Sword Art Online: Server in ruins


Pull my devil trigger
Before you play!

It'll be important to read on the leveling system in play for the characters and their various skills.

The leveling system

To give that MMO flavor that is grind. Your characters will have two types of XP. One for your character which will raise your Health and unlock some unlisted advanced abilities and other things. And that of skills which you're skill XP meter will be tied to the current skill being exercised for the current scene unless you decided to do multiple skills in which I guess you'd add more.

However do not worry about too much on the maths part. For that'll be my responsibility and for a fact the maths will be abstracted to a more fuzzier level. How your leveling works is based off the quality of post and in-character effort to the task if that makes if that makes sense. And using this system I concocted you'll be getting your levels in both skill and character levels. However the skill leveling shall be a bit more abstracted for the sake of keeping book keeping down.

Anyway everyone starts at level one and needs 400 XP to level up. The next XP tier will be done on OOC or some other tab to keep things neat along with whatever progress you gained in your skills. Should you progress in a skill enough might unlock a new evolution or some sort of "perk" which will have some neat effect. For starting off you pick a weapon and 2 other combat skills of your choice. And then pick six skills that aren't of combat.

Character sheets and stat handling

For the purposes of IC posts and handling your stats the basic format will be

[b]Hp[/b]:something/ 100
[b] Level :[/b]something
[b] Level XP:[/b]something
[b] Skill XP:[/b] x till next level%
[b]Col:[/b] whatever

Anyway your cs is:

Online handle:

[b]Life/non-combat skills:
Combat skills:[/b]

Anyway here's the list of skills


  • Parry
  • Howl
  • Battle Healing
  • First Aid
  • Medium Armor
  • Leather Armor
  • Heavy Armor
  • Straight Sword
  • Shields
  • Curved Blade
  • Dagger
  • Ranged
  • Rapiers
  • One-handed Hammer/Axe
  • Claws
  • Two-handed swords
  • Two-handed Battle Axe/hammer
  • Throwing Weapons
  • Martial Arts
  • Katana

Non-combat/life skills

  • Acrobatics
  • Mining
  • Cooking
  • Searching
  • Hiding
  • Smithing
  • Edge weapon crafting
  • Blunt weapon crafting
  • Leather working
  • Foraging
  • Medicine making
  • Tailoring
  • Heavy armor crafting
  • Medium armor crafting
  • Woodcrafting
  • Wood cutting
  • Fletching
  • Fishing
  • Traps
  • Lock Picking
  • Music playing
  • Item tagging
  • Trading
  • Sprinting
  • Familiar Capture
  • Familiar training
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Name: Marco Retoble

Online handle: DaTinMan

Age: 24

sex: Male

Level: 1

Overview: A member of Git Gud Inc. (a self-proclaimed "crew of expert streamers and gaming enthusiasts" who have gotten some sort of recognition for their entertaining livestreams, lets plays, and honest reviews.) In yet another method of viral marketing/ online shilling they and other "e-celebs" were part of the lucky few to receive an invitation for the game. Outside of being part of the crew he is quite skilled when it comes to computer which comes in handy when things go wrong when they got issues when it comes to streaming.

Appearance: In game his character has taken the appearance of a rather large black man with a poofy afro. With a generic starting shirt that's a light blue and white pants with belt that has a gold color buckle.



  • Mining
  • Smithing
  • Med armor creation
  • Heavy armor creation
  • Blunt weapon creation
  • Edged weapon creation

Combat skills

  • Curved sword
  • Medium armor
  • Parry
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Name: Kayla Ariel D'Sole

Online handle
: Ariel

Level: 3


Description:Athletic hot body,unusual silver eye colour, heigh:5'7 feet/170 cm, hair: long blond, She wears a sleeveless top with a generous amount of cleavage and a short skirt. She also wears two pieces of cloth ,a belt around her waist, and a white scarf around her neck.

Personality:Kayla Ariel D'Sole, her name can be interpreted as "Crowned Lion by the Sun God",because of that and the fact that she has a ferocious fighting style, she will earn the nickname "Golden lion". She is very proud of her sword skill(in-game and in real life), a little shy, likes to train her sword techniques, to read, and enjoys walking around aimlessly, she doesn't come from a rich family, but a modest one, she could be quite a straightforward person, often angering people as a result.

When she heard about a VRMMO named Sword Art Online, she wanted to see if her real-life sword skills would reflect in the game, to her surprise it really worked, but she shortly found out that she couldn't log out of the game, and must clear the game to return to real life. Now she tries to emulate her real-life sword style into the game, which is easier said than done, but she has found sword skills in the system that resembled the real ones she knew, now she aspires to become a "Clearer", to this purpose she wants to be spent almost all her time in the "Front Lines".


