The Morgulin Compromise


rip dale gribble

<span style="color:#e4e4e4;"><span style="font-family:Oswald;">The Morgulin Compromise</span></span><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"> </span></span></p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="USiPQfz.png" /></span></span><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;">The Earth isn't what it seems to be. It's inhabitants are changing, evolving at an alarming rate. Well, that's what the aliens say anyways. But </span></span></span><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"><em>I</em></span></span></span><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"> say we're being exterminated. Compromise my ass.</span></span></span></p></div>

<p><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"> </span></span></p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="font-family:Oswald;"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;">“What would you rather have: Peace or Freedom?”</span></span></span></p></div>

<p><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;">

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;">WARNING - PLEASE DO NOT POST Likes are appreciated but please PM me with any questions or comments.</span></span></p></div>

<p><span style="font-family:'PT Sans Narrow';"><span style="color:#e4e4e4;"> </span></span>

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The world doesn't belong to us anymore.

The Morgulin Compromise is simple: Stay hidden and out of the way and we won't take your bodies.

But that’s bullshit, and we all know it. Not only did the worms conquer the Earth but they happened upon a perfect host for their parasitic form:
us. Humans. By way of surgery, Sapients are able to embrace the spinal cord with their fibrous flexible appendages and take control of the human body by linking its tentacles to our brain stem. It’s taken us many years to decipher just how they do it, and now we’re searching for a way to reverse it. All of our attempts end in death. It seems, once you’re captured by the worms you’re a goner. But that's exactly what they want us to think.

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S.O.S. — August 2nd, 2037

S.O.S. — December 21st, 2053

S.O.S. — September 9th, 2084

S.O.S. — May 27th, 2091

The first documented sighting of Sapients. Island sized ships stationed themselves on our moon and sent unmanned drones to scout our planet. Months later, a continent sized ship arrived and humanity’s end began.
Sapients now have upwards of sixty percent of the world’s population under their control. Fatalities drop drastically as humans are choosing false peace over true freedom. More and more Sapients slip into human bodies.
Mankind’s resistance has virtually diminished and Sapients have more than eighty nine percent of the world’s population under their parasitic control. Documented sightings of hybridization are circulating through Resma's.
The Sapients know we’re out here… still alive and fighting. They’ve recalled their hounds and only Sapient Scouts now search for disobeying humans. That was their first mistake and it’s time to take advantage of it.


Greatly inspired by Stephenie Meyer's The Host and AMC's The Walking Dead | The Invasion by TitusLunter on deviantArt | Genre: [soft] Science Fiction, Post Apocalyptic | Themes: The Will to Survive, Love and Sacrifice, Revelations | Expectations: High

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D.O.B.: M/D/Y










  • BRIEF PERSONALITY WRAP-UP: [Describe four specific traits that your character embodies]

  • Trait #1

    Trait #2

    Trait #3

    Trait #4



[bg=#000000][font=Droid Sans][color=#e4e4e4]
[h][font=Oswald]CHARACTER NAME [FIRST, LAST][/font][/h] 


[row][column=span2]NICKNAMES: [divide][/divide]
D.O.B.: M/D/Y[divide][/divide]
HOST? [Y/N] [divide][/divide]
HEALTH: [divide][/divide]
HEIGHT: [divide][/divide]
EYE COLOR: [divide][/divide]
HAIR COLOR: [divide][/divide]
INVENTORY:  [divide][/divide] 
CAUTIOUS, BRAVE, OR RECKLESS? [divide][/divide] [/column][column=span6][tabs][tab=1]BRIEF PERSONALITY WRAP-UP: [Describe four specific traits that your character embodies]


[center]Trait #1[/center]


[center]Trait #2[/center]


[center]Trait #3[/center]


[center]Trait #4[/center]





[fa]caret-right[/fa][/tab][tab=2]APPEARANCE: I prefer realistic artwork but pictures are fine. No anime. I'd also like a written description (a few sentences) of your character. 

[/tab][tab=3]IF PLAYING A HOST...
What is their birth name? Their chosen name? Earned or awarded titles? 
How many planets has your Sapient lived on? For how long? More than one lifetime? How old are they? Are they Young or Old? [A Young Sapient has lived up to seven lifetimes (a life and death of their Host). An Old Sapient has lived eight or more lifetimes.] Most will be Young Sapients as most previous Hosts have lifetimes that are double - or even triple - ours. 

