• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern They say all teenagers scare the living sh!t out of me (take 2)



We need!

school goodie goodie-Brogan- @Shimakage Thunder

sports stars(rude, snobby)

(cool chick)-
Serinna- @FallenxAngelxRory

(already a mother)- satori- @Shimakage Thunder


Nerd(already a mother) @

School bad boys/girls

Nicholai- @lette

Samual- @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Dixie- @Leggomyeggo

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Please include




appearance:(real photo)





Relationships(please converse in OOC chat)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/107SneakMackMAIN.jpg.15604c2fd778a017c74c225028a96dc7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/107SneakMackMAIN.jpg.15604c2fd778a017c74c225028a96dc7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Brogan Lexington



Sexuality: straight

Stereotype: School goodie goodie

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/TM3109SneakPeek.jpg.cdd7e033c993c93369e45cf00d54b8f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/TM3109SneakPeek.jpg.cdd7e033c993c93369e45cf00d54b8f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is tiny, blond hair blue eyes. Normally wearing jeans or sweats and a tee shirt. She normally just blends in with everyone around her. Not very different then any other girl in school.She is not to big into makeup but she normally wears eye liner and mascara.

Personality: She is very shy, she keeps to herself. She is easy to get along with when you actually try and get to know her. She is very caring and always wants to do the right thing. She tries not to put herself in situations where she has to be rude, but if it comes down to it then she will. She is almost always in a good mood, even when she is actually hurt she tries not to show it. Only her best friend and her family can really read her.


She was born into a small family. She had an older sister and younger brother, mom and dad. She has always been the odd ball of the family,she was in gymnastics and softball when she was younger but she would rather be reading listening to music or drawing. Her dad is in the army and spends most of his time working. Her mom is a stay at home mom to her and her siblings. Growing up and school everyone sort of picked on her for not being like everyone else. She never really went to parties, she didn't drink or do drugs.She didn't see the point of going and partying. She was always a bit more mature then most of the people her age. Every time she got close to someone they would eventually meet new friends and leave her in the dust. The one day she decided to go out of her comfort zone is what ended her in this situation. She was staying late at school to finish up some work, heading out she realized he locked her keys in her car along with her whole purse. That's when she seen him, her crush since middle school no doubt here for detention. She got up the courage to go ask him for help. He politely did, then invited her over to his house to hang out. accepting the invitation, she went to his house and needless to say that is how she is now a little over 4 months pregnant. He wouldn't even look at her the next day at school. It's like that magical night never happened,but she had the proof under her shirt. Proof that he knows nothing about, she is starting to show and knows she can't hind it for long. The only people that really know are her family and they are trying to help her as much as possible!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/mckinzy.jpg.d7010ab045c5195f7b3bcf9d660d0b44.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/mckinzy.jpg.d7010ab045c5195f7b3bcf9d660d0b44.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Ignore the crutches)



+music(rock,metal, pop rock)




+old school Nintendo





-rude people

-purple foods


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/107SneakMackMAIN.jpg.15604c2fd778a017c74c225028a96dc7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/107SneakMackMAIN.jpg.15604c2fd778a017c74c225028a96dc7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/10302013-44004-pm-1383165626.jpg.e8bd2912e1cb26431724b0b34c679a11.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/10302013-44004-pm-1383165626.jpg.e8bd2912e1cb26431724b0b34c679a11.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Satori Inutsuki




10th (Held back two years)




'Already a mother.' 'Loner.'


(Her appearance):


(She occasionally disguises herself as a boy for work by tying her hair up and putting on a baggy jacket and beat-up jeans.)




-Overly cheerful













-Smiles a lot!!


Satori's parents died in a traffic accident when she was five, her adoptive parents loved her but were always busy, leaving her alone a lot of the time... she used her imagination a lot but soon they had to move and hit financial troubles... she found out when she was twelve that the reason they were always working was to support her... eventually it got to the point where she had to be put in an orphanage.

