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Fantasy Thriller/ historical monster romance Rps f4a


New Member
Hi my name is Lainy! I'm 23 and looking for a like-minded RP partner who would enjoy one of these niche ideas.

While these are pretty specific I'm still pretty open to changing things. To me the most important part of the RP is to start out with and always push a fun yet unique story. So my favorite thing to discuss is world building, plot bunnies and character dynamics.

Currently I am either for something that resembles one of these two ideas. But as I said before though we can always shift the genre and add more to it though!

  1. What starts out as a seemingly normal historical romance. Here is a humorous example: my character could just be a maid trying to make a decent living. And suddenly she's being accused of murder and OH naur the hot monster (Frankenstein) who set her up is kinda her type. And the only one who can help her, if she can convince him not all humans are badโ€ฆ ( there are Double points in my book if you are a monster romance fan, but it's not a requirement). At the end of the day I would love to explore any sort of story combining the two genres. (Any classical monster is on the table!)

2.) A RP that starts out as a horror or thriller RP but takes a slightly dark romance route. This can start through a group of friends being kidnapped by someone who they used to bully. Or a super rich family trying to get rid of the new spouse who discovered their secret. While there are the horror and thriller elements at play, the romance is also not to be overlooked. To the characters it feels like this attraction/romance comes out of nowhere, but at the same time, both people involved are a bit obsessed and unwilling to leave the other. Let alone let something bad happen to them. And there could be a lot of (eventual) pinning or a small redemption arc happening.


But yeah I'm just craving these types of stories and I would love to hear if anyone else would be interested! Thank you for reading!

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