Once the Lore tab is completed this section will probably go under heavy revision, but I want everyone's vision accounted for. This part of the RP is heavily based on the Stephenie Meyer's The Host, so start there but expect edits. Think classy hippy names. Stars, flowers, natural elements. Mostly translated names from other planets. And yeah, there'll be information on all the planets. 

[row][column=span8][border=1px solid #e4e4e4]WRITING SAMPLE: 

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sit amet suscipit est. In auctor in nulla vitae tincidunt. Praesent interdum orci sagittis sem scelerisque, non rhoncus ipsum consequat. Duis gravida a velit molestie venenatis. Fusce non turpis volutpat, posuere lorem non, suscipit massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam viverra orci sapien. Aliquam eros leo, lobortis in dolor non, venenatis pretium lorem. Donec eleifend metus sed dolor scelerisque fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec convallis nisi. Quisque neque quam, rhoncus vitae nisi bibendum, commodo vulputate mauris. Etiam id metus eu augue lacinia commodo vel a elit.

  • Curabitur vel libero porttitor, tincidunt ex molestie, molestie nisl. Vivamus eget ullamcorper augue, sit amet scelerisque dolor. Sed ultrices ipsum ex, vel laoreet risus viverra nec. Donec placerat auctor turpis ac fermentum. Suspendisse elementum nunc quis magna ultricies facilisis. Donec egestas vel tortor eget rutrum. Ut tempus odio a est mollis interdum.

    Sed ut metus tortor. Praesent non nibh velit. Aliquam sagittis vel elit ut ultricies. In tincidunt, nunc et rutrum ornare, lectus diam consectetur urna, sit amet consequat nisi odio laoreet purus. Morbi sem tortor, vehicula et dignissim id, vulputate ut tortor. Sed eget ante a enim sollicitudin ullamcorper. In dictum, dolor suscipit sodales semper, turpis ligula scelerisque quam, sit amet dignissim erat mi ac ipsum. Etiam malesuada leo sapien, nec consectetur lacus finibus sit amet. Ut ac quam eu mauris auctor consequat. Nullam volutpat elit eget lobortis euismod.

    Morbi viverra sem et tempus commodo. Fusce erat quam, fringilla et leo et, condimentum malesuada nibh. Donec lobortis sit amet ligula vitae fringilla. Donec feugiat tincidunt tincidunt. Ut pellentesque diam lectus. In dolor ex, maximus nec enim eget, facilisis finibus ante. Integer volutpat sit amet enim sed consequat. Nullam euismod arcu bibendum, viverra arcu id, ultricies purus. Sed pharetra massa quis pellentesque ultrices. Morbi venenatis quis nulla a venenatis. Ut pulvinar iaculis ullamcorper.

    Sed tellus odio, pulvinar vitae risus aliquam, tincidunt auctor libero. Phasellus pharetra consectetur fringilla. Quisque tempus ut mi eu convallis. Donec gravida erat libero, eget efficitur quam vehicula quis. Vivamus eu odio in tortor ultricies condimentum sed et metus. Quisque accumsan aliquet vestibulum. Nam risus enim, imperdiet sed lacus eu, lobortis aliquet mauris. Quisque eu ligula luctus, tempor mauris ac, ornare leo.

    Morbi id lectus at tellus sagittis sollicitudin nec ut nunc. Donec sit amet urna ipsum. Ut efficitur rutrum fermentum. Aliquam porta eros et rhoncus congue. Sed vitae dapibus felis, nec consequat odio. Curabitur porttitor varius volutpat. Sed eleifend, lorem ac suscipit molestie, mi enim semper ligula, a ornare elit metus a urna. Integer fringilla nec risus vitae ultrices. Vivamus vestibulum suscipit neque, nec porta nibh luctus a. Cras aliquet quam eu sem suscipit, ut blandit metus pellentesque. Nunc bibendum laoreet mauris, in porta libero pretium at. Sed nisl lorem, tempor nec fringilla quis, tristique et dolor. Nunc dignissim neque sed ante feugiat, a egestas odio facilisis. Sed eu finibus ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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