She lived there happily for a while... it was sad though... every tine she made a friend they were always adopted... she was happy for them, sure! but-... somewhere in her heart, that small, innocent greed... wanted them to stay... nobody took her, she didn't know why. maybe it was because her forms were lost in the process and they didn't take her word... she never really fit-in being a tom-bo, everyone ether wanted a sporty-boy or a girly-girl... then, when she was four-teen she was involved in a rape attack... and got pregnant.

The Orphanage would no longer support her and she was forced onto the streets, working multiple part time jobs only made harder by the fact nobody would hire a pregnant 14 year old, she now works five part-time jobs along with being back at school whilst leaving her daughter at day-care during the day, she lives at a homeless shelter but her spot is constantly swapped in and out for people who need it more, being the kind-hearted person she is, always giving them the spot, forcing her and her daughter to live on the streets some nights.

Despite this Mikasa has always been a happy child, always treasuring what she gets and helping out her mum.

Because of this though she's always busy and everyone hates her at school... if it weren't for her daughter... she doesn't know if she could go on.

And currently she has more than a few secrets... a new one in particular causing her a lot of trouble.







-Sport. (She's really good.)

-Music (AMAZING at singing.)



-Girly things



-Sunny days.

-Those little herb things on the side-dishes of fancy food.

-Morning Sickness.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maternity-photo-shoot-seraphine-dress-fashion-blog-5.jpg.36be3e5df40280ea6d96ab967f567963.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maternity-photo-shoot-seraphine-dress-fashion-blog-5.jpg.36be3e5df40280ea6d96ab967f567963.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alexis Kim Dang

Age: 19

Grade: 12

Sexuality: Straight

Stereotype: Ex-Cheerleader


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maternity-photo-shoot-seraphine-dress-fashion-blog-3.jpg.148f3f33c6d860405750c045ebc18c09.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81758" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maternity-photo-shoot-seraphine-dress-fashion-blog-3.jpg.148f3f33c6d860405750c045ebc18c09.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alexis is 5' 4" Tall, maybe a little taller with Heels. She initially weighed exactly one-hundred pounds, but after she became pregnant, Alexis gained an additional thirty pounds due to pregnancy weight gain. She once had a slender build, but was also lean and athletic. Her skin is noted for being very soft, but can be rough if she does not take care of it. Temporarily, she will have the 'Pregnancy Glow' due to carrying life. Because of the growing baby, her Stomach has expanded considerably. As of current, she is Thirty-Two Weeks along in her pregnancy.

Personality: Having been raised in a Strict Asian Family, Alexis had to give up many liberties that many would take for granted. While this left her bitter, she became very family oriented and caring as a result. As a result of focusing on School for most of her life, Brenda is very attentive and focused on her goals in life. As a Friend, she is noted to be very easygoing, nice and caring, as she will always be there whether a shoulder is needed to cry on, to vent or any of the sort because she leaves an Open Door Policy. However, she isn't the strongest emotionally and can be considered light-hearted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is. One rude comment, depending on its severity can send her straight into tears. An Emotional girl, she also cries very easily compared to most girls. Whenever she is mad at someone, she can stay mad at them for an extensive period of time, with her longest grudge being at least two years long if not any longer.


Most of her School life was focusing on Academics, as she came from an Asian Family, so Academics was very important in her Family. Since Elementary School, Alexis had always strived to be the best, top of her class, everything. By Middle School, she would always have the highest grade in all her classes. All four years, she took Advanced Placement and Honors Classes because of Academic Skill Level. In terms of being social, she had very few friends, but was often bullied because of her race and the fact that she 'wore too much make-up'. She even had to deal with physical bullying, which included pulling her bra strap, yanking on her hair, shoving her around, etc. Eventually, she had enough and was caught on a bad day. She proceeded to give her bully a merciless beating and got suspended for a whole week. She got off Scott-free on the criminal charges because witnesses said that she fought both in self-defense and she was being bullied and harassed.

