The return of Melkor (LOTR)


Four Thousand Club
Long before the one ring, long before Bilbo, or Frodo, or the existence of states like Rohan, Gondor and the Harad, the world was baren, lifeless, but light was still there.

The Valar, having descended to the earth after it's existance, took the light and made the sun, the stars and the 2 lamps at both ends of the continent, of which our beloved Middle Earth sits in the middle of... but then, came the corrupted Melkor, one of the oldest and most powerful of the Ainur, primordial spirits, simmilar to gods.

Melkor waged a war that lasted over 1000 years, against all other creatures of this new world, including his fellow spirits, those who joined him took on physical forms, such as Balrogs, Dragons and others. (and yes, the Balrog in Moria is as old as this, which would make it over 7,000 years old and a spirit that was as old as creation, and it was only one, there were once armies of them)

However, after millennium of war, Melkor destroyed the 2 lamps at each end of the continent, but hope was not lost.

the host of the Valar stood against Melkor, and in one final battle, one that would dwarf even the greatest in the lord of the rings series, and in the end, Melkor was captured, and thrown into the void... to return at the end of the world, but in the meantime, his first lieutenant, Sauron would "keep his seat warm" as it were, try to carry on his old master's work.

(this is all canon in the LOTR wikia)

We skip ahead many thousands of years, Samwise Gamgee and his friends have long since grown old and died, even the War of the ring is a distant legend, a myth to many, Mordor once known as a dark, lifeless place where only evil lives, has long since been colonized by men, and the great mountains have had dwarves return to continue their mining, the Elves, some say they are long gone, but legends tell of a few secluded enclaves of Elves, living among nature and making sure the forrests don't fall prey to the corruption of man... Melkor's true legacy.

However, the Door of Night, the portal that Melkor was thrown in countless thousands of years ago has once again opened, and Melkor has returned, in ethereal form, but even in that state, the orcs rally to his ancient fortress sites and once again are rebuilding, the few remaining balrogs and other evil creatures that have hibernated deep within the world have awakened and gleefully return to their ancient master's side, the Harad who reduced themselves to pathetic warring tribes after Sauron's defeat have once again saddled up their Oliphants and Camels and ride to fight for their new master, and the Valar are gone, leaving Melkor to contend with only the mortal forces of the world.

Armies will perish, nations will burn, brother will kill brother, but from the ashes, from a hell that dwarfs even that of Sauron at the height of his power, heroes will rise, of all races and creeds, to fight against the common foe.

Who will you be? a hero for man? a great dwarf warrior? a skillful Elven archer come from hiding to battle this evil? you decide.

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