Life/non-combat skills:

  • Searching Lvl: 1
  • Hiding lvl: 0
  • Sprinting Lvl: 1
  • Trading Lvl: 0
  • Acrobatics Lvl: 1
  • Item tagging Lvl: 1

Combat skills:

  • Parry Lvl: 7
  • Medium Armor Lvl: 9
  • Rapiers Lvl: 11


Kayla is the single daughter of Eugeo and Eveline D'Sole, her mother Japanese

but her father is originally from Italy, but he lived in Japan most of his life, he came here when he was young during a fencing tournament, and seeing the beauty of the Japanese swordsmanship, he decided to move here and adopt their style. He meet his wife during a tournament and they fell in love at the first sight. Later Kayla was borne, when she was able to wield a wooden sword her father started training her the basics of swordsmanship, not long Kayla was faced with a choice, train in the art of fencing or Kenjutsu, she enjoyed both but had a natural affinity towards fencing.As she grew older the fencing training became much harder, and soon she would join tournaments. She enjoyed to play video games to see if her skill in real-life would helpin VR.
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Name: Victor Kronkite

Sex: Male

Online handle: vkronkite1946

History: Born in 1946 to a celebrating American family, Victor was raised to be a willful, strong man. He joined the army just in time for the Vietnam War, and witnessed three of his old high school friends' deaths during the war. Returning home a broken man, Victor just barely went through trade school, becoming an automobile mechanic in Skokie.

Though he earned a livable salary as a mechanic, he was haunted by what he witnessed in Vietnam, and sank deep into alcoholism. Fortunately, his friends caught his addiction in time to send him to rehab, where he met his wife, Edna. Victor and Edna managed to work through their troubles together, and stayed a happy family for many years, bearing a child in 1979. Unfortunately, even good people suffer illness, as Edna was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in her throat in 1985. Her condition worsened until she finally succumbed in 1990, leaving Victor alone with their only child, Ralph.

At eleven years old, Ralph withdrew from society, becoming obsessed with technology. Victor's spirited attempts at teaching Ralph to open up and socialize failed miserably, only giving Ralph the confidence to join the fledgling community populating the early internet. Ralph's school life fared poorly, and his grades suffered comparatively. After several years of emotional collapse, Ralph finally committed suicide in 2005, leaving Victor all alone.

The only thing that Victor had left was his son's computer, which he used to communicate with the boy's online friends. Through these friends, Victor discovered the world of online gaming. Using the many MMORPG's popular at the time to both socialize and cope with loss, Victor managed to stay sane through to a retirement at 65 in 2011. Now with plenty of time on his hands, Victor decided to sign up for Sword Art Online.

With incredibly dated social skills and old age draining his hand-eye coordination, Victor found himself relying on the Familiar system and its lifelike AI to enjoy the game. With no one to mourn his passing beyond those artificial boonservants and bondmates he has tamed, Victor has nothing to lose.

Appearance: In real life


In Game


Level: 11

Life/non-combat skills:

Familiar Capture:7

Familiar Training:7

Music Playing: 0

Blunt Weapon Crafting: 8

Medium Armor Crafting: 10

Combat skills:

First Aid: 0

Medium Armor:5

One-Handed War Hammers: 5
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Name: Long, Ryu (He insists by going surname, first name. His birth name is in actuality David Marshall)

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Level: 3

Online handle: Khanster4

Personal History: In real life Ryu is a Japanophile (despite never being there, unable to accurately speak the language, *it's really hit or miss when he does it* and the only real "cultural learning interactions" with Japan being from various cartoons he’d watch late at night, mostly harem and various moe.) In fact, his love for Japan was so great he actually changed his name to Ryu Long and thinks he is a misunderstood Anime Hero, when in reality he’s a real dork. His other love is video games, especially Japanese video games. When he was playing his games he managed to find the kindred spirits of 'Git Gud Inc.', and became part of a regular memeber of the organization. He was part of the luckier members of Git Gud Inc, which got the invitation to play Sword Art Online.





Life/non-combat skills:

  • Medicine making (15)

  • Cooking

  • Fishing

  • Foraging (5)

  • Trading

  • Item tagging (20)

Combat skills:

  • Katana

  • Parry

  • First Aid (10)

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Name: Aaron Ahlberg

Sex: M

Online handle: Madkatz



Pretty much what he looks like IRL too.
Level: 11

Overview: Aaron is an ex-con who did two years in state prison for manslaughter- he was introduced to video games via his parole officer, and uses PvP as a means to vent along with lifting weights and whittling. Currently makes a living teaching self-defense classes.