During Sophomore year, wanting to be in a Sport, Alexis joined Cheer and became a Cheerleader. It was something she really did enjoy. But sometime during Senior year, she would be kicked off of the Cheer Team after they learned that she was pregnant. Now she is under a lot scrutiny for Teen Pregnancy. Her parents however, have gotten very lenient and have been very accepting of her pregnancy and the fact that they have a Grand Child on the way.









-Bugs (Hates Cockroaches and Spiders the Most): She will start crying the second she sees one

-People touching her (Amplified when she got pregnant)

-Flirtatious Guys who are already in Relationships

-Cheaters and Players

-Sharp Objects

-Smell of Cigarettes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maternity-photo-shoot-seraphine-dress-fashion-blog.jpg.6d315d749b43365731e62126359788b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81759" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maternity-photo-shoot-seraphine-dress-fashion-blog.jpg.6d315d749b43365731e62126359788b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_nc4xnsR7Vk1tgbuvro1_1280.jpg.3894eabf6cd7f04895969db754d1d793.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_nc4xnsR7Vk1tgbuvro1_1280.jpg.3894eabf6cd7f04895969db754d1d793.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Wendy Han Dang

Age: 17

Grade: 11

Sexuality: Straight

Stereotype: Cheerleader


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lucina005.jpg.fff8c440ba0b6a1811ec795241cdc26f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81760" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lucina005.jpg.fff8c440ba0b6a1811ec795241cdc26f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wendy stands at 5' 3" and weighs in at exactly 100 lbs. Her hair goes past her Shoulders and was originally Black, but it has been Blue since High School started. Because of her Contacts, her eyes come off blue instead of brown. In short, Blue has always been her favorite color, so she wears it a lot. While her Fashion is very diverse, she is never seen without her Golden Hairband, which is only taken off when she is bathing, sleeping, swimming, working out or doing outdoor activities.

Personality: Unlike her Older Sister, Wendy was the Rebellious one in the Family. Although she was not a party animal, she often defied the rules that her parents had set for her and Alexis. She is almost the polar opposite of Alexis. While Alexis is gentle and nice, Wendy can be very blunt and harsh. She also has a great deal of trouble trusting people in relationships because whenever someone close to her gets into a relationship, the said friend's significant other turns against her. Half the time, she won't even trust them at all because she is afraid of being betrayed again. The exception to that is Alexis, whom she loves and cares for very deeply, although she does have trouble showing it. While she is gentle with her Family and Close Friends, she comes off Cold and Standoffish to everyone else, especially her classmates. With a Strong Sense of Justice, she has very little patience for bullies, especially if they are targeting her. When dealing with people she dislikes or whom she has deemed 'enemies', she refuses to back down from a fight and will deal with them in the harshest way possible, often showing no mercy when she does so. Whenever she hurts someone in Revenge, she will not feel any remorse or regrets, because she believes (sometimes knows) that they deserve it. If someone crosses her, she will get revenge by any means necessary, even if it means crossing the line.

History: Wendy is Alexis' Younger Sister by two years. Both of her parents were very strict when she was younger, so she started getting rebellious up until they got more and more lenient. She is also very close with her Older Sister, who means the world to her. While Alexis was often the "Goodie Two-Shoes", Wendy was the Rebellious one, but didn't lack discipline and always showed respect to most people older than her unless they do not deserve it. Starting in High School, she followed Alexis into Cheer. When she got pregnant, Wendy found it very unfair that Alexis got kicked off the Cheer Squad for just that reason. Like their parents, Wendy has shown a lot of acceptance towards both Alexis and her baby, whom she promises that she will love and protect. Lately though, she has been thinking about quitting the cheer team to join another Athletic Group, mainly because they have been bullying Alexis for the fact that she is pregnant. Wendy is hoping she does not get to that point, but the Cheerleaders are really starting to push her buttons...








