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Realistic or Modern The Moore Farm



Cool Bat Saves the Ghouls
This thread is for information on the farm itself. Please do not post here!

Darragh Moore
Mr. Moore is a gruff man, someone you really have to get to know to see any gentleness from. He's been a farmer his whole life, since the first days of his childhood, making him incredibly passionate about the work and lifestyle. This, along with a secret gratefulness towards his staff that had him send them all on vacation, is what lead him to the decision of opening this sort of camp. Although, his teaching skills are a bit questionable.

Mr. Moore will be played by myself only, but will mainly be used to set up situations and nudge along the plot, rather than act as an official character.

Places to Explore
The Farmhouse
A cute, two-story cottage located just off of and facing the road. The front yard is small and tight, but cozy, and shaded by trees. The open area behind the house, however, is a little more spacious, with packed earth underfoot and bordered by the two barns.

The Courtyard and Barns
If you walk around the west side of the house, past where the car and livestock trailer are parked, you will come to the courtyard. The farmhouse will be on your right, directly in front of you will be the sheep barn, through which leads to the pasture, and then to your left, the small barn for the farm's few horses.

The Pasture and Paddocks
The sheep pasture stretches alongside the paddocks to the north and past the house one way, then stretches down alongside the road the other. From the house, you can't see where the fence ends, as there's a small, rocky hill near the middle of the field. Somewhere behind that, there is a small pond deep enough for one to swim in.

The northern paddocks are located on the other side of the long horse barn. There are only two of them, both small, as the horses mostly just share the pasture with the sheep.

Separating these paddocks and the pasture is a dirt path that continues on past the two areas, and into the sparse woods. There are a couple sort, but winding trails there.

The Barley Field
And finally, the last area of the farm is Mr. Moore's crop. At this time of year, the barley is ripening to the west. At the far end of the two paddocks and connected to the field, there is another sort of barn, though it is used mainly for storing equipment and machinery.

The Nearby City
The shift between rural and urban is rather abrupt as you approach the nearby city. There's not much to say about it aside from its obvious beauty. There are cafés, shops, restaurants; the ordinary things you would expect in a city. But it is a good place to go on a day off, or with someone you'd like to spend time with.


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