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Fantasy Magical Crimes Unit Lore



Resident Cripple
This is to be where the lore for the Timeless RP exists. I intend it to be something we build together, but here's what I have so far:

Magitech (think FF14-ish) exists and is widely used by any with spellcasting ability.

Technology (modern) exists and is widely used by magical and non-magical people.

Many different races exist up to modern time, creating a mostly mixed population. There are some countries that are majority one species, but it is more likely that all are mixed. Because of this, racism between different ethnicities is less likely than specism between different species.

The RP will mostly take place in one city, I've not made this Earth for certain and that can be decided amongst ourselves.
Hey howdy hey I have some ideas about some species and stuff, woo!

It's hard being a sentient quadruped in a bipedal world. Think about it. Doorways too low, rooms to tight, public transit can't hold you. Stairs??? I also imagine centaurs have faced a lot of prejudice in the modern era of this world. Being treated like horses; kept as pets, rode and whipped, "bred" against their will. Though things have changed in recent years, a lot of new laws put in place to protect centaur rights. But still, there's a lot of prejudice and even violence against them.

I imagine the term "merfolk" to encompass multiple subraces. I only have one in mind right now, I'm looking forward to any ideas ya'll get. So one subrace are known as Sirens. These are the merfolk who's beauty and songs can't be resisted. Who infatuate their victims, draw them into the water, and eat them as they drown. Unlike other merfolk, sirens live solitary lives. If they're found in groups, it's usually temporary and only with other sirens. They are lonely creatures. They are admired, feared, but never loved.

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