The Mystery of Aomori High - Lore

plot + details

This takes place at an old school located in Japan with deep mystery. About thirty years ago, in class 4-b, a student by the name of Hiroshi died unexpectedly. This took the school by shock, and even though he died...through out the school year, they still acted as if he were alive. Though this caused the spirit to become restless, haunting each class as the school year rolls by. The class Hiroshi was originally from is said to be haunted.

The roleplay will take place thirty years later. Our characters shall be students attending class 4-b as they undergo the mystery of the school. However, like previous years, one of us will dawn the
deceased student whose body is possessed by Hiroshi as he pretends to fit in. There will be little to no indication as of which student is the dead one, but our characters have to find out before the end of the school year. Why is that? Oh well simple, each week that passes by...someone in the classroom is killed or one of their relatives are killed. This goes on and on until the deceased is finally stopped.

characters participating


red = dead

pink/purple = NPC

green = inactive and nearing death

blue = pending(work in progress oc's)

1. Miori Nakagawa - ♀ - @Noblesse

8. Arata Yamamoto - ♂ - @Despairingly Lucky

14. Tsubasa Komori - ♀ - @o0Kanra0o

15. Kona Hanazawa - ♂ - @Peppermint
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@Noblesse - I love the set up of Hikari's profile~ Anyways, accepted!

@Despairingly Lucky - Tatsuya has been accepted.^^

@drummerboi Kona has been accepted! Just make sure to re-read your posts when we start the roleplay to avoid grammatical errors...and use of punctuation. Otherwise, he's accepted. ^^​
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