Life/non-combat skills:

Sprinting 5


Howl 2


Wood Cutting 16

Wood Crafting 8

Combat skills:

Martial Arts (JHR/52 Block) 10

Battle Healing 3

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Name: Ellie Lowell

Sex: female

Age: 22

Online handle: Laria

Level: 1


Ellie has always been a passionate fan of videogames, what most people would identify as a true hardcore gamer. Since she got her first console, she has played non-stop to hundreds or even thousands (most of them emulated because games are expensive) of games of very varied genres. However, her favorite series has always been Monster Hunter, where she has spent countless hours.

She has recently been recruited by GitGud Inc. as their "token gamer girl streamer". She doesn't like how that sounds, but hey, they give her free videogames.

Personality: always grumpy. It's very hard to see her smile, and if you do chances are it won't last much. Hates being treated as a princess, for she is not a fragile child but a strong warrior. Will probably pick a fight on anyone who calls her cute, although she can prove to be a good, loyal friend if you get to know her.


  • Real life: Ellie is a young redheaded woman. Some freckles sprinkle her pale skin here and there, but other than that she is just a cute, but normal girl. Perhaps her most characteristic trait is her scruffy appearance, always with a disheveled hairstyle (although she likes to think it's "grunge"), like she just woke up some minutes ago, and bags under her eyes.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/abbba2532d40fd138f5b63d8a3bb5756.jpg.9fc0b3589b56c1c4118235a5b9831a82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/abbba2532d40fd138f5b63d8a3bb5756.jpg.9fc0b3589b56c1c4118235a5b9831a82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

SAO: Laria keeps many of Ellie's distinctive features, with the difference that she has a new, more intense shade of red hair and a less messy hairstyle. Laria always tries to wear the most protective armor she can find, although she also takes into account mobility and, to a lesser extent, appearance. However, she will always wear the biggest sword she can find for her level frame, independently of how slow it is or if she could get better DPS using a smaller sword.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/023c67dd08bb8653bac356b6e0390e20.jpg.8f22ab6c827ff58a2622568ef503820a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/023c67dd08bb8653bac356b6e0390e20.jpg.8f22ab6c827ff58a2622568ef503820a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Combat skills:

  • Two Handed Swords
  • Heavy Armor
  • Howl

Life/non-combat skills


  • Acrobatics
  • Sprinting
  • Searching
  • Traps
  • Cooking
  • Fishing

Outside System Skills:

  • Frame exploiting:

    years of playing Monster Hunter, Dark Souls and fighting games have given Ellie the ability to time her movements with precision to take advantage of frame-based events, like invincibility frames and movement canceling.



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Name: Charlie Ford

Online handle: Lockwood

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Level: 1


In real life, Charlie Ford is a 6 feet tall caucasian with very long, unkempt black hair, brown eyes and a rather decent beard that covers his face well even if it's not particularly long. He's rather slight of build, not overly thin and not terribily muscular, but a generally fit, lithe guy. In game he looks exactly the same, a thin caucasian man with long unkempt black hair that falls down the sides and back of his head, well beneath his shoulders, and a beard. Clothing-wise he wears a set of drab, dark grey basic leather armor, including a hood, which works quite well for hiding.


Charlie's just a dude who enjoys videogames. He's not a streaming celebrity or anything of the sort, not really, just a guy going through journalism school who enjoys videogames as a hobby. He is, however, friends with a few people from Git Gud Inc, a group of "internet celebrities" with a decent viewerbase, and has turned up to their streams on occasion as a guest. Amidst his friends and the viewers, he has a reputation for being something of a grouch who finds fault with damn near every game he touches, to the point where it's a wonder he even claims to like games at all.

Charlie particularly dislikes MMOs. He feels they're massive timesinks with little to no reward or sense of accomplishment, designed to keep the players as addicted as possible despite having boring, stiff and unengaging combat mechanics along with no sense of immersion whatsoever thanks to having a million players doing the exact same thing and perpetually winding up feeling like a job rather than a game.

Though SAO piqued his interest because of its purported spectacular sense of immersion, he didn't bother applying for the closed beta testing (he never plays betas anyway) and would've passed on it had it not been for one of his Git Gud Inc. buddies, who peer-pressured him into trying the game with them on launch. And now here he is, trapped in a virtual world with a lot of people losing their marbles and his life at very real risk.

He takes the situation oddly well beyond occasional (okay, constant) bitching and moaning about the actual situation and the seemingly absurd and arbitrary limitations built into the system, and while many descend into anarchy and despair he upholds a general sense of morality and keeps his wits about him, determined to get the crap out of this game and resume his life. And then never touch an MMO ever again.


