rapidly burning wicks so easily snuffed out, not left to smoke and sputter for hundreds of years. You are able to take comfort in truths instead of living long enough to see those truths, the very pillars your reality is built upon, crumble and turn to dust. I do not have such luxuries."
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Charles thought about this for a moment as he carefully moved a Bishop out from the pawn he had just moved. "Our lives are brief, but we have managed to shape a whole plant just through our humanity." Charles looked across at Loki, from what Loki was saying it sounded like he was tired of living so long. "Most of our philosophers have thought on the burden of living too long. There is a point I think where one who has lived too long would no longer want to live." He watched Loki carefully, with a question in his eye, but he didn't speak it. Instead he took a slow and careful sip of his tea setting it away on a coaster when he realized that there was no more. "So you kill us because our lives are short. That is interesting." Charles said nodding at Loki to prompt his next question.
"Some might consider it a mercy: a swift death in the place of a slow, agonizing one by age in which the mind and body wear away to nothing." Loki replied almost absently, as if the thought had only then occurred to him. Though he'd have his skin flayed from the bone before he admitted it, he knew the reason why he loathed humans so much and took such pleasure in killing them: it was because Odin and Thor had always loved them so dearly. More, it seemed, than they loved him. The god have an amused hum at Charles' words on earth's philosophers, smiling thinly. "Your eyes tell me you think I've reached that point, and you pity me for it. Tell me--why do you think I do what I do? What drives you so strongly to commit treason against your own government to attain my attention?"
Charles shrugged giving Loki a steady gaze. "There are a few reasons, I've stated one to you, but my contrast of belief with it. You have humanity, I can see it in your eyes and feel it when you think too loud. And I'm human and therefore a selfish creature." His mouth quirked up at the corners when he said this to Loki. "And I'm Lonely and bored and your interesting and talk. one and one makes two, and I'm big believer in change." He shrugged before putting up one finger. "And I think your lying and that's against the rules of this questioning thing. Your killing humans, has nothing to do with humans seeing as you never gave them a chance to prove to you the worth or lack thereof." He tilted his head to the side and set his slim finger against his lips. "so tell me Loki; are you planing on staying with me?" He felt he already knew the answer. There was something new in this old old god. something new in Charles to.
"Eliminating weakness I see in an attempt to purge that weakness from myself? Shrewd, Xavier." Loki neither confirmed or denied the point, rolling it around in his own head for consideration. He didn't pause to think much about the 'why' behind what he did anymore. His sights had narrowed; he had, as the other predicted, reached the point where life was far more of a hassle than it was worth. Loki's candle had long since died, but he would make sure the dying drop of melted wax would scald at least once more before it was over and done. "Perhaps," He answered, skipping over Charles' accusation completely, "I am admittedly interested in what your attempts to sway my mind will contain. What is it you have in mind?" With nimble fingers, he took the life of Charles' bishop with his own though the space the movement of the god's own pawn had made.
"Nothing, actually. Just company and someone to carry my tea for me?" Charles laughed not a giggle or a full belly chortle just a softhearted little laugh. "Look at me no plan inviting strange people into my home, just like Oxford!" He smiled and moved his pawn to take the bishop Loki sheepishly having put it there to be taken, he had hoped by the knight. "Being serious I told you already I'm lonely. And so are you." Charles watched to gauge Loki's reaction. "Besides pure human selfishness I have no intentions, besides saving you from being tortured I had no plans." Charles didn't aske a question, he wasn't sure he had one.