-People picking on her Sister


-Being upset

-Crying in front of people​



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Alexandria "Alex" Litman

Miss Perfect's Best Friend/Stoner


Age: 17

Relationship: Single (Open to ideas, OOC or PM)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 12th

Appearance :


Height: 5'3

Weight: 125

Personality: "I describe myself as a creative person. I change my hair colour faster than the seasons change. I'm a very flirty girl, I love a good romance. I also tend to make others laugh, it's just a talent of mine. I don't trust many people and I keep my circle small, just to avoid all unnecessary drama. I love horror movies, adventures and taking walks in the middle of the night. I have a very short temper at times and I'm not afraid of speaking my mind. (It gets her in trouble-a lot.)


History: Alex was born in England and moved to America at the age of ten. She has three older brothers that are overprotective due to her father never being present in her life. Her father still lives in England because he couldn't leave his job as a professor. Her mother flies back and forth to keep the family together. Alex enjoys to do her makeup and is rather talented in the beauty department. She can do anything from the latest trend to SFX makeup. She has been playing the bass due to her stay in a private girls elementary school in England that had band class. After she left her preppy school and went to an American elementary school, she kept her old habits and continued playing the bass. "Stella (her bass) and I are inseparable, she's been my best friend for as long as I could remember."

Other: Makeup that she does-







+Metalcore Music



+Playing guitar




-Back Stabbers

-Attention seekers


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(This time I think I'll grab Popular Stoner... (:3))


Trey Penmber.






10th (held back a few years)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/boy-cute-eyes-guy-Favim.com-169605_large.jpg.a0f822b226369df9916c2894a845cfd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/boy-cute-eyes-guy-Favim.com-169605_large.jpg.a0f822b226369df9916c2894a845cfd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Trey wasn't always the pothead that everybody loves... In fact, he was the least popular kid in school until some popular kids made him smoke weed. Now he's addicted to it, and popular because of it.


"Well.. Let's just say I'm not very smart. At all" takes a puff from his joint. "I like Green Day, Hollywood Undead, Eminem, Three Days Grace, Dr. Dre, and Icon for Hire." Takes another puff from his joint. "I hate having to deal with girls bickering, and I hate all the drama and gossip people make about me. They said after I did Brogan she got pregnant, but I don't believe them."


Popular Stoner




+Sour Candies+





(@lette what do you think?)



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: Ace Fallen

Age: 18

Grade: 12th grade

Sexuality: Pansexual (cares more about personaility than what parts you have)

Stereotype: Emo/Cutter (Loner)


Ace is short for his age and has a rather small build. Many people seem to believe he is emo due to how he wears his hair, as well as because he always wears black clothing. He also is often referred to as "the cutter". Although Ace has never self harmed. His eyes are a light blue and his hair black. He likes his hair long and having his bangs cover his left eye. He also doesn't weigh much, being he is vegan and eats rather healthy.

Personality: Ace is very introverted, due the fact his parents abused him as a child. He has trust issues at this point and that's why he keeps to himself. Being that he doesn't really talk to anyone he has gotten the nickname "The Loner," Ace doesn't really mind it and tries to ignore it most of the time. Although he would like to make some friends, he just feels awkward starting conversations, so he will generally wait for others to talk to him first. He also suffers from panic attacks, due to having PTSD. (Post traumatic stress disorder)



Ace was born the youngest in the family. Being that he couldn't live up to his parents expectations, they would abuse him often. His older brother was going to take over the family company, while his older sister was going to school to become a doctor. Ace had always wanted to be a tattoo artist and his parents didn't believe he could make a living doing this, they believed art was a good pass time but you couldn't make a career out of it. He generally locks himself in his room when he is alone and won't talk to his parents or his siblings. He blast Black Veil Brides, BVB, or My Chemical Romance, MCR, because he feels he relate most to their songs. His parents have already tried to take his music away from him as well all social media aspects in his life. He has already found ways around the social media thing, trying hard to keep it from his parents.


-rock music

-social media

-hiding in his room




-nyan cat



-his family


-popular kids


-rude people

other: Ace has night terrors.