Life/non-combat skills:

Acrobatics: Level 2

Sprinting: Level 2

Searching: Level 2

Hiding: Level 2

Lockpicking: Level 2

Traps: Level 2

Combat skills:

Throwing Weapons (knives, less damage per throw, higher firing rate, easier to carry and use while hiding): Level 2

Leather armor: Level 2

Battle healing: Level 2
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Name: Andrew Vale

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Andrew, or Drew as he prefers to be called, is an otaku. He has a love for Anime, Manga, and Games, and the like. He's also a rather sarcastic person, not really intentional, at this point it's now almost an instinct to respond in an intentionally snotty way. Despite his flaws, he's also a really light-hearted and calm person, always finding a way to crack a joke. He never really views something as dangerous. Or at least, he doesn't show it.

Online handle: The Valer (Or The_Valer)

Appearances: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1276ca5b_character1.jpg.04bd9b111c2bfb2d1934bda86614cf54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1276ca5b_character1.jpg.04bd9b111c2bfb2d1934bda86614cf54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Real Life)

In Game:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Saix.jpg.afa1aeec4383dccd8738e26635ba2471.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37990" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Saix.jpg.afa1aeec4383dccd8738e26635ba2471.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Life/non-combat skills:



Familiar Capture

Familiar Training

Item Tagging

Combat skills: Two Handed Swords


Battle Healing



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Name: Lyle Robinson

Sex: M

Online handle: Mr. Steele


Built more like a bear than a man, Mr. Steele stands out in any crowd, his hulking form being nearly twice as large as the average player's. His eyes are a cold blue, and his hair is brown, almost completely trimmed off save for his huge beard.

Reality: Lyle is one of the most frail people around, to the point where it looks as if a strong wind could pick him up and carry him off. That combined with the speed at which his hair grows earned him the nickname "Broom Boy" in school. He has red hair and what are probably grey eyes, but it's hard to tell behind all that hair.


Life/non-combat skills:

  • Fishing

  • Foraging

  • Sprinting

  • Cooking

  • Searching

  • Music playing

Combat skills:

  • Heavy Armor

  • Parry

  • Claws

Name: Vincent Garl Lancaster

Sex: M

Online handle: HeyBuddy

Appearances: A 5'11 man bound to a hospital bed, Vincent has lost much of the muscle that he was notorious for. The photo of his past self upon the nightstand is a complete contrast to the man upon the bed. Pale, skinny, unable to move, he would be embarrassed of his appearance if he had been aware of it.

His character, on the otherhand, is much different. His character is a 5'9 girl, with long black hair and green eyes. Her frame is noble and fragile, but he hasn't yet fully realized female posture, so she stands awkwardly. She isn't stunning, but being designed by a man who hadn't seen anything, let alone a woman, in several years, it's surprisingly great.


Life/non-combat skills:

Acrobatics, Sprinting, Trading, Tailoring, Medicine Making, Foraging

Combat skills:

Two Handed Axe/Hammer, Dagger, Parry
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Name: Calvin/Marie Thatch (I can play both, or if you prefer otherwise, I can keep Calvin and have Marie either be one of the first casualties, or simply miss out on the release. Your decision. I'll give a combined overview just in case.)

