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Fantasy Mind Reader



This city is trash. Everything is dirty, all the girls are sluts... Taking over this is going to be too easy. He had been in the city three hours and has already had two people attempt to mug him. They could not get close, due to the solid walls of air that Colin was able to put between himself and the muggers. They were weak, a couple of Telekinetic thugs. It seems that branch of kinesis is pretty popular. Pathetic. Colin made his way to the center of the city. He was disgusted at what he saw. There were three dead bodies stacked in the corner. A make-shift sign had been nailed to the wall outside of a nice hotel, advertising that it had become a whorehouse/inn. How long had Colin been away for the city to fall to these kinds of levels?... Colin condensed the atoms in the air to form steps, walking up several feet high. There, he doubly used his power to stand on air while amplifying his speech. He was able to have the atoms carry the vibrations of his voice farther without dying out, so that everyone in the square could hear him as if he were right there next to them. "You are all filth. You used to be human, but what is this monstrosity of the great New York City? I came here seeking refuge. I had <em>two</em> people attempt to mug me on my way <em>up the street</em>. I nearly died <em>twice</em> just by walking into this piece of shit city." He cleared his throat. Everyone had stopped to look at him now. "My name is Colin Green. I attended Hebron High School, down in Texas. I was moved up here while unconscious, recovering from HAKS." He spread his hands out as if that would make them all sympathetic to him. He only needed them to join him. If his call for sense did not work, he would work with fear. "I think it is time we started rebuilding our society. We have had our weeks of play and freedom, but we will go extinct if this behavior continues. That is why I, Colin Green, volunteer to be the one to shoulder it all. Join me, and together we can unify what is left of our broken city." It was all fake. All he cared about was power, and making all of the other neanderthals here understand that they were under him. [/color][/font][/center] @SassyAndroidSera @ChronosCoded @Play On Words @TheHappyPikachu @Aukanai (Sorry it took me so long to get this up!! I hope you are all still interested!)

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