((I know nothing about Chess and it's been years since I played. Just BTW))
The god smiled faintly at the other's words, moving the board back to him. He let the pawn be, advancing his knight to nestle between two pawns and Charles' other bishop, protecting it in enemy territory. He sent the board back over, shifting slightly to relax marginally against the couch. If SHIELD hadn't burst in through the doors yet, they likely wouldn't--unless this was some sort of trap. Loki's eyes abruptly sharpened at the idea and he cursed himself for being so foolish--though he read only honesty from the other, there were those in existence that could outlie even him. At least he'd had the common sense not to drink the tea. "And why should my being tortured weigh on your conscience?" He took the turn Charles obviously wasn't, watching the other with renewed suspicion.
Charles moved his rook not taking anything b ut calculating the set of moves Loki would need to win from his current place. "I'm human. It's not going to help your outlook on us if we torture you? I'm not sure beyond the point I don't like suffering, and when I see it I eliminate it, I was also possibly the only one who could. The political situation with mutants right now is delicate and SHIELD can't do much to me and stay in the public good graces, and if the public should find out why SHIELD doesn't like me I can simply say that if SHIELD tortures those from other worlds who happen to have powers then how are we supposed to trust they won't go after the gifted?" Charles thought again. "Though I could always say I thought you were a mutant from the tings you had seen, that may go better. The point is it won't come to that and SHIELD doesn't know where I live." Charles scoffed at that thought.
"You aren't the first, nor, I expect, the last." The god brushed off the comment easily, taking a moment to consider the board before moving the knight he'd planted back out to take the life of one of Charles'. "Mutants," He echoed the term used so much by the other, lifting his eyes as the board floated back across the space between them. "You speak as if you know much about them. What is your relationship with these individuals you speak so fondly of?" It seemed Charles had forgone the other game they were playing, and Loki was quick to take advantage of the silence. His knowledge of the mutants was only beginning to form; he'd been off the planet when their rise became semi-public.
"Hmm? oh, well I am a mutant." Charles tapped his temple with a single finger. "Telepathy isn't common in humans. I have what is commonly referred to as the 'x-gene' mutating my body structure to have powers. I have a degree in genetics with a focus on mutation, which I got out of an interest in why I am what I am and how. I know a few mutants but our community is just starting to grow. And fast and hard, there are many different sides to the debate about how we should be treated. And if we are in fact human, there is a group of mutants..." Charles looked away and the corners of his lips turned down and he looked out of the room and from the time, no longer with Loki but far far away. His eyes aged many years. "... called... the Hellfire club who believe that we should wipe out non mutants and create a planet of 'advanced' people. Their current leader is called..." Charles swallowed. "It doesn't matter what he's called. I for one don't agree, My original intent was to start a school." He held up his hands to gesture to the surrounding house. "Here, for mutants to come and be with others of their kind, so they would know they weren't alone and could learn." Charles mouth quirked up again as he moved another rook to take the other knight. "I still want to."
"Yes, I've noticed." The god replied, flicking through the dusty pages of his memory. Some of it was splashed over like an ink own exploding: his time with the Tesseract was a muddled, dark period, punctuated with the red flare of agony and the weightless panic of falling, falling, falling. SHIELD's attempts at torture were about as effective as them flicking him on the nose. "Your mind is very powerful. Such power would have corrupted many a weaker man." Again, Loki noted the mortal's weaker body. Like the sense of smell becoming stronger when that of sight was lost, so Charles' mind seemed to compensate for his body. The god sat back and regarded the other male's face as he spoke, observing the range of emotion that crossed it: pain, regret, desire, determination. "Asgard is not so different from this world in that sense--mocking and loathing the different. Fear and distaste of the unknown spans the worlds, though progress has been made in some. You might have your dream of equality yet."
Charles laughed at that. "My dream? I'm no Martin Luther King, I just want to let the children like me out there that they aren't alone. I spent the first eight years of my life thinking that, not believing it but thinking it. I don't want there to be a revolution, just a passing thought, there shouldn't have to be. Extra gene, that's all." Charles paused thinking that he may not have explained it very well. "There shouldn't need to be, mutation has been around since time has, humans wouldn't be around. Mutation took us from single cells organisms to being the dominant form of reproductive life on this planet. Infinite forms of variation with each generation, all through mutation." Charles smiled.