Age: 16/13

Sex: Male/Female

Level: 1/1

Screen Name: Calvinar/Mariel

Overview: (It's kinda long, sorry.) Calvin Thatch is a simple American teenage boy. He is pushed by his apathetic, yet unbelievably strict mother, only concerned with the futures of her children, to earn exceptional grades at a consistent rate. He had a sickly older sister, Vanessa, 3 years older than him in the hospital for a terminal illness since his birth, and a younger sister, Marie, 3 years his junior currently attending the middle school of the same name. They were all he cares about, and what he lived for. When he was 12-years-old, his older sister died of her disease and left Calvin in internal agony as he emotionlessly carried on with his mother's indifferent orders. He lived in suffering until he found an outlet for his torment in games, and began indulging in them and investing whatever he earned in them. His mother never gave it a second thought as long as he achieved top marks. He began to ignore his younger sister and placed games on a pedestal above all else, not out of personal resentment for Vanessa for leaving them, but out of An ignorance to everything that would gain sentimental value to him, to avoid ever getting hurt like with his sister. He also suddenly ceased connection with classmates, going through his education with as little human contact as possible. In the sudden abandonment of both elder siblings, Marie delved into the world of gaming as well, reaching a similar state to Calvin, but retaining a significant part of herself that Calvin lost. While Calvin became cold, she became cold as well, but maintained a certain happy-go-lucky energy about her. When Calvin heard of VR technology, he was one of the first to involve himself, Marie following like the impressionable little sister she was. They had both scored positions for the beta test of Sword Art Online, the newest VRMMORPG. Calvin usually played solo with Marie singularly following behind, favoring the qualities of the Assassin, quietly approaching their target without their, nor their grunts' knowledge, then killing them and escaping without a trace of them to be found, even in the wind. His sister accompanied him silently, taking her own favor to Assassins. They both excelled through the beta, making it to floors slightly ahead of other beta testers, making it their sole purpose to play SAO. When the official beta release was announced for Calvin's birthday, they were sporadic to purchase the game for online play. After the events of SAO's tutorial release event, Calvin's personality changed little, but he became more aware of Marie, yet he still kept to himself, with Marie at his heels as usual. They had little chances in combat due to their struggles to stay away from the presence of other players, who commonly fought all creatures in their sight for the sake of leveling up. (Subject to Edit)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.45f18f17780d8baee7b0cf87972a3132.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.45f18f17780d8baee7b0cf87972a3132.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(Ignore the eyepatch. XP)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13122983_YoungErza.jpg.61621fb72049d63cdec2b2ae2026a22f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13122983_YoungErza.jpg.61621fb72049d63cdec2b2ae2026a22f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<In Game>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.db47068d6cb2d0197dd420cdbb7a6512.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.db47068d6cb2d0197dd420cdbb7a6512.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Currently purely cosmetic - Attained by previously scouring Floor 1 for his old armor parts. Appearance remains the same: Goes to tailors for transmogrification of new armor parts [it is possible in SAO, despite its meager use].)


(Same deal with the transmogrification.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Akatsuki.jpg.fae50b791df8bd825bdb244614d88631.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Akatsuki.jpg.fae50b791df8bd825bdb244614d88631.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Put in a combat picture to show her weapon. :~|)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/akatsukifighting.png.199509aa48fa08592fd7b93628ad5080.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/akatsukifighting.png.199509aa48fa08592fd7b93628ad5080.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Side Skills (Life - More appropriate):


• Acrobatics

• Searching

• Hiding

• Foraging

• Traps

• Sprinting


  • Acrobatics
  • Searching
  • Hiding
  • Cooking
  • Tailoring
  • Sprinting



• Katana

• Parry

• Battle Healing


  • Dagger
  • Parry
  • First Aid

Alright. All edited. (^-^)



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Leora Raymond



Online handle:




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1330a159_Animenight.jpg.bb9f0a7c796d5c22cefeacd47a617756.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1330a159_Animenight.jpg.bb9f0a7c796d5c22cefeacd47a617756.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Real Life:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c133062a2_ANimegamergirl.jpg.902dd0ba86283cd127d39fd19e76a861.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c133062a2_ANimegamergirl.jpg.902dd0ba86283cd127d39fd19e76a861.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Life/non-combat skills:

  • Edge Weapon Crafting

  • Leather Working

  • Sprinting

  • Heavy armor crafting

  • Finding

  • Acrobatics

Combat skills:

  • Straight Sword

  • Shields

  • Heavy armor



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Name: Roth Alimusi

Sex: M

Online handle: TFDragon

Appearances :



Level: 3


Life/non-combat skills

Trading 5

Heavy Armor Crafting 4

Hiding 6

Edge Weapon Crafting 2

Fletching 3

Sprinting 6

Combat skills:

Heavy Armor 4

Ranged 3

Two Handed Swords 6


Roth grew up learning about stocks and trades, bartering and deals, so he knows a good price when he sees one. As the next in line for the Alimusi Trading Company he doesn't have much time for his own but got ahold of the new virtual console, Nerve Gear, and bought SAO, the most highly anticipated games around, and waisted not time getting on at midnight and found himself stuck in SAO like all the rest of the players. (That's all I could think of at the time, I will think of more during the RP)
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Name: Samuel Kortanko

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Online handle: KortanClothier

Appearances: See profile picture

Level: 3


Life/non-combat skills: Edge weapon crafting: level 7

Tailoring: level 8

Trading: level 6

Mining: level 3

Medicine making: level 4

Fishing: level 2

Combat skills:

Daggers: level 4

Claws: level 4

Katana: Level 1

Personality: Samuel isn't really a fighter. He prefers to stay in town, making armour, weaponry and selling it to the better players. People say that when everyone is fighting on floor 100, he'll still be making equipment instead of being on the front line. Hell, he's even competition against Lisbeth.
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