(I might sometimes type Alex instead of Ace that's because Alex is Ace's face claim)
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❝What ever tomorrow brings i'll be there with open eyes and open arms-incubus ❞

Name; Nicholai Greer



Sex; male


Sexual/Romantic Orientations; straight

Grade; 11th

Stereotype: "The bad ass"


Personality;He may look like a bad guy but really he is not. He was raised with manners to say yes ma'am, no ma'am so on and so such but he is very opinionated. However because of his hardcore appearance and odd past people think he is an abomination of this planet. He acts like he don't care about many things and even with most truth to it when he becomes your friend he is loyal. He will be the one to give him the shirt off his back even if it was the only he had.He has trust issues do to his past.

Likes/Dislikes;+reading +rock/punk/metal music +having a beer every now and then +


-rude people -rich snobs -liars -how people think his image defines his parenting skills

High school Life; He normally keeps to himself. He has a small group of friends that he can really be himself around. His ex girlfriend still attends to he tries to avoid her so he does not loose his cool. He makes good grades A/B normally your occasional c. The teachers don't really like him and put him in the " piece of shit category that probably has someone due all his work for him. The "popular students" thinks he is a freak. No matter what if he see's someone that needs his help no matter who they are he is there most of the time.

History; His Parents were hard drug addicts from the time he could remember. At the age of 4 his mother left him and his father. His father fell harder into drug use and eventually took his own life when Nicholai was only 6. Nicholai was found a week later in a filthy home by the police after a concerned neighbor called the police. He was put into foster home but luckily adopted out quickly to a loving family. He grew up with manly adopted foster siblings and kids from the foster home in and out for a temporary house. He was always different because of his past but he refused to grow up like his biological parents. He had a hard deep hatred for his mother after leaving them and he blamed her for his fathers death. As He became older he found music to be his escape. He had a good relationship with his new family and was dong good in school. However he just find out that he was going to be a father,and to be honest he was scared. He managed to keep it from spreading around school, well clearly they all know she is pregnant but they don't know it's his. He tries to keep her happy because he knows that is something she can hold over his head.

Secrets?; He is terrified of ending up like his father. Not many people know his past.

Mannerisms/Nervous Tics;

Relationships; n/a yet.(open)

Theme song;[media]

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Name: Alyssa pope


Nicknames: Ally

Stereotype: Princes

Appearance: View attachment 150265

She's tiny, standing at only 5'1 and weighing only 125. she does't look very intimidating. If she wasn't as developed in other places, some people may still mistake her as a child. Her eyes are a mix of baby blue and pale gray. She is always outside in the sun to keep her tan skin, in the winter she hits the tanning bed to try and keep it persistent. She has a face that will calm almost anyone she wears a bit to much make up on the eyes but everything else she tries to keep natural. Her face still young but is starting to show signs of the up all night studying, the all night parties. She has a body of a well matured lady her breast everyone has swore was fake since 10th grade are all natural. she has gained a little more weight since her freshman years but still maintains her hourglass figure. over all she is your normal young lady.

Personality: She is nice to certain people mainly her friends and adults. She puts on an act when it comes to school, she is so sweet to and around the staff and teachers. She knows how to get what she wants with a bat of an eye. She is rude if she doesn't like you, and no one will say anything about it. Deep down she hasn't always been like this, but after the years she had to put up a front. She thinks she is the best at everything(even when she is not). Believe it or not she can be nice, but it all depends who is watching. She want's to seem so sweet and caring to maintain her status, but she can ruin you in a second.

