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Futuristic The Twilight Fortune

Crimson Lionheart

Demon of Razgriz

Centuries ago, mankind was experiencing a new age of technological advancement. An age of miracles had ignited the imaginations and spirits of humanity as they sought to achieve their dreams and to create a brighter future for all mankind. Problems that have plagued humanity such as simple requirements such as food and water, to power and adequate living space were solved. Some other problems, such as overpopulation and healthcare were combated furiously. Planetary colonization programs were starting to be pieced together, artificial intelligences were born, and mankind was brought together for a single burning purpose unlike anything that has ever been seen.

Then one day, it all went to hell.

The Great Collapse signified the end of this prosperous age. Within three weeks, 95% of humanity was wiped out in a sudden and devastating move as billions upon billions of people suddenly died. While mankind did survive this collapse, they were pushed back the 19th century where they have remained since then. Although some relics of the old world survived, such as trains, mankind was forced to begin again.

Story and Setting

The year is 2512, and society has become very different since the Collapse.

No more than five million people live in what remains of the United States of America, now made up of hundreds of different societies and factions that leave peacefully or fight for dominance for the country. Society ranges from law abiding citizen to savage barbarian warlords, to even post-apocalyptic bandit and raider gangs that prowl on travelers between settlements. All and all, life isn't chaos anymore and humanity has begun to get back on track.

You live in the American Southwest. Life is mostly peaceful between the small isolated settlements that are dotted around the landscape if it wasn’t for the tremendous bounty that has just risen in the area. Although bounties in this part of the world are fairly small, this one particular bounty has taken your fancy. Unlike the other ones, the reward of this bounty promises wealth and fame beyond anybody’s dreams. However, the story behind this bounty goes far deeper then anybody would have thought, the results possibly changing all of America either for the better or for the worse.

Exactly....what would you do?
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