((Actual Xavier quote. I am such a f*cking geek))
"King spoke against segregation and discrimination. I believe you share the same goal." Loki replied, pouncing on the comment with a slightly arched brow. His head tilted slightly at the revolution comment, gradually becoming more relaxed as their peace continued to go uninterrupted. "It seems you humans are unable to do anything without a revolution." He remarked almost nostalgically. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, simply a trend he'd noticed. It was almost nice, seeing the passion that burned so strongly in the human race when the stifling shield of their apathy was broken. He saw the same passion in Charles. A small smile crawled across his lips as the other continued to speak and the god gave inclined his head. "In a way." He agreed, "There are many myths about your creation. Even I, alleged son of the one credited to have invented man, do not know the truth."
"It does seem revolution is necessary for change doesn't it?" Charles scrunched up his nose, "Peace is better, though chaos has it's place as always, there is not one with out the other." Charles leaned his elbow on the arm of the couch putting his face in it. "You told me before that you don't have Joulton physiology, you have an Asgard physic correct? Tell me..." Charles yawned into his shoulder looking at his watch. It was almost twelve at night. He smiled sheepishly. "Do you get tired? should I prepare you a bed?" Charles wanted to finish their game but this was the most excitement he had had in mouths.
"Ah, yes, though it seems great oceans of blood must be shed before peace can achieved." Loki's white fingertip lingered on the top of his own king, his expression becoming pensive and nearly heartbroken before he quickly pasted his mask over it once more in a single blink. He guided his king's descent to the board gently, effectively forfeiting. "I do," he acknowledged, not bothering to correct Charles' pronunciation of the word. Was his heritage so well known now; did mortals look up pictures of Jotun in their ancient myths and shudder at the thought of such a monster? The corner of Loki's lips twitched briefly before he rose, sending the board back to its initial position in the other room with the flick of his wrist. "Which rooms are available? You needn't do any 'preparing', though I do thank you for your hospitality." Though spoken casually, the thanks sounded rusty, as if Loki were unused to favors or kindness.
"Hm? Oh almost everything but my own room. I'll show you to the guest room, we can finish the game tomorrow." He said rising after grabbing his crutches he begun to head for the stairs. "The guest room on my floor is open, you can stay there, it's very green I think you'll like it." Charles lead the way, he slept on the second floor, despite Hank's protest he move his things to the first. He had been forced to sleep on the first floor for many months. Now that he didn't technically have to he didn't. Simple as that, though he didn't sleep in the attic as he did in his teens anymore. At least he had some common sense. No place in the manor was wood floor anymore, Hank had swayed him on that point, if he fell it was onto soft plush carpets. Not that he fell. Often. He planted on the first step and swung up glancing behind him to look for Loki to insure the god was following him. "It's on the second floor, just down the hall."
The god had risen and followed in silence, the soft leather of his boots making no sound on the plush carpeting. His lips quirked into a smile at the green comment--so many seemed to fixate on his tendency to wear the color. Color was important on Asgard--only those who earned it were allowed mantles like the ones he and Thor wore, and the color varied per god. There were colors there that didn't exist on earth; colors Loki wouldn't ever see again. Colors Loki missed dearly. His color--he'd worked so hard to make even his magic reflect it; he'd also altered his eyes to be greener--was often compared to envy, to serpents. He bitterly reminded them Thor's color was that of the blood the thunderer had shed in his 'quests' as he gaily shattered skulls with the swing of his hammer. Even so, Thor's hands were clean and his dirty, though he'd killed barely a hundredth of those his once-brother had. Lost in thought, the god lagged enough to give Charles a gap to maneuver up the stairs, then parted ways at the top of the stairs. "I will be charming the doors," He notified flatly, still not trusting SHIELD's absence. "I advise you do not attempt to enter if you value your well being."

(Sorry that took so long--I'd hit reply several hours ago, but only now noticed the action didn't work.)
Charles nodded. "That's good, I guess it's right over there. En suite, so if you have to go to the...." Charles actually blushed. "Well, goodnight, help your self to the fridge if you can't sleep you can go anywhere, just don't wake me up." He gestured to his room with his head. "Unless you uhm need me?" He frowned not sure what Loki would need him for. "Anyways good night then." Charles began to head towards his room lost in thought about all that had happened today, this morning he hadn't been sure why he was going to SHIELD, and now here he was at the end of the day, and he taken part in a jail break, played chess with a god and had a fugitive in his home. What a day could be... He wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, or where he was going. Then the table took one of his crutches and he was on the floor. "oof. Damnit. Still don't seem to know my way around? huh? stupid things..." He was mostly talking to himself, almost forgetting he had a guest, he did this almost all the time. Fall on his but. It was his life now, he could get to the top of the stairs no problem, enter his room? nope...

(ught I hate it when that happens! no hard feelings :3 I'm on break now BTW)
The god's demeanor seemed to have changed rather abruptly, his eyes having grown much colder in the last few minutes. He simply inclined his head in a single nod of acknowledgement before slipping into the room he'd been allotted, the showers swallowing his figure whole save for the brief white tips of half-fisted fingers. The door shut softly and whispered briefly with green light and magic as the god set the block he'd promised. Taking a moment to examine the room, Loki approached the full-length mirror that leaned against the wall near the foot of the bed, pausing only to flick on the lamp on the bedside table. Shrugging off his leather doublet and stripping off the linen shirt underneath, twisting to see the scarred and scabbed ruin of his back, focusing on the largest one that branched out from the line of his spine: the mark Thor's lightning had left behind. He allowed cold rage to pool in his stomach before plunging the room into darkness.
Charles didn't take a shower that night, he normally took one in the morning when he had more time to do what it involved for him now, lots of things took longer now. He sat on his bed to pull on a pair of silk Pajamas, he slept topless he hadn't been able to wear a shirt over the bandages for awhile when his back was still healing. Now it was just habit and more comfortable. He slipped under the covers and laid out on his back after taking two of the night time meds. He didn't have to take many anymore just some muscle relaxant ones and pain pills when he needed them, as well as some herb things that his doctor said might help. He could unfortunately only sleep comfortably on his stomach or his back sleeping on his side did something very odd to his spine and it hurt.

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