History:She grew up wealthy, in a home where dad always worked was never home. Her mom stayed home to raise her and her older and younger brother. From a young age her mom tried to instill in her how to be a lady. she was told women didn't work, women didn't have dreams.However she was expected to get excellent grades from her father. Men were supposed to work and women were supposed to be mothers and and take care of the home. House maids. That didn't go over will with Alyssa. She was made to learn to cook, clean, take care of children. She waited on her father even her brother hand and foot. Even with everything happening he mother became her best friend. Aside from her dreams she told her everything. They would always spend time together. In the privacy of her own room and at school she expressed herself with her love for fashion.She held up the "popular" wealthy girl at school. No one knew the real her and soon what she pretended to be, was the real her. The loving girl that would do anything, that was unstoppable, lovable,popular.NORMAL. She was always changing to fit in. It was the only way she could escape her hell of a home.because inside she was dying. Her older brother never had a problem. Leader of the football team, waited on hand and foot. Her younger brother was starting to follow in his footsteps. At 13 her father had been caught in and affair, apparently all his "late night jobs" were not what he led it to be. That didn't stop her mom. She was forced even harder to be the "perfect" daughter. Her mom drove herself crazy trying to keep the cookie cutter shape of Americas dream family.

Fears: She is scared to end up like her mother. She thinks she only attracts guys like her father. She has trust issues with almost everyone.








-controlling men

-being alone

-not doing something right

-messing up

Theme Song: [media]

Name: Samuel O'Brian


Stereotype: Reformed Bad boy/Stoner



Personality:To those close to him he is a joking and gregarious character willing to do anything for a friend, though crass and a bit absent minded. To those he is not though his quick tempered and sarcastic letting not push him around, though sometime he is a little too hot headed for his own good or others around him. He is intelligent though not going much to school means he does not know much but he is able to grasp things quickly . He however has poor self esteem, believing that due to his past he is worth little especially to the people in his life

History:Raisedby his grandparents for a time until they passed and then by foster parents, Alex never new his parents or what happened to them. Through his life he was a troubled child and juvenile offender involved in gang, drugs and whatever one could imagine. Though good at his work he didnt avoid the police forever, going to juvy for a time where he cut all ties. He never spoke of his time in prison but he came out of it a reformed character starting a new as best as could. He took work as a mechanic and tried to get back in school, remaining clean as best as he could.


  • Video games
  • His cat
  • Cars
  • Smoking
  • Sketching/painting


  • Drugs
  • Losing control
  • Snobs
  • His past

Relationships(please converse in OOC chat)

Name: Serrina

Stereotype: The "Cool" girl. (The bad guys best friend, every guys best friend, friend to all guy, no she isn't a slut.)

Gender: Female


Personality: She really funny most the time, she's sarcastic, has good humor, although sometimes dark. She hates princess, or princes, the people with perfect lives. She is a bit energetic, but very comforting, and can see somebody through and through, with just a single glance. She does drugs, drinks when she cans, and always loves to make friends, she wishes she could have a girl best friend, or a shoulder she can cry on, since the loss of her father still hurts her.

History: She lived in South Korea till 14, her dad died and her mom failed to find a job, so they moved to America, she has a middle class family, and never sees her mom due to her moms work, so at home she's usay playing video games or going out with her guy friends.


Video games


Being comforting

Meeting new people






Anybody claiming to be perfect


Her mom

Relationship: Single

Sexuality: straight

Crush: Will be put in later..
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Name: Micha Azrael Jameson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Grade: 12th

Stereotype: "The Lone wolf."


Relationship: N/A (open to suggestions)

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Rock Music






Stuck up people

Being Disorganized

Country music






-/+ Unpredictable

+Strong willed


Micha was adopted at a young age by an elderly couple that couldn't have children so he grew up an only child, which wasn't bad in his opinion but due to him not being able to really interact with other kids his age he became somewhat socially awkward at a young age which soon developed into him just not liking people. But he did have an interest in music which resulted in him stepping out if his comfort zone and starting a band and by the time he was in high school he'd been performing small gigs around the city and occasionally dating here and there but nothing serious. And as for his social awkwardness it remained but only evolved into a great disdain for stuck up people who thought they were better than others, but he will often associat with those rejected by others seeing as they fit his style a bit more than the others.

Other: He has several tattoos.

His Back:


Left Arm:

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Lily june lighting








The outcast







+Hanging out with friends


Things she would not says


(Add later if it's ok)


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Name: Dixie Gautier

Age: 19

Stereotype: 'Bad Girl' she honestly doesn't give a shit about titles.

appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/c28e7560de02d08d4eb7df4ccb6c9c76.jpg.cf10e19f8ad84d0ecf15e0550ba170e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/c28e7560de02d08d4eb7df4ccb6c9c76.jpg.cf10e19f8ad84d0ecf15e0550ba170e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Dixie is a typical cajun. She's loud, she's proud, she's exciting. Her passions in life are dancing and cooking and she does her best not to give a fuck about anyone around her. Her friends and family call her a firecracker, always going off and when she does its loud and bright. She's an extremely sweet and kind person, but being raised the way she was she just has no time for bullshitting, including the bs that comes from the 'popular' crowd and cheerleaders.


History: She was raised by her Mama and Papa in New Orleans in a very very very liberal home. Dixie was able to do basically anything she wanted but she never abusing it. She has tattoos adorning her arms and lower back and hip, and will occasionally have a drink but only on festive occasions she never gets drunk.

likes+ Cooking, spicy foods, no nonsense

dislikes- Bitches, hoes, drama, the usual you know?



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Name: Elizabeth (Liz) Maya Blackwell



sexual orientation:


Description: Average build for a girl her age, she's fairly tall standing at 5'6 and weighing 135 lbs. Fair skin accompanied by a Dream catcher tattoo running down the left side if her body.

(Her left side)



Elizabeth, is a very open person and is often seen as a free spirit but is often labeled as a bitch due to her being brutally honest and speaking her mind but thanks to her laid back attitude she isn't bothered by the glares and smart remarks as much as others would be. But if you somehow become her friend you'll see the fun loving and childish side if her.


+Music, -Ignorant people, +Scary movies, -Arguing, +Coffee, -Alcoholic beverages, +Smoking, -Being touched.


Raised up as an only child by both parents her mother, Mariah Blackwell was a successful business woman and local musician Ryan Blackwell. She quickly took an interest in music after watching her father play several times at his shows, her mother had other plans for Liz to grow up an be a business woman just like she was but that was short lived. Elizabeth began practicing playing the guitar and writing songs at a young age with help from her dad, she performed many times at talent shows and once she reached high school she had already formed her own band in memory of her late father. Soon after her dad's death her mom got married to a teacher at a local high school, filling the house with not only a new "Father" but with his many children as well.


She was sexually harassed by her step-dad a few mon

ths after he married her mom, he does it every so often and threatens Liz if she ever if she ever tries to tell anyone so she keeps quiet and fights back whenever he tries anything.


Used to date Micha

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Name: Amber (lighting)

Age: 16

Stereotype: Nerd(already a mother)

appearance:(real photo)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Amber.jpg.788949f5c7e630e6f4bed404577bb439.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Amber.jpg.788949f5c7e630e6f4bed404577bb439.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: she is shy she don't really have friends she loves to be around her daughter she don't like being alone

History: she lives her own she sleeps in the streets with her daughter she used to have a family but she got abandoned by them when she was only 2 she was in forster care she was hiding her daughter from them they tried to kill her she ran away from them so now she lives in the stretts she tries to be the besst mother but half of the time shse don't know what she is doing she don't remember who is the father is

likes+ her daughter homework reading working

dislikes- losing her daughter storms bad dreams her parents

Relationships singles (anyone can be the dad idc)


age 3


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c54d2ad55_Kendell.jpg.de2a87a0349328cc8f8383acd9a8cc7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c54d2ad55_Kendell.jpg.de2a87a0349328cc8f8383acd9a8cc7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality she is shy she gets hyper around kids her age or older she loves to be around her mum she is always cheerful

likes her mum friends candy ice cream being warm

dislikes storms like her mum her grandparents being sick and no food



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just have her come in say she was running late, she had to drop the baby off somewhere and she came late walking